Can You Calculate the Area of a Contour in Gnuplot? - gnuplot

I've been using gnuplot for a couple of weeks now. I have large data files with 23 variables, but I select specifically x-y co-ordinate data and fluorescence intensity data for my analysis.
On of the things I would like to do is a contour plot of my fluorescing particles. I should add that this contour plot is over time so there will be several spots nearly overlapping, but this is in fact the same particle. I would like to draw contours around these spots, colour code according to intensity and have the area of the contour displayed on the graph.
I have achieved all but one of these goals for my contour plot. I cannot devise a way for gnuplot to calculate and display the area within the contour. If I could then I would have an estimate of the area of my particle. I recognise my goal may be beyond the capabilities of gnuplot, but if there were a solution then it would be very neat.
Here is my script for the contour plot which as I said gives everything I need bar the area within contours.
The co-ordinates are in nanometres and each point on the dataset is the centre of a molecule. I have taken a small range of co-ordinates because there is so much data, it would not be possible to distinguish otherwise (there are over 80 000 data points). I have also set a threshold of intensity as I only want relatively bright fluorescent particles (done with set cntrparam levels incremental 8000,5000,100000). $23 and $24 are the x and y co-ordinates respectively. $12 is the intensity.
#Contour plot of Fluorescent Particle Location with Intensity
#Gnuplot script file for plotting data in file "1002 all.txt"
set dgrid3d 100,1000,1
set pm3d
set isosample 30
set xlabel 'x (nm)'
set ylabel 'y (nm)'
set contour base
set cntrparam levels incremental 8000,5000,100000
unset key
unset surface
set view map
set xrange[20000:22000]
set yrange[7000:10000]
splot "1002 all.txt" using ($23<22000 && $23>20000 ?$23 : 1/0):$24<10000 && $24>7000 ?$24 : 1/0):12 with lines
set terminal push
set terminal png
set output "1002_all_fluorophores_section_contour.png" # set the output filename
set terminal png size 1280,760
set output

As #Christoph says, gnuplot might not be a numerical tool, however, the calculation of a polygon area is not too complicated and can easily be done with gnuplot only. Assumption is that you have closed polygons, i.e. last point == first point, and the data of the individual polygons is separated by two empty lines.
edit: script changed to work with gnuplot 4.6.0 as well.
Data: SO28173844.dat
1 1
2 1
2 2
1 2
1 1
3 1
5 4
9 0
8 4
7 4
9 8
6 8
4 9
0 6
3 1
4 0
5 3
7 1
4 0
Script: (works for gnuplot>=4.6.0, March 2012)
### calculate areas of closed polygons
FILE = "SO28173844.dat"
set size ratio -1
set style fill solid 0.3
set grid x,y front
set key noautotitle
stats FILE u 0 nooutput # get number of blocks, i.e. polygons
N = STATS_blocks
getArea(colX,colY) = ($0==0?(Area=0, x1=column(colX), y1=column(colY)) : 0, \
x0=x1, y0=y1, x1=column(colX), y1=column(colY), Area=Area+0.5*(y1+y0)*(x1-x0))
getMinMax(colX,colY) = (x2=column(colX), y2=column(colY), $0==0? (xMin=xMax=x2, yMin=yMax=y2) : \
(x2<xMin?xMin=x2:0, x2>xMax?xMax=x2:0, y2<yMin?yMin=y2:0, y2>yMax?yMax=y2:0))
Areas = Centers = ''
do for [i=1:N] {
stats FILE u (getArea(1,2),getMinMax(1,2)) index i-1 nooutput
Areas = Areas.sprintf(" %g",abs(Area))
Centers = Centers.sprintf(' %g %g',0.5*(xMin+xMax),0.5*(yMin+yMax))
CenterX(n) = real(word(Centers,int(column(n))*2+1))
CenterY(n) = real(word(Centers,int(column(n))*2+2))
Area(n) = real(word(Areas,int(column(n)+1)))
myColors = "0xff0000 0x00ff00 0x0000ff"
myColor(i) = sprintf("#%06x",int(word(myColors,(i-1)%words(myColors)+1)))
plot for [i=1:N] FILE u 1:2 index i-1 w filledcurves lc rgb myColor(i), \
'+' u (CenterX(0)):(CenterY(0)):(sprintf("A=%g",Area(0))) every ::0::N-1 w labels center
### end of script


Is there any way to visualize the field on adaptive mesh with gnuplot?

I am a beginner in gnuplot. Recently I tried to visualize a pressure field on adaptive mesh.
Firstly I got the coordinates of nodes and center of the cell and the pressure value at the center of the cell.
And, I found something difficult to deal with. That is the coordinates in x and y directions are not regular, which made me feel hard in preparing the format of source data. For regular and equal rectangular case, I can do something just like x-y-z format. But is there any successful case in adaptive mesh?
I understand that you have some x,y,z data which is in no regular grid (well, your adaptive mesh).
I'm not fully sure whether this is what you are looking for, but
gnuplot can grid the data for you, i.e. inter-/extrapolating your data within a regular grid and then plot it.
Check help dgrid3d.
### grid data
reset session
# create some test data
set print $Data
do for [i=1:200] {
x = rand(0)*100-50
y = rand(0)*100-50
z = sin(x/15)*sin(y/15)
print sprintf("%g %g %g",x,y,z)
set print
set view equal xyz
set view map
set multiplot layout 1,2
set title "Original data with no regular grid"
unset dgrid3d
splot $Data u 1:2:3 w p pt 7 lc palette notitle
set title "Gridded data"
set dgrid3d 100,100 qnorm 2
splot $Data u 1:2:3 w pm3d
unset multiplot
### end of code
If you have the size of each cell, you can use the "boxxyerror" plotting style. Let xdelta and ydelta be half the size of a cell along the x-axis and y-axis.
$datablock <<EOD
# x y xdelta ydelta pressure
1 1 1 1 0
3 1 1 1 1
1 3 1 1 1
3 3 1 1 3
2 6 2 2 4
6 2 2 2 4
6 6 2 2 5
4 12 4 4 6
12 4 4 4 6
12 12 4 4 7
set xrange [-2:18]
set yrange [-2:18]
set palette maxcolors 14
set style fill solid 1 border lc black
plot $datablock using 1:2:3:4:5 with boxxyerror fc palette title "mesh", \
$datablock using 1:2 with points pt 7 lc rgb "gray30" title "point"
pause -1
In this script, 5-column data (x, y, xdelta, ydelta, pressure) is given for "boxxyerror" plot. To colorize the cells, the option "fc palette" is required.
I hope this figure is what you are looking for.

How to assign specific title to each line in the data file in gnuplot

I have a data file which keeps all the x, y coordinates and radius values for drawing circles. Each circle stand for a region. Up to now I drew the circles. But I want to assign specific legend to each line in the data file. Because after drawing regions, I want to put some points on this regions depend on the region number. However I couldn't figure out how to do it. Is there anyone who know how to assign a specific legend to the circles depend on its line number in the data file. The data file looks like
X Y R Legend
5 6 0.1 1
and so on. I want to use the last column as title to assign to the circles. Is there any way to do that?
It depends how exactly you want to show the corresponding "title". Let's assume that the data file circles.dat contains following data:
5 6.0 0.1 1
5 5.5 0.1 2
4 5.0 0.2 3
One option would be to plot the circles and use the fourth column as labels which are placed at the centers of the individual circles. This can be directly achieved with the with labels plotting style as:
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig1.png'
fName = 'circles.dat'
unset key
set xr [3:6]
set yr [4:7]
set size square
set tics out nomirror
set xtics 3,1,6
set mxtics 2
set ytics 4,1,7
set mytics 2
plot \
fName u 1:2:3 w circles lc rgb 'red' lw 2, \
'' u 1:2:4 w labels tc rgb 'blue'
This produces:
Alternatively, one might want to put those labels into the legend of the graph. Perhaps there is a more elegant solution, nevertheless one way is to
plot each line of the data file separately and extract the fourth column (to be used as key title) manually:
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig2.png'
fName = 'circles.dat'
unset key
set xr [3:6]
set yr [4:7]
set size square
set tics out nomirror
set xtics 3,1,6
set mxtics 2
set ytics 4,1,7
set mytics 2
set key top right reverse
stat fName nooutput
plot \
for [i=0:STATS_records-1] fName u 1:2:3 every ::i::i w circles t system(sprintf("awk 'NR==%d{print $4}' '%s'", i+1, fName))
This gives:

gnuplot - intersection of two plots

I am using gnuplot to plot data from two separate csv files (found in this link: with a different number of rows which generates the following graph.
These data seem to have no common timestamp (the first column) in both csv files and yet gnuplot seems to fit the plotting as shown above.
Here is the gnuplot script that I use to generate my plot.
# ###### GNU Plot
set style data lines
set terminal postscript eps enhanced color "Times" 20
set output "output.eps"
set title "Actual vs. Estimated Comparison"
set style line 99 linetype 1 linecolor rgb "#999999" lw 2
#set border 1 back ls 11
set key right top
set key box linestyle 50
set key width -2
set xrange [0:10]
set key spacing 1.2
#set nokey
set grid xtics ytics mytics
#set size 2
#set size ratio 0.4
#show timestamp
set xlabel "Time [Seconds]"
set ylabel "Segments"
set style line 1 lc rgb "#ff0000" lt 1 pi 0 pt 4 lw 4 ps 0
plot "estimated.csv" using ($1):2 with lines title "Estimated", "actual.csv" using ($1):2 with lines title "Actual";
Is there any way where we can print out (write to a file) the values of the intersection of these plots by ignoring the peaks above green plot? I also have tried to do an sql-join query but it doesn't seem to print out anything for the same reason I explained above.
PS: If the blue line doesn't touch the green line (i.e. if it is way below the green line), I want to take the values of the closest green line so that it will be a one-to-one correspondence (or very close) with the actual dataset.
Perhaps one could somehow force Gnuplot to reinterpolate both data sets on a fine grid, save this auxiliary data and then compare it row by row. However, I think that it's indeed much more practical to delegate this task to an external tool.
It's certainly not the most efficient way to do it, nevertheless a "lazy approach" could be to read the data points, interpret each dataset as a LineString (collection of line segments, essentially equivalent to assuming a linear interpolation between data points) and then calculate the intersection points. In Python, the script to do this might look like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import LineString
def load_data(fname):
return LineString(np.genfromtxt(fname, delimiter = ','))
lines = list(map(load_data, sys.argv[1:]))
for g in lines[0].intersection(lines[1]):
if g.geom_type != 'Point':
print('%f,%f' % (g.x, g.y))
Then in Gnuplot, one can invoke it directly:
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig.png'
set datafile separator comma
set yr [0:700]
set xr [0:10]
set xtics 0,2,10
set ytics 0,100,700
set grid
set xlabel "Time [seconds]"
set ylabel "Segments"
plot \
'estimated.csv' w l lc rgb 'dark-blue' t 'Estimated', \
'actual.csv' w l lc rgb 'green' t 'Actual', \
'<python estimated.csv actual.csv' w p lc rgb 'red' ps 0.5 pt 7 t ''
which gives:

Plotting horizontal lines in gnuplot on an existing graph, using the same coloured lines

The starting point is that I have a graph with 4 lines on it. They are the results of my simulation, plotted over an x-axis of iteration, at 4 different locations. I also have experimental values at each of those locations. I want to plot those 4 experimental values as horizontal lines on the same graph. I would also like the line colours of the simulation and experiment results at each location to be the same.
With #Tom's help, below, I have got the following script to do this:
unset bars
max = 1e6
set xrange[7000:24000]
set yrange[-0.5:1.5]
plot for [i=2:5] 'sim' using 1:(column(i)) ls i, \
for [i=1:4] 'expt' using (1):1:(max) every ::(i-1)::(i-1) with xerror ls i ps 0
The problem is that I want the values in xrange[x_min:x_max] and yrange[y_min:y_max] to be taken from sim and expt as follows:
x_min = min(sim[:1]) # where min(sim[:1]) means "min value in file 'sim' col 1"
x_max = max(sim[:1])
y_min = min(sim[:2],sim[:3],sim[:4],sim[:5],expt[:1])
y_max = max(sim[:2],sim[:3],sim[:4],sim[:5],expt[:1])
My OS is Scientific Linux: Release 6.3, Kernel Linux 2.6.32-358.2.1.el6.x86_64, GNOME 2.28.2
sim and expt are .txt files
A representative sample of sim is:
7520 0.282511 0.0756715 -0.222863 -0.0898819
7521 0.315944 0.201687 -0.321723 -0.106345
7522 0.230956 0.102217 -0.34196 -0.061009
7523 1.460043 -0.00118292 -0.045077 0.673926
A representative sample of expt is:
Thank you for your help.
I think that this is a way to solve your problem:
unset bars
max = 1e6
set xrange[0:8]
plot for [i=1:4] 2*i+sin(x) ls i, \
for [i=1:4] 'expt' using (1):1:(max) every ::(i-1)::(i-1) with xerror ls i ps 0
Based on some information I found on Gnuplot tricks, I have (ab)used error bars to produce horizontal lines based on the points in this data file:
The (1):1:(max) specifies that a point should be plotted at the coordinate (1, y), where y is read from the data file. The max is the value of xdelta, which determines the size of the x error bar. This is one way of achieving a horizontal line in your plot, as a suitably large value of max will result in an error bar across the entire xrange of your plot.
Here's what the output looks like:
Considering, that you have a data file with five columns, one with the x-values and four with y-values. Now you have additional file where a number path_to_expt comes from. In order to plot the columns and one horizontal line having the y-value path_to_expt you can use
plot for [i=2:5] path_to_file using 1:(column(i))
This plot col 2 against 1, 3 vs 1, 4 vs 1 and 5 vs 1. To get different styles, just use set linetype to redefine the automatically assigned line types:
set linetype 1 lc rgb 'orange'
# ... other lt definitions
plot for [i=2:5] path_to_file using 1:(column(i))
If you don't want to overwrite exising linetype 1..4, use e.g. 11..14:
set linetype 11 lc rgb 'orange'
# ...
plot for [i=2:5] path_to_file using 1:(column(i)) lt (9 + i)
Finally, in order to plot a horizontal line, using the same x-values as in the data file, use
mynumber = 27
plot path_to_file using 1:(mynumber)
If you don't put a number in parentheses, it is interpreted as column number (like the 1 here), whereas put inside parentheses, it is treated as number.
Another option would be to set arrows:
set arrow from graph 0, first mynumber to graph 1, first mynumber lt 1
plot for [i=2:5] path_to_file using 1:(column(i))

How to label (x,y) data points in Gnuplot 4.2 with integer numbers

I have a text file with 2 columns of numbers corresponding to (x,y) coords.
4 1
4 5
1 1
1 5
2.5 3
How do I tell gnuplot to plot these points and label each point with its corresponding row #? (Please keep in mind I'm going to apply this to a much larger file with 100 points, so I'm looking for a way to do it automagically, rather than have to create a 3rd column of data corresponding to row numbers).
You can use the with labels flag to the plot command. By default this places the label instead of the point at the place where the point would be. with label takes the offset flag (and any flag you can pass to set label) so you can have the label next to the point. Here is an example script:
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set terminal pngcairo
set output 'test.png'
set xr [0:5]
set yr [0:6]
plot 'data.dat' pt 7, \
'data.dat' using 1:2:($0+1) with labels offset 1 notitle
which produces this output:
