I'm trying to work out if it's possible to write an abstraction for the following situation. Suppose I have a type a with function a -> m Bool e.g. MVar Bool and readMVar. To abstract this concept out I create a newtype wrapper for the type and its function:
newtype MPredicate m a = MPredicate (a,a -> m Bool)
I can define a fairly simple operation like so:
doUnless :: (Monad m) => Predicate m a -> m () -> m ()
doUnless (MPredicate (a,mg)) g = mg a >>= \b -> unless b g
main = do
b <- newMVar False
let mpred = MPredicate (b,readMVar)
doUnless mpred (print "foo")
In this case doUnless would print "foo". Aside: I'm not sure whether a type class might be more appropriate to use instead of a newtype.
Now take the code below, which outputs an incrementing number then waits a second and repeats. It does this until it receives a "turn off" instruction via the MVar.
foobar :: MVar Bool -> IO ()
foobar mvb = foobar' 0
foobar' :: Int -> IO ()
foobar' x = readMVar mvb >>= \b -> unless b $ do
let x' = x + 1
print x'
threadDelay 1000000
foobar' x'
goTillEnter :: MVar Bool -> IO ()
goTillEnter mv = do
_ <- getLine
_ <- takeMVar mv
putMVar mv True
main = do
mvb <- newMVar False
forkIO $ foobar mvb
goTillEnter mvb
Is it possible to refactor foobar so that it uses MPredicate and doUnless?
Ignoring the actual implementation of foobar' I can think of a simplistic way of doing something similar:
cycleUnless :: x -> (x -> x) -> MPredicate m a -> m ()
cycleUnless x g mp = let g' x' = doUnless mp (g' $ g x')
in g' $ g x
Aside: I feel like fix could be used to make the above neater, though I still have trouble working out how to use it
But cycleUnless won't work on foobar because the type of foobar' is actually Int -> IO () (from the use of print x').
I'd also like to take this abstraction further, so that it can work threading around a Monad. With stateful Monads it becomes even harder. E.g.
-- EDIT: Updated the below to show an example of how the code is used
{- ^^ some parent function which has the MVar ^^ -}
cycleST :: (forall s. ST s (STArray s Int Int)) -> IO ()
cycleST sta = readMVar mvb >>= \b -> unless b $ do
n <- readMVar someMVar
i <- readMVar someOtherMVar
let sta' = do
arr <- sta
x <- readArray arr n
writeArray arr n (x + i)
return arr
y = runSTArray sta'
print y
cycleST sta'
I have something similar to the above working with RankNTypes. Now there's the additional problem of trying to thread through the existential s, which is not likely to type check if threaded around through an abstraction the likes of cycleUnless.
Additionally, this is simplified to make the question easier to answer. I also use a set of semaphores built from MVar [MVar ()] similar to the skip channel example in the MVar module. If I can solve the above problem I plan to generalize the semaphores as well.
Ultimately this isn't some blocking problem. I have 3 components of the application operating in a cycle off the same MVar Bool but doing fairly different asynchronous tasks. In each one I have written a custom function that performs the appropriate cycle.
I'm trying to learn the "don't write large programs" approach. What I'd like to do is refactor chunks of code into their own mini libraries so that I'm not building a large program but assembling lots of small ones. But so far this particular abstraction is escaping me.
Any thoughts on how I might go about this are very much appreciated!
You want to cleanly combine a stateful action having side effects, a delay, and an independent stopping condition.
The iterative monad transformer from the free package can be useful in these cases.
This monad transformer lets you describe a (possibly nonending) computation as a series of discrete steps. And what's better, it let's you interleave "stepped" computations using mplus. The combined computation stops when any of the individual computations stops.
Some preliminary imports:
import Data.Bool
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.Iter (delay,untilJust,IterT,retract,cutoff)
import Control.Concurrent
Your foobar function could be understood as a "sum" of three things:
A computation that does nothing but reading from the MVar at each step, and finishes when the Mvar is True.
untilTrue :: (MonadIO m) => MVar Bool -> IterT m ()
untilTrue = untilJust . liftM guard . liftIO . readMVar
An infinite computation that takes a delay at each step.
delays :: (MonadIO m) => Int -> IterT m a
delays = forever . delay . liftIO . threadDelay
An infinite computation that prints an increasing series of numbers.
foobar' :: (MonadIO m) => Int -> IterT m a
foobar' x = do
let x' = x + 1
liftIO (print x')
delay (foobar' x')
With this in place, we can write foobar as:
foobar :: (MonadIO m) => MVar Bool -> m ()
foobar v = retract (delays 1000000 `mplus` untilTrue v `mplus` foobar' 0)
The neat thing about this is that you can change or remove the "stopping condition" and the delay very easily.
Some clarifications:
The delay function is not a delay in IO, it just tells the iterative monad transformer to "put the argument in a separate step".
retract brings you back from the iterative monad transformer to the base monad. It's like saying "I don't care about the steps, just run the computation". You can combine retract with cutoff if you want to limit the maximum number of iterations.
untilJustconverts a value m (Maybe a) of the base monad into a IterT m a by retrying in each step until a Just is returned. Of course, this risks non-termination!
MPredicate is rather superfluous here; m Bool can be used instead. The monad-loops package contains plenty of control structures with m Bool conditions. whileM_ in particular is applicable here, although we need to include a State monad for the Int that we're threading around:
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Control.Applicative
foobar :: MVar Bool -> IO ()
foobar mvb = (`evalStateT` (0 :: Int)) $
whileM_ (not <$> lift (readMVar mvb)) $ do
modify (+1)
lift . print =<< get
lift $ threadDelay 1000000
Alternatively, we can use a monadic version of unless. For some reason monad-loops doesn't export such a function, so let's write it:
unlessM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
unlessM mb action = do
b <- mb
unless b action
It's somewhat more convenient and more modular in a monadic setting, since we can always go from a pure Bool to m Bool, but not vice versa.
foobar :: MVar Bool -> IO ()
foobar mvb = go 0
go :: Int -> IO ()
go x = unlessM (readMVar mvb) $ do
let x' = x + 1
print x'
threadDelay 1000000
go x'
You mentioned fix; sometimes people indeed use it for ad-hoc monadic loops, for example:
printUntil0 :: IO ()
printUntil0 =
putStrLn "hello"
fix $ \loop -> do
n <- fmap read getLine :: IO Int
print n
when (n /= 0) loop
putStrLn "bye"
With some juggling it's possible to use fix with multi-argument functions. In the case of foobar:
foobar :: MVar Bool -> IO ()
foobar mvb = ($(0 :: Int)) $ fix $ \loop x -> do
unlessM (readMVar mvb) $ do
let x' = x + 1
print x'
threadDelay 1000000
loop x'
I'm not sure what's your MPredicate is doing.
First, instead of newtyping a tuple, it's probably better to use a normal algebric data type
data MPredicate a m = MPredicate a (a -> m Bool)
Second, the way you use it, MPredicate is equivalent to m Bool.
Haskell is lazzy, therefore there is no need to pass, a function and it's argument (even though
it's usefull with strict languages). Just pass the result, and the function will be called when needed.
I mean, instead of passing (x, f) around, just pass f x
Of course, if you are not trying to delay the evaluation and really need at some point, the argument or the function as well as the result, a tuple is fine.
Anyway, in the case your MPredicate is only there to delay the function evaluation, MPredicat reduces to m Bool and doUnless to unless.
Your first example is strictly equivalent :
main = do
b <- newMVar False
unless (readMVar b) (print "foo")
Now, if you want to loop a monad until a condition is reach (or equivalent) you should have a look at the monad-loop package. What you are looking it at is probably untilM_ or equivalent.
I am using a library that I can provide with a function a -> IO (), which it will call occasionally.
Because the output of my function depends not only on the a it receives as input, but also on the previous a's, it would be much easier for me to write a function [a] -> IO (), where [a] is infinite.
Can I write a function:
magical :: ([a] -> IO ()) -> (a -> IO ())
That collects the a's it receives from the callback and passes them to my function as a lazy infinite list?
The IORef solution is indeed the simplest one. If you'd like to explore a pure (but more complex) variant, have a look at conduit. There are other implementations of the same concept, see Iteratee I/O, but I found myself conduit to be very easy to use.
A conduit (AKA pipe) is an abstraction of of program that can accept input and/or produce output. As such, it can keep internal state, if needed. In your case, magical would be a sink, that is, a conduit that accepts input of some type, but produces no output. By wiring it into a source, a program that produces output, you complete the pipeline and then ever time the sink asks for an input, the source is run until it produces its output.
In your case you'd have roughly something like
magical :: Sink a IO () -- consumes a stream of `a`s, no result
magical = go (some initial state)
go state = do
m'input <- await
case m'input of
Nothing -> return () -- finish
Just input -> do
-- do something with the input
go (some updated state)
This is not exactly what you asked for, but it might be enough for your purposes, I think.
magical :: ([a] -> IO ()) -> IO (a -> IO ())
magical f = do
list <- newIORef []
let g x = do
modifyIORef list (x:)
xs <- readIORef list
f xs -- or (reverse xs), if you need FIFO ordering
return g
So if you have a function fooHistory :: [a] -> IO (), you can use
main = do
foo <- magical fooHistory
setHandler foo -- here we have foo :: a -> IO ()
As #danidaz wrote above, you probably do not need magical, but can play the same trick directly in your fooHistory, modifying a list reference (IORef [a]).
main = do
list <- newIORef []
let fooHistory x = do
modifyIORef list (x:)
xs <- readIORef list
use xs -- or (reverse xs), if you need FIFO ordering
setHandler fooHistory -- here we have fooHistory :: a -> IO ()
Control.Concurrent.Chan does almost exactly what I wanted!
import Control.Monad (forever)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
setHandler :: (Char -> IO ()) -> IO ()
setHandler f = void . forkIO . forever $ getChar >>= f
process :: String -> IO ()
process ('h':'i':xs) = putStrLn "hi" >> process xs
process ('a':xs) = putStrLn "a" >> process xs
process (x:xs) = process xs
process _ = error "Guaranteed to be infinite"
main :: IO ()
main = do
c <- newChan
setHandler $ writeChan c
list <- getChanContents c
process list
This seems like a flaw in the library design to me. You might consider an upstream patch so that you could provide something more versatile as input.
I'm writing some code (around card-playing strategies) that uses State and recursion together. Perhaps this part doesn't need to actually (it already feels clumsy to me, even as a relative beginner), but there are other parts that probably do so my general question stands...
My initial naive implementation is entirely deterministic (the choice of bid is simply the first option provided by the function validBids):
bidOnRound :: (DealerRules d) => d -> NumCards -> State ([Player], PlayerBids) ()
bidOnRound dealerRules cardsThisRound = do
(players, bidsSoFar) <- get
unless (List.null players) $ do
let options = validBids dealerRules cardsThisRound bidsSoFar
let newBid = List.head $ Set.toList options
let p : ps = players
put (ps, bidsSoFar ++ [(p, newBid)])
bidOnRound dealerRules cardsThisRound
And I call it from:
playGame :: (DealerRules d, ScorerRules s) => d -> s -> StateT Results IO ()
let (_, bidResults) = execState (bidOnRound dealerRules cardsThisRound) (NonEmpty.toList players, [])
Now I'm aware that I need to bring randomness into this and several other parts of the code. Not wanting to litter IO everywhere, nor pass round random seeds manually all the time, I feel I should be using MonadRandom or something. A library I'm using uses it to good effect. Is this a wise choice?
Here's what I tried:
bidOnRound :: (DealerRules d, RandomGen g) => d -> NumCards -> RandT g (State ([Player], PlayerBids)) ()
bidOnRound dealerRules cardsThisRound = do
(players, bidsSoFar) <- get
unless (List.null players) $ do
let options = Set.toList $ validBids dealerRules cardsThisRound bidsSoFar
rnd <- getRandomR (0 :: Int, len options - 1)
let newBid = options List.!! rnd
let p : ps = players
put (ps, bidsSoFar ++ [(p, newBid)])
bidOnRound dealerRules cardsThisRound
but I'm uncomfortable already, plus can't work out how to call this, e.g. using evalRand in combination with execState etc. The more I read on MonadRandom, RandGen and mtl vs others, the less sure I am of what I'm doing...
How should I neatly combine Randomness and State and how do I call these properly?
EDIT: for reference, full current source on Github.
Well how about an example to help you out. Since you didn't post a full working code snippet I'll just replace a lot of your operations and show how the monads can be evaluated:
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Random
import System.Random.TF
bidOnRound :: (RandomGen g) => Int -> RandT g (State ([Int], Int)) ()
bidOnRound i =
do rand <- getRandomR (10,20)
s <- lift $ get
lift $ put ([], i + rand + snd s)
main :: IO ()
main =
do g <- newTFGen
print $ flip execState ([],1000) $ evalRandT (bidOnRound 100) g
The thing to note here is you "unwrap" the outer monad first. So if you have RandT (StateT Reader ...) ... then you run RandT (ex via evalRandT or similar) then the state then the reader. Secondly, you must lift from the outer monad to use operations on the inner monad. This might seem clumsy and that is because it is horribly clumsy.
The best developers I know - those whose code I enjoy looking at and working with - extract monad operations and provide an API with all the primitives complete so I don't need to think about the structure of the monad while I'm thinking about the structure of the logic I'm writing.
In this case (it will be slightly contrived since I wrote the above without any application domain, rhyme or reason) you could write:
type MyMonad a = RandT TFGen (State ([Int],Int)) a
runMyMonad :: MyMonad () -> IO Int
runMyMonad f =
do g <- newTFGen
pure $ snd $ flip execState ([],1000) $ evalRandT f g
With the Monad defined as a simple alias and execution operation the basic functions are easier:
flipCoin :: MyMonad Int
flipCoin = getRandomR (10,20)
getBaseValue :: MyMonad Int
getBaseValue = snd <$> lift get
setBaseValue :: Int -> MyMonad ()
setBaseValue v = lift $ state $ \s -> ((),(fst s, v))
With that leg-work out of the way, which is usually a minor part of making a real application, the domain specific logic is easier to write and certainly easier to read:
bidOnRound2 :: Int -> MyMonad ()
bidOnRound2 i =
do rand <- flipCoin
old <- getBaseValue
setBaseValue (i + rand + old)
main2 :: IO ()
main2 = print =<< runMyMonad (bidOnRound2 100)
I am currently working with Haskell bindings to a HDF5 C library. Like many C libraries, this one uses many pointers in its functions calls.
The usual "best practice" Haskell functions for allocating and releasing C resources follow the bracket pattern, like alloca, withArray, etc. In using them, I often enter several nested brackets. For instance, here is a small excerpt for HDF5 bindings:
selectHyperslab rID dName = withDataset rID dName $ \dID -> do
v <- withDataspace 10 $ \dstDS -> do
srcDS <- c'H5Dget_space dID
dat <- alloca3 (0, 1, 10) $ \(start, stride, count) -> do
err <- c'H5Sselect_hyperslab srcDS c'H5S_SELECT_SET start stride count nullPtr
-- do some work ...
return value
alloca3 (a, b, c) action =
alloca $ \aP -> do
poke aP a
alloca $ \bP -> do
poke bP b
alloca $ \cP -> do
poke cP c
action (aP, bP, cP)
In the code above, the nested brackets are bracket functions I wrote withDataset, withDataspace, and alloca3, which I wrote to prevent the bracket nesting from going another 3 levels deep in the code. For C libraries with lots of resource acquisition calls and pointer arguments, coding with the standard bracket primitives can get unmanageable (which is why I wrote alloca3 to reduce the nesting.)
So generally, are there any best practices or coding techniques to help reduce the nesting of brackets when needing to allocate and deallocate many resources (such as with C calls)? The only alternative I have found is the ResourceT transformer, which from the tutorial looks like it is designed to make interleaving resource acquire/release possible, and not to simplify the bracket pattern.
Recently I was investigating this problem in Scala. The recurring pattern is (a -> IO r) -> IO r, where a given function is executed within some resource allocation context given a value of type a. And this is just ContT r IO a, which is readily available in Haskell. So we can write:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Cont
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
allocaC :: Storable a => ContT r IO (Ptr a)
allocaC = ContT alloca
bracketC :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> ContT r IO a
bracketC start end = ContT (bracket start end)
bracketC_ :: IO a -> IO b -> ContT r IO a
bracketC_ start end = ContT (bracket start (const end))
-- ...etc...
-- | Example:
main :: IO ()
main = flip runContT return $ do
bracketC_ (putStrLn "begin1") (putStrLn "end1")
bracketC_ (putStrLn "begin2") (putStrLn "end2")
liftIO $ putStrLn "..."
The standard monad/applicative functions allow you to simplify a lot of your code, for example:
allocAndPoke :: (Storable a) => a -> ContT r IO (Ptr a)
allocAndPoke x = allocaC >>= \ptr -> liftIO (poke ptr x) >> return ptr
-- With the monad alloca3 won't be probably needed, just as an example:
alloca3C (a, b, c) =
(,,) <$> allocAndPoke a <*> allocAndPoke b <*> allocAndPoke c
allocaManyC :: (Storable a) => [a] -> ContT r IO [Ptr a]
allocaManyC = mapM allocAndPoke
i have the following set of actions:
action1 :: IO Bool
action2 :: IO Bool
action3 :: IO Bool
some actions are just composition of another actions
complexAction = do
What i need is the construction that checks result of each action and returns False in a case of false. I can do it manually but i know for sure that haskell does have tools to get rid of that kind of boilerplate.
The simplest way is
complexAction = fmap and (sequence [action1, action2, action3])
But you could also write your own combinator to stop after the first action:
(>>/) :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
a >>/ b = do
yes <- a
if yes then b else return False
You'd want to declare the fixity to make it associative
infixl 1 >>/
Then you can do
complexAction = action1 >>/ action2 >>/ action3
I'd suggest you to use MaybeT monad transformer instead. Using it has many advantages over just returning IO Bool:
Your actions can have different types and return values (not just true/false). If you don't need any results, just use MaybeT IO ().
Later ones can depend on results of preceding ones.
Since MaybeT produces monads that are instances of MonadPlus, you can use all monad plus operations. Namely mzero for a failed action and x mplus y, which will run y iff x fails.
A slight disadvantage is that you have to lift all IO actions to MaybeT IO. This can be solved by writing your actions as MonadIO m => ... -> m a instead of ... -> IO a.
For example:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
-- Lift print and putStrLn
print' :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => a -> m ()
print' = liftIO . print
putStrLn' :: (MonadIO m) => String -> m ()
putStrLn' = liftIO . putStrLn
-- Add something to an argument
plus1, plus3 :: Int -> MaybeT IO Int
plus1 n = print' "+1" >> return (n + 1)
plus3 n = print' "+3" >> return (n + 3)
-- Ignore an argument and fail
justFail :: Int -> MaybeT IO a
justFail _ = mzero
-- This action just succeeds with () or fails.
complexAction :: MaybeT IO ()
complexAction = do
i <- plus1 0
justFail i -- or comment this line out <----------------<
j <- plus3 i
print' j
-- You could use this to convert your actions to MaybeT IO:
boolIOToMaybeT :: IO Bool -> MaybeT IO ()
boolIOToMaybeT x = do
r <- lift x
if r then return () else mzero
-- Or you could have even more general version that works with other
-- transformers as well:
boolIOToMaybeT' :: (MonadIO m, MonadPlus m) => IO Bool -> m ()
boolIOToMaybeT' x = do
r <- liftIO x
if r then return () else mzero
main :: IO ()
main = runMaybeT complexAction >>= print'
As Petr says, for anything but a narrow and contained case, you're almost certainly better off wiring your code for proper error handling from the outset. I know I've often regretted not doing this, condemning myself to some very tedious refactoring.
If I may, I'd like to recommend Gabriel Gonzalez's errors package, which imposes a little more coherence on Haskell's various error-handling mechanisms than has been traditional. It allows you to plumb Eithers through your code, and Either is a good type for capturing errors. (By contrast, Maybe will lose information on the error side.) Once you've installed the package, you can write things like this:
module Errors where
import Control.Error
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
data OK = OK Int deriving (Show)
action1, action2, action3 :: IO (Either String OK)
action1 = putStrLn "Running action 1" >> return (Right $ OK 1)
action2 = putStrLn "Running action 2" >> return (Right $ OK 2)
action3 = putStrLn "Running action 3" >> return (Left "Oops on 3")
runStoppingAtFirstError :: [IO (Either String OK)] -> IO (Either String [OK])
runStoppingAtFirstError = runEitherT . traverse EitherT
...with output like
*Errors> runStoppingAtFirstError [action1, action2]
Running action 1
Running action 2
Right [OK 1,OK 2]
*Errors> runStoppingAtFirstError [action1, action3, action2]
Running action 1
Running action 3
Left "Oops on 3"
(But note that the computation here stops at the first error and doesn't soldier on until the bitter end -- which might not be what you had wanted. The errors package is certainly wide-ranging enough that many other variations are possible.)
Assume we have an IO action such as
lookupStuff :: InputType -> IO OutputType
which could be something simple such as DNS lookup, or some web-service call against a time-invariant data.
Let's assume that:
The operation never throws any exception and/or never diverges
If it wasn't for the IO monad, the function would be pure, i.e. the result is always the same for equal input parameters
The action is reentrant, i.e. it can be called from multiple threads at the same time safely.
The lookupStuff operation is quite (time-)expensive.
The problem I'm facing is how to properly (and w/o using any unsafe*IO* cheat) implement a reentrant cache, that can be called from multiple threads, and coalesces multiple queries for the same input-parameters into a single request.
I guess I'm after something similiar as GHC's blackhole-concept for pure computations but in the IO "calculation" context.
What is the idiomatic Haskell/GHC solution for the stated problem?
Yeah, basically reimplement the logic. Although it seems similar to what GHC is already doing, that's GHC's choice. Haskell can be implemented on VMs that work very differently, so in that sense it isn't already done for you.
But yeah, just use an MVar (Map InputType OutputType) or even an IORef (Map InputType OutputType) (make sure to modify with atomicModifyIORef), and just store the cache in there. If this imperative solution seems wrong, it's the "if not for the IO, this function would be pure" constraint. If it were just an arbitrary IO action, then the idea that you would have to keep state in order to know what to execute or not seems perfectly natural. The problem is that Haskell does not have a type for "pure IO" (which, if it depends on a database, it is just behaving pure under certain conditions, which is not the same as being a hereditarily pure).
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-- takes an IO function and returns a cached version
cache :: (Ord a) => (a -> IO b) -> IO (a -> IO b)
cache f = do
r <- newMVar Map.empty
return $ \x -> do
cacheMap <- takeMVar r
case Map.lookup x cacheMap of
Just y -> do
putMVar r cacheMap
return y
Nothing -> do
y <- f x
putMVar (Map.insert x y cacheMap)
return y
Yeah it's ugly on the inside. But on the outside, look at that! It's just like the type of a pure memoization function, except for it has IO stained all over it.
Here's some code implementing more or less what I was after in my original question:
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Data.Either
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Prelude hiding (catch)
-- |Memoizing wrapper for 'IO' actions
memoizeIO :: Ord a => (a -> IO b) -> IO (a -> IO b)
memoizeIO action = do
cache <- newMVar Map.empty
return $ memolup cache action
-- Lookup helper
memolup :: Ord a => MVar (Map a (Async b)) -> (a -> IO b) -> a -> IO b
memolup cache action' args = wait' =<< modifyMVar cache lup
lup tab = case Map.lookup args tab of
Just ares' ->
return (tab, ares')
Nothing -> do
ares' <- async $ action' args
return (Map.insert args ares' tab, ares')
The code above builds upon Simon Marlow's Async abstraction as described in Tutorial: Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell:
-- |Opaque type representing asynchronous results.
data Async a = Async ThreadId (MVar (Either SomeException a))
-- |Construct 'Async' result. Can be waited on with 'wait'.
async :: IO a -> IO (Async a)
async io = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
tid <- forkIO ((do r <- io; putMVar var (Right r))
`catch` \e -> putMVar var (Left e))
return $ Async tid var
-- |Extract value from asynchronous result. May block if result is not
-- available yet. Exceptions are returned as 'Left' values.
wait :: Async a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
wait (Async _ m) = readMVar m
-- |Version of 'wait' that raises exception.
wait' :: Async a -> IO a
wait' a = either throw return =<< wait a
-- |Cancels asynchronous computation if not yet completed (non-blocking).
cancel :: Async a -> IO ()
cancel (Async t _) = throwTo t ThreadKilled