High performance packet handling in Linux - linux

I’m working on a packet reshaping project in Linux using the BeagleBone Black. Basically, packets are received on one VLAN, modified, and then are sent out on a different VLAN. This process is bidirectional - the VLANs are not designated as being input-only or output-only. It’s similar to a network bridge, but packets are altered (sometimes fairly significantly) in-transit.
I’ve tried two different methods for accomplishing this:
Creating a user space application that opens raw sockets on both
interfaces. All packet processing (including bridging) is handled in
the application.
Setting up a software bridge (using the kernel
bridge module) and adding a kernel module that installs a netfilter
hook in post routing (NF_BR_POST_ROUTING). All packet processing is
handled in the kernel.
The second option appears to be around 4 times faster than the first option. I’d like to understand more about why this is. I’ve tried brainstorming a bit and wondered if there is a substantial performance hit in rapidly switching between kernel and user space, or maybe something about the socket interface is inherently slow?
I think the user application is fairly optimized (for example, I’m using PACKET_MMAP), but it’s possible that it could be optimized further. I ran perf on the application and noticed that it was spending a good deal of time (35%) in v7_flush_kern_dcache_area, so perhaps this is a likely candidate. If there are any other suggestions on common ways to optimize packet processing I can give them a try.

Context switches are expensive and kernel to user space switches imply a context switch. You can see this article for exact numbers, but the stated durations are all in the order of microseconds.
You can also use lmbench to benchmark the real cost of context switches on your particular cpu.

The performance of the user space application depends on the used syscall to monitor the sockets too. The fastest syscall is epoll() when you need to handle a lot of sockets. select() will perform very poor, if you handle a lot of sockets.
See this post explaining it:
Why is epoll faster than select?


Is it practical to use the "rude big hammer" approach to parallelize a MacOS/CoreAudio real-time audio callback?

First, some relevant background info: I've got a CoreAudio-based low-latency audio processing application that does various mixing and special effects on audio that is coming from an input device on a purpose-dedicated Mac (running the latest version of MacOS) and delivers the results back to one of the Mac's local audio devices.
In order to obtain the best/most reliable low-latency performance, this app is designed to hook in to CoreAudio's low-level audio-rendering callback (via AudioDeviceCreateIOProcID(), AudioDeviceStart(), etc) and every time the callback-function is called (from the CoreAudio's realtime context), it reads the incoming audio frames (e.g. 128 frames, 64 samples per frame), does the necessary math, and writes out the outgoing samples.
This all works quite well, but from everything I've read, Apple's CoreAudio implementation has an unwritten de-facto requirement that all real-time audio operations happen in a single thread. There are good reasons for this which I acknowledge (mainly that outside of SIMD/SSE/AVX instructions, which I already use, almost all of the mechanisms you might employ to co-ordinate parallelized behavior are not real-time-safe and therefore trying to use them would result in intermittently glitchy audio).
However, my co-workers and I are greedy, and nevertheless we'd like to do many more math-operations per sample-buffer than even the fastest single core could reliably execute in the brief time-window that is necessary to avoid audio-underruns and glitching.
My co-worker (who is fairly experienced at real-time audio processing on embedded/purpose-built Linux hardware) tells me that under Linux it is possible for a program to requisition exclusive access for one or more CPU cores, such that the OS will never try to use them for anything else. Once he has done this, he can run "bare metal" style code on that CPU that simply busy-waits/polls on an atomic variable until the "real" audio thread updates it to let the dedicated core know it's time to do its thing; at that point the dedicated core will run its math routines on the input samples and generate its output in a (hopefully) finite amount of time, at which point the "real" audio thread can gather the results (more busy-waiting/polling here) and incorporate them back into the outgoing audio buffer.
My question is, is this approach worth attempting under MacOS/X? (i.e. can a MacOS/X program, even one with root access, convince MacOS to give it exclusive access to some cores, and if so, will big ugly busy-waiting/polling loops on those cores (including the polling-loops necessary to synchronize the CoreAudio callback-thread relative to their input/output requirements) yield results that are reliably real-time enough that you might someday want to use them in front of a paying audience?)
It seems like something that might be possible in principle, but before I spend too much time banging my head against whatever walls might exist there, I'd like some input about whether this is an avenue worth pursuing on this platform.
can a MacOS/X program, even one with root access, convince MacOS to give it exclusive access to some cores
I don't know about that, but you can use as many cores / real-time threads as you want for your calculations, using whatever synchronisation methods you need to make it work, then pass the audio to your IOProc using a lock free ring buffer, like TPCircularBuffer.
But your question reminded me of a new macOS 11/iOS 14 API I've been meaning to try, the Audio Workgroups API (2020 WWDC Video).
My understanding is that this API lets you "bless" your non-IOProc real-time threads with audio real-time thread properties or at least cooperate better with the audio thread.
The documents distinguish between the threads working in parallel (this sounds like your case) and working asynchronously (this sounds like my proposal), I don't know which case is better for you.
I still don't know what happens in practice when you use Audio Workgroups, whether they opt you in to good stuff or opt you out of bad stuff, but if they're not the hammer you're seeking, they may have some useful hammer-like properties.

Linux PCIe DMA Driver (Xilinx XDMA)

I am currently working with the Xilinx XDMA driver (see here for source code: XDMA Source), and am attempting to get it to run (before you ask: I have contacted my technical support point of contact and the Xilinx forum is riddled with people having the same issue). However, I may have found a snag in Xilinx's code that might be a deal breaker for me. I am hoping there is something that I'm not considering.
First off, there are two primary modes of the driver, AXI-Memory Mapped (AXI-MM) and AXI-Streaming (AXI-ST). For my particular application, I require AXI-ST, since data will continuously be flowing from the device.
The driver is written to take advantage of scatter-gather lists. In AXI-MM mode, this works because reads are rather random events (i.e., there isn't a flow of data out of the device, instead the userspace application simply requests data when it needs to). As such, the DMA transfer is built up, the data is transfered, and the transfer is then torn down. This is a combination of get_user_pages(), pci_map_sg(), and pci_unmap_sg().
For AXI-ST, things get weird, and the source code is far from orthodox. The driver allocates a circular buffer where the data is meant to continuously flow into. This buffer is generally sized to be somewhat large (mine is set on the order of 32MB), since you want to be able to handle transient events where the userspace application forgot about the driver and can then later work off the incoming data.
Here's where things get wonky... the circular buffer is allocated using vmalloc32() and the pages from that allocation are mapped in the same way as the userspace buffer is in AXI-MM mode (i.e., using the pci_map_sg() interface). As a result, because the circular buffer is shared between the device and CPU, every read() call requires me to call pci_dma_sync_sg_for_cpu() and pci_dma_sync_sg_for_device(), which absolutely destroys my performance (I can not keep up with the device!), since this works on the entire buffer. Funny enough, Xilinx never included these sync calls in their code, so I first knew I had a problem when I edited their test script to attempt more than one DMA transfer before exiting and the resulting data buffer was corrupted.
As a result, I'm wondering how I can fix this. I've considered rewriting the code to build up my own buffer allocated using pci_alloc_consistent()/dma_alloc_coherent(), but this is easier said than done. Namely, the code is architected to assume using scatter-gather lists everywhere (there appears to be a strange, proprietary mapping between the scatter-gather list and the memory descriptors that the FPGA understands).
Are there any other API calls I should be made aware of? Can I use the "single" variants (i.e., pci dma_sync_single_for_cpu()) via some translation mechanism to not sync the entire buffer? Alternatively, is there perhaps some function that can make the circular buffer allocated with vmalloc() coherent?
Alright, I figured it out.
Basically, my assumptions and/or understanding of the kernel documentation regarding the sync API were totally incorrect. Namely, I was wrong on two key assumptions:
If the buffer is never written to by the CPU, you don't need to sync for the device. Removing this call doubled my read() throughput.
You don't need to sync the entire scatterlist. Instead, now in my read() call, I figure out what pages are going to be affected by the copy_to_user() call (i.e., what is going to be copied out of the circular buffer) and only sync those pages that I care about. Basically, I can call something like pci_dma_sync_sg_for_cpu(lro->pci_dev, &transfer->sgm->sgl[sgl_index], pages_to_sync, DMA_FROM_DEVICE) where sgl_index is where I figured the copy will start and pages_to_sync is how large the data is in number of pages.
With the above two changes my code now meets my throughput requirements.
I think XDMA was originally written for x86, in which case the sync functions do nothing.
It does not seem likely that you can use the single sync variants unless you modify the circular buffer. Replacing the circular buffer with a list of buffers to send seems like a good idea to me. You pre-allocate a number of such buffers and have a list of buffers to send and a free list for your app to reuse.
If you're using a Zynq FPGA, you could connect the DMA engine to the ACP port so that FPGA memory access will be coherent. Alternatively, you can map the memory regions as uncached/buffered instead of cached.
Finally, in my FPGA applications, I map the control registers and buffers into the application process and only implement mmap() and poll() in the driver, to give apps more flexibility in how they do DMA. I generally implement my own DMA engines.
Pete, I am the original developer of the driver code (before the X of XMDA came into place).
The ringbuffer was always an unorthodox thing and indeed meant for cache-coherent systems and disabled by default. It's initial purpose was to get rid of the DMA (re)start latency; even with full asynchronous I/O support (even with zero-latency descriptor chaining in some cases) we had use cases where this could not be guaranteed, and where a true hardware ringbuffer/cyclic/loop mode was required.
There is no equivalent to a ringbuffer API in Linux, so it's open-coded a bit.
I am happy to re-think the IP/driver design.
Can you share your fix?

Is it possible to drop down packets

I am trying to write some sort of very basic packet filtering in Linux (Ubuntu) user space.
Is it possible to drop down packets in user space via c program using raw socket (AF_PACKET), without any kernel intervention (such as writing kernel module) and net filtering?
Thanks a lot
It is possible (assuming I understand what you're asking). There are a number of "zero-copy" driver implementations that allow user-space to obtain a large memory-mapped buffer into which (/ from which) packets are directly DMA'd.
That pretty much precludes having the kernel process those same packets though (possible but very difficult to properly coordinate user-space packet sniffing with kernel processing of the same packets). But it's fine if you're creating your own IDS/IPS or whatever and don't need to "terminate" connections on the local machine.
It would definitely not be the standard AF_PACKET; you have to either create your own or use an existing implementation: look into netmap, DPDK, and PF_RING (maybe PF_RING/ZC? not sure). I worked on a couple of proprietary implementations in a previous career so I know it's possible.
The basic idea is either (1) completely duplicate everything the driver is responsible for -- that is, move the driver implementation completely into user space (DPDK basically does this). This is straight-forward on paper, but is a lot of work and makes the driver pretty much fully custom.
Or (2) modify driver source so that key network buffer allocation requests get satisfied with an address that is also mmap'd by the user-space process. You then have the problem of communicating buffer life-cycles / reference counts between user-space and kernel. That's very messy but can be done and is probably less work overall. (I dunno -- there may be a way to automate this latter method if you're clever enough -- I haven't been in this space in some years.)
Whichever way you go, there are several pieces you need to put together to do this right. For example, if you want really high performance, you'll need to use the adapter's "RSS" type mechanisms to split the traffic into multiple queues and pin each to a particular CPU -- then make sure the corresponding application components are pinned to the same CPU.
All that being said, unless your need is pretty severe, you're best staying with plain old AF_PACKET.
You can use iptable rules to drop packets for a given criteria, but dropping using packet filters is not possible, because the packet filters get a copy of the packet while the original packet flows through usual path.

Using TCP for memory sharing across processes

I made a mistake working on nodejs in the beginning by not utilizing Redis or Memcacheor other memory storage systems. Now, it's far too late to be rewriting everything to accommodate and correlate my code within those API's.
However, I just recently found out about forking processes and how beneficial they can be; especially since I'm working on a gameserver.
The problem I have is: The memory is not shared between cores in nodejs.. until I found a TCP memory sharing module called Amensia.
With all that said, I have some question about it pertaining to nodejs and tcp in general:
1) The maximum size of a TCP packet is around 64k, so when using this module I can only share data up to 64k in size?
2) I use a global GAMES and users object to store player data. These objects are updated when a player moves in a map (x,y positions) and upon other actions. Would sending all this data across TCP derive into a bottleneck?
A minimum overhead approach
Equip all your localhost forked processes with a inter-process smart-messaging layer.
This way your "sharing" might be achieved in both abstract meaning and ( in ZeroMQ case very attractively ) in literally exact meaning, whence ZeroMQ allows you to avoid data duplication by a shared buffer ( a ZeroCopy maxim ).
If your OS allows IPC:// and inproc:// transport class are almost overhead-less and inproc:// even does not ( thanks to the great architecture thoughts of the ZeroMQ team ) require _any_additional_ thread ( CPU/RAM-overheads ) once invoked via ZeroThread-context( 0 )
An approach even less subject to overhead ( if your app fits nanomsg )
In case ZeroMQ seems too powerful for your particular goal, may be interested in it's younger sister Martin Sustrik, co-father of ZeroMQ has spun off - nanomsg which also has node.js port available
Where to go for more details?
A best next step you may do in ether ZeroMQ / nanomsg case for this is to get a bit more global view, which may sound complicated for the first few things one tries to code with ZeroMQ, but if you at least jump to the page 265 of the Code Connected, Volume 1, if it were not the case of reading step-by-step there.
The fastest-ever learning-curve would be to have first an un-exposed view on the Fig.60 Republishing Updates and Fig.62 HA Clone Server pair for a possible High-availability approach and then go back to the roots, elements and details.
If you fall in love with this mode-of-thinking, you would love Martin Sustrik's blog posts - a smart man, indeed. It is worth the time to at least get inspired by his views and experience.
1) You should not have any problems with TCP packet size. Node will buffer/queue your data if it's too big and send them when the OS gives it a writable socket's file descriptor. You may hit performance issues only if you are writing more then your network bandwidth per second. At this point Node will also use more RAM to queue all this messages.
2) Most games use TCP or UDP for real time communication. It can be a bottleneck, as anything else (RAM, CPU, bandwidth, storage) can. At some point of stress, one or more resources will end/fail/perform badly. It's generally a good practice to use an architecture that can grow horizontally (adding more machines) when all optimizations are done for your bottleneck and you still need to add more simultaneous users to your game server.
You'll probably use TCP to connect to a Redis server (but you can also use a unix socket).
If you only need inter-process communication (and not inter-machine), you should take a look at the "cluster" Node.js core module. It has built-in IPC.

Is forcing I2C communication safe?

For a project I'm working on I have to talk to a multi-function chip via I2C. I can do this from linux user-space via the I2C /dev/i2c-1 interface.
However, It seems that a driver is talking to the same chip at the same time. This results in my I2C_SLAVE accesses to fail with An errno-value of EBUSY. Well - I can override this via the ioctl I2C_SLAVE_FORCE. I tried it, and it works. My commands reach the chip.
Question: Is it safe to do this? I know for sure that the address-ranges that I write are never accessed by any kernel-driver. However, I am not sure if forcing I2C communication that way may confuse some internal state-machine or so.(I'm not that into I2C, I just use it...)
For reference, the hardware facts:
OS: Linux
Architecture: TI OMAP3 3530
I2C-Chip: TWL4030 (does power, audio, usb and lots of other things..)
I don't know that particular chip, but often you have commands that require a sequence of writes, first to one address to set a certain mode, then you read or write another address -- where the function of the second address changes based on what you wrote to the first one. So if the driver is in the middle of one of those operations, and you interrupt it (or vice versa), you have a race condition that will be difficult to debug. For a reliable solution, you better communicate through the chip's driver...
I mostly agree with #Wim. But I would like to add that this can definitely cause irreversible problems, or destruction, depending on the device.
I know of a Gyroscope (L3GD20) that requires that you don't write to certain locations. The way that the chip is setup, these locations contain manufacturer's settings which determine how the device functions and performs.
This may seem like an easy problem to avoid, but if you think about how I2C works, all of the bytes are passed one bit at a time. If you interrupt in the middle of the transmission of another byte, results can not only be truly unpredictable, but they can also increase the risk of permanent damage exponentially. This is, of course, entirely up to the chip on how to handle the problem.
Since microcontrollers tend to operate at speeds much faster than the bus speeds allowed on I2C, and since the bus speeds themselves are dynamic based on the speeds at which devices process the information, the best bet is to insert pauses or loops between transmissions that wait for things to finish. If you have to, you can even insert a timeout. If these pauses aren't working, then something is wrong with the implementation.
