Spatial query in sql database - spatial-query

hi I am currently developing a geo location based app which updates the user's location and displays the shops around him, I am using ordinary sql queries in sql database .My php code to select the shops around the user is :
* Following code will list all the products
// array for JSON response
$response = array();
// include db connect class
require_once __DIR__ . '/db_connect.php';
// connecting to db
$db = new DB_CONNECT();
if (isset($_POST['code']) && isset($_POST['lat']) && isset($_POST['lng'])) {
$code = $_POST['code'];
$lng = $_POST['lng'];
$lat = $_POST['lat'];
// get all data from table this is my code to fetch data where i need change
$result = mysql_query("SELECT *, ( 3959 * acos( cos( radians($lat) ) * cos( radians( lat ) ) * cos( radians(lng) - radians($lng) ) + sin( radians($lat) ) * sin( radians(lat)))) AS distance
FROM maintable
HAVING distance < 25
ORDER BY distance
") or die(mysql_error());
// check for empty result
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
// looping through all results
// products node
$response["people"] = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// temp user array
$people = array();
$product["_id"] = $row["_id"];
$product["name"] = $row["name"];
$product["distance"] = $row["distance"];
$product["lat"] = $row["lat"];
$product["lng"] = $row["lng"];
$product["image_bit"] = $row["image_bit"];
$product["security"] = $row["security"];
$product["status"] = $row["status"];
$product["code"] = $row["country_code"];
$product["phone"] = $row["phone"];
// push single product into final response array
array_push($response["people"], $people);
// success
$response["success"] = 1;
// echoing JSON response
echo json_encode($response);
} else {
// no products found
$response["success"] = 0;
$response["message"] = "No people found";
// echo no users JSON
echo json_encode($response);
//required field is missing
$response["success"] = 0;
$response["message"] = "Required field missing";
// echoing JSON response
echo json_encode($response);
i store the user's latitude and longitude values as lat and lng respectively.
But i recently heard about spatial datatype in sql,which will is more efficient, what i need to know is if i need to use spatial queries what change should be done in my lat and lng columns in sql table and can please anyone modify mysql query as a spatial query .any help would be appreciable

You can try a quadkey. Translate the points to a binary and interleave it. Treat it as base-4 number. The quadkey is similar to a quadtree but also it has interesting properties. It is often use for tiling.


Importing images along with other fields (username,subjectname) from excel in laravel

I am using phpspreadsheet. I want to import an excel sheet that have images too, it looks something like this,
I am able to retrieve fields separately and images separately, I want to get them together. Problem I am facing is that Images are being accessed with
and for others field i have to access them like this
as both of them requires separate loops, should i be merging them into one or what is the right way so that i am able to retrieve both(images and fields) together.
Images retrieve code:
$spreadsheet = IOFactory::load($request->import_file);
$i = 0;
foreach ($spreadsheet->getActiveSheet()->getDrawingCollection() as $key => $drawing) {
if ($drawing instanceof MemoryDrawing) {
$imageContents = ob_get_contents();
switch ($drawing->getMimeType()) {
case MemoryDrawing::MIMETYPE_PNG :
$extension = 'png';
case MemoryDrawing::MIMETYPE_GIF:
$extension = 'gif';
case MemoryDrawing::MIMETYPE_JPEG :
$extension = 'jpg';
} else {
$zipReader = fopen($drawing->getPath(), 'r');
$imageContents = '';
while (!feof($zipReader)) {
$imageContents .= fread($zipReader, 1024);
$extension = $drawing->getExtension();
$myFileName = time() .++$i. '.' . $extension;
$imagesCollection['answerImages_'.$key] =$myFileName;
file_put_contents('images/products/' . $myFileName, $imageContents);
$a = Answers::create([
'questionId'=>($key <=4)?1:2,
I want to store them into my table in database such that in questionImage column of database it has image name like this
and it is storing it currently but as I mentioned earlier i have to store them separtely
This is how i am storing other fields
$spreadsheet = IOFactory::load($the_file->getRealPath());
$sheet = $spreadsheet->getActiveSheet();
$row_limit = $sheet->getHighestDataRow();
$column_limit = $sheet->getHighestDataColumn();
$row_range = range( 1, $row_limit );
$column_range = range( 'F', $column_limit );
$startcount = 2;
$data = array();
foreach ( $row_range as $row ) {
$data[] = [
'courseName' =>$sheet->getCell( 'A' . $row )->getValue(),
'subjectName' => $sheet->getCell( 'B' . $row )->getValue(),
'question' => $sheet->getCell( 'C' . $row )->getValue(),
'questionImage' => $sheet->getCell( 'D' . $row )->getValue(),
How to get them together so that i can store them in one table
you should try maatwebsite/excel package. it will save your time.

Finding all properties for a schema-less vertex class

I have a class Node extends V. I add instances to Node with some set of document type information provided. I want to query the OrientDB database and return some information from Node; to display this in a formatted way I want a list of all possible field names (in my application, there are currently 115 field names, only one of which is a property used as an index)
To do this in pyorient, the only solution I found so far is (client is the name of the database handle):
count = client.query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Node")[0].COUNT
node_records = client.query("SELECT FROM Node LIMIT {0}".format(count))
node_key_list = set([])
for node in node_records:
node_key_list |= node.oRecordData.keys()
I figured that much out pretty much through trial and error. It isn't very efficient or elegant. Surely there must be a way to have the database return a list of all possible fields for a class or any other document-type object. Is there a simple way to do this through either pyorient or the SQL commands?
I tried your case with this dataset:
And this is the structure of my class TestClass:
As you can see from my structure only name, surname and timeStamp have been created in schema-full mode, instead nameSchemaLess1 and nameSchemaLess1 have been inserted into the DB in schema-less mode.
After having done that, you could create a Javascript function in OrientDB Studio or Console (as explained here) and subsequently you can recall it from pyOrient by using a SQL command.
The following posted function retrieves all the fields names of the class TestClass without duplicates:
Javascript function:
var g = orient.getGraph();
var fieldsList = [];
var query = g.command("sql", "SELECT FROM TestClass");
for (var x = 0; x < query.length; x++){
var fields = query[x].getRecord().fieldNames();
for (var y = 0; y < fields.length; y++) {
if (fieldsList == false){
} else {
var fieldFound = false;
for (var z = 0; z < fieldsList.length; z++){
if (fields[y] == fieldsList[z]){
fieldFound = true;
if (fieldFound != true){
return fieldsList;
pyOrient code:
import pyorient
db_name = 'TestDatabaseName'
print("Connecting to the server...")
client = pyorient.OrientDB("localhost", 2424)
session_id = client.connect("root", "root")
print("OK - sessionID: ", session_id, "\n")
if client.db_exists(db_name, pyorient.STORAGE_TYPE_PLOCAL):
client.db_open(db_name, "root", "root")
functionCall = client.command("SELECT myFunction() UNWIND myFunction")
for idx, val in enumerate(functionCall):
print("Field name: " + val.myFunction)
Connecting to the server...
OK - sessionID: 54
Field name: name
Field name: surname
Field name: timeStamp
Field name: out_testClassEdge
Field name: nameSchemaLess1
Field name: in_testClassEdge
Field name: nameSchemaLess2
As you can see all of the fields names, both schema-full and schema-less, have been retrieved.
Hope it helps
Luca's answer worked. I modified it to fit my tastes/needs. Posting here to increase the amount of OrientDB documentation on Stack Exchange. I took Luca's answer and translated it to groovy. I also added a parameter to select the class to get fields for and removed the UNWIND in the results. Thank you to Luca for helping me learn.
Groovy code for function getFieldList with 1 parameter (class_name):
g = orient.getGraph()
fieldList = [] as Set
ret = g.command("sql", "SELECT FROM " + class_name)
for (record in ret) {
return fieldList
For the pyorient part, removing the database connection it looks like this:
node_keys = {}
ret = client.command("SELECT getFieldList({0})".format("'Node'"))
node_keys = ret[0].oRecordData['getFieldList']
Special notice to the class name; in the string passed to client.command(), the parameter must be encased in quotes.

Results pagination in Cassandra (CQL)

I am wondering how can I achieve pagination using Cassandra.
Let us say that I have a blog. The blog lists max 10 posts per page. To access next posts a user must click on pagination menu to access page 2 (posts 11-20), page 3 (posts 21-30), etc.
Using SQL under MySQL, I could do the following:
SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT 20,10;
The first parameter of LIMIT is offset from the beginning of result set and second argument is amount of rows to fetch. The example above returns 10 rows starting from row 20.
How can I achieve the same effect in CQL?
I have found some solutions on Google, but all of them require to have "the last result from previous query". It works for having "next" button to paginate to another 10-results-set, but what if I want to jump from page 1 to page 5?
You don't need to use tokens, if you are using Cassandra 2.0+.
Cassandra 2.0 has auto paging.
Instead of using token function to create paging, it is now a built-in feature.
Now developers can iterate over the entire result set, without having to care that it’s size is larger than the memory. As the client code iterates over the results, some extra rows can be fetched, while old ones are dropped.
Looking at this in Java, note that SELECT statement returns all rows, and the number of rows retrieved is set to 100.
I’ve shown a simple statement here, but the same code can be written with a prepared statement, couple with a bound statement. It is possible to disable automatic paging, if it is not desired. It is also important to test various fetch size settings, since you will want to keep the memorize small enough, but not so small that too many round-trips to the database are taken. Check out this blog post to see how paging works server side.
Statement stmt = new SimpleStatement(
"SELECT * FROM raw_weather_data"
+ " WHERE wsid= '725474:99999'"
+ " AND year = 2005 AND month = 6");
ResultSet rs = session.execute(stmt);
Iterator<Row> iter = rs.iterator();
while (!rs.isFullyFetched()) {
Row row =;
Try using the token function in CQL:
Another suggestion, if you are using DSE, solr supports deep paging:
Manual Paging
The driver exposes a PagingState object that represents where we were in the result set when the last page was fetched:
ResultSet resultSet = session.execute("your query");
// iterate the result set...
PagingState pagingState = resultSet.getExecutionInfo().getPagingState();
This object can be serialized to a String or a byte array:
String string = pagingState.toString();
byte[] bytes = pagingState.toBytes();
This serialized form can be saved in some form of persistent storage to be reused later. When that value is retrieved later, we can deserialize it and reinject it in a statement:
PagingState pagingState = PagingState.fromString(string);
Statement st = new SimpleStatement("your query");
ResultSet rs = session.execute(st);
Note that the paging state can only be reused with the exact same statement (same query string, same parameters). Also, it is an opaque value that is only meant to be collected, stored an re-used. If you try to modify its contents or reuse it with a different statement, the driver will raise an error.
If you read this doc "Use paging state token to get next result",
We can use "paging state token" to paginate at application level.
So PHP logic should look like,
$limit = 10;
$offset = 20;
$cluster = Cassandra::cluster()->withContactPoints('')->build();
$session = $cluster->connect("simplex");
$statement = new Cassandra\SimpleStatement("SELECT * FROM paging_entries Limit ".($limit+$offset));
$result = $session->execute($statement, new Cassandra\ExecutionOptions(array('page_size' => $offset)));
// Now $result has all rows till "$offset" which we can skip and jump to next page to fetch "$limit" rows.
while ($result->pagingStateToken()) {
$result = $session->execute($statement, new Cassandra\ExecutionOptions($options = array('page_size' => $limit,'paging_state_token' => $result->pagingStateToken())));
foreach ($result as $row) {
printf("key: '%s' value: %d\n", $row['key'], $row['value']);
Although the count is available in CQL, so far I have not seen a good solution for the offset part...
So... one solution I have been contemplating was to create sets of pages using a background process.
In some table, I would create the blog page A as a set of references to page 1, 2, ... 10. Then another entry for blog page B pointing to pages 11 to 20, etc.
In other words, I would build my own index with a row key set to the page number. You may still make it somewhat flexible since you can offer the user to choose to see 10, 20 or 30 references per page. For example, when set to 30, you display sets 1, 2, and 3 as page A, sets 4, 5, 6 as page B, etc.)
And if you have a backend process to handle all of that, you can update your lists as new pages are added and old pages are deleted from the blog. The process should be really fast (like 1 min. for 1,000,000 rows if even that slow...) and then you can find the pages to display in your list pretty much instantaneously. (Obviously, if you are to have thousands of users each posting hundreds of pages... that number can grow quickly.)
Where it becomes more complicated is if you wanted to offer a complex WHERE clause. By default a blog shows you a list of all the posts from the newest to the oldest. You could also offer lists of posts with tag Cassandra. Maybe you want to inverse the order, etc. That makes it difficult unless you have some form of advanced way to create your index(es). On my end I have a C-like language which goes and peek and poke to the values in a row to (a) select them and if selected (b) to sort them. In other words, on my end I can already have WHERE clauses as complex as what you'd have in SQL. However, I do not yet break up my lists in pages. Next step I suppose...
Using cassandra-node driver for node js (koa js,marko js) : Pagination
Due to the absence of skip functionality, we need to work around. Below is the implementation of manual paging for node app in case of anyone can get an idea.
code for simple users list
navigate between next and previous page states
easy to replicate
There are two solutions which i am going to state here but only gave the code for solution 1 below,
Solution 1 : Maintain page states for next and previous records (maintain stack or whatever data structure best fit)
Solution 2 : Loop through all records with limit and save all possible page states in variable and generate pages relatively to their pageStates
Using this commented code in model, we can get all states for pages
//for the next flow
//if (result.nextPage) {
// Retrieve the following pages:
// the same row handler from above will be used
// result.nextPage();
Router Functions
var userModel = require('/models/users');
public.get('/users', users);'/users', filterUsers);
var users = function* () {//get request
var data = {};
var pageState = { "next": "", "previous": "" };
try {
var userCount = yield userModel.Count();//count all users with basic count query
var currentPage = 1;
var pager = yield generatePaging(currentPage, userCount, pagingMaxLimit);
var userList = yield userModel.List(pager);
data.pageNumber = currentPage;
data.TotalPages = pager.TotalPages;
console.log('--------------what now--------------');
data.pageState_next =;
data.pageState_previous = userList.pageStates.previous;
console.log("next ", data.pageState_next);
console.log("previous ", data.pageState_previous);
data.previousStates = null;
data.isPrevious = false;
if ((userCount / pagingMaxLimit) > 1) {
data.isNext = true;
data.userList = userList;
data.totalRecords = userCount;
console.log('--------------------userList--------------------', data.userList);
//pass to html template
catch (e) {
console.log("err ", e);"userList error : ", e);
this.body ='./views/userList.marko', data);
this.type = 'text/html';
//post filter and get list
var filterUsers = function* () {
console.log("<------------------Form Post Started----------------->");
var data = {};
var totalCount;
data.isPrevious = true;
data.isNext = true;
var form = this.request.body;
console.log("----------------formdata--------------------", form);
var currentPage = parseInt(form.hdpagenumber);//page number hidden in html
console.log("-------before current page------", currentPage);
var pageState = null;
try {
var statesArray = [];
if (form.hdallpageStates && form.hdallpageStates !== '') {
statesArray = form.hdallpageStates.split(',');
//develop stack to track paging states
if (form.hdpagestateRequest === 'next') {
currentPage = currentPage + 1;
pageState = form.hdpageState_next;
else if (form.hdpagestateRequest === 'previous') {
currentPage = currentPage - 1;
var p_st = statesArray.length - 2;//second last index
console.log('this index of array to be removed ', p_st);
pageState = statesArray[p_st];
statesArray.splice(p_st, 1);
//pageState = statesArray.pop();
else if (form.hdispaging === 'false') {
currentPage = 1;
pageState = null;
statesArray = [];
data.previousStates = statesArray;
console.log("paging true");
totalCount = yield userModel.Count();
var pager = yield generatePaging(form.hdpagenumber, totalCount, pagingMaxLimit);
data.pageNumber = currentPage;
data.TotalPages = pager.TotalPages;
//filter function - not yet constructed
var searchUsers = yield userModel.searchList(pager, pageState);
data.usersList = searchUsers;
if (searchUsers.pageStates) {
data.pageStates = searchUsers.pageStates; = searchUsers.nextPage;
data.pageState_next =;
data.pageState_previous = searchUsers.pageStates.previous;
//show previous and next buttons accordingly
if (currentPage == 1 && pager.TotalPages > 1) {
data.isPrevious = false;
data.isNext = true;
else if (currentPage == 1 && pager.TotalPages <= 1) {
data.isPrevious = false;
data.isNext = false;
else if (currentPage >= pager.TotalPages) {
data.isPrevious = true;
data.isNext = false;
else {
data.isPrevious = true;
data.isNext = true;
else {
data.isPrevious = false;
data.isNext = false;
console.log("response ", searchUsers);
data.totalRecords = totalCount;
//pass to html template
catch (e) {
console.log("err ", e);"user list error : ", e);
console.log("<------------------Form Post Ended----------------->");
this.body ='./views/userList.marko', data);
this.type = 'text/html';
//Paging function
var generatePaging = function* (currentpage, count, pageSizeTemp) {
var paging = new Object();
var pagesize = pageSizeTemp;
var totalPages = 0;
var pageNo = currentpage == null ? null : currentpage;
var skip = pageNo == null ? 0 : parseInt(pageNo - 1) * pagesize;
var pageNumber = pageNo != null ? pageNo : 1;
totalPages = pagesize == null ? 0 : Math.ceil(count / pagesize);
paging.skip = skip;
paging.limit = pagesize;
paging.pageNumber = pageNumber;
paging.TotalPages = totalPages;
return paging;
Model Functions
var clientdb = require('../utils/cassandradb')();
var Users = function (options) {
_.assign(this, options);
Users.List = function* (limit) {//first time
var myresult; var res = [];
res.pageStates = { "next": "", "previous": "" };
const options = { prepare: true, fetchSize: limit };
console.log('----------did i appeared first?-----------');
yield new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
clientdb.eachRow('SELECT * FROM users_lookup_history', [], options, function (n, row) {
}, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log("error ", err);
else { = result.pageState;
res.nextPage = result.nextPage;//next page function
}).catch(function (e) {
console.log("error ", e);
}); //promise ends
console.log('page state ', res.pageStates);
return res;
Users.searchList = function* (pager, pageState) {//paging filtering
console.log("|------------Query Started-------------|");
console.log("pageState if any ", pageState);
var res = [], myresult;
res.pageStates = { "next": "" };
var query = "SELECT * FROM users_lookup_history ";
var params = [];
console.log('current pageState ', pageState);
const options = { pageState: pageState, prepare: true, fetchSize: pager.limit };
console.log('----------------did i appeared first?------------------');
yield new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
clientdb.eachRow(query, [], options, function (n, row) {
console.log('----Users paging----rows');
}, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
console.log("error ", err);
else { = result.pageState;
res.nextPage = result.nextPage;
//for the next flow
//if (result.nextPage) {
// Retrieve the following pages:
// the same row handler from above will be used
// result.nextPage();
}).catch(function (e) {
console.log("error ", e);
}); //promise ends
console.log('page state ', pageState);
console.log("|------------Query Ended-------------|");
return res;
Html side
<div class="box-footer clearfix">
<ul class="pagination pagination-sm no-margin pull-left">
<if test="data.isPrevious == true">
<li><a class='submitform_previous' href="">Previous</a></li>
<if test="data.isNext == true">
<li><a class="submitform_next" href="">Next</a></li>
<ul class="pagination pagination-sm no-margin pull-right">
<li>Total Records : $data.totalRecords</li>
<li> | Total Pages : $data.TotalPages</li>
<li> | Current Page : $data.pageNumber</li>
I am not very much experienced with node js and cassandra db, this solution can surely be improved. Solution 1 is working example code to start with the paging idea. Cheers
a detailed blog.
Our use case was similar. Pull everything from a Cassandra table (cassandra does it smartly by fetching ~5000 in one go and return a cursor), heavy personalized processing on each row, and keep going. Once our iteration reaches close to 5000, it again fetches the next chunk of 5000 rows internally and adds it to the result cursor. It does it so brilliantly that we don’t even feel this magic happening behind the scene.
but It became a bottleneck for us.As iterating over the chunk took some time and till it reached the end of the chunk, Cassandra thought the connection was not being used and closed the connection automatically yelling, its timeout. So we implemented with page state.
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
from cassandra.auth import PlainTextAuthProvider
from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement
# connection with cassandra
cluster = Cluster([""], auth_provider=PlainTextAuthProvider(username="pankaj", password="pankaj"))
session = cluster.connect()
# setting keyspace
# set fetch size
fetch_size = 100
# It will print first 100 records
next_page_available = True
paging_state     = None
data_count     = 0
while next_page_available is True:
# fetches a new chunk with given page state
result = fetch_a_fresh_chunk(paging_state)
paging_state = results.paging_state
for result in results:
# process payload here.....
# payload processed
data_count += 1
# once we reach fetch size, we stop cassandra to fetch more chunk, internally
if data_count == fetch_size:
i = 0
# fetches a fresh chunk with given page state
def fetch_a_fresh_chunk(paging_state = None)
query = "SELECT * FROM my_cute_cassandra_table;"
statement = SimpleStatement(query, fetch_size = fetch_size)
results = session.execute(statement, paging_state=paging_state)

How to handle LinqtoTwitter Rate(v2.1) limit exceeded Error

1 .Hi SO, I have a created a class for fetching user's tweets from twitter with the help of screen name. My problem is I'm getting rate limit exceeded very frequently.
2 .I had created table for screen name in which I'm saving all screen names and
3 .I had created another table to store user's tweets.
Below is my Code:
public List<TwitterProfileDetails> GetAllTweets(Func<SingleUserAuthorizer> AuthenticateCredentials,string screenname)
List<TwitterProfileDetails> lstofTweets = new List<TwitterProfileDetails>();
TwitterProfileDetails details = new TwitterProfileDetails();
var twitterCtx = new LinqToTwitter.TwitterContext(AuthenticateCredentials());
var helpResult =
(from help in twitterCtx.Help
where help.Type == HelpType.RateLimits &&
help.Resources == "search,users,socialgraph"
select help)
foreach (var category in helpResult.RateLimits)
Console.WriteLine("\nCategory: {0}", category.Key);
foreach (var limit in category.Value)
"\n Resource: {0}\n Remaining: {1}\n Reset: {2}\n Limit: {3}",
limit.Resource, limit.Remaining, limit.Reset, limit.Limit);
var tweets = from t in twitterCtx.Status
where t.Type == StatusType.User && t.ScreenName == screename && t.Count == 15
select t;
if (tweets != null)
foreach (var tweetStatus in tweets)
if (tweetStatus != null)
lstofTweets.Add(new TwitterProfileDetails { Name = tweetStatus.User.Name, ProfileImagePath = tweetStatus.User.ProfileImageUrl, Tweets = tweetStatus.Text, UserID = tweetStatus.User.Identifier.UserID, PostedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(tweetStatus.CreatedAt),ScreenName=screename });
return lstofTweets;
I am using above method has below..
foreach (var screenObj in screenName)
var getTweets = api.GetAllTweets(api.AuthenticateCredentials, screenObj.UserName);
foreach (var obj in getTweets)
using (DBcontext = new DBContext())
tweets.Name = obj.Name;
tweets.ProfileImage = obj.ProfileImagePath;
tweets.PostedOn = obj.PostedDate;
tweets.Tweets = obj.Tweets;
tweets.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now;
tweets.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now;
tweets.Status = EntityStatus.Active;
tweets.ScreenName = obj.ScreenName;
var exist = context.UserTweets.Any(user => user.Tweets.Equals(obj.Tweets));
if (!exist)
I see that you found the Help/RateLimits query. There are various approaches you can take. e.g. add a delay between queries, delay the next query if the limit has been exceeded, or catch the exception and delay until the next 15 minute window.
If you want to monitor interactively, you can watch the rate limit for each query. The TwitterContext instance you use for performing the query contains RateLimitXxx properties that populate after every query. You'll need to read those values after the query, which appears to be inside your GetAllTweets method. You have to expose those values to your loop somehow, via return object, out params, static field, or whatever logic you feel is necessary.
// the first time through, you have the whole rate limit for the 15 minute window
foreach (var screenObj in screenName)
var getTweets = api.GetAllTweets(api.AuthenticateCredentials, screenObj.UserName);
// your processing logic ...
// assuming you have the RateLimitXxx values in scope
if (rateLimitRemaining == 0)
RateLimitRemaining is how many queries you can do in the current 15 minute window and RateLimitReset is the number of epoch seconds remaining until the rate limit resets (when you can start querying again).
It would be helpful to review the Twitter docs on Rate Limiting.
For reference, here are a couple other questions that might provide more ideas:
Twitter rate limiting
Get all followers using LINQ to Twitter

node.js - differences with php

I have the following code in PHP:
$IDs = implode(",", array_keys($result["matches"]));
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN ($IDs)";
I am "translating" it into Node.js, and I suppose that implode becomes array.join, so I tried this:
var ids = Object.keys(answer['matches']).join(",");
var sql = "SELECT * FROM xml_it WHERE id IN (" + ids + ")";
now, if I echo the PHP $sql variable, I get the expected result:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id IN (3187,3220,3233,3245,3246,3251,3253,3256, ...
BUT, with node.js, I am getting this:
SELECT * FROM xml_it WHERE id_xml IN ([0,1,2,3,4, ...
The answer['matches'] obviously is the same result (it's basically a Sphinx search result)
Any idea why I am not getting it as a string but the keys?
the data of $result and var answer looks like this:
This should work:
var matches = answer['matches'].map( function( o ) {
return o.doc;
var ids = matches.join(",");
var sql = "SELECT * FROM xml_it WHERE id IN (" + ids + ")";
gotta map out the doc field since the structure is different
