Nest Javascript Thermostat sample not working - 400 Bad Request - nest-api

I've built the sample app from here:
I've created a Client configuration on the developer site with the callback url http://localhost:8080.
The app loads and brings you to the Nest login screen. After entering details it should redirect back but instead the URL fails with a 400 Bad Request and the response:
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"missing user credentials"}
Has anyone got this sample working lately? I believe it's failing in the server.js file at this line (but I'm no Node expert unfortunately):
app.get('/auth/nest', passport.authenticate('nest'));
I've replaced the firebase.js file with the version from the Nest site. Could this be a bug in a recent version of Express or the Nest Passport library?
Tried on OSX, Linux and Windows and getting the same issue.

The OAuth Redirect URI in your client for this example should be http://localhost:8080/auth/nest/callback and be sure that your permissions are set for Thermostat read/write.


How to do OAuth2 with mobile using cordova (framework7)?

When i run the framework7 (basically cordova inside) with "start dev" => on browser it works.
I'm using "#bity/oauth2-auth-code-pkce": "^2.13.0"
Switching it to android (my app also needs to work for ios) doesn't work anymore. I guess thats cause the redirectUrl which is localhost on browser doesn't suit (no way back from OAuth-Server back to app (not the browser).
I was told to use "custom scheme" so i installed cordova-plugin-customurlscheme too, but it doesn't help when i say redirectUrl = "myChoosenSchemeName://" or something similar.
Am I on the right track? Can someone please tell me what to do to get OAuth2 Server happy with my app (the server responses with "invalid url").

500(Internal Server Error): Forge deployed on Azure

I am new to this topic. I have deployed my app to Azure (following the tutorial from Autodesk). When I try to press to the login to BIM360 is return an error 500 (internal Server Error). I have changed the FORGE_CALLBACK_URL = "htttp://"
The code has no problem when in localhost.
Does anyone has the same problem?
Please note that when updating the callback URL, you actually have to change it in two places:
in your code (that's typically the FORGE_CALLBACK_URL)
in your Forge app page in
And of course, the URL has to match exactly in both places.
Also, it looks like there might be a typo in your URL: you say htttp instead of http, and I'm also wondering if you shouldn't be using https?

MS Teams | Microsoft bot framework - Returns 502 error on task/fetch

I have an MS Teams adapter written using the botframeworks sdk v4 for node js which works perfectly for normal conversations. But when I try to do a task/fetch, it returns an error message "Unable to reach app. Please try again." on the task module popup
I can see from the inspector that it returns 502 response for the request to invoke the task module
The task module returns a simple adaptive card and I can see that I get a callback on my handleTeamsTaskModuleFetch function from the logs
The adapter runs on a docker container with an nginx proxy and the nginx logs shows that, it returns a 200 response whenever I click on the task module launch button
I have a similar setup in my dev and taskmodule works perfect there
Any help is highly appreciated
I have tried hardcoding the adaptive card. That doesnt help either
Eventually it was found that there was a problem with one of the csp headers and microsoft was not happy about it.
I removed the CSP headers and the taskmodule started working
Thanks to #gousia-msft for your help in debugging the issue

Stripe webhook test error 302

I am trying to test a stripe webhook for subscription trial ending. When I go to send the test even to my webhook receiving route I get error 302. I am using a middleware called stripe-webhook-middleware. My route looks like this:'/stripe/events',
I know that route goes against what they docs say but I did get it directly from the package creator. So it should work, then I have the stripe-events.js from the package. I am just adding in a console.log to the route to find the correct data I need.
I tried different webhooks and all give the same error, it has to be in how I have it set up. I hope anyways.
Edit **
I have also done a new route that is just a basic post route with a console.log and still getting the 302 error. What could possible causes be? I can't post a github because of a credential I accidentally leaked.
I am/was using as my development environment and had my test site as private. That was causing stripe to need to login in order to do anything. I made it public and now it works. I had completely forgotten I had to login to see the site because I always was logged in to cloud 9 when I accessed the site. If you are getting a 302 error, make sure you don't need to log in to get to that route.
Just in case anyone sees this 302 error with Codeigniter 3, my webhook route was pointing to a Subscription controller that always exits the constructor if a user isn't logged in and authorised - so I moved the method to my Home controller (used for registration, login etc) thus:
$route['webhook']['post'] = 'home/webhook';
and the 302 error went away. I hope this helps a tired CI dev down the road.
Just in case someone receives this error with dJango, my webhook route was pointing to a language redirection. You can investigate it with curl -IvL http://localhost:8000/webhooks/stripe as #duck suggested above.
Here was my output:
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
* Issue another request to this URL: 'http://localhost:8000/en/webhooks/stripe/'
You can see the redirected URL in the output.
So, when I let Stripe CLI listen to that URL, it works:
stripe listen --forward-to localhost:8000/en/webhooks/stripe/

API Error Code: 100 using passport-facebook in nodejitsu

I've been developing this app during the last few weeks, which uses a login system based on passport-facebook, and everything was working fine on my dev computer until I decided to test it on nodejitsu.
The error that im getting is:
API Error Code: 100 API Error
Description: Invalid parameter Error
Message: redirect_uri URL is not properly formatted
The redirect_uri is:
Which looks fine to me, so I'm kinda lost.
This was the configuration that i was using on my local machine:
And this is the configuration that I have now:
Does anyone knows what's going on, or what i'm missing here ? Thanks !
I believe that your Site URL is wrong. Shouldn't it point to
Hasn't nodejitsu dropped its service as it was bought out by GoDaddy :(
