Test specification for Bluetooth v4.1 Secure Connections feature - bluetooth

from where I can download test specification for Bluetooth v4.1, I'm specifically looking for Secure Connections feature. I know its bluetooth.org but not sure for the exact place.
Please help.

okay, so its here:
I could see what I wanted.


Cannot install and configure USB-C-to-Ethernet Adapter on HoloLens 2

I need to install a physical network adapter on the Holo2. I purchased a high-quality adapter from a reputable vendor. I've looked everywhere and Googled quite a bit but can't seem to get an answer. The adapter does show up under the 'Devices' section, but if I click on it, nothing happens. Also, if I try to add a device myself it never finds it. I just get the screen that reminds me to turn it on make it available.
Any guidance is enormously appreciated!
If the device requires additional drivers then there could be a problem if you would see connect devices. You should check the information provided in the associated chapter regarding your device.
Does it have to be an adapter on the Hololens itself. I would rather suggest an Ethernet to Wifi Adapter on the PC, if this is in any way possible.
I hope this helps in any way.
Networking should just work plug-and-play. If you need help with your device please open a support case at http://aka.ms/hololenssupport. Device configuraction issues are off topic on StackOverflow.

Zephyr BLE: Can a GATT Client connect to multiple GATT Servers

My question is very brief - In the Zephyr documentation, I couldn't find an answer to my question (which surprised me). Is it possible for a GATT Client to connect to more than one GATT Server?
Right now I am using two boards to compute something (one as a server and one as a client). Ideally, the result of the computation should be written to a characteristic on a third device, another GATT server.
You're right I couldn't find this information easily but it is certainly possible to have multiple connections as I've tried this myself before. Many application and products built on Zephyr also rely on this feature. Generally speaking, there is no limit to the number of BLE connections that is imposed by the Bluetooth specification, but the limitation is usually dictated by the hardware. This is somehow mentioned in the Zephyr link below:-
I hope this helps.

Nrf51822 programming for noobs

I want to use a bluetoothmodul like this Waveshare Core51822 to send data to a raspberry. I want to use the SPI on the bluetooth modul but i dont have a plan how to configure that.
What do i need?
The SPI and BLE are all documented extensively at http://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/, including examples, specifications, and an API.
In the future, you should give much more information about your situation. For instance, what platform/IDE are you using to develop? If your module is compatible, you would probably be best off using ARM's mbed compiler (https://os.mbed.com).

VoIP android studio

Hi I'm not very good with coding but I'm trying to learn as much as I can. I've been looking for tutorials on how to create an internet call app on android studio. So far I haven't found any. If anyone knows a process that could guide me I would very much appreciate it.
You can use android's own implementation
Session Initiation Protocol
from docs
Android provides an API that supports the Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP). This lets you add SIP-based internet telephony features to your
applications. Android includes a full SIP protocol stack and
integrated call management services that let applications easily set
up outgoing and incoming voice calls, without having to manage
sessions, transport-level communication, or audio record or playback
or other third-party libraries like following.
Hope it helps..
P.S taken from this answer
refer this also..
Happy Coding :)

mobile receipt printing with J2ME via Bluetooth

I need to make an app in J2ME that can be able to read a SMS and then print it on an epson tm-p60 printer(ESC/POS emulation) via bluetooth.
i looked at the epson supprt site but the only ADK/drivers they provide are for:
1.Sun Java2 SDK Standard Edition Version 1.4.2_10
2.Sun Java2 SDK Standard Edition Version 1.4.2_04
3.Sun Java SE Development Kit 6 Update 3
so i don't know how am i gonna be able to use ESC/POS commands inJ2ME.
I'm a bit clueless on how i will approach this project.. plus w/c would be better to use for this project? Netbeans or Eclipse?
SPP (Serial Port Profile) over Bluetooth means using an RFCOMM connection to send and receive data as if it were a physical serial connection. This is part of JSR 82, so you will be able to develop only on handsets that support this JSR.
You need to:
Figure out how to discover bluetooth devices, and scan for SPP services on a discovered device, then connect to one of those services, using one of the many JSR 82 tutorials out there.
Then send ESC/POS protocol data over that connection -- I assume you have the protocol specification available? Google turned up this application programming guide.
JSR-82 Bluetooth API support L2CAP protocol, RFCOMM and OBEX profile. I don't know detail of Bluetooth basic printing profile (BPP) but, if you look into basic printing profile document you can find that BPP built on OBEX profile.
I can't find open source project for BPP on JSR-82. Please try to search it, but if you can't find one you might need to write your own.
