Custom OAuth vs 3rd-party - security

This might be more of an industry question rather than a specifically technical one, but the answer must consider the technical feasibility. I've tried to make the question as pointed as possible. I am working on a new web application that must protect social security numbers, bank account transactions, etc. Security is essential, as is the appearance of security. The company I work for, however, is small. Does it make sense to rely on third-party issuers (e.g., Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo), which are certainly popular but as social media do not convey the seriousness of, say, the banking industry? Or can I realistically expect to implement OAuth/Owin/Katana as securely as these third parties? Is there another option that is both reliable and popular, without being driven by social media? Or does it make the most sense to implement security myself? I do not have a heavy security background, but am willing to learn it if forms authentication makes the most sense for my situation.

Your question is not specific enough to give you concrete advise. But creating your own security is never a good idea.
Whether you should use social media identity providers depends on how much you need to be certain of the user's identity. If the user has to enter all that information him/herself, then you only need to make sure that only that account has access. A social media account will work fine in this case. You can't be sure that the user is who he says he is, but that does not matter as he can only see information he entered himself.
If however this SSO and bank transaction info is coming from another source, you'll need a identity provider that gives you more guarantees about the user's identity (for example the bank's logon server)


Yodlee Security Considerations

I am developing an integration with REST Api with yodlee, and I am worry about security considerations, and would like to hear about the best practices concerning security with the server that talks with yodlee via REST API.
There is a method that returns the users password in plain text, getLoginFormCredentialsForItem()
This worries me a lot and I see that I have to isolate this server with the application server.
Do you have any recommendation to confront this scenario?
Thanks for your feedback on this. I've reviewed this with our Yodlee Security team and they've provided the following response:
The Yodlee Platform stores consumer credentials in a reversible format so that we can use those credentials on behalf of, and as authorized by, the consumer in order to retrieve their data for use by the application. Yodlee has enacted multiple layered security controls as defined by US banking regulations, industry standards (e.g. ISO2700K, PCI) and good industry practices to protect these credentials and the data retrieved by them. When Yodlee deploys with a client, access to the APIs are restricted via network and API level access control lists to complement our and our client’s security controls. However, in this Developer Portal, all APIs are white-listed so that developers can explore the full feature set of the Platform.
We're a longstanding platform with over 10+ years of security and bank-level data audits under our belt and we do not take these or any security concerns lightly. As part of our audit process, we will review the need and use of this particular API and make the appropriate determination whether to modify or remove this API completely from use. We thank you for bringing this concern to our attention.

Why Shouldn't I Programmatically Submit Username/Password to Facebook/Twitter/Amazon/etc?

I wish there was a central, fully customizable, open source, universal login system that allowed you to login and manage all of your online accounts (maybe there is?)...
I just found RPXNow today after starting to build a Sinatra app to login to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, OpenID, and EventBrite, and it looks like it might save some time.
But I keep wondering, not being an authentication guru, why couldn't I just have a sleek login page saying "Enter username and password, and check your login service", and then in the background either scrape the login page from say EventBrite and programmatically submit the form with Mechanize, or use an API if there was one? It would be so much cleaner and such a better user experience if they didn't have to go through popups and redirects and they could use any previously existing accounts.
My question is:
What are the reasons why I shouldn't do something like that?
I don't know much about the serious details of cookies/sessions/security, so if you could be descriptive or point me to some helpful links that would be awesome. Thanks!
I'm familiar with OpenID and the APIs. I was really wondering about the security/legal/confidentiality side of things. I understand the confidentiality part totally, don't know if there's anything legally written down about this, but assuming it's under ssl, and I don't store any of the data (will store the cookies and tokens), what are the security implications?
If I come to your website and give you my gmail password, what guarantee do I have that you won't read all my emails and even send a few of your own? And what if you become a little smarter and say 'people reuse passwords, I might just as well try if this password works for his bank account'.
As a user, I don't trust your site with my password. Period.
The whole point of Open Id and OAuth (that's what RPX uses) is to get around the above issue. I can give your website restricted, revocable and configurable access to my facebook account, all without giving your website my facebook password.
The UI is confusing, I agree. But with time people will understand what its all about, and it will be a lot better.
As already said above:
The site (or the site owner) accessing your {google|yahoo|etc} account cannot be trusted not to change your password and kick you out of your account.
But I feel there are other good reasons:
Many people use the same password on more than one site ore account (some could have the same password on gmail and paypal) and the site owner could abuse that
The site owner doesn't want to be held liable for other site owners abusing your account
The site owner could not be able to store your username and password in secure fashion. The site needs to be able to access them automatically. So on the server hosting there is stored everything needed to access those credentials.
And the hosting usually happens in a shared or virtual server with the hosting company administrators (and sometimes - if the hosting company isn't too conscious - fellow users) able to access them.
Security and Confidentiality. Period.
Even some websites like Facebook discourage using this approach in their TOS i believe. If so, it will be illegal to do so.

Multiple Authentication

I am creating a web-page/website that integrates all my accounts into one spectrum, as in, from this page I want to use this page to log into my mail box online or any other site that requires authentication. All i want is a central login panel. enter my unname&passwd and get redirected to my mail. Is that an impossible question to ask?
It sounds to me like you want to consider using OpenId, which is a standard, fairly widely adopted form of single sign-on. Used by this very site, in fact, and supported by at least two of the three companies you mentioned: yahoo and google. Hotmail does not currently support it.
It completely depends on the individual service. You'll have to investigate each service to see if they even allow you to authenticate against their servers remotely. In the event that they do allow it, it's still up to the service whether or not you'll be able to retrieve any kind of information from them after logging in.
Banks in particular are very unlikely to give you any way to interface with them and the ones that do will likely require a monthly access fee.
You want to look into SAML, an XML-based standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between security domains, that is, between an identity provider (a producer of assertions) and a service provider (a consumer of assertions). SAML is a product of the OASIS Security Services Technical Committee.
With SAML, you can communicate between the major single sign on (SS0) technologies like CAS, OpenID, Shibboleth, AD/LDAP...

OpenID retrofitting and can I trust where sensitive data is involved?

I am considering adding OpenID to our customer facing admin and control panel areas...
1 - Associating OpenID's With Existing Accounts
For customers that already have accounts with us, I'm thinking they would need to login using their existing account number that we issue and then I'd have a mechanism to associate their OpenID with that account in their account management area (call it 'OpenID Manager' for the sake of argument).
In the 'OpenID Manager', presuming the user already has an OpenID, would I authenticate the user against their OpenID then associate with our generated account number for future OpenID logins (assuming that they authenticated ok)?
2 - Sensitive Data
Although we don't store full credit card data in our DB there is other data that is sensitive, invoices, domain reg details etc. After reading this article I'm a little cautious about the idea of using OpenID in this way, what's the general consensus with you folks?
It seems to me that a lot of the arguments against OpenID are either made out of ignorance or by people with an axe to grind.
For example, the document you link to complains that identifying yourself with a URI is "dehumanising and more than a little frightening". Is that a legitimate complaint, or something written by somebody desperate to find things to complain about?
The two major things that get brought up are phishing and compromised accounts and these arguments have been rehashed so many times, it's hard to take somebody seriously if they bring them up yet again with no new points to make.
Phishing protection depends on the provider. Some providers offer much better security than typical websites ever would. Some providers just offer the typical username and password. Either way, if an account is compromised, that's something between the user and their provider, it's not your concern. You don't worry that the end-user has a keylogger installed on their computer, do you? That's because their local security isn't your responsibility, even though it might be used to gain access to their account. Likewise with OpenID - its security is not your responsibility.
If you compromise an OpenID, it gives you access to more than a single website. Sure, but the same is true for email. Just say you've forgotten your password, and you get sent a new one. You now have access to every account they've registered with that email address.
OpenID is no worse than the status quo, and it's significantly better in many circumstances, especially for informed users. If you are still wary of it, then just make it optional, so only the informed users use it.
I'd allow the registration of multiple OpenIDs with a particular account. That's a nice feature to have because it allows users to migrate between OpenIDs should the need ever arise.
That said, the idcorner link raises a good point. I think he massively overblows the security issue and makes many idiotic assumptions about how OpenID providers work, but that OpenID really isn't intended to replace all forms of user authentication. It's designed to make it easy for "drive-by" users to interact with a site with some form of basic authentication.
Ever been to somebody's blog, want to post a comment, but first you have to step through a 3-page registration? OpenID solves that problem.
Want to post a quick bug report on a public tracker but need an account first? OpenID to the rescue.
Want to store sensitive proprietary data in a web-accessible way and provide access only to people who are trusted? OpenID is not the solution.

Does it make sense to set up a trusted relationship between Active Directory instances at partner companies?

If a company often requires users to be created in a partner's active directory, and vice versa, does it make sense to set up a federated / trusted relationship between the AD instances? If so, what should be considered? Does the ACL for users in the partner AD still work the same way? What security risks does this expose?
I've learned that there's a better way to do this by having the application itself check user stores. The best way to do this is by moving the application into a domain trusted by both user stores. I've provided more detail in my answer below.
I've been researching this a bit more, and I've found a good solution. Since both companies both need to use the same system, the system itself just needs to verify if a user exists in either of the user stores(authentication), and then to the authorization at the system level.
The idea behind giving both companies access is solid - If we are working together and didn't have a way to do this, we'd need to re-create all the users from the company without access in the connected user store. Obviously, this would be a total mess and a maintenance nightmare.
I found out that in my case, even though both ADs are on the same WAN, it's necessary to have a formal federation or trust. Thankfully, we already have a domain that's trusted between both companies, so I just have to move the applications used by the partners into this domain. After that, it's simply a matter of fully-qualifying the DNS suffix to indicate the AD being used. Application-specific ACLs then reference the desired user store.
Yeah, it makes sense if you want both to be able to authenticate people across mulitple domains. You have to put the server that has the application you're targeting in a domain trusted by every AD instance you want to use for authentication.
