What are some good tools/practises for aspect level sentiment analysis? - nlp

I am planning to get some review data from tripadvisor and I want to be able to extract hotel related aspects and assign polarity to them and classify them as negative or positive.
What tools can I use for this purpose and how and where do I start? I know there are some tools like GATE, Stanford NLP, Open NLP etc, but would I be able to perform the above specific tasks? If so, please let me know an approach to go forward. I am planning to use Java as the choice of programming language and would like to use some APIs
Also, should I go ahead with a rule based approach or a ML approach that uses a trained corpus of reviews, so some other approach completely?
P.S : I am new to NLP and I need some help to go forward.

Stanford CoreNLP has lot of features in one package
POS Tagger
NER Model
Sentiment Analysis
But in Apache OpenNLP package consist
Sentence Detector
POS tagger
But they don't have built in feature to find out Sentiment polarity So you have to pass your tags to other libraries such like SentiwordNet to find out the polarity.
I used used OpenNLP and Stanford Core NLP. But for both you need to modify sentiment corpus with respect to restaurant domain.

You can try ConceptNet (http://conceptnet5.media.mit.edu/). See for instance here (at the bottom of the page): https://github.com/commonsense/conceptnet5/wiki/API how to "see 20 things in English with the most positive affect:"


Is there a way to use french in Stanford CoreNLP sentiment analysis?

I am aware that only the English model is available for sentiment analysis but I found edu/stanford/nlp/models/lexparser/frenchFactored.ser.gz in stanford-parser-3.5.2-models.jar. I'm actually looking at https://github.com/stanfordnlp/CoreNLP Is it possible to use this model instead of englishPCFG.sez.gz with CoreNLP and if so, how ?
CoreNLP does not include sentiment models for languages other than English. While we do ship French parser models, there is no available French sentiment model to use with the parser.
You may be able to find French sentiment analysis training data. There is plenty of information available about how to do this if you're interested; see e.g. this SO post.

Part of speech tagging in OpenNLP vs. StanfordNLP

I'm new to part of speech (pos) taging and I'm doing a pos tagging on a text document. I'm considering using either OpenNLP or StanfordNLP for this. For StanfordNLP I'm using a MaxentTagger and I use english-left3words-distsim.tagger to train it. In OpenNLP I'm using POSModel and train it using en-pos-maxent.bin. How these two taggers (MaxentTagger and POSTagger) and the training sets (english-left3words-distsim.tagger and en-pos-maxent.bin) are different and which one is usually giving a better result.
Both POS taggers are based on Maximum Entropy machine learning. They differ in the parameters/features used to determine POS tags. For example, StanfordNLP pos tagger uses: "(i) more extensive treatment of capitalization for unknown words; (ii) features for the disambiguation of the tense forms of verbs; (iii) features for disambiguating particles from prepositions and adverbs" (read more in the paper). Features of OpenNLP are documented somewhere else which I currently don't know.
The models are probably trained on different corpora.
In general, it is really hard to tell which NLP tool performs better in term of quality. This is really dependent on your domain and you need to test your tools. See following papers for more information:
Is Part-Of-Tagging a Solved Task
Large Dataset for Keyphrases Extraction
In order to address this problem practically, I'm developing a Maven plugin and an annotation tool to create domain-specific NLP models more effectively.

Text processing tool for tweets

I am collecting millions of sports related tweets daily. I want to process the text in those tweets. I want to recognize the entities, find the sentiment of the sentence and find the events in those tweets.
Entity recognizing :
For example :
"Rooney will play for England in their next match".
From this tweet i want to recognize person entity "Rooney" and place entity "England"
sentiment analysis:
I want to find the sentiment of a sentence. For example
Chelsea played their worst game ever
Ronaldo scored a beautiful goal
The first one should marked as "negative" sentence and the later one should marked as "positive".
Event recognizing :
I want to find "goal scoring event" from tweets. Sentences like "messi scored goal in first half" and "that was a fantastic goal from gerrald" should marked as "goal scoring event".
I know entity recognizing and sentiment analysis tools are available and i need to write the rules for event recognizing. I have seen so many tools like Stanford NER, alchemy api, open calais, meaning cloud api, ling pipe, illinois etc..
I'm really confused about which tool I should select? Is there any free tools available without daily rate limits? I want to process millions of tweets daily and java is my preferable language.
For NER you can also use TwitIE which is a GATE pipeline so you can use it using the GATE API in Java.
Given the consideration that your preferred language is Java, I would strongly suggest to start with Stanford NLP project. Most of your basic needs like cleansing, chunking, NER can be done based on that. For NER click here.
Going ahead for sentiment analysis you can use simplistic classifiers like Naive Bayes and then add complexities. More here.
For the event extraction, you can use linguistic approach to identify the verbs with their association with ontology on your side.
Just remember, this is just to get you started and no way an extensive answer.
No API with unlimited call availalble. IF you want to stick with java, use stanford package with customization as per your need.
If you are comfortable with python, look at nltk.
Well, for person, organization stanford will work, for your input query :
Rooney will play for England in their next match
[Text=Rooney CharacterOffsetBegin=0 CharacterOffsetEnd=6 PartOfSpeech=NNP Lemma=Rooney NamedEntityTag=PERSON] [Text=will CharacterOffsetBegin=7 CharacterOffsetEnd=11 PartOfSpeech=MD Lemma=will NamedEntityTag=O] [Text=play CharacterOffsetBegin=12 CharacterOffsetEnd=16 PartOfSpeech=VB Lemma=play NamedEntityTag=O] [Text=for CharacterOffsetBegin=17 CharacterOffsetEnd=20 PartOfSpeech=IN Lemma=for NamedEntityTag=O] [Text=England CharacterOffsetBegin=21 CharacterOffsetEnd=28 PartOfSpeech=NNP Lemma=England NamedEntityTag=LOCATION] [Text=in CharacterOffsetBegin=29 CharacterOffsetEnd=31 PartOfSpeech=IN Lemma=in NamedEntityTag=O] [Text=their CharacterOffsetBegin=32 CharacterOffsetEnd=37 PartOfSpeech=PRP$ Lemma=they NamedEntityTag=O] [Text=next CharacterOffsetBegin=38 CharacterOffsetEnd=42 PartOfSpeech=JJ Lemma=next NamedEntityTag=O] [Text=match CharacterOffsetBegin=43 CharacterOffsetEnd=48 PartOfSpeech=NN Lemma=match NamedEntityTag=O]
If you want to add eventrecognization too, you need to retrain the stanford package with extrac class having event based dataset. Which can help you to classify event based input.
Does the NER use part-of-speech tags?
None of our current models use pos tags by default. This is largely
because the features used by the Stanford POS tagger are very similar
to those used in the NER system, so there is very little benefit to
using POS tags.
However, it certainly is possible to train new models which do use POS
tags. The training data would need to have an extra column with the
tag information, and you would then add tag=X to the map parameter.
check - http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/crf-faq.shtml
Stanford NER and OPENNLP are both open-source and have models that perform well on formal article/texts.
But their accuracy drops significantly over Twitter (from 90% recall over formal text to 40% recall over tweets)
The informal nature of tweets (bad capitalization, spellings, punctuations), improper usage of words, vernacularity and emoticons makes it more complicated
NER, sentiment analysis and event extraction over tweets is a well-researched area apparently for its applications.
Take a look at this: https://github.com/aritter/twitter_nlp, see this demo of twitter NLP and event extraction: http://ec2-54-170-89-29.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:8000/
Thank you

NLTK NER: Continuous Learning

I have been trying to use NER feature of NLTK. I want to extract such entities from the articles. I know that it can not be perfect in doing so but I wonder if there is human intervention in between to manually tag NEs, will it improve?
If yes, is it possible with present model in NLTK to continually train the model. (Semi-Supervised Training)
The plain vanilla NER chunker provided in nltk internally uses maximum entropy chunker trained on the ACE corpus. Hence it is not possible to identify dates or time, unless you train it with your own classifier and data(which is quite a meticulous job).
You could refer this link for performing he same.
Also, there is a module called timex in nltk_contrib which might help you with your needs.
If you are interested to perform the same in Java better look into Stanford SUTime, it is a part of Stanford CoreNLP.

Entity Recognition and Sentiment Analysis using NLP

So, this question might be a little naive, but I thought asking the friendly people of Stackoverflow wouldn't hurt.
My current company has been using a third party API for NLP for a while now. We basically URL encode a string and send it over, and they extract certain entities for us (we have a list of entities that we're looking for) and return a json mapping of entity : sentiment. We've recently decided to bring this project in house instead.
I've been studying NLTK, Stanford NLP and lingpipe for the past 2 days now, and can't figure out if I'm basically reinventing the wheel doing this project.
We already have massive tables containing the original unstructured text and another table containing the extracted entities from that text and their sentiment. The entities are single words. For example:
Unstructured text : Now for the bed. It wasn't the best.
Entity : Bed
Sentiment : Negative
I believe that implies we have training data (unstructured text) as well as entity and sentiments. Now how I can go about using this training data on one of the NLP frameworks and getting what we want? No clue. I've sort of got the steps, but not sure:
Tokenize sentences
Tokenize words
Find the noun in the sentence (POS tagging)
Find the sentiment of that sentence.
But that should fail for the case I mentioned above since it talks about the bed in 2 different sentences?
So the question - Does any one know what the best framework would be for accomplishing the above tasks, and any tutorials on the same (Note: I'm not asking for a solution). If you've done this stuff before, is this task too large to take on? I've looked up some commercial APIs but they're absurdly expensive to use (we're a tiny startup).
Thanks stackoverflow!
OpenNLP may also library to look at. At least they have a small tutuorial to train the name finder and to use the document categorizer to do sentiment analysis. To trtain the name finder you have to prepare training data by taging the entities in your text with SGML tags.
NLTK provides a naive NER tagger along with resources. But It doesnt fit into all cases (including finding dates.) But NLTK allows you to modify and customize the NER Tagger according to the requirement. This link might give you some ideas with basic examples on how to customize. Also if you are comfortable with scala and functional programming this is one tool you cannot afford to miss.
I have discovered spaCy lately and it's just great ! In the link you can find comparative for performance in term of speed and accuracy compared to NLTK, CoreNLP and it does really well !
Though to solve your problem task is not a matter of a framework. You can have two different system, one for NER and one for Sentiment and they can be completely independent. The hype these days is to use neural network and if you are willing too, you can train a recurrent neural network (which has showed best performance for NLP tasks) with attention mechanism to find the entity and the sentiment too.
There are great demo everywhere on the internet, the last two I have read and found interesting are [1] and [2].
Similar to Spacy, TextBlob is another fast and easy package that can accomplish many of these tasks.
I use NLTK, Spacy, and Textblob frequently. If the corpus is simple, generic, and straightforward, Spacy and Textblob work well OOTB. If the corpus is highly customized, domain-specific, messy (incorrect spelling or grammar), etc. I'll use NLTK and spend more time customizing my NLP text processing pipeline with scrubbing, lemmatizing, etc.
NLTK Tutorial: http://www.nltk.org/book/
Spacy Quickstart: https://spacy.io/usage/
Textblob Quickstart: http://textblob.readthedocs.io/en/dev/quickstart.html
