Google Wallet Integration in Website - sandbox

Is it possible to integrate google wallet api in my website.
If yes how can I integrate?
How to create merchant and buyers sandbox account for testing in localhost?

Google provides Google Wallet API documentation for developers.


How do I implement authentication for Azure Mobile App in Xamarin.Forms using Apple signin

My app submission to the Apple Store got rejected because it requires users to log in though it does not implement Apple sign-in. My app is written in Xamarin.Form and uses Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client to communicate with my Azure Mobile App backend. It supports authentication with Facebook, Google, Twitter and Microsoft. For all those providers I use the "server flow". I followed some instructions I found on Apple sign-in here:
I got to the point where I get a userId and a token from the client but I am stuck on what to do next to enable authentication with the Azure Mobile App service.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

Google developers console API

Is there an API to manage Google developers console projects and creating credentials, f. e. creating/managing an OAuth consent screen?
I only know that Google Cloud Resource Manager API allows to create projects.

I want to use gmail api in jwt way

Can I authenticate using jwt-gmail api?
google developer : ''
It says that only the api at this address can use this method.
But I can not find the gmail api here.
Can the gmail api only use the access token method using oauth 2.0?
I do not know what you mean by jwt-gmail api. That being said.
I think your looking at the wrong library try google-apis-nodejs-clinet.
Gmail api facts normal user gmail accounts can only be accessed using Oauth2 if its a gsuite account then you can use domain wide deligation and user a service account

Microsoft Bot Framework Login Authentication using BotAuth Custom Provider

I'm using the Nodejs SDK of Microsoft Bot Framework, and I'm trying to a ChatBot that has a Sign In Card in where the user will be redirected to a browser which will then require the user to login his/her account to a 3rd Party API.
I saw this GitHub repository: (BotAuth) which makes it possible to do a 3rd party authentication within the Chatbot using different providers such as Facebook, Dropbox, Pinterest and etc.
In my case, I need to add a custom provider which is not available in BotAuth. Is there a way to do this using BotAuth - Nodejs, or is there any available package that can help me solve this?

Making Google API calls to only one user

I'm writing an in-house app and we're using some of the Google API's in Express/node.
Since I'm only going to use one google account (an email I made just for this purpose), what's the best authentication configuration to use?
It's a service account.
From the Google Developer Console create a service account for your app, the use the API key generated in your app.
