Shell Linux : grep exact sentence with NULL character - linux

I have a file like
I have to create a script that take as argument a word. I have to return every lines having a key exactly the same than the argument.
I tried
grep -aF "$key\x0"
but grep seems to do not understand the \x0 (\0 same result). Futhermore, I have to check that the line begins with "$key\0"
I only can use sed grep and tr and other no maching commands

To have the \0 taken into account try :
grep -Pa "^key\x0"
it works for me.

Using sed
sed will work:
$ sed -n '/^key1\x00/p' file
The use of \x00 to represent a hex character is a GNU extension to sed. Since this question is tagged linux, that is not a problem.
Since the null character does not display well, one might (or might not) want to improve the display with something like this:
$ sed -n 's/^\(akey\)\x00/\1-->/p' file
Using sed with keys that contain special characters
If the key itself can contain sed or shell active characters, then we must escape them first and then run sed against the input file:
printf -v script '/^%s\\x00/p' "$(sed 's:[]\[^$.*/]:\\&:g' <<<"$1")"
sed -n "$script" file
To use this script, simply supply the key as the first argument on the command line, enclosed in single-quotes, of course, to prevent shell processing.
To see how it works, let's look at the pieces in turn:
sed 's:[]\[^$.*/]:\\&:g' <<<"$1"
This puts a backslash escape in front of all sed-active characters.
printf -v script '/^%s\\x00/p' "$(sed 's:[]\[^$.*/]:\\&:g' <<<"$1")"
This creates a sed command using the escaped key and stores it in the shell variable script.
sed -n "$script" file
This runs sed using the shell variable script as the sed command.
Using awk
The question states that awk is not an acceptable tool. For completeness, though, here is an awk solution:
$ awk -F'\x00' -v k=key1 '$1 == k' file
awk divides the input up into records (lines) and divides the records up into fields. Here, we set the field separator to the null character. Consequently, the first field, denoted $1, is the key.
-v k=key1
This creates an awk variable, called k, and sets it to the key that we are looking for.
$1 == k
This statement looks for records (lines) for which the first field matches our specified key. If a match is found, the line is printed.


Fetching the value of variable stored in a file

I am trying to fetch the output of a variable stored in a file in another shell script.
cat abc.log
I am writing a script to fetch the value of var3.
Thank you in advance.
awk -F= '$1 ~ /^[[:space:]]*var3/ { print $2 }' abc.log
Set the field delimiter to = and then where the line contains "var3", print the second field.
Alternatively, you could:
source abc.log
and then:
echo $var3
Using sed you can isolate 25 with particularity with:
sed -n '/^[[:space:]]*var3=/s/^[^=]*=//p' file
This is the general substitution form s/find/replace/ with a matching expression preceding it. The total form is /match/s/find/replace/. The option -n suppresses the normal printing of pattern-space and the p at the end tells sed to print the line where the match and substitution took place. Specifically,
/match/ locates a line with any number of preceding whitespace characters followed by var3=. The POSIX [:space:] character class matches any whitespace,
the /find/ is all characters anchored from the '^' beginning that are not the [^=] character and then match the literal '=' character, and finally
the /replace/ is the empty-string leaving the 25 alone which is printed.
Example Use/Output
$ sed -n '/^[[:space:]]*var3=/s/^[^=]*=//p' file
A grep one-liner, if your grep has support for Perl-compatible regular expressions (the -P option; not all greps support that)
grep -Po '^\s*var3=\K.*' abc.log
grep -Po '^\s*var3=\K.*' abc.log | tail -n1
in order to get the last value of the var3, if multiple var3s is a possibility.

Select lines between two patterns using variables inside SED command

I'm new to shell scripting. My requirement is to retrieve lines between two pattern, its working fine if I run it from the terminal without using variables inside sed cmd. But the problem arises when I put all those below cmd in a file and tried to execute it.
upto="2017-01-03 23:00"
fileC=`cat test.log`
output=`echo $fileC | sed -e "n/\$word/$upto/p"`
printf '%s\n' "$output"
If I use the below cmd in the terminal it works fine
sed -n '/,/2017-01-03 23:00/ p' test.log
Please suggest a workaround.
If we put aside for a moment the fact you shouldn't cat a file to a variable and then echo it for sed filtering, the reason why your command is not working is because you're not quoting the file content variable, fileC when echoing. This will munge together multiple whitespace characters and turn them into a single space. So, you're losing newlines from the file, as well as multiple spaces, tabs, etc.
To fix it, you can write:
fileC=$(cat test.log)
output=$(echo "$fileC" | sed -n "/$word/,/$upto/p")
Note the double-quotes around fileC (and a fixed sed expression, similar to your second example). Without the quotes (try echo $fileC), your fileC is expanded (with the default IFS) into a series of words, each being one argument to echo, and echo will just print those words separated with a single space. Additionally, if the file contains some of the globbing characters (like *), those patterns are also expanded. This is a common bash pitfall.
Much better would be to write it like this:
output=$(sed -n "/$word/,/$upto/p" test.log)
And if your patterns include some of the sed metacharacters, you should really escape them before using with sed, like this:
escape() {
sed 's/[^^]/[&]/g; s/\^/\\^/g' <<<"$1";
output=$(sed -n "/$(escape "$word")/,/$(escape "$upto")/ p" test.log)
The correct approach will be something like:
upto="2017-01-03 23:00"
awk -v beg="$word" -v end="$upto" '$0==beg{f=1} f{print; if ($0==end) exit}' file
but until we see your sample input and output we can't know for sure what it is you need to match on (full lines, partial lines, all text on one line, etc.) or what you want to print (include delimiters, exclude one, exclude both, etc.).

Linux: Append variable to end of line using line number as variable

I am new to shell scripting. I am using ksh.
I have this particular line in my script which I use to append text in a variable q to the end of a particular line given by the variable a
containing the line number .
sed -i ''$a's#$#'"$q"'#' test.txt
Now the variable q can contain a large amount of text, with all sorts of special characters, such as !##$%^&*()_+:"<>.,/;'[]= etc etc, no exceptions. For now, I use a couple of sed commands in my script to remove any ' and " in this text (sed "s/'/ /g" | sed 's/"/ /g'), but still when I execute the above command I get the following error
sed: -e expression #1, char 168: unterminated `s' command
Any sed, awk, perl, suggestions are very much appreciated
The difficulty here is to quote (escape) the substitution separator characters # in the sed command:
sed -i ''$a's#$#'"$q"'#' test.txt
For example, if q contains # it will not work. The # will terminate the replacement pattern prematurely. Example: q='a#b', a=2, and the command expands to
sed -i 2s#$#a#b# test.txt
which will not append a#b to the end of line 2, but rather a#.
This can be solved by escaping the # characters in q:
sed -i 2s#$#a\#b# test.txt
However, this escaping could be cumbersome to do in shell.
Another approach is to use another level of indirection. Here is an example of using a Perl one-liner. First q is passed to the script in quoted form. Then, within the script the variable assigned to a new internal variable $q. Using this approach there is no need to escape the substitution separator characters:
perl -pi -E 'BEGIN {$q = shift; $a = shift} s/$/$q/ if $. == $a' "$q" "$a" test.txt
Do not bother trying to sanitize the string. Just put it in a file, and use sed's r command to read it in:
echo "$q" > tmpfile
sed -i -e ${a}rtmpfile test.txt
Ah, but that creates an extra newline that you don't want. You can remove it with:
sed -e ${a}rtmpfile test.txt | awk 'NR=='$a'{printf $0; next}1' > output
Another approach is to use the patch utility if present in your system.
patch test.txt <<-EOF
$(sed "${a}q;d" test.txt)$q
${a}c will be replaced with the line number followed by c which means the operation is a change in line ${a}.
The second line is the replacement of the change. This is the concatenated value of the original text and the added text.
The sole . means execute the commands.

Separate a text file with sed

I have the following sample file:
I want to separate the string and add a newline after matching "debug" like this:
So far I tried almost everything with sed, but it doesn't seem to do what I want.
sed 's/debug/{G}' latest_evtlogs.out
sed '/debug/i "SAD"' latest_evtlogs.out
sed 's/debug/\n/g' latest_evtlogs.out doesn't work when I add it as a pipe in the script , but it does when I run it manually.
Here's how I generate the file:
printf $(ls -l $EVTLOG_PATH/evtlog|tail -n 10|awk '{printf $8 , "%s\n\n"}'|sed 's/debug/\n/g') >> latest_evtlogs.out
Initially I wanted to just add newline with awk, but it doesn't work either.
Any ideas why I can't separate the string with a newline ?
I'm using :
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.10 (lenny)
Release: 5.0.10
Codename: lenny
Just add a new line after debug:
sed 's/debug/&\n/g' file
Note & prints back the matched text, so it is a way to print "debug" back.
This returns:
The problem is, that you are using the output of sed in a command expansion. In this context your shell will replace all newlines with spaces. The spaces are then used to do the word splitting, so that printf sees each line as a separate argument, interpreting the first line as the format argument and ignoring the rest as there are printf-placeholders in the format.
It should work if you drop the outer printf $() from your command and just redirect the output from your pipeline to your file:
ls -l $EVTLOG_PATH/evtlog|tail -n 10|awk '{printf $8 , "%s\n\n"}'|sed 's/debug/\n/g' >> latest_evtlogs.out
Maybe Perl is "happier" than sed on your system:
perl -pe 's/debug/&\n/g' < YourLogFile
Get will append what is in the hold buffer unto the pattern space (Usually just the current line read from the input file) So this cannot be used.
insert will print the specified text to standard output. So this cannot be used.
What you you want to to replace all debug with debug^J, where ^J is a newline, dependent on the sed version, you can either do:
sed 's/debug/&\n/g' input_file
But \n is - afaik - not strictly specified in POSIX sed. One can however use c strings:
sed 's/debug/&'$'\n''/g' input_file
Or a multi line string:
sed 's/debug/&\
/g' input_file
Thank you all for the answers.I finally did it like this :
echo $(ls -l $EVTLOG_PATH/evtlog|tail -n 10|awk '{printf $8 , "%s\n\n"}'|sed 's/debug/&\n/g') > temp.out
sed 's/ /\n/g' /share/sqa/dumps/5314577631/checks/temp.out > latest_evtlogs.out
It's not at all elegant, but it finally works.

Linux Bash. Delete line if field exactly matches

I have something like this in a file named file.txt
Now, i ONLY get the first three fields in 3 variables like:
I'd like to remove a line, if it contains exactly the first 3 fields, like , in the case described above, i want only the third line to be removed from the file.txt . Is there a way to do that? And is there a way to do that in the same file?
I tried with:
sed -i /$field1"."$field2"."$field3"."/Id file.txt
but of course this removes both the second and the third line
I suggest using awk for this as sed can only do regex search and that requires escaping all special meta-chars and anchors, word boundaries etc to avoid false matches.
Suggested awk with non-regex matching:
awk -F '[.]' -v f1="$field1" -v f2="$field2" -v f3="$field3" '
!($1==f1 && $2==f2 && $3==f3)' file
Use ^ to anchor the pattern at the beginning of the line. Also note that . in a regex means "any character" and not a literal peridio. You have to escape it: either \. (be careful with shell escaping and the difference between single and double quotes) or [.]
Sed cannot do string matches, only regexp matches which becomes horrendously complicated to work around when you simply want to match a literal string (see Is it possible to escape regex metacharacters reliably with sed). Just use awk:
$ awk -v str="${field1}.${field2}.${field3}." 'index($0,str)!=1' file
The question was about bash so in bash:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while read -r i
case "$i" in
"${field1}.${field2}.${field3}."*) ;;
*) echo -E "$i"
done < file.txt
