Installation of python 3.4 - python-3.x

I have installed Python 3.4 on my windows 7 64bit system and it runs OK with eclipse. But I am trying to install kivy or pyQT and I get a message that Python 3.4 is not installed on my system. I am totally new to python and all its modules. What can I do to correct this problem? I need a GUI but I think that first I need to make sure that Python is properly install. I hope this questionis not too basic and that I am asking on the right place.

I can't help with PyQT, and possibly this should have been two separate questions. But for Kivy the easiest way to get started is to download the portable package, which includes Python, Kivy, and all the dependencies compiled and ready to go. You can read the instructions for using the portable package here:
If you really want to install Kivy yourself into an existing Python install, you can follow these instructions instead:
Finally, to set up your IDE for use with the Kivy portable package (if necessary):
Oh, one last caveat: we are working on Python 3 support, and Kivy will run perfectly in Python 3, but packaging is another matter. There are working packaging solutions for Windows apps using Python 3, but if you intend to deploy your app to Android or iOS you currently must use Python 2.


what is process of deploying easygui application?

can we deploy 'easygui' application?
If so, how?
I have done a simple easy GUI application using Python 3.6
Now I want to create a setup file for the same.
I got a nice explanation from zadacka, when I contacted him on Github. A standard way to deploy is setuptools. There are a lot of ways of doing the deployment. Within the python world, setuptools is the successor to distutils, and the wheel packaging system is the successor to the egg.
For converting a .py file to a .exe
You can use any of the below 3 tools.
They have their own website with nice documentation.
these are used to generate a .exe file.
We need tools like Windows Installation wizard / Microsoft Installation wizard.
The one which was most suggested is Inno setup it is also a free tool.

Python windows forms application

I want to do some applications with python, but I haven't found any way of getting a tool-box of buttons, check box, etc.
Can some explain me please how can I do that with:
1. Pycharm.
2. If it is problem with Pycharm, visual studio community is also okay.
This is what I have found:
There is a designer from QT, to build a ui file. There is a tool for translating the ui into python. Then you can edit the logic, with any python tool. You only need PyQt the current version is PyQt5.

Deploy Python Command-Line Application

So I wrote a little Command-Line App and want to provide an easy way to clone and use it. Problem: My app has some dependencies like Hashlib and Pyperclip.
Is there a best practice to get missing packages installed on a different machine?
Can I do so without people needing to install global pip packages?
It is a good idea to ship it as a venv?
Can like compile them into a single python file (somewhat like a binary)?
If I cannot do so, how to I get packages installed on a different machine?
Is there a nice routine to allow the user to completely remove my app once installed?
You could use the py2exe module to make a standalone application for the Windows platform. You can use py2app to make standalone apps on the Mac platform. For Linux, you should prepare a package using the .deb format to target the Ubuntu/Debian environment (which is one of the most popular flavors of *nix). Each other *nix flavor has its own packaging system that you would have to follow to target it as a platform.

How to build .exe from the Python project?

I need to deploy my python 3 app as .exe for Windows. I'm working on linux. I have tried PyInstaller, but it seems that I have to run it from the Windows to make valid .exe. I do have access to Windows, but I would like to use it to test that my .exe is working rather than to build it.
Also is it possible to create this exe using GitLab CI?
In general, you could try to use wine in order to use windows tooling on a Linux box.
But I think this is really the wrong approach: the natural deployment option for python ... are python modules. So, instead of wasting (?) your time building one-platform-exe files ... learn how to create proper Python modules, and deploy your app using your own module.
See here for some first reading on python modules on Windows.

How do I configure a Python3 interpreter in IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA 16 when you create a virtualenv, you can call it as an SDK and automatically runs and validates language, libraries and everything that you need for that project. This is helpful since the lint and other libraries become available on the IDE.
The Problem:
I have a machine that has 2 python installations (python2 and python3).
I can set up virtual environments in those different versions but when I want to create a project SDK from a virtualenv where python 3 is being use get the message "Cannot Save Settings" "Please specify different sdk name".
The same process that I use to set up the virutalenv on python 2 is the same for python 3 but this error keeps happening.
I would appreciate any help on how to configure that. I have looked all around the web and forums that talk about intelliJ and the SDK configurations but all of them are for python 2.7 and not when you have two python version installed on the same machine and using virutalenvs so set it up.
