How should i go about developing chrome extension like this - google-chrome-extension

A extension that takes a photo and make it into webcam stream. So if i have website requesting access to webcam then this would show up as possible webcam to share with.
I know javascript and a bit of chrome extension api. But i don't know how to go about this.

There is no Chrome extension API that will allow you to create a webcam that will show up in other applications.


screen sharing with twilio without extension

In my web applicatio i need functionality to share screen in video call. i'm using twilio and
my video call functionality is working fine.
i have seen link from twilio to share screen. (
but i need to develop chrome extension for screen sharing in chrome. is there any way by which i can develop screen sharing without extension ?
Twilio developer evangelist and author of that blog post here.
As described in the blog post, to add screen sharing functionality to your video call in Chrome, you need to create and release an extension. How to build that extension is described in this blog post on screen capture in Chrome.
This is the only way to do it right now.
However, the Chrome team are working on standardising their approach and releasing support for the getDisplayMedia API. This is already supported by Microsoft's Edge browser. It works much the same as getUserMedia:
navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia().then(returnedStream => {
stream = returnedStream;
document.getElementById('screen').srcObj = stream;
Look out for this coming to Chrome soon.

How can I use a UIWebview to load content from a website dynamically loading .mp4 video and get the video to play?

I have a client that has a website. The website current allows users to login and search for and play .mp4 video. The list of playlist is created dynamically where values are stored in a sql server 2008 database. My client's site is already built for smartphone utilization and did not want to recreate an iphone app. Besides it would mean loading thousands of video. Instead I thought I would use the UIWebview to load the website. This seemed to work well. However, when you try to click on and play video within the UIWebview nothing happens. This is not the case if we launch the mobile website within the apple mobile safari browser. The vide plays by kicking off in the iPhone video player. Is there any way to accomplish this same functionality with a uiwebview? Any guidance or help is appreciated.
UIWebView will play video using <video> if everything is set up correctly, either remote files or local files will work (if they are the correct format).
What does your video tag look like? In particular your src.
If you want to, for example, play an inline video the html5 for that would be something like
<video id="theVideo" controls width="280" height="160" src="yourVideo.mp4" webkit-playsinline></video>
And it would be necessary in the UIWebView to set this line
self.webView.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = YES;
Or you can also explicitly load the media player, but doing everything in HTML5 is neat and tidy and easy.

Build Chrome Extension that receives voice input

I plan to build a Chrome Extension that allows users to navigate web pages via voice commands.
To do so, I plan to put my speech recognition program on a backend server that connects with clients via Chrome extension.
Is it possible? I know how to develop an extension, but would appreciate if you could show a way of receiving voice input.
You don't need to modify Chrome.
Until the HTML5 tag gets landed in Chrome, your only option right now is to use NPAPI and include the plugin into your Extension. For more information visit this page:
You would have to implement a JavaScript audio input API using C++ inside Chromium, being aware that you have to transfer data through the sandbox, then once exported you can use the new API in your extension.
A lot of groundwork has already been done on specifying the audio API, read the details over at W3C:
Which links to details of a special build of Chrome with some already built samples:

Can I access the webcam via a browser plugin/add-On?

I was wondering if I can access the webcam via a browser plugin e.g. for Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer etc?
Are there already similar plugins/add-ons?
It's possible to access the webcam through Flash, for instance.
An example of this is Omegle, which uses Flash to access the webcam.
An alternative is doing it in Silverlight, as in this example.
Finally, there's Java, in which you could write an applet to access the webcam. This article should demonstrate this.
If you wish to do it yourself, you will have to write the plugins yourself.
This can be done using the NPAPI for most browsers, or by writing a BHO (Browser Helper Object) for Internet Explorer.
How to interact with the webcam there depends on which language you choose, as you have full access to system libraries.
Note that writing a custom browser plugin is both harder, and a larger hassle for users, as they have to install something new, as opposed to just using their existing browser plugins.
I just found this:
One year and a half after this question was made. I haven't tested it, but maybe it'll help.
From the link (just a copy/paste showing how to record something using the camera as input source):
<input type="file" accept="video/*;capture=camcorder">
<input type="file" accept="audio/*;capture=microphone">
None of the major Webbrowser's (IE, FF, Chrome) provide any special support for Webcams. You will need to either use the native OS's API (whatever that may be), or embed Flash in Webbrowser control in your browser plug-in.
You can use Mediadevices.getUserMedia ( to capture webcam stream on browser (chrome and firefox).
To play with webcam stream on safari, you would have to use a pollyfill -
To record the video/audio stream, you can make use of Media recorder api
(Note : recording stream is still a challenge in Safari as there is no support/pollyfill. However, it works perfectly on Chrome and Firefox latest versions).To make video recording work on Safari, it maybe worthwhile to explore (Note flash plugin needs to be installed and enabled)
Helpful demonstrations :

Problem about Chrome Extension

I try to write an extension and i saw the very restricted policy security.
I should create an extension that allows me to listen and download podcast from web. It is possible?
I use Chrome OS with VMWare, this OS has additional Api than Google Chrome Browser?
Yes it is possible to have a content scripts that executes on every page looking for specific media content. The content page could send a request back to the extension to indicate it has found a media file and using the URL you could play it in an tag inside the extension.
