Keeping passwords secure during transmission - security

In my web application, I'm implementing a blacklist of passwords that user's won't be able to select. As mentioned in Jeff's God Login post, this is because some passwords are very commonly used and exist in readily available wordlists used by brute forcing tools.
I had planned to store the blacklisted passwords in a database table (in the clear), with an MD5 hash of it as a Functional Index. So, when the query is sent to the server, it looks like this:
FROM blacklist AS a
WHERE MD5(a.password) = 'MD5stringOfPasswordSubmitted';
I don't think the "in the clear" storage of these passwords is an issue since the passwords are blacklisted. No user can set it to one of these.. so who cares if passwords in this table are stored in the clear.
But, is the transmission of this query to the database server a problem I should worry about?
If my user is trying to set their password, at the moment the app will MD5 the password, send that to the database to query this blacklist table. If no result is returned, the app will allow them to have it as their password (as long as other validation requirements are also met).
Is this something I should worry about?
Could this be implemented another way so passwords users are trying to set are kept secure still? Is it really necessary to resort to storing a salted hash via Bcrypt (like is in my user table) even just for this blacklist usage? Would using a YAML file in the local directory structure of my app have any of this same risk?
The aim is to prevent users choosing a password that's common, and checking that in a very fast way (hence MD5) as part of the validation process.

I don't see how the transmission of the query could be a problem. If your web application does the MD5 encoding and an attacker intercepts the communication with the database, there is no way he can get back the user's password from it.
MD5 is not safe for storing passwords as attackers may be able to find passwords that result in the same hash value (collisions), but there is no way to convert a hash value back to the clear text from which it originated.
If you're worried about leaking other sensitive data when querying the database, you could consider encrypting the communication channel.

I wouldn't worry about the transmission of passwords since they are hashed using a one-way algorithm (as user18044 pointed out) however expanding more on the weaknesses of MD5 - I wouldn't use that algorithm at all especially if you aren't using a salt. The reason why is because MD5 rainbow tables have been created for a very large set of possible combinations of passwords. In fact it's very likely that the password lists that you are referring to have been generated after searching MD5 tables or using online services that will give you a password by submitting an MD5 hash (if the password has already been cracked previously or is in some table). I would recommend using a salt or using another algorithm like SHA-256. Security is my specialty and I have a rig that is capable of cracking MD5 hashes at hundreds of billions per second however if there is a salt involved it either slows me down or stops me all together (if the salt is not known). That same rig can crack SHA-256 but it takes much longer for it to crack each one because SHA-256 iterates over itself enough times to make each iteration slow enough to make cracking less feasible.
As was already mentioned I would certainly use SSL either way to better protect all data that is transmitted.

But, is the transmission of this query to the database server a problem I should worry about?
This depends on your network topology. e.g.
Is the database server on the same private local network? Then this is low risk.
Is the database server on the same network, but shared with other machines and users. Then this is medium risk (you need to trust all the other machines and users).
Is the database server across the internet? Then this is high risk.
Depending on your accepted risk level, you may want to protect the connection to the database with SSL/TLS.
Even though you are hashing with MD5, MD5 is considered a weak hashing algorithm so if a MITM grabs the password as it is queried on your database, they could run it through a tool such as John the Ripper using a word list and intercept any password set by your users.
You could try and hash the password using another algorithm for this lookup - however this means implementing a "static salt" (called a pepper) on your system to avoid any hash comparisons of intercepted data. It may be much easier to simply connect with SSL/TLS to avoid this completely.
For storage of the password itself (once it has passed your check), definitely use a secure algorithm here such as bcrypt or scrypt.


Potential security issues with storing bcrypt hash in local storage?

I'm building a website that uses a password to encrypt/decrypt text. I'm storing the bcrypt hash of the password in database and check whether the password is correct before decrypting.
I want the website to also work offline and the only way I can think of doing this is localStorage.
What are the security considerations that I should take before storing password hashes in local storage?
An interesting question! Without knowing more about your threat model (what's the worst thing an attacker could do with the cracked password that they couldn't do because they now have access to the client endpoint?), I can answer generally.
While password hashes are designed to be resistant to offline / local attack, that's a last resort - they're really intended to be entirely out of reach of the attacker, so they can't be guessed repeatedly at the attacker's leisure with arbitrary local compute resources and with no throttling. (As the attacker, having a password hash to attack is exactly what I need to get started!)
But since you're specifically protecting what will effectively be a local decryption key, the hash might indeed need to be stored locally. If so, I would recommend making the bcrypt 'cost' (work factor) as high as the user can tolerate. (Since the work to validate the hash is distributed per client, you can afford to make that cost significantly higher than you might be able to absorb on the server, to mitigate thundering herds).
So if the user can tolerate having to wait for a couple of seconds, a bcrypt cost of 16 might be a reasonable client-side value (but you'll need to test this for your own use cases, and the value will also change over time). Make the number as high as your users can take.

Clientside password hashing

A friend of mine and me are having a discussion about whether we should pre-hash the passwords of the users of our webapp before sending it to our servers.
I know that there are multiple questions that already handle this topic but they're all about transferring it securely to the server. Our idea is not about the transfer security (we use SSL) we want to hash clientside to prevent that the "real" passwords reach our server.
The idea came as Twitter announced their bug that caused passwords to be printed to a logfile in cleartext.
We are currently discussing about whether this concept makes sense or not and how it affects the security of a password (in terms of Bruteforce) if we would hash it with SHA512.
We want to hash passwords clientside to prevent our servers from getting them in cleartext (we use SSL for transfer).
Does this make any sense?
What algorithm would be best to use for hashing?
The hashed passwords would then serverside be hashed again with bCrypt.
It 100% makes sense: in fact, the concept has been proposed by a number of people, but the difficulty is in implementing correctly. There are a number of pitfalls if you do it wrong, the most direct one is being vulnerable to "pass-the-hash" as #swa66 describes. To prevent that, you need to hash on both sides. The client-side hash should be slow (bcrypt, scrypt, argon2, or pbkdf2) whereas the server side hash should be fast (sha256).
EDIT: A number of people have down-voted this without understanding how this works, so I now include the basic details here (previously I only linked to how this works). The idea is to apply a slow hash such as bcrypt on the client side, and then a fast hash such as SHA256 on the server side. The fast hash is required to prevent pass-the-hash attacks. In the event of the database leak, an attacker either hash to invert the fast hash (impossible -- violates the one-way property of a cryptographic hash function), or brute force the preimage to the fast hash (impossible -- the size is the length of the output from the slow hash, for example 184-bits for bcrypt), or brute force the combination of the slow hash and the fast hash -- which puts the attacker back at the same position as if the entire computation had happened server side. So we have not reduced the security of password attacks in the event of a database leak by shifting the heavy computation to the client side.
I've surveyed a number of proposals like this in Method to protect passwords in databases for web applications. Additionally, I analyse the pros and cons and identify weaknesses that have not been identified before (account enumeration), and propose a unique way of doing this securely. The research is built off a number of sources, including:
Secure authentication: partial client-side key stretching… please review/criticize my idea
How to securely hash passwords? -- see section on Client Side Hashing
Client side password hashing
Discussion from various authors on Hacker News -- see comments from oleganza, mschuster91, crusso, etc...
You cite the Twitter example, and GitHub did similarly. When I wrote the paper above, the most prominent example for preventing a server from seeing the clear text passwords was Heartbleed, which I comment on in the paper (bottom of Section 1.3).
There has been subsequent follow up research by others identifying similar ideas -- Example: Client-Plus-Server Password Hashing as a Potential Way to Improve Security Against Brute Force Attacks without Overloading the Server. No one person deserves all the credit, but the main takeaway is yes it is a good idea if you do it securely, but you really need to understand the risks (it is easy to do insecurely if you have not read the research).
While #swa66 outlined how to manage passwords securely, let me note that there is a valid scenario where you can consider client-side password hashing, so don't just blindly follow "best practice", try and understand it first.
Let's say I have a standard web application that stores data from users. In my threat model, I don't even want my own users to have to trust me, or in other words, I want my users' data to be secure even in case of a full compromise of my servers. Therefore, I let them choose a password, and encrypt their data on the client, before sending it to the application. They can retrieve their encrypted data with their user id. Well, that doesn't sound very secure, I can just download anybody's encrypted data and run offline attacks against it. So let's have them access their encrypted data with their password (I don't want them to have to remember two different passwords). But that's not good, because I have their password then to decrypt their data. So one simple solution is to encrypt their data with their password, and send it to the server along with their hashed password, which as it's correctly noted in the answer is the new password as far as the server is concerned (so the server should store it hashed once again and so on). However, the server has no way to decrypt client data, because it never has the original password, yet only the valid person can download even their encrypted stuff, and they only have to remember one password. (Note that this is a very much simplified model, in reality, much more is needed, like for example a proper key derivation function, not just plain hashes, but that's another, much longer story.)
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should normally be hashing passwords on the client - no, the other answer is the correct one in that regard. I just wanted to show that there is at least one use-case where client-side password hashing is a valid option. See well-known password managers, some work similarly.
Rule one in cryptography: do not invent it yourself, you'll make horrible mistakes.
It's not against you personally, by far not: even top notch experts make mistakes when designing with great care new systems. That's why they peer-review each-other's work multiple times before anything become a standard. Many proposals for such standards by such experts get redrawn due to problems detected during such a peer-review. So why can't the rest of us mere mortals design: there's nobody good enough to do the peer-review as the experts will not touch it.
Hashing the password client side
Hashing client side is really bad as the hash becomes the password, and now you store it on the server in the clear.
How to do passwords
Only store hashed passwords (implied: send the password to the server, just do not store it)
use a salt and store it with the password (unencrypted). The salt is essentially a random string that you concatenate to the pasword before you hash it (to store it , and to verify it)
Use a SLOW hash. Using a fast hash is a common and fatal mistake, even when using salts. Most hash functions people know like SHA-256, SHA-3 etc. are fast hashes and completely unsuitable for hashing short, predictable items like passwords as they can be reversed in a surprising short time.
How slow: as slow as you can afford. Examples of slow hashes:
bcrypt, PBKDF-2 (which is essentially a high number of rounds of a
fast hash to make it slow)
There are -depending on your programming environment- pre-made routines, use them!

Can salted passwords be reversed?

I have just pressed 'forgot password' on, only to have my password emailed to me in plain text (see image below). I contacted their technical support to question this and they have told me:
We are using Salt encryption on our website, passwords are not stored
in plain text. Please let us know if you have any concerns regarding
the security of your data.
The way I understand it, is that once a password is 'salted' it cannot be reversed back to plain text. I am also very concerned, considering their partner company 000webhosting was victim of a massive hacking incident recently, which exposed that their security was sub-par.
After a few heated emails I finally got this response:
Our passwords are encrypted with a secure encryption method in the
database. Although we do have a decryption method in place (that is
used to prevent fraud), all this is going to change as we are
re-designing the project and updating the code to adhere to new age
standards. We are sorry to have let you down on this one.
Please contact us with any additional questions. Happy holidays!
'New age'. Amazing.
I sent the website this link to prove a point, so I anticipate a load of down votes from their tech support.
Salted hashed passwords are not directly reversible—that's the point of hashing. However one can always try to recover them through brute force, trying all possible/likely passwords to see if the hash matches.
How expensive that is to do depends on the strength of the hash used, but you would never build a system that stores and decrypts passwords that way. If they said they were storing only salted hashes, and still were able to send you the password you originally set yourself, they're clearly lying.
They don't mention hashing though:
We are using Salt encryption on our website, passwords are not stored in plain text.
“Salt encryption” isn't a thing, but let's be as generous here as we can.
It is possible they mean they're using reversible encryption with some randomised element (variable IV, or extra data in the encrypted message) which would ensure two passwords don't get matching encrypted versions (ie the same purpose as the ‘salt’ in a hashing operation).
It's also conceivable that there could be some valid reason why they need reversible passwords, for example if they need to use the passwords to authenticate to another separate system. It's possible to build reasonable systems with reversible passwords, but compared to Good Old Bcrypt it's a whole lot more effort to manage this way (eg keys on the application server; wide-ranging internal policies to manage that; HSMs; and watertight code auditing).
Let's say we accept that this is what they've done and they've implemented it solidly (which is highly doubtful—much more likely they've got plaintext passwords or a hacked-up and vulnerable AES). Even then, they've then blown it by sending you the reversed password in a mail over the unencrypted public SMTP infrastructure.
There are things you can do to mitigate the untrustworthiness of the mail channel, such as sending a single-use token or temporary password that requires a new password to be set afterwards. But there is never a good reason to send an existing password, that will continue to work on the target site and which you might have used to secure other services. User-set passwords should never touch SMTP.
No, they can't without astronomical computing power. I'd bet large sums of money that they have a second database of plaintext passwords.

does hashing suffice encryption

does using hash functions and algorithims suffice the need to encrypt the data, while communicating with the server
I am applying salt mechanism in my project and I will be concatenating the salt with the entered password, and then hash them all.
do I still need to encrypt the result?
The usual workflow for a website to transmit user passwords looks like this:
The client sends the password plaintext to the server.
The transmission is done with an encrypted connection (HTTPS/SSL), to prevent a ManInTheMiddle attack.
The server calculates a hash of the plaintext password, and this hash is then stored in the database. It is not necessary to encrypt the hash any further.
Make sure you use a random unique salt for each password, and a slow hash function with a cost factor for hashing passwords. Good algorithms are BCrypt, PBKDF2 or SCrypt.
Storing passwords
To store user passwords securely, you need 3 things:
Do not store the plain password, store a hash instead
The hash makes it extremely difficult to recuperate the password even if an attacker manages to capture the entire database
To prevent the use of rainbow tables, you need a salt
The salt is stored in the clear (can be along with the hash) and is random, one for every user and you can easily chose a few one whenever the user changes their password.
You need a SLOW hash, not a fast hash
What are fast hashes: MD5 (consider it broken), SHA-1, SHA-2, ... are unsuitable as the attacker can perform them too fast and use dictionary attacks to try common passwords and find that way up to 95% of you user's passwords in mere hours on modern rigs.
How slow does it need to be ? As slow as you can afford.
And there's a rule 0: Do not invent crypto yourself, you will make serious mistakes before you know it.
Other privacy sensitive info
You're most probably also storing other sensitive information of your visitors in addition to the passwords (email addresses, IP addresses, names, postal address, ...), CC numbers (you better not go there), ...
You need to protect that as well and using hashes isn't the way to do that in most cases. Some of these have requirements and regulations of their own (e.g. Credit Card data is regulated by the issuers who'll force you to be compliant with PCI-DSS).
In essence you need to do a risk analysis and manage that risk by either accepting it ("so be it"), transferring it ("get insurance"), avoid it ("we're not storing that"), or mitigating it ("we're going to improve our way of working").
Why the media will make you believe there's a "magic" solution in that incomprehensible "encryption" thing, in reality it needs to be done right and in the right conditions to have any meaning at all.
E.g. If you encrypt the entire disk of a server: it will not protect you from an attacker abusing your server scripts and getting to the database (as the database engine and webserver scripts have access to the decrypted disk already)
So, you really need to go back to the risk analysis and chose the measures there instead of getting ahead of yourself and suggesting encryption as a tool that's unlikely to help you for your biggest risks.

Should I hash the password before sending it to the server side?

I noticed that most sites send the passwords as plain text over HTTPS to the server. Is there any advantage if instead of that I sent the hash of the password to the server? Would it be more secure?
This is an old question, but I felt the need to provide my opinion on this important matter. There is so much misinformation here
The OP never mentioned sending the password in clear over HTTP - only HTTPS, yet many seem to be responding to the question of sending a password over HTTP for some reason. That said:
I believe passwords should never be retained (let alone transmitted) in plain text. That means not kept on disk, or even in memory.
People responding here seem to think HTTPS is a silver bullet, which it is not. It certainly helps greatly however, and should be used in any authenticated session.
There is really no need to know what an original password is. All that is required is a reliable way to generate (and reliably re-generate) an authentication "key" based on the original text chosen by the user. In an ideal world this text should immediately generate a "key" by salting then irreversibly hashing it using an intentionally slow hash-algorithm (like bcrypt, to prevent Brute-force). Said salt should be unique to the user credential being generated.
This "key" will be what your systems use as a password. This way if your systems ever get compromised in the future, these credentials will only ever be useful against your own organisation, and nowhere else where the user has been lazy and used the same password.
So we have a key. Now we need to clean up any trace of the password on the clients device.
Next we need to get that key to your systems. You should never transmit a key or password "in the clear". Not even over HTTPS. HTTPS is not impenetrable. In fact, many organisations can become a trusted MITM - not from an attack perspective, but to perform inspections on the traffic to implement their own security policies. This weakens HTTPS, and it is not the only way it happens (such as redirects to HTTP MITM attacks for example). Never assume it is secure.
To get around this, we encrypt the key with a once off nonce.
This nonce is unique for every submission of a key to your systems - even for the same credential during the same session if you need to send it multiple times. You can reverse said nonce (decrypt), once it arrives in your own systems to recover the authentication key, and authenticate the request.
At this point I would irreversibly hash it one last time before it is permanently stored in your own systems. That way you can share the credential's salt with partner organisations for the purposes of SSO and the like, whilst being able to prove your own organisation cannot impersonate the user. The best part of this approach is you are never sharing anything generated by the user without their authorisation.
Do more research, as there is more to it than even I have divulged, but if you want to provide true security to your users, I think this method is currently the most complete response here.
Securely hash passwords, irreversibly, with a unique salt per password. Do this on the client - do not transmit their actual password. Transmitting the users original password to your servers is never "OK" or "Fine". Clean up any trace of the original password.
Use a nonce regardless of HTTP/HTTPS. It is much more secure on many levels. (Answer to OP).
Since it's over HTTPS, it's definitely just fine to send the password without hashing (over HTTPS it's not plaintext). Furthermore, if your application is depending on HTTPS to keep it's content secure, then it's useless to hash the password before sending it over HTTPS (i.e. if an attacker can unencrypt the data on the wire, you're screwed anyways)
No, in fact this would be a vulnerability. If the attacker is able to obtain the hash from the database, then he could use it to authenticate without needing to crack it. Under no circumstance should a user or an attacker be able to obtain a hashes password.
The whole point of hashing passwords is to add an extra layer of security. If an attacker is able to obtain the hash and salt from the database using SQL Injection or an insecure backup then he has to find the plain text by brute forcing it. John The Ripper is commonly used to break salted password hashes.
Not using https is a violation of the OWASP Top 10: A9-Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
If in your implementation you calculate a sha256(client_salt+plain_text_password) and then calculate another hash on the server side sha256(server_salt+client_hash) then this is not a serious vulnerability. However, it is still susceptible to eavesdropping and replaying the request. Thus this is still a clear violation of WASP A9. However, this is still utilizing a message digest as a security layer.
The closest thing i have seen to a client-side replacement for https is a diffie-hellman in key exchange in javascript. However, this does prevent active MITM attacks and thus is till technicality a violation of OWASP A9. The Authors of the code agree that this is not a complete replacement for HTTPS, however it is better than nothing and better than a client-side hashing system.
Sending a hash over the wire completely defeats the purpose of the hash, because an attacker can simply send the hash and forget about the password. In a nutshell, a system that athenticates using a hash in clear text is wide open and can be compromise with nothing more than network sniffing.
The password in plaintext show never (not even when using HTTPS) leave the client. It should be irreversibly hashed before leaving the client as there is no need for the server to know the actual password.
Hashing then transmitting solves security issues for lazy users that use the same password in multiple locations (I know I do). However this does not protect your application as a hacker that gained access to the database (or in any other way was able to get his hands on the hash) as the hacker could just transmit the hash and have the server accept it.
To solve this issue you could of course just hash the hash the server receives and call it a day.
My approach to the issue in a socket-based web application I'm creating is that on connection to the client the server generates a salt (random string to be added before hashing) and stores it on the sockets variable, then it transmits this hash to the client. The client takes the users password, hashes it, adds the salt from the server and hashes the whole thing, before transmitting it to the server. Then it's sent to the server which compares this hash to the hash(hash in the DB + salt). As far as I know this is a good approach, but to be fair I haven't read a lot on the topic and if I'm wrong about anything I'd love to be corrected :)
Disclaimer: I'm by no stretch a security expert-- and I'm posting with the hope that others will critique my position as overly cautious or improvable and I will learn from it. With that said, I just want to emphasize that hashing when it leaves your client doesn't mean you get to don't have to hash on the backend before putting it in the database.
Do both
Do both because:
Hashing on the ride over helps cover vulnerabilities of transport, if SSL connection is compromised, they still can't see the raw password. It won't matter in terms of being able to impersonate authorized users, but it will protect your users from having their passwords read in association w/ their email. Most people don't follow best practice and use the same password for many their accounts, so this can be a serious vulnerability to your visitors.
If someone, somehow was able to read passwords from the database (this does happen, think SQL injection), they still won't be able to execute privileged actions impersonating users through my API. This is because of hash asymmetry; even if they know the hash stored in your DB, they won't know the original key used to create it and that's what your auth middleware uses to authenticate. This is also why you should always salt your hash storage.
Granted, they could do a lot of other damage if they had free rein to read what they want from your database.
I just want to emphasize here that if you do decide to hash the key before departure from your clients, that isn't enough-- the backend hashing is, imo, much more important and this is why: If someone is intercepting traffic from your client, then they will see the contents of the password field. Whether this is a hash, or plain text, it doesn't matter-- they can copy it verbatim to impersonate an authorized client. (Unless you follow the steps which #user3299591 outlines, and I recommend you do). Hashing the DB column, on the other hand, is a necessity and not at all difficult to implement.
Use HTTP Digest - it secures the password even over http (but best useage would be http digest over https)
HTTP digest access authentication is one of the agreed methods a web server can use to negotiate credentials with a web user (using the HTTP protocol). Digest authentication is intended to supersede unencrypted use of the Basic access authentication, allowing user identity to be established securely without having to send a password in plaintext over the network. Digest authentication is basically an application of MD5 cryptographic hashing with usage of nonce values to prevent cryptanalysis.
If you want to see a "real life" use, you could look at phpMyID - a php openid provider that uses http digest authentication
.. or you could start from the php auth samples at
Http digest rfc:
From my tests all modern browsers support it...
If you're looking to replace a clear-text password over HTTPS with a hashed password over HTTP then you're asking for trouble. HTTPS generates a random, shared transaction key when opening up a communication channel. That's hard to crack, as you're pretty much limited to brute forcing the shared key used for a (relatively) short-term transaction. Whereas your hash can be just sniffed, taken off-line and looked up in a rainbow table or just brute forced over a long amount of time.
However, a basic client-side password obfuscation (not hash) sent over HTTPS does have some value. If I'm not mistaken this technique is actually used by some banks. The purpose of this technique is not to protect the password from sniffing over the wire. Rather, it's to stop the password from being usable to dumb spying tools and browser plug-ins that just grab every HTTPS GET/POST request that they see. I've seen a log file captured from a malicious website that was 400MB of random GET/POST transactions captured from user sessions. You can imagine that websites that used just HTTPS would show up with clear-text passwords in the log, but websites with very basic obfuscation (ROT13) as well would show up with passwords that are not immediately of use.
Whether there's an advantage, and whether it's more (or less) secure really depends on implementation. There's arguably some advantage, but if you implement it poorly, you could definitely create a solution that is less secure than passing even a plaintext password.
This can be looked at from the perspective of two types of attacks-- one with access to the network traffic, and another with access to the database.
If your attacker can intercept the plaintext version of the network traffic, then seeing a hash of the password is more secure than seeing the password in plaintext. Although the attacker could still log in to your server using that hash, it would require a brute-force crack (sometimes pre-computed) of that hash to determine the password that might be useful on other systems. People should use different passwords on different systems, but often don't.
If an attacker gained access to the database, perhaps through a copy of a backup, then you'd want to ensure that one couldn't log in with only that knowledge. If, for example, you stored a hash salted with the login name as hash(login_name+password), and you passed that same hash from the client for direct comparison, then the attacker could pick a user at random, send the hash read from the database and log in as that user without knowing the password, increasing the scope of the breach. In that case, sending the password in plaintext would have been more secure because the attacker would need to know the plaintext in order to log in, even having a copy of the database. This is where implementation is key. Whether you send a plaintext password or a client-side hash of that password, you should hash that value at the server-side and compare that hash with the hash stored in the user record.
Concepts to keep in mind:
You "salt" a hash by mixing in some scope-unique value to your hash, typically row-unique. Its purpose is to guarantee uniqueness of hashes from each other even if the plaintext values they represent are the same, so two users with the same password would still have different hashes. It's unnecessary to treat a salt as a secret.
When authenticating, always hash on the server-side whatever value you pass from the client as a password (even if it's already hashed) and compare it with a pre-hashed value stored on the database. This may necessitate storing a double-hashed version of the original password.
When you make a hash, consider adding a server/cluster-unique salt to the hash as well as a row-unique salt to safeguard against matching any pre-computed hashes in lookup tables.
If you're connected to an https server the data stream between the server and browser should be encrypted. The data is only plain text before being sent and after being recieved. Wikipedia article
If you want to achieve the same reliability as when transferring over https, then yes - one option - the implementation of an asymmetrically encrypted channel at the ajax level.
If we are not talking about registration (for example, the first transmission of the password is always protected), then there are options.
For example,
The server generates a random string and generates a salt sends it to the user.
The user calculates a hash from his password and using this hash as
a key encrypts this random string with a blowfish, for example (there
is an implementation in JS for sure) and sends it back to you.
You, on your own, using the hash stored on the server, also encrypt this
random string with a blowfish.
An attacker would have to attack the bluefish key using a random source and ciphertext. The task is not easy.
Isn't SSL/TLS replacing the nonce? I don't see added value of this since SSL/TLS also protects against Replay Attacks.
It would actually be less secure to hash the password and send it over a non-encrypted channel. You will expose your hashing algorithm on the client. Hackers could just sniff the hash of the password and then use it to hack in later.
By using HTTPS, you prevent a hacker from obtaining the password from a single source, since HTTPS uses two channels, both encrypted.
