Why do I have to compose id with mapM - haskell

I have the following methods:
nucleotideComplement :: Char -> Either String Char
nucleotideComplement 'G' = Right 'C'
nucleotideComplement 'C' = Right 'G'
nucleotideComplement 'T' = Right 'A'
nucleotideComplement 'A' = Right 'U'
nucleotideComplement x = Left "Not a valid RNA nucleotide."
And would like to define another:
toRNA :: String -> String
toRNA = either error mapM nucleotideComplement
However I'm getting a type error here. However doing it this way seems to fix the issue:
toRNA :: String -> String
toRNA = either error id . mapM nucleotideComplement
I don't understand why this happens
First, id has the type a -> a. Next, when getting the type (:t) of mapM nucleotideComplement and id . mapM nucleotideComplement, they seem to be the same. Why am I getting such a different effect?
Hope someone could clarify this further.

I think you're reading this wrong...
either error id . mapM nucleotideComplement
You seem to think this means
either error (id . mapM nucleotideComplement)
when in fact it means
(either error id) . (mapM nucleotideComplement)
You aren't doing id . mapM nucleotideComplement anywhere. You're applying mapM and then passing the result to either, which will apply error or id depending on whether it sees Left or Right.

The type of either is (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c. So you apply it to error and you get (b -> c) -> Either String b -> c, then you apply that to mapM and you get Monad m => Either String (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]. Then you apply that to nucleotideComplement and you get an error because nucleotideComplement is a function and not an Either.
In other words you apply either to three arguments when you intended to call it with two arguments where the second argument was the result of applying mapM to nucleotideComplement. To call the function with the arguments you intended, you can write either error (mapM nucleotideComponent), but that still won't work because the second argument to either should be a function accepting a Char (because you have an Either String Char), not one accepting a monad. To achieve what you wanted you can either write either error nucleotideComponent or use . as you already found out.
The version with . works because the precedence rules of Haskell say that either error id . mapM nucleotideComplement is equivalent to (either error id) . (mapM nucleotideComplement), not (either error id . mapM) nucleotideComplement or either error (id . mapM nucleotideComplement). either error id is a function that turns an Either String b into an Either a b where the left case would cause an error and mapM nucleotideComplement is a function that turns an m Char into another m Char with the char being "flipped" for any monad m - in this case m being Either String. So by composing these two functions, you get a function that turns an Either String Char into an Either a Char with the right case being a flipped char and the left case causing an error.
Of course either error flipNucleotide is the far simpler solution.

This doesn't exactly get at your type error, but I'd like to suggest that you reconsider your representation. Specifically, it's generally best to use types to enforce invariants, avoiding partial functions that can throw errors or exceptions, and avoiding accidentally mixing up related things that may belong to different parts of the code. There are various ways to approach this, but here's one. This approach pretends that DNA and RNA have completely different kinds of nucleotides. Chemically, this is not true, but it's probably a sensible representation for what you're doing. Actually encoding the chemical reality is probably beyond the abilities of Haskell's type system, and probably actually less useful for catching mistakes in this context.
data DNANucleotide = GD | CD | TD | AD
data RNANucleotide = GR | CR | UR | AR
toStringDNA :: [DNANucleotide] -> String
toStringDNA = map (\nucleotide -> case nucleotide of
{GD -> 'G'; CD -> 'C'; TD -> 'T'; AD -> 'A'})
toStringRNA = ...
fromCharDNA :: Char -> Maybe DNANucleotide
fromCharDNA 'G' = Just GD
fromCharDNA 'C' = Just CD
fromCharDNA _ = Nothing
fromCharRNA = ...
fromStringDNA :: String -> Maybe [DNANucleotide]
fromStringDNA = mapM fromCharDNA
fromStringRNA :: String -> Maybe [RNANucleotide]
fromStringRNA = mapM fromCharRNA
Once you get into the actual mechanics of working with DNA and RNA, as opposed to reading them in from strings, there can be no more errors:
transcribeN :: DNANucleotide -> RNANucleotide
transcribeN GD = CR
transcribeN CD = GR
transcribeN TD = AR
transcribeN AD = UR
transcribe :: [DNANucleotide] -> [RNANucleotide]
transcribe = map transcribeN


"string" Implementation in Text.Parser.Char

First, just some quick context. I'm going through the Haskell Programming From First Principles book, and ran into the following exercise.
Try writing a Parser that does what string does, but using char.
I couldn't figure it out, so I checked out the source for the implementation. I'm currently trying to wrap my head around it. Here it is:
class Parsing m => CharParsing m where
-- etc.
string :: CharParsing m => String -> m String
string s = s <$ try (traverse_ char s) <?> show s
My questions are as follows, from most to least specific.
Why is show necessary?
Why is s <$ necessary? Doesn't traverse char s <?> s work the same? In other words, why do we throw away the results of the traversal?
What is going on with the traversal? I get what a list traversal does, so I guess I'm confused about the Applicative/Monad instances for Parser. On a high level, I get that the traversal applies char, which has type CharParsing m => Char -> m Char, to every character in string s, and then collects all the results into something of type Parser [Char]. So the types make sense, but I have no idea what's going on in the background.
Thanks in advance!
1) Why is show necessary?
Because showing a string (or a Text, etc.) escapes special characters, which makes sense for error messages:
GHCi> import Text.Parsec -- Simulating your scenario with Parsec.
GHCi> runParser ((\s -> s <$ try (traverse_ char s) <?> s) "foo\nbar") () "" "foo"
Left (line 1, column 4):
unexpected end of input
expecting foo
GHCi> runParser ((\s -> s <$ try (traverse_ char s) <?> show s) "foo\nbar") () "" "foo"
Left (line 1, column 4):
unexpected end of input
expecting "foo\nbar"
2) Why is s <$ necessary? Doesn't traverse char s <?> s work the same? In other words, why do we throw away the results of the traversal?
The result of the parse is unnecessary because we know in advance that it would be s (if the parse were successful). traverse would needlessly reconstruct s from the results of parsing each individual character. In general, if the results are not needed it is a good idea to use traverse_ (which just combines the effects, discarding the results without trying to rebuild the data structure) rather than traverse, so that is likely why the function is written the way it is.
3) What is going on with the traversal?
traverse_ char s (traverse_, and not traverse, as explained above) is a parser. It tries to parse, in order, each character in s, while discarding the results, and it is built by sequencing parsers for each character in s. It may be helpful to remind that traverse_ is just a fold which uses (*>):
-- Slightly paraphrasing the definition in Data.Foldable:
traverse_ :: (Foldable t, Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f ()
traverse_ f = foldr (\x u -> f x *> u) (pure ())

Parse error in a case statement

I am trying to convert a Maybe Int to an Int in Haskell like this:
convert :: Maybe Int -> Int
convert mx = case mx of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error "error message"
When I compile it, Haskell tells me: parse error on input 'Nothing'.
I need this, because I want to get the Index of an element in a list with the elem.Index function from the Data.List module and then use this index on the take function. My problem is that elemIndex returns a Maybe Int, but take needs an Int.
This is a whitespace problem. The case clauses need to be indented to the same level.
convert :: Maybe Int -> Int
convert mx = case mx of
Just x -> x
Nothing -> error "error message"
Remember to use only spaces, no tabs.
To add to #leftaroundabout's answer, I think I might provide you with some other options.
First off, you shouldn't make unsafe things like this: your program will fail. It's much cleaner to keep it as a Maybe Int and operate as such, safely. In other words, this was a simple parse error, but making incomplete functions like this may cause far greater problems in the future.
The problem you've encountered it, how can I do that?
We might make a better function, like this:
mapMaybe :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
mapMaybe f m = case m of
Just a -> f a
Nothing -> Nothing
Which would allow you to write:
λ> (+ 15) `mapMaybe` Just 9
Just 24
However, there is a function called fmap, which 'maps' a function over certain data-structures, Maybe included:
λ> (== 32) `fmap` Just 9
Just False
and if you have imported Control.Applicative, there is a nice operator synonym for it:
λ> show <$> Just 9
Just "9"
If you want to know more about these data-structures, called Functors, I would recommend reading Learn-you a Haskell.

Haskell - Maybe Either

-- | Convert a 'Maybe a' to an equivalent 'Either () a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'eitherUnitToMaybe'.
maybeToEitherUnit :: Maybe a -> Either () a
maybeToEitherUnit a = error "Not yet implemented: maybeToEitherUnit"
-- | Convert a 'Either () a' to an equivalent 'Maybe a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'maybeToEitherUnit'.
eitherUnitToMaybe :: Either () a -> Maybe a
eitherUnitToMaybe = error "Not yet implemented: eitherUnitToMaybe"
-- | Convert a pair of a 'Bool' and an 'a' to 'Either a a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'eitherToPairWithBool'.
pairWithBoolToEither :: (Bool,a) -> Either a a
pairWithBoolToEither = undefined -- What should I do here?
-- | Convert an 'Either a a' to a pair of a 'Bool' and an 'a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'pairWithBoolToEither'.
eitherToPairWithBool :: Either a a -> (Bool,a)
eitherToPairWithBool = undefined -- What should I do here?
-- | Convert a function from 'Bool' to 'a' to a pair of 'a's. Should be inverse
-- to 'pairToFunctionFromBool'.
functionFromBoolToPair :: (Bool -> a) -> (a,a)
functionFromBoolToPair = error "Not yet implemented: functionFromBoolToPair"
-- | Convert a pair of 'a's to a function from 'Bool' to 'a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'functionFromBoolToPair'.
pairToFunctionFromBool :: (a,a) -> (Bool -> a)
pairToFunctionFromBool = error "Not yet implemented: pairToFunctionFromBool"
I don't really know what to do. I know what maybe is, but I think I have a problem with either, because Either a a makes no sense in my mind. Either a b would be okay. This is either a or b but Either a a is a?!
I don't have any idea in general how to write these functions.
Given that I think this is homework, I'll not answer, but give important hints:
If you look for the definitions on hoogle (http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/)
you find
data Bool = True | False
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
This means that Bool can only be True or False, but that Either a b can be Left a or Right b.
which means your functions should look like
pairWithBoolToEither :: (Bool,a) -> Either a a
pairWithBoolToEither (True,a) = ....
pairWithBoolToEither (False,a) = ....
eitherToPairWithBool :: Either a a -> (Bool,a)
eitherToPairWithBool (Left a) = ....
eitherToPairWithBool (Right a) = ....
Comparing with Maybe
Maybe a is given by
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
so something of type Maybe Int could be Just 7 or Nothing.
Similarly, something of type Either Int Char could be Left 5 or Right 'c'.
Something of type Either Int Int could be Left 7 or Right 4.
So something with type Either Int Char is either an Int or a Char, but something of type Either Int Int is either an Int or an Int. You don't get to choose anything other than Int, but you'll know whether it was a Left or a Right.
Why you've been asked this/thinking behind it
If you have something of type Either a a, then the data (eg 5 in Left 5) is always of type a, and you've just tagged it with Left or Right. If you have something of type (Bool,a) the a-data (eg 5 in (True,5)) is always the same type, and you've paired it with False or True.
The maths word for two things which perhaps look different but actually have the same content is "isomorphic". Your instructor has asked you to write a pair of functions which show this isomorphism. Your answer will go down better if pairWithBoolToEither . eitherToPairWithBool and eitherToPairWithBool . pairWithBoolToEither do what id does, i.e. don't change anything. In fact, I've just spotted the comments in your question, where it says they should be inverses. In your write-up, you should show this by doing tests in ghci like
ghci> eitherToPairWithBool . pairWithBoolToEither $ (True,'h')
and the other way round.
(In case you haven't seen it, $ is defined by f $ x = f x but $ has really low precedence (infixr 0 $), so f . g $ x is (f . g) $ x which is just (f . g) x and . is function composition, so (f.g) x = f (g x). That was a lot of explanation to save one pair of brackets!)
Functions that take or return functions
This can be a bit mind blowing at first when you're not used to it.
functionFromBoolToPair :: (Bool -> a) -> (a,a)
The only thing you can pattern match a function with is just a variable like f, so we'll need to do something like
functionFromBoolToPair f = ...
but what can we do with that f? Well, the easiest thing to do with a function you're given is to apply it to a value. What value(s) can we use f on? Well f :: (Bool -> a) so it takes a Bool and gives you an a, so we can either do f True or f False, and they'll give us two (probably different) values of type a. Now that's handy, because we needed to a values, didn't we?
Next have a look at
pairToFunctionFromBool :: (a,a) -> (Bool -> a)
The pattern match we can do for the type (a,a) is something like (x,y) so we'll need
pairToFunctionFromBool (x,y) = ....
but how can we return a function (Bool -> a) on the right hand side?
There are two ways I think you'll find easiest. One is to notice that since -> is right associative anyway, the type (a,a) -> (Bool -> a) is the same as (a,a) -> Bool -> a so we can actually move the arguments for the function we want to return to before the = sign, like this:
pairToFunctionFromBool (x,y) True = ....
pairToFunctionFromBool (x,y) False = ....
Another way, which feels perhaps a little easier, would to make a let or where clause to define a function called something like f, where f :: Bool -> a< a bit like:
pairToFunctionFromBool (x,y) = f where
f True = ....
f False = ....
Have fun. Mess around.
Perhaps it's useful to note that Either a b is also called the coproduct, or sum, of the types a and b. Indeed it is now common to use
type (+) = Either
You can then write Either a b as a + b.
eitherToPairWithBool :: (a+a) -> (Bool,a)
Now common sense would dictate that we rewrite a + a as something like 2 ⋅ a. Believe it or not, that is exactly the meaning of the tuple type you're transforming to!
To explain: algebraic data types can roughly be seen as "counting1 the number of possible constructions". So
data Bool = True | False
has two constructors. So sort of (this is not valid Haskell!)
type 2 = Bool
Tuples allow all the combinations of constructors from each argument. So for instance in (Bool, Bool), we have the values
(False,True )
(True, False)
(True, True )
You've guessed it: tuples are also called products. So the type (Bool, a) is basically 2 ⋅ a: for every value x :: a, we can create both the (False, x) tuple and the (True, x) tuple, alltogether twice as many as there are x values.
Much the same thing for Either a a: we always have both Left x and Right x as a possible value.
All your functions with "arithmetic types":
type OnePlus = Maybe
maybeToEitherUnit :: OnePlus a -> () + a
eitherUnitToMaybe :: () + a -> OnePlus a
pairWithBoolToEither :: 2 ⋅ a -> a + a
eitherToPairWithBool :: a + a -> 2 ⋅ a
functionFromBoolToPair :: a² -> a⋅a
pairToFunctionFromBool :: a⋅a -> a²
1For pretty much any interesting type there are actually infinitely many possible values, still this kind of naïve arithmetic gets you surprisingly far.
Either a a makes no sense in my mind.
Yes it does. Try to figure out the difference between type a and Either a a. Either is a disjoint union. Once you understand the difference between a and Either a a, your homework should be easy in conjunction with AndrewC's answer.
Note that Either a b means quite literally that a value of such a type can be either an a, or an a. It sounds like you have actually grasped this concept, but the piece you're missing is that the Either type differentiates between values constructed with Left and those constructed with Right.
For the first part, the idea is that Maybe is either Just a thing or Nothing -- Nothing corresponds to () because both are "in essence" data types with only one possible value.
The idea behind converting (Bool, a) pairs to Either a a pairs might seem a little trickier, but just think about the correspondence between True and False and Left and Right.
As for converting functions of type (Bool -> a) to (a, a) pairs, here's a hint: Consider the fact that Bool can only have two types, and write down what that initial function argument might look like.
Hopefully those hints help you to get started.

Haskell data serialization of some data implementing a common type class

Let's start with the following
data A = A String deriving Show
data B = B String deriving Show
class X a where
spooge :: a -> Q
[ Some implementations of X for A and B ]
Now let's say we have custom implementations of show and read, named show' and read' respectively which utilize Show as a serialization mechanism. I want show' and read' to have types
show' :: X a => a -> String
read' :: X a => String -> a
So I can do things like
f :: String -> [Q]
f d = map (\x -> spooge $ read' x) d
Where data could have been
[show' (A "foo"), show' (B "bar")]
In summary, I wanna serialize stuff of various types which share a common typeclass so I can call their separate implementations on the deserialized stuff automatically.
Now, I realize you could write some template haskell which would generate a wrapper type, like
data XWrap = AWrap A | BWrap B deriving (Show)
and serialize the wrapped type which would guarantee that the type info would be stored with it, and that we'd be able to get ourselves back at least an XWrap... but is there a better way using haskell ninja-ery?
Okay I need to be more application specific. This is an API. Users will define their As, and Bs and fs as they see fit. I don't ever want them hacking through the rest of the code updating their XWraps, or switches or anything. The most i'm willing to compromise is one list somewhere of all the A, B, etc. in some format. Why?
Here's the application. A is "Download a file from an FTP server." B is "convert from flac to mp3". A contains username, password, port, etc. information. B contains file path information. There could be MANY As and Bs. Hundreds. As many as people are willing to compile into the program. Two was just an example. A and B are Xs, and Xs shall be called "Tickets." Q is IO (). Spooge is runTicket. I want to read the tickets off into their relevant data types and then write generic code that will runTicket on the stuff read' from the stuff on disk. At some point I have to jam type information into the serialized data.
I'd first like to stress for all our happy listeners out there that XWrap is a very good way, and a lot of the time you can write one yourself faster than writing it using Template Haskell.
You say you can get back "at least an XWrap", as if that meant you couldn't recover the types A and B from XWrap or you couldn't use your typeclass on them. Not true! You can even define
separateAB :: [XWrap] -> ([A],[B])
If you didn't want them mixed together, you should serialise them seperately!
This is nicer than haskell ninja-ery; maybe you don't need to handle arbitrary instances, maybe just the ones you made.
Do you really need your original types back? If you feel like using existential types because you just want to spooge your deserialised data, why not either serialise the Q itself, or have some intermediate data type PoisedToSpooge that you serialise, which can deserialise to give you all the data you need for a really good spooging. Why not make it an instance of X too?
You could add a method to your X class that converts to PoisedToSpooge.
You could call it something fun like toPoisedToSpooge, which trips nicely off the tongue, don't you think? :)
Anyway this would remove your typesystem complexity at the same time as resolving the annoying ambiguous type in
f d = map (\x -> spooge $ read' x) d -- oops, the type of read' x depends on the String
You can replace read' with
stringToPoisedToSpoogeToDeserialise :: String -> PoisedToSpooge -- use to deserialise
and define
f d = map (\x -> spooge $ stringToPoisedToSpoogeToDeserialise x) -- no ambiguous type
which we could of course write more succincly as
f = map (spooge.stringToPoisedToSpoogeToDeserialise)
although I recognise the irony here in suggesting making your code more succinct. :)
If what you really want is a heterogeneous list then use existential types. If you want serialization then use Cereal + ByteString. If you want dynamic typing, which is what I think your actual goal is, then use Data.Dynamic. If none of this is what you want, or you want me to expand please press the pound key.
Based on your edit, I don't see any reason a list of thunks won't work. In what way does IO () fail to represent both the operations of "Download a file from an FTP server" and "convert from flac to MP3"?
I'll assume you want to do more things with deserialised Tickets
than run them, because if not you may as well ask the user to supply a bunch of String -> IO()
or similar, nothing clever needed at all.
If so, hooray! It's not often I feel it's appropriate to recommend advanced language features like this.
class Ticketable a where
show' :: a -> String
read' :: String -> Maybe a
runTicket :: a -> IO ()
-- other useful things to do with tickets
This all hinges on the type of read'. read' :: Ticket a => String -> a isn't very useful,
because the only thing it can do with invalid data is crash.
If we change the type to read' :: Ticket a => String -> Maybe a this can allow us to read from disk and
try all the possibilities or fail altogether.
(Alternatively you could use a parser: parse :: Ticket a => String -> Maybe (a,String).)
Let's use a GADT to give us ExistentialQuantification without the syntax and with nicer error messages:
data Ticket where
MkTicket :: Ticketable a => a -> Ticket
showT :: Ticket -> String
showT (MkTicket a) = show' a
runT :: Ticket -> IO()
runT (MkTicket a) = runTicket a
Notice how the MkTicket contstuctor supplies the context Ticketable a for free! GADTs are great.
It would be nice to make Ticket and instance of Ticketable, but that won't work, because there would be
an ambiguous type a hidden in it. Let's take functions that read Ticketable types and make them read
ticketize :: Ticketable a => (String -> Maybe a) -> (String -> Maybe Ticket)
ticketize = ((.).fmap) MkTicket -- a little pointfree fun
You could use some unusual sentinel string such as
"\n-+-+-+-+-+-Ticket-+-+-+-Border-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-\n" to separate your serialised data or better, use separate files
altogether. For this example, I'll just use "\n" as the separator.
readTickets :: [String -> Maybe Ticket] -> String -> [Maybe Ticket]
readTickets readers xs = map (foldr orelse (const Nothing) readers) (lines xs)
orelse :: (a -> Maybe b) -> (a -> Maybe b) -> (a -> Maybe b)
(f `orelse` g) x = case f x of
Nothing -> g x
just_y -> just_y
Now let's get rid of the Justs and ignore the Nothings:
runAll :: [String -> Maybe Ticket] -> String -> IO ()
runAll ps xs = mapM_ runT . catMaybes $ readTickets ps xs
Let's make a trivial ticket that just prints the contents of some directory
newtype Dir = Dir {unDir :: FilePath} deriving Show
readDir xs = let (front,back) = splitAt 4 xs in
if front == "dir:" then Just $ Dir back else Nothing
instance Ticketable Dir where
show' (Dir p) = "dir:"++show p
read' = readDir
runTicket (Dir p) = doesDirectoryExist p >>= flip when
(getDirectoryContents >=> mapM_ putStrLn $ p)
and an even more trivial ticket
data HelloWorld = HelloWorld deriving Show
readHW "HelloWorld" = Just HelloWorld
readHW _ = Nothing
instance Ticketable HelloWorld where
show' HelloWorld = "HelloWorld"
read' = readHW
runTicket HelloWorld = putStrLn "Hello World!"
and then put it all together:
myreaders = [ticketize readDir,ticketize readHW]
main = runAll myreaders $ unlines ["HelloWorld",".","HelloWorld","..",",HelloWorld"]
Just use Either. Your users don't even have to wrap it themselves. You have your deserializer wrap it in the Either for you. I don't know exactly what your serialization protocol is, but I assume that you have some way to detect which kind of request, and the following example assumes the first byte distinguishes the two requests:
deserializeRequest :: IO (Either A B)
deserializeRequest = do
byte <- get1stByte
case byte of
0 -> do
return $ Left $ A <A's fields>
1 -> do
return $ Right $ B <B's fields>
Then you don't even need to type-class spooge. Just make it a function of Either A B:
spooge :: Either A B -> Q

Applying a function that may fail to all values in a list

I want to apply a function f to a list of values, however function f might randomly fail (it is in effect making a call out to a service in the cloud).
I thought I'd want to use something like map, but I want to apply the function to all elements in the list and afterwards, I want to know which ones failed and which were successful.
Currently I am wrapping the response objects of the function f with an error pair which I could then effectively unzip afterwards
i.e. something like
g : (a->b) -> a -> [ b, errorBoolean]
f : a-> b
and then to run the code ... map g (xs)
Is there a better way to do this? The other alternative approach was to iterate over the values in the array and then return a pair of arrays, one which listed the successful values and one which listed the failures. To me, this seems to be something that ought to be fairly common. Alternatively I could return some special value. What's the best practice in dealing with this??
If f is making a call out to the cloud, than f is undoubtedly using some monad, probably the IO monad or a monad derived from the IO monad. There are monadic versions of map. Here is what you would typically do, as a first attempt:
f :: A -> IO B -- defined elsewhere
g :: [A] -> IO [B]
g xs = mapM f xs
-- or, in points-free style:
g = mapM f
This has the (possibly) undesirable property that g will fail, returning no values, if any call to f fails. We fix that by making it so f returns either an answer or an error message.
type Error = String
f :: A -> IO (Either Error B)
g :: [A] -> IO [Either Error B]
g = mapM f
If you want all of the errors to be returned together, and all of the successes clumped together, you can use the lefts and rights functions from Data.Either.
h :: [A] -> IO ([B], [Error])
h xs = do ys <- g xs
return (rights ys, lefts ys)
If you don't need the error messages, just use Maybe B instead of Either Error B.
The Either data type is the most common way to represent a value which can either result in an error or a correct value. Errors use the Left constructor, correct values use the Right constructor. As a bonus, "right" also means "correct" in English, but the reason that the correct value uses the Right constructor is actually deeper (because this means we can create a functor out of the Either type which modifies correct results, which is not possible over the Left constructor).
You could write your g to return a Maybe monad:
f: a -> b
g: (a -> b) -> a -> Maybe b
If f fails, g returns Nothing, otherwise it returns Just (f x).
