CDockablePane doesn't save layout when it's docked to another pane - visual-c++

In an MFC application, I've got two derived CDockablePane pane objects docked to either side of the main view.
Here is the code to create one of the panes. The second is similar.
if(m_dlgPane && m_dlgPane->GetSafeHwnd())
return ;
m_dlgPane = new CDialogPane;
((CDialogPane*)m_dlgPane)->m_wndDlg = new CPaneChildDlg();
((CDialogPane*)m_dlgPane)->nDlgID = CPaneChildDlg::IDD;
CString strTitle = _T("Child Dialog Pane");
if (!m_dlgPane->Create(strTitle, this, CRect(0, 0, 300, 400), TRUE,
TRACE0("Failed to create dialog pane\n");
return ;
m_dlgPane->ShowPane(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
The layouts are saved by windows through LoadState & SaveState methods. And are called by the framework.
BOOL CDialogPane::SaveState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName, int nIndex, UINT uiID)
return CDockablePane::SaveState(lpszProfileName, nIndex, uiID);
BOOL CDialogPane::LoadState(LPCTSTR lpszProfileName, int nIndex, UINT uiID)
return CDockablePane::LoadState(lpszProfileName, nIndex, uiID);
The layouts loaded properly each time application launches. Apart from when one pane(Pane2) is docked to the other one(Pane1). It seems that it doesn't remember or load the correct height of the Pane2. Although this works throughout the application lifetime but not when the application exists and opens again.


Can this function be improved?

I have come up with the following function which works as it should:
bool CChristianLifeMinistryStudentMaterialDlg::EncodeText(HWND hWnd, CString strCode)
bool bHandled = false;
map<HWND, CComboBox*> mapControls;
map<HWND, CString*> mapControlsText;
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment1.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment1);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment2.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment2);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment3.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment3);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment4.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment4);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment1.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment1);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment2.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment2);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment3.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment3);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment4.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment4);
if (mapControls.find(::GetParent(hWnd)) != mapControls.end())
DWORD dwSel = mapControls[::GetParent(hWnd)]->GetEditSel();
strCode, LOWORD(dwSel), HIWORD(dwSel));
bHandled = true;
map<HWND, CEdit*> mapControls;
map<HWND, CString*> mapControlsText;
mapControls.emplace(m_editBibleReading.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editBibleReading);
mapControls.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoTheme.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editDiscussionVideoTheme);
mapControls.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editBibleReading.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strBibleReading);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoTheme.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strDiscussionVideoTheme);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strDiscussionVideoMaterial);
if (mapControls.find(hWnd) != mapControls.end())
DWORD dwSel = mapControls[hWnd]->GetSel();
strCode, LOWORD(dwSel), HIWORD(dwSel));
bHandled = true;
return bHandled;
The code is straight forward to follow. But as you can see I have to potentially deal with either a comb box edit control or regular edit control. As a result, I have two sets of similar code.
Is it possible to consolidate some of this code without overcomplicating it too much? My project is set to the ISO C++ 17 Standard if that helps.
Initially I thought I would try a single map of CWnd* pointers. But then I had the two problems of CComboBox verses CEdit.
CComboBox uses:
CEdit uses:
By using a single list of CWnd* I no longer know which is a combo or a edit control.
The core problem I would like to solve is to have a single loop rather than the two.
One possibility would be to define an interface to the functionality you need, then a couple of implementations of that functionality. Add in a map to get from an HWND to the object you need, and you're off to the races:
class Writer {
virtual DWORD getSel() = 0;
CString* data;
Writer(CString *data) : data(data) {}
void write(CString text) {
DWORD selection = getSel();
CMeetingScheduleAssistantApp::EncodeText(*data, text, LOWORD(dwSel), HIWORD(dwSel));
virtual ~Writer() = default;
class ComboBoxWriter : public writer {
CWnd *parent;
DWORD getSel() override { return parent->GetEditSel(); }
ComboBoxWriter(CComboBox &dest, CString &data) : Writer(&data), parent(dest.GetParent()) {}
class EditCtrlWriter : public Writer {
CEdit *ctrl;
DWORD getSel() override { return ctrl->GetSel(); }
EditCtrlWriter(CEdit &ctrl, CString &data) : Writer(&data), ctrl(&ctrl) {}
bool CChristianLifeMinistryStudentMaterialDlg::EncodeText(HWND hWnd, CString strCode) {
static std::map<HWND, Writer*> controls {
{ m_cbMaterialAssignment1.GetSafeHwnd(), new ComboBoxWriter(&m_cbMaterialAssignment1, &m_strMaterialAssignment1) },
{ m_cbMaterialAssignment2.GetSafeHwnd(), new ComboBoxWriter(&m_cbMaterialAssignment2, &m_strMaterialAssignment2) },
{ m_cbMaterialAssignment3.GetSafeHwnd(), new ComboBoxWriter(&m_cbMaterialAssignment3, &m_strMaterialAssignment3) },
{ m_cbMaterialAssignment4.GetSafeHwnd(), new ComboBoxWriter(&m_cbMaterialAssignment4, &m_strMaterialAssignment4) },
{ m_editBibleReading.GetSafeHwnd(), new EditCtrlWriter(&m_editBibleReading, &m_strBibleReading) },
{ m_editDiscussionVideoTheme.GetSafeHwnd(), new EditCtrlWriter(&m_editDiscussionVideoTheme, &m_strDiscussionVideoTheme) },
{ m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial.GetSafeHwnd(), new EditCtrlWriter(&m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial, &m_strDiscussionVideoMaterial) }
auto ctrl = controls.find(hwnd);
if (ctrl == controls.end())
return false;
return true;
This isn't a lot shorter overall (in fact, it's almost the same length), but quite a bit more of that length is boilerplate that's pretty easy to ignore.
Your building maps of HWND to MFC controls looks very strange.
Surely MFC already has that map. See if this helps:
Based on the comments to one of the answers (#vlad-feinstein):
all HWND handles are unique system-wide
I decided that I could take a much simpler approach to simplifying my code:
bool CChristianLifeMinistryStudentMaterialDlg::EncodeText(HWND hWnd, CString strCode)
map<HWND, CWnd*> mapControls; // Use generic CWnd pointers
map<HWND, CString*> mapControlsText;
// Lookup map of controls
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment1.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment1);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment2.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment2);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment3.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment3);
mapControls.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment4.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_cbMaterialAssignment4);
mapControls.emplace(m_editBibleReading.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editBibleReading);
mapControls.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoTheme.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editDiscussionVideoTheme);
mapControls.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial);
// Lookup map of text values
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment1.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment1);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment2.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment2);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment3.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment3);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_cbMaterialAssignment4.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strMaterialAssignment4);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editBibleReading.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strBibleReading);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoTheme.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strDiscussionVideoTheme);
mapControlsText.emplace(m_editDiscussionVideoMaterial.GetSafeHwnd(), &m_strDiscussionVideoMaterial);
// Determine if the use clicked on a combo or edit control
bool bIsComboControl = false;
HWND hWndToUse = nullptr;
if (mapControls.find(::GetParent(hWnd)) != mapControls.end())
bIsComboControl = true;
hWndToUse = ::GetParent(hWnd);
else if (mapControls.find(hWnd) != mapControls.end())
hWndToUse = hWnd;
if (hWndToUse == nullptr)
return false;
// Process
// Get the correct selection from the control
DWORD dwSel = (bIsComboControl) ?
((CComboBox*)mapControls[hWndToUse])->GetEditSel() :
// Encode the text
strCode, LOWORD(dwSel), HIWORD(dwSel));
return true;

SubclassDlgItem() debug assertion failed

I have created a dailog box with custom control. I am using ultimate grid in my application. (
I am having an error (Debug Assertion Failed) when I run my project.
BOOL CCustomControlDlg::OnInitDialog()
// IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range.
CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE);
if (pSysMenu != NULL)
BOOL bNameValid;
CString strAboutMenu;
bNameValid = strAboutMenu.LoadString(IDS_ABOUTBOX);
if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty())
pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu);
// Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
// when the application's main window is not a dialog
SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
// Add "About..." menu item to system menu.
m_grid.AttachGrid(this, IDC_CUSTOM1);// ERROR LINE
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
//Attach grid implementation
BOOL CUGCtrl::AttachGrid(CWnd * wnd,UINT ID){
if( SubclassDlgItem(IDC_CUSTOM1,wnd)) // ERROR LINE
long style = GetWindowLong(m_hWnd,GWL_STYLE);
// if the parent window is specified
if(wnd!= NULL)
LOGFONT logFont;
CFont *pTempFont = wnd->GetFont();
pTempFont->GetLogFont( &logFont );
// ceate a font object based on the font information retrieved from
// parent window. This font will be used as grid's default font.
int nIndex = AddFont( logFont.lfHeight, logFont.lfWidth, logFont.lfEscapement,
logFont.lfOrientation, logFont.lfWeight, logFont.lfItalic,
logFont.lfUnderline, logFont.lfStrikeOut, logFont.lfCharSet,
logFont.lfOutPrecision, logFont.lfClipPrecision,
logFont.lfQuality, logFont.lfPitchAndFamily, logFont.lfFaceName );
SetDefFont( nIndex );
// create a font that will be used for the heading cells. This object
// is almost identical to the grid's default font, except its weight
// was increased by 200.
nIndex = AddFont( logFont.lfHeight, logFont.lfWidth, logFont.lfEscapement,
logFont.lfOrientation, logFont.lfWeight + 200, logFont.lfItalic,
logFont.lfUnderline, logFont.lfStrikeOut, logFont.lfCharSet,
logFont.lfOutPrecision, logFont.lfClipPrecision,
logFont.lfQuality, logFont.lfPitchAndFamily, logFont.lfFaceName );
CUGCell cell;
GetHeadingDefault( &cell );
cell.SetFont( GetFont( nIndex ) );
SetHeadingDefault( &cell );
// When WS_EX_RTLREADING style was specified for the place holder
// window, then set the grid to be in RTL layout mode.
style = GetWindowLong( m_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE );
if ( style&WS_EX_RTLREADING )
SetGridLayout( 1 );
// Allow drawing after the grid is initialized
m_GI->m_paintMode = TRUE;
// Adjust the grid's components to fit current setup
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Anyone having any idea how to fix this??
// CAboutDlg dialog used for App About
class CAboutDlg : public CDialog
// Dialog Data
enum { IDD = IDD_ABOUTBOX };
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
// Implementation
CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(IDD_ABOUTBOX)
void CAboutDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
void CCustomControlDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add DDX and DDV calls here
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CUSTOM1, m_drawpad);
The issue is, that you are attaching two different C++ objects to the same control (IDC_CUSTOM1). The entry in DoDataExchange() implicitly performs the subclassing by calling DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CUSTOM1, m_drawpad);, while the code in OnInitDialog() is more explicit (m_grid.AttachGrid(this, IDC_CUSTOM1);), but essentially does the same thing.
To fix this, you have a number of options, depending on what you are after:
Remove the DDX_Control() call in DoDataExchange() if you don't need the m_drawpad object attached to IDC_CUSTOM1.
Remove the m_grid.AttachGrid() call inside OnInitDialog(), if you don't need the m_grid object attached to IDC_CUSTOM1.
Add an additional control placeholder to your dialog resource and use that for either of those objects, in case you need both.

Starting Doc/View application hidden

Using Visual studio 2010 and MFC Doc/View Applications I want my SDI application to start up completely hidden, and after sometime or with receiving some message from tray icon it shows the mainframe, view and so on. I change the line m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_NORMAL); to m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); in BOOL CMyApp::InitInstance() but the main frame just flickers after executing the application and then goes hiiden what should I do inorder to avoid this problem and keep the showing capability of main frame when ever I want.
Here is the solution for SDI/MDI app: The new MFC (with VC2010) overrides the m_nCmdShow value with a setting stored in the system registry. To change this behaviour, simply override the LoadWindowPlacement virtual function in the application class.
BOOL CAdVisuoApp::LoadWindowPlacement(CRect& rectNormalPosition, int& nFflags, int& nShowCmd)
BOOL b = CWinAppEx::LoadWindowPlacement(rectNormalPosition, nFflags, nShowCmd);
nShowCmd = SW_HIDE;
return b;
Normally if you have VC2005 or earlier the following will do:
// Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open
CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
m_nCmdShow = SW_HIDE;
// Dispatch commands specified on the command line. Will return FALSE if
// app was launched with /RegServer, /Register, /Unregserver or /Unregister.
if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo))
return FALSE;
// The one and only window has been initialized, so show and update it
m_pMainWnd->ShowWindow( m_nCmdShow);
Note that m_nCmdShow should be set to SW_HIDE before ProcessShallCommand for the flicker not to occur.
It looks like there might be a bug in VC2010 though. Since I have done this before it intrigued me and tried a fresh VC2010 project but it was not working. I noticed the problem was deep in the following MFC function.
BOOL CFrameWnd::LoadFrame(UINT nIDResource, DWORD dwDefaultStyle,
CWnd* pParentWnd, CCreateContext* pContext)
// only do this once
ASSERT(m_nIDHelp == 0 || m_nIDHelp == nIDResource);
m_nIDHelp = nIDResource; // ID for help context (+HID_BASE_RESOURCE)
CString strFullString;
if (strFullString.LoadString(nIDResource))
AfxExtractSubString(m_strTitle, strFullString, 0); // first sub-string
// attempt to create the window
LPCTSTR lpszClass = GetIconWndClass(dwDefaultStyle, nIDResource);
CString strTitle = m_strTitle;
if (!Create(lpszClass, strTitle, dwDefaultStyle, rectDefault,
pParentWnd, ATL_MAKEINTRESOURCE(nIDResource), 0L, pContext))
return FALSE; // will self destruct on failure normally
// save the default menu handle
ASSERT(m_hWnd != NULL);
m_hMenuDefault = m_dwMenuBarState == AFX_MBS_VISIBLE ? ::GetMenu(m_hWnd) : m_hMenu;
// load accelerator resource
if (pContext == NULL) // send initial update
SendMessageToDescendants(WM_INITIALUPDATE, 0, 0, TRUE, TRUE);
return TRUE;
m_nCmdShow is still SW_HIDE when this function executes but it changes to SW_SHOWNORMAL when if (!Create(lpszClass... line executes. I don't know why this happens in VC2010 project only, sounds like a bug to me.
My sample project was SDI.
This comes from a dialog based application but you should be able to convert it to a Doc/View app as well. You need to handle the OnWindowPosChanging event. The key line is the the one inside the if statement. This allows my application to start completely hidden from view.
void CIPViewerDlg::OnWindowPosChanging( WINDOWPOS FAR* lpWindowPosition )
if( !m_bVisible )
lpWindowPosition->flags &= ~SWP_SHOWWINDOW;
CDialog::OnWindowPosChanging( lpWindowPosition );
Make sure that you are correctly turning off the WS_VISIBLE bit in CMainFrame::PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs). Something like this should worK: &= ~WS_VISIBLE;
We had simply been negating the bit instead of turning it off, and we got away with it in VS 6.0 because this function was called only once. It is called twice in newer versions of Visual Studio, so in the second call we were flipping it right back on again. :-O
I tried all for Visual Studio 2010 and finished up with:
class CMainFrame : public CFrameWndEx
// ...
// Attributes
BOOL m_bForceHidden;
// ...
// Overrides
virtual void ActivateFrame(int nCmdShow = -1);
CMainFrame::CMainFrame() : m_bForceHidden(TRUE)
// ...
void CMainFrame::ActivateFrame(int nCmdShow)
nCmdShow = SW_HIDE;
m_bForceHidden = FALSE;
Other tricks did not work for me.
Found solution at:
I found in VS2017 (using BCGControlBar Pro which is what MFC Feature Pack was based on) that you have to handle things in two places:
BOOL CMainFrame::LoadFrame(UINT nIDResource, DWORD dwDefaultStyle, CWnd* pParentWnd, CCreateContext* pContext)
if (!__super::LoadFrame(nIDResource, dwDefaultStyle, pParentWnd, pContext))
return FALSE;
// undo what __super::LoadFrame() does where it will set it to SW_NORMAL if not SW_MAXIMIZED
AfxGetApp()->m_nCmdShow = SW_HIDE;
BOOL CTheApp::LoadWindowPlacement(CRect& rectNormalPosition, int& nFflags, int& nShowCmd)
BOOL b = __super::LoadWindowPlacement(rectNormalPosition, nFflags, nShowCmd);
nShowCmd = SW_HIDE;
return b;

Getting edit box text from a modal MFC dialog after it is closed

From a modal MFC dialog, I want to extract text from an edit box after the dialog is closed. I attempted this:
CPreparationDlg Dlg;
CString m_str;
m_pMainWnd = &Dlg;
CWnd *pMyDialog=AfxGetMainWnd();
CWnd *pWnd=pMyDialog->GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
pWnd->SetWindowText("huha max");
return TRUE;
It does not work.
The dialog and its controls is not created until you call DoModal() and as already pointed, is destroyed already by the time DoModal() returns. Because of that you cannot call GetDlgItem() neither before, nor after DoModal(). The solution to pass or retrieve data to a control, is to use a variable in the class. You can set it when you create the class instance, before the call to DoModal(). In OnInitDialog() you put in the control the value of the variable. Then, when the window is destroyed, you get the value from the control and put it into the variable. Then you read the variable from the calling context.
Something like this (notice I typed it directly in the browser, so there might be errors):
class CMyDialog : CDialog
CString m_value;
CString GetValue() const {return m_value;}
void SetValue(const CString& value) {m_value = value;}
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog();
virtual BOOL DestroyWindow( );
BOOL CMyDialog::OnInitDialog()
SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, m_value);
return TRUE;
BOOL CMyDialog::DestroyWindow()
GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT1, m_value);
return CDialog::DestroyWindow();
Then you can use it like this:
CMyDialog dlg;
CString response = dlg.GetValue();
Open your dialog resource, right-click on the textbox and choose "Add variable", pick value-type and CString
In the dialog-class: before closing, call UpdateData(TRUE)
Outside the dialog:
CPreparationDlg dlg(AfxGetMainWnd());
dlg.m_myVariableName = "my Value";
// the new value is still in dlg.m_myVariableName
DoModal() destroys the dialog box before it returns and so the value is no longer available.
It's hard to tell why you are setting m_pMainWnd to your dialog. To be honest, I'm not really sure what you are trying to do there. That's bound to cause problems as now AfxGetMainWnd() is broken.
Either way, you can't get the dialog box's control values after the dialog has been destroyed.
I often use
D_SOHINH dsohinh = new D_SOHINH();
With dsohinh is Dialog form that you want to get data to mainform .
After get data then call SetModifiedFlag(true) to set view data updated.
call UpdateAllViews(NULL) to Set data to mainform
This solution may seem long, meaning that so much code has been written for this seemingly small task.
But when we have a list or tree inside the child window where all the items are created in the child window
and the items have to be moved to the parent window,
then it makes sense.
This source code can easily create a window and transfer information from the window before closing to the parents.
//copy the two functions in your code
//1- bool peek_and_pump(void)
// template<class T,class THISCLASS>
//2- void TshowWindow(int id,T *&pVar,THISCLASS *ths)
//and make two member variable
// bool do_exit;
// bool do_cancel;
//in child dialog class.
//set true value in do_exit in child dialog for exit
CchildDialog *dlg;
template<class T,class THISCLASS>
void TshowWindow(int id,T *&pVar,THISCLASS *ths)
T *p=pVar;
p= new T;
delete p;
p= new T;
if(!(p->m_hWnd && IsWindow(p->m_hWnd)))
bool peek_and_pump(void)
MSG msg;
#if defined(_AFX) || defined(_AFXDLL)
return false;
long lIdle = 0;
return true;
void CparentPage::OnBnClick1()
dlg->m_temp_window.EnableWindow(FALSE);//enable or disable controls.
dlg->UpdateData(false);//for to be done enable of disable or else.
peek_and_pump();//wait for dlg->do_exit set true
if( dlg->do_cancel==false )
CString str1;
//or other member variale of CchildDialog
//after finish all work with dlg then destroy its.
void CchildDialog::OnBnClickedOk()
void CchildDialog::OnBnClickedCancel()

Splitting Child Window in MFC MDI Program

I am trying to split the Child Window of an MFC MDI progarm that I am working on but am having some problems. I know I have to use the CSplitterWnd class and have been trying to follow the instructions on the post here:
Create multi views in a CChildFrame using CSplitterWnd
but can't seem to get it to work, would anyone be able to offer me some advice with regard to these instructions, I have some specific questions:
Is CRightView also a CView derived class and what code should go in there if any?
Are m_pLeftView, m_pRightView, m_pPhongView and m_pPhongInfo all variables of the appropriate classes and do they have any particular type?
Where does CTreeView come from, does not seem to be a standard base class?
rc.Width in CChildFrame::OnCreateClient gives an undeclared identifier error, is there something I should be declaring somewhere here?
I would appreciate any advice about this, really struggling to get the splitter to work.
After working on it for a couple of days I've managed to solve my own problem, I'm adding the solution here for anyone else who might have the same problem.
Declare the two view classes, in my case CElement View which is a CWnd derived class and CSampleViewer3dView which is a CView derived class.
In CChildFrame add a variable with access private, type CSplitterWnd and name m_wndSplitter.
Add an override for the OnCreateClient function in CChildFrame, this should add the code:
virtual BOOL OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext);
to ChildFrm.h, you should also add a boolean flag m_bInitSplitter to ChildFrm.h:
BOOL m_bInitSplitter;
you also have to add:
m_bInitSplitter = false;
to the constructor of ChildFrm.cpp, the following code is added to ChildFrm.cpp when you add the variable using the wizard:
BOOL CChildFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT /*lpcs*/, CCreateContext* pContext)
Put the following code into CChildFrame::OnCreateClient:
BOOL CChildFrame::OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT /*lpcs*/, CCreateContext* pContext)
CRect cr;
GetWindowRect( &cr );
if (!m_wndSplitter.CreateStatic(this, 1, 2))
MessageBox("Error setting up splitter frames!", "Init Error!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
return FALSE;
if (!m_wndSplitter.CreateView( 0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS(CElementView),
CSize(cr.Width()/2, cr.Height()), pContext ) )
MessageBox("Error setting up splitter frames!", "Init Error!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
return FALSE;
if (!m_wndSplitter.CreateView( 0, 1, RUNTIME_CLASS(CSampleViewer3dView),
CSize(cr.Width()/2, cr.Height()), pContext))
MessageBox("Error setting up splitter frames!", "Init Error!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
return FALSE;
m_bInitSplitter = TRUE;
return TRUE;
Add an override for the WM_SIZE message to CChildFrame and insert the following code:
void CChildFrame::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
CMDIChildWnd::OnSize(nType, cx, cy);
CRect cr;
if (m_bInitSplitter && nType != SIZE_MINIMIZED)
m_wndSplitter.SetRowInfo( 0, cy, 0 );
m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo(0, cr.Width()*0.25 / 2, 50);
m_wndSplitter.SetColumnInfo(1, cr.Width()*0.75 / 2, 50);
You can edit the size of each window by changing the values of 0.25 and 0.75 to the required percentage of the screen that you want each view to take up.
Add header files for the two views to ChildFrm.cpp, e.g. ElementView.h and SampleViewer3dView.h.
You should then have two independent views in the child window of an MDI program.
