Developer account - DocuSign Envelopes - Custom object - docusignapi

Hi I'm integrating from Developer account to my sandbox salesforce via REST API. The document signing API is working, but how do I associate the envelop to a salesforce record so that it shows up on the DocuSign Envelopes related list? It works if I send the document via a custom button on the custom object in the UI. Is it possible to do so via API calls?

I believe the creation of the DocuSign Envelopes records are controlled by the DocuSign for Salesforce managed package. That would explain why it works when utilizing your custom button, but not your API integration.
Out of the box, "DocuSign Envelope Statuses" are generated regardless of where it is sent from. As long as you pass the Salesforce record ID within a DocuSign Envelope Custom Field within your request, you could configure Connect to relate the envelope to a specific Salesforce record.


Power Apps/D365 and DocuSign Integration - Send Envelope on behalf of others

This is my first time posting so apologies if I don't explain things clearly.
I've created a Custom Connector within Power Apps that does an API call to my DocuSign Account. The API call I am currently leveraging is to create DocuSign Envelopes:
Link to DocuSign API Library:
My issue is that I do not know how create Envelopes on behalf of other DocuSign Users while using the API call within my Connector. Since the Custom Connector required me to log into my DocuSign Account, every time I use the Connector the Envelope generated from the API call gets associated to me (I am able to see it within "Drafts" when I log into my DocuSign).
Sorry if this is a bit confusing. My end goal is to use my Custom Connector and its API calls within a Canvas App. However, I want the Envelopes created not to always be associated to my DocuSign account especially if the Canvas App is used by other End Users.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Screenshot of Test call:
Screenshot of Test Call: Response
Screenshot of Envelope within DocuSign Account: Snippet
This is Yara from DocuSign Developer Support.
Since you want to create envelopes on behalf of other DocuSign Users while still using the API call within your connector, you can use the Send On Behalf Of Functionality (SOBO). This functionality allows a single user in an account to authenticate for other members of the account and send fully defined envelopes on their behalf.
Here's a detailed guide on the SOBO functionality:

What is the situation we have to use docusing brand destination url and docusing webhook?

My application wants to send an email to signer for signing DocuSign (remote signing using DocuSign rest api) and after completing signing, the website should get the update that the envelope is signed and update the database.
So can I set the brand destination URL, so that the website will get the envelope Id in the merge field and we can update the database?
In this scenario do we need to use a webbook or set a brand destination URL as I said earlier?
after completing signing, the website should get the update that the envelope is signed and update the database.
Best way to handle this is to use a DocuSign webhook. You have two options:
Use the Connect Webhook feature for an account-level webhook. This will send a notification to your server (your "listener") anytime any application in the account, for any user, sends an envelope. You can set which users will trigger a notification and which events (eg envelope_sent, envelope_completed) etc.
The webhook configuration is defined for the account using the eSign settings application or via the API.
Use the eventNotification attribute of the Envelopes:create API call. You get basically the same options as the account-level webhook, but for just one envelope. You define the webhook's settings when you make the API call to send the envelope.
Here's a live example via the API Request Builder. You can configure the example with a webhook listener URL from or from similar services.

Can following be achieved using Docusign APIs?

I'm trying to achieve some requirements via Docusign APIs. Would like to know if it's possible before I start the project.
I've used Docusign app for Salesforce earlier, but now I'm trying to achieve some functionalities through API calls
Ability for a Signed Document sent to a contact (by clicking on a button on contact record) to be attached to the Contact record it was sent from
Ability to write back to the record from a field tagged on the DocuSign envelope
Vinay, this functionality is available using the DocuSign for Salesforce integration. If you would like to write it yourself using APIs, you can start by looking at our Apex toolkit here -

Using DocuSign's CORRECTION functionality as a service in Salesforce via API

DocuSign has a Correcting option (to correct an envelope after it has been sent and before it is signed by the recipient) when you are logged into their site - is there a way to utilize this functionality through SFDC through a web service API? Where we send the unique envelope ID and the changed data to DocuSign, and they in turn revise the doc in the background? The recipient will see the updated document when he accesses the document to sign it.
Yes, you could do this from within an Apex class on SFDC. Don't use a trigger for the class, only a Lightening or force page, since triggered classes have too many restrictions on callouts to other services.

DocuSign API : Captive recipient

I am using SOAP based API call "CreateAndSendEnvelope" to create an envelope into my DocuSign account for remote recipients. I haven't used captive recipients and I also have not created any envelopes from templates so far.
My main reason for not creating envelopes from templates is my document to be included in the DocuSign envelope is not static, it gets generated dynamically based upon certain conditions.
If I need to include recipients as captive recipients in an envelope, do I always have to create an envelope from a template?
As I mentioned earlier, I cannot create an envelope using template as then every time I need to create an envelope, I need to create a template first.
Is there a way to create an envelope first and then redirect a recipient to a signing page/console/URL?
I assume that as remote recipients, captive recipients need not be the DocuSign account users.
Yes you can definitely embed recipients without using any templates - they are two separate, unrelated things. To configure embedded recipients through the SOAP API you just need to set their captive info.
On each recipient there is CaptiveInfo property which has a clientUserId element that you need to set if you want to embed them. It's up to you what value to use for each recipient, but you just need to remember that info when later requesting the URL for them.
There's a whole page on the DocuSign Developer Center that discusses Embedding functionality and even though it's tailored for the REST API it will still give you some needed info:
Then to link it back to the SOAP API you can view sample code through the DocuSign SOAP SDK that's up on GitHub. It has 5 sample projects, written in Java, PHP, .NET, Ruby, and Salesforce (apex).
