Linux/Unix Replacing a pattern in a string and saving to a new file with sed - linux

I have a task, to replace specific pattern in a string.
So far I tried commands like sed -e 's/text_to_find/text_to_replace/g' file
but I don't why it changed all string, not just a part which I wanted to change.
what I want to do is in every string that contains word china to add this
To make it very clear, what I am looking for, there is file I am using:
And this is I would like to see in a new file
P.s. This is just example file, In real file I am using, not every line has word china ,there is 100000 strings and lets say about 500 has china

You can try this sed command
sed 's/,\(.*china\)/,\/\1/' FileName
sed 's/,\(.*china\)/,\/\1/' FileName > NewFile
sed -i.bak 's/,\(.*china\)/,\/\1/' FileName

sed '/[Cc]hina/s/,/,\//' File > New_File
In all the lines matching china / China (change if you don't want case check), replace the first , with , Output redirected to New_File.
If you want the changes to be in the same file, use -i (inplace option):
sed -i '/[Cc]hina/s/,/,\//' File

Her is an awk version:
awk '/china/ {sub(/,/,"&")} 1' file
Search for china, if found, replace , with ,, then print all lines.

sed '/china/ s#,#,' YourFile
based on your sample and assuming first , is the place to insert your text in the line


How to use sed to replace a filename in text file

I have a file:
I want to replace any occurrence of log4j-core* with log4j-core-2.17.1.jar
I tried this but I know I'm missing a regex:
sed -i '/^log4j-core/ s/[-]* /log4j-core-2.17.1.jar/'
With your shown samples please try following sed program. Using -E option with sed to enable ERE(extended regular expressions) with it. In main program using substitute option to perform substitution. Using sed's capability to use regex and store matched values into temp buffer(capturing groups). Matching till last occurrence of / and then matching log4j-core till jar at last of value. While substituting it with 1st capturing group value(till last occurrence of /) followed by new value of log4j as per OP's requirement.
sed -E 's/(^.*\/)log4j-core-.*\.jar$/\1log4j-core-2.17.1.jar/' Input_file
Using sed
$ sed -E 's/(log4j-core-)[0-9.]+/\12.17.1./' input_file
It depends on possible other contents in your input file how specific the search pattern must be.
sed 's/log4j-core-.*\.jar/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar/' inputfile
sed 's/log4j-core-[0-9.]*\.jar/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar/' inputfile
or (if log4j-core*.jar is always the last part of the line)
sed 's/log4j-core.*/log4j-core-2.17.1.jar/' inputfile
sed -i s'#2.10.0.jar$#2.17.1.jar#'g file
That seems to work.

OSX Terminal: how to add same item to each line of a csv file?

I have got a csv file like this:
I want to add a fixed string like 'USA' to all lines in order to obtain:
How can I do that?
From a text processing point of view that CSV file is plain text in this context, you just want to attach , USA to each line.
The easiest (and operationally least expensive) way to do so is probably:
sed -i '' 's/$/, USA/' file
What this does is to instruct sed to look for the end of line $ and "replace" it with , USA. As sed is line-based this obviously doesn't actually trim out the new line of the file.
-i '' instructs sed to make the changes in-line without creating a backup file.
If you wanted a backup you can put the desired extension instead of '', e.g. -i .bak.
You can just use sed: cat <input-file> | sed 's/\(.*\)/\1, USA/'.
Here s is the substitute command, which uses the following character as a separator between a regular expression and a substitution. For the regular expression, the escaped parenthesis are used to create a capture group, the regex .* captures the entire line. For the substitution, the \1 inserts the first capture group, and then the , USA text is appended.
You can perform the replacement in place using: sed -i .bak 's/\(.*\)/\1, USA/' <input-file>

Linux SED Command equal to string not contain

Currently having a problem with using SED command
For example:
I have 2 files
First file contain abc
Second file contain abcaaa
Sed command i am using
sed -i "s/'abc'/change/g"
However my result for both file turn out to be
first file : change
second file changeaaa
How do i make it only equal to abc and not contain abc?
with GNU sed:
sed -r 's/\babc\b/change/g' file

Delete empty lines in csv file

I have a file with 4 million of lines, every line ends with the char $, but I mistakenly add a new line after the the line delimiter while scraping a website, so right now it is looking like this:
fist name, last name, phone, address, postal code, city, region,$
fist name, last name, phone, address, postal code, city, region,$
the new line '$' only shows up of course if I use :set list, but I'm trying to use this file for a bulk insert in mysql and I'm having problems with it now.
I would like to change the file to:
fist name, last name, phone, address, postal code, city, region,$
fist name, last name, phone, address, postal code, city, region,$
How can I do this? with sed or awk or even vi ? looked up around and what I found is not really applying to this case.
please don't take in consideration the extra empty line shown above.
Thanks in advance
To remove blank lines with sed:
sed -i '/^$/d' yourfile.csv
To remove lines consisting of a single $:
sed -i '/^$$/d' yourfile.csv
Most versions of sed support the -i switch; if yours does not you will need e.g. sed '/^$$/d' yourfile.csv > newfile.csv.
Removing blank lines with white space is more complicated. This usually works:
sed '/^ *$/d' yourfile.csv
If this is not sufficient, try checking also for tabs. For older sed's, this will work:
sed '/^[ X]*$/d' yourfile.csv
where X here a tab, entered via Control-V Tab.
Newer sed's will take a [ \t\r]* or \s* or [[:space:]]*, sometimes requiring a -E switch.
grep can filter lines by match (or negative match) against a regex. To exclude empty lines:
grep -v '^$' yourfile.csv > yourfile_fixed.csv
Here are your options:
With awk:
awk 'NF' file > tmp && mv tmp file
With sed (in-place changes so make sure to backup your file using -i.bak):
sed -i '/^$/d' file
With vi:

Execute a cat command within a sed command in Linux

I have a file.txt that has some content. I want to search for a string in file1.txt, if that string is matched I want to replace that string with the content of the file.txt. How can I achieve this?
I have tried using sed:
sed -e 's/%d/cat file.txt/g' file1.txt
This is searching for the matching string in the file1.txt and replacing that with the string cat file.txt, but I want contents of file.txt instead.
How about saving the content of the file in the variable before inserting it into sed string?
$content=`cat file.txt`; sed "s/%d/${content}/g file1.txt"
Given original.txt with content:
this is some text that needs replacement
and replacement.txt with content:
no changes
I'm not sure what your replacement criteria is, but lets say I want to replace all occurrences of the word replacement in the original file, you may replace the content of the original text with the content of the other file using:
> sed -e 's/replacement/'"`cat replacement.txt`"'/g' original.txt
this is some text that needs no changes
You can read a file with sed using the r command. However, that is a line-based operation, which may not be what you're after.
sed '/%d/r file1.txt'
The read occurs at the end of the 'per-line' cycle.
