Windows Azure RDP Port Forwarding not working - azure

I am frustrated. And struggling. I have created a service AsifPsCS and then two Vms under it. AsifPsVm1 and AsifPsVm2. The RDP only works if I make In and out ports the same to 3389. If I select any other port such as 3390 or even any other then download the RDP connection file or try to manually connect to it via IP or via the cloud address such as the RDP will not work. This is frustrating. I just for experiment settled 3389 for in and out both and it worked. now this is the only VM I can connect to. Others are not working. I have also checked ACL there is nothing in the ACL. And surprisingly in the noon i was connected to the same VM with a really random port. Then i suddenly got DC and after that only the default port 3389 is working for me. I am afraid if Microsoft firewalls are somewhere doing this all.
I have checked all answer on stackoverflow. But they all will ask me to use PUBLIC port to connect instead of private. ETC ETC. Or will ask me to check ACL. Or will ask me to try another port. Or restart machine or even restart service. I have done everything.

Remember that your two VMs basically share the same public IP address. Create two rules, one for each vm.
Rule 1: Public 3399, Private 3389 (target vm1)
Rule 2: Public 3398, private 3389 (target vm2)
This should enable you to access both vms on custom ports. I don't get the "outbound" port part of our question, azure vms are by default all open on outbound traffic.


Opening port in Microsoft Azure

I'm trying to run a dedicated game server on a VM.
I did it on a pc at home by opening the port in the firewall and the router.
but when I try it on the VM it is being blocked by "DefaultRule_DenyAllInBound", even though I created a rule with higher Priority to allow it.
am I missing something?
turns out the source port need to be *
I know your issue was inbound connectivity testing and you have a public IP associated to your NIC. I figured it was good info to share anyhow.
If you do not have a Public IP associated with your NIC you might get denied. I for example was trying to connect out via SMBv3 to a an Azure Storage account via Azure default internet access (no Public IP associated to my NIC) and got the same message. I added a Public IP to my NIC and then go out without issue.

Assign public IP to VM on Microsoft Azure

I have created a VM instance on Windows Azure is a Windows Server 2016 and I have deployed a web application on the server. When I run the web application with localhost or private IP and it's all working fine. But, when I try typing the address with the public IP address that provided by the Azure VM instance, and the page just didn't show up.
I thought the default assigned public IP should have already mapped it to the private IP address?
Please advice.
Thank you.
Updated the NSG setting with the advice. Still no luck!
Have you allow port in NSG inbound firewall settings and OS's firewall inbound rules.
Please follow this article to add port to NSG inbound rules via Azure portal.
Also you should add ports to OS firewall inbound rules.
NSG can associate to Vnet and Subnet, please check them.
Here a similar case about it.
Azure blocks all ports by default, you need to open port 80 (443 if you are using SSL) and map them to port 80 on the server
I think the config is on VMs > Networks > Inbound Rules

Opening port on classic azure virtual machine

I have created inbound and outbound rule on the virtual machine to allow any connection to port 5100 over tcp.
I have created an endpoint in the new Azure portal for TCP and public/private port 5100, but for some reason I can't comprehend I still can't connect.
I tried to turn off the firewall on the virtual machine, but still I can't connect to the virtual machine.
I have previously done this for port 80 with no problems. Does anyone know if Microsoft have changed anything that affects the classic vm's and endpoint configuration?
We can add endpoints via New Azure portal in this way:
We should make sure the update endpoint completed.
Hope this helps:)

HTTP Access to Linux VM in Azure

I'm banging my head on this seemingly simple task. I'm trying to stand up a Redhat VM in Azure. I've tried both the resource group approach and the classic approach.
I currently have a classic deployment. I've installed httpd via yum. I confirm that I can SSH to the server via the virtual IP. Once in, I start httpd and I can perform wget http://localhost/ and get the content that I expect.
However, when I attempt to connect to the virtual IP from my local browser, there is no response. I've also tried creating a static public IP with no success.
I have created an HTTP "endpoint" in Azure portal. I set the public and private ports to 80 with a protocol of TCP. There are no ACL values (I assume it's defaulting to allow everything).
There is no network security group assigned to the VM.
Still no success. What else am I missing!?
Well, if you really setup an endpoint on the portal to allow port 80, the only thing thats left is the firewall on the Linux VM itself, allow port 80 on the firewall and you are good to go
1) service httpd restart and 2) service firewalld restart did the trick

Windows Azure Endpoint not working

I have a problem with my windows azure virtual machine.
I need to open the Port 443 (HTTPS) on the VM.
In the Endpoint Config. of the virtual machine, I opened it and configure the ACL with the following parameters:
It's a Windows Server 2012 VM and I created the firewall rule for the public Connection.
A Port Check from shows that the port 443 is closed.
The Location of the virtual machine is Western Europe.
I hope, you can help me.
Kind Regards
I also had this issue and it was very annoying! I thought at first I was not setting up the SSL bindings correctly or that it was a certificate issue, then moved on to firewall issues. In the end it was the Azure endpoint at fault.
I had added the 443 endpoint, disabled local firewall and got nothing nothing. I got suspicious when I added a new endpoint on 8080, bound to https and it worked fine.
I deleted the 443 endpoint, shut the Azure VM down from the webinterface after shutting down the client. Created a new 443 endpoint and restarted the VM (I had already tried restarting my win2012r2 vm). It worked.
It must be a glitch in the networking stack of azure endpoints. You are not going mad!!
Hope that helps!
Did you also configure the Endpoint Configuration through the web management portal to forward connections from the ext->int ports ?
Anything you change on the Win2k12 Virtual machine will just affect the VM itself. i.e. opening 443 in the firewall, or configuring routes etc...
But you also need to allow a connection forward from the public IP address to the internal IP of the box. See the below screenshot.
Another gotcha. In addition to setting up the Endpoint configuration, you need to enable IP Forwarding. This is disabled by default.
IP Forwarding can be found in the IP Configuration settings of the network interface.
