What does the number in the AddChart2 VBA macro represent? - excel

I've use my Excel 2013 to record a macro in inserting a chart, a column-clustered chart in my case. In the view code option, it shows me a line of code as below:
Please help me as I cannot understand what does the number 286 represent. I know the syntax of Addchart2 is:
If I change the "286" to "285", the chart appears with a blue background. An error comes out if the number is 100.
Can anyone kindly tell me what does the number represent?

One can also provide only the ChartType and the application will use the default style.
Set oShp = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart2(XlChartType:=xl3DColumnClustered)
oShp.Chart.SetSourceData Source:=RngDta
This picture shows the default ChartStyle for all ChartTypes (excluding StockHLC and StockVOHLC)

This won't directly answer your question, but it will help you figure out what is going on.
This is pure conjecture on my part, but I would guess it's an undocumented bitfield. As you may know a bit field is just a way to use a number. So image we have a Byte variable which can be 8 bits (or flags). So in a byte we can store up to 8 values.
Example: We have field called "DaysOpen" bits 1-7 mean the store is open on that day of the week. (We'll ignore the 8th bit.) So if the store is open M-F that would be binary 0111 1100.
Then you just convert that number to decimal and we see that it's 124.
That variable is a Variant so it could be anything from a Byte to Long meaning it could be storing up to 64 different flags.
As a side note (if you are interested) you can use bit fields like so:
Option Explicit
Public Enum DayFlags
'Notice these are power of 2.
dfSunday = 1
dfMonday = 2
dfTuesday = 4
dfWednesday = 8
dfThursday = 16
dfFriday = 32
dfSaturday = 64
End Enum
Sub Example()
Dim openHours As DayFlags
'Set the flags:
openHours = dfMonday Or dfTuesday Or dfThursday
'See the binary?
MsgBox Right$("00000000" & Excel.WorksheetFunction.Dec2Bin(openHours), 8)
'Notice the order is right to left. This is call endianness.
'You can check for a specific flag like this:
MsgBox IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfMonday) & vbNewLine & IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfFriday)
'You can add a flag like this:
openHours = openHours Or dfFriday
MsgBox IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfMonday) & vbNewLine & IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfFriday)
'You can remove a flag like this:
openHours = openHours Xor dfFriday
MsgBox IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfMonday) & vbNewLine & IsOpenOnDay(openHours, dfFriday)
End Sub
Private Function IsOpenOnDay(ByVal openHours As DayFlags, ByVal day As DayFlags) As Boolean
IsOpenOnDay = ((openHours And day) = day)
End Function

Well , I had the same situation once, and those are basically chart styles. I tried to figure out the exact numbering but then i realized that recording was a much easier way of knowing the style numbers just as you have done here.
To answer you question, record macros to know which style you want to implement in your macros.

Just checking to see if 5 years later anyone has a better answer. I sure could use an enumeration of the chart styles; I don't like putting simple numbers in my code without some explanation as to what it means. Of course, I could use a comment, but if the numbers are documented, then that means they could change.

I found a partial list: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/excel.xlcharttype
I'm sure these numbers, plus the bitfield variations as suggested by Pillgram above to control various other chart aspects, answer the question. The possible combinations are in the thousands, so a full list would be pretty useless. Recording is still your best bet.


Clean data in excel that comes in varying formats

I have an excel table that contain values in these formats. The tables span over 30000 entries.
I need to clean this data so that only the numbers directly after V- are left. This would mean that when the value is SV-51140r3_rule, V-4407..., I would only want 4407 to remain and when the value is SV-245744r822811_rule, I would only want 245744 to remain. I have about 10 formulas that can handle these variations, but it requires a lot of manual labor. I've also used the text to column feature of excel to clean this data as well, but it takes about 30 minutes to an hour to go through the whole document. I'm looking for ways that I can streamline this process so that one formula or function can handle all of these different variations. I'm open to using VBA but don't have a whole lot of experience with it and I am unable to use Pandas or any IDE or programming language. Help please!!
I've used text to columns to clean data that way and I've used a variation of this formula
Depending on your version of Excel, either of these should work. If you have the ability to use the Let function, it will improve your performance, as this outstanding article articulates.
If you're on a really old version of excel, you'll need to hit ctl shift enter to make array formula work.
While these look daunting, all these functions are doing is finding the last V (by this function) =SUBSTITUTE(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"V",REPT("πŸ„",999)),999),"πŸ„","") and then looping through each character and only returning numbers.
Obviously the mushroom πŸ„ could be any character that one would consider improbable to appear in the actual data.
Old School
Let Function
(use this if you can)
VBA Custom Function
You could also use a VBA custom function to accomplish what you want.
Function getNumbersAfterCharcter(aCell As Range, aCharacter As String) As String
Const errorValue = "#NoValuesInText"
Dim i As Long, theValue As String
For i = Len(aCell.Value) To 1 Step -1
theValue = Mid(aCell.Value, i, 1)
If IsNumeric(theValue) Then
getNumbersAfterCharcter = Mid(aCell.Value, i, 1) & getNumbersAfterCharcter
ElseIf theValue = aCharacter Then
Exit Function
End If
Next i
If getNumbersAfterCharcter = "" Then getNumbersAfterCharcter = errorValue
End Function

A bar with hints in the written function VBA [duplicate]

In Excel 2007, how do I add a description and parameter hints to a user-defined function? When I start typing a function invocation for a built-in function, Excel shows a description and parameter list--a tooltip. I'd like to do the same for the functions I define.
Not just for the formula insert wizard, but in the formula box, so if I key "=myFun(", at the "(" the tooltip pops up just like it does for "=average("
There's no help in VBA Help, none on MSDN and none on any of the Excel and VBA dedicated forums I can find, so this is clearly a long shot.
Not a tooltip solution but an adequate workaround:
Start typing the UDF =MyUDF( then press CTRL + Shift + A and your function parameters will be displayed. So long as those parameters have meaningful names you at-least have a viable prompt
For example, this:
=MyUDF( + CTRL + Shift + A
Turns into this:
=MyUDF(sPath, sFileName)
Professional Excel Development by
Stephen Bullen describes how to
register UDFs, which allows a
description to appear in the Function
Arguments dialog:
Function IFERROR(ByRef ToEvaluate As Variant, ByRef Default As Variant) As Variant
If IsError(ToEvaluate) Then
IFERROR = Default
IFERROR = ToEvaluate
End If
End Function
Sub RegisterUDF()
Dim s As String
s = "Provides a shortcut replacement for the common worksheet construct" & vbLf _
& "IF(ISERROR(<expression>), <default>, <expression>)"
Application.MacroOptions macro:="IFERROR", Description:=s, Category:=9
End Sub
Sub UnregisterUDF()
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="IFERROR", Description:=Empty, Category:=Empty
End Sub
From: http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78123&page=1
To show the Function Arguments dialog, type the function name and press CtrlA. Alternatively, click the "fx" symbol in the formula bar:
I know you've accepted an answer for this, but there's now a solution that lets you get an intellisense style completion box pop up like for the other excel functions, via an Excel-DNA add in, or by registering an intellisense server inside your own add in. See here.
Now, i prefer the C# way of doing it - it's much simpler, as inside Excel-DNA, any class that implements IExcelAddin is picked up by the addin framework and has AutoOpen() and AutoClose() run when you open/close the add in. So you just need this:
namespace MyNameSpace {
public class Intellisense : IExcelAddIn {
public void AutoClose() {
public void AutoOpen() {
and then (and this is just taken from the github page), you just need to use the ExcelDNA annotations on your functions:
[ExcelFunction(Description = "A useful test function that adds two numbers, and returns the sum.")]
public static double AddThem(
[ExcelArgument(Name = "Augend", Description = "is the first number, to which will be added")]
double v1,
[ExcelArgument(Name = "Addend", Description = "is the second number that will be added")]
double v2)
return v1 + v2;
which are annotated using the ExcelDNA annotations, the intellisense server will pick up the argument names and descriptions.
There are examples for using it with just VBA too, but i'm not too into my VBA, so i don't use those parts.
Also you can use, this Macro to assign Descriptions to arguments and the UDF:
Private Sub RegisterMyFunction()
Application.MacroOptions _
Macro:="SampleFunction", _ '' Your UDF name
Description:="calculates a result based on provided inputs", _
Category:="My UDF Category", _ '' Or use numbers, a list in the link below
ArgumentDescriptions:=Array( _ '' One by each argument
"is the first argument. tell the user what it does", _
"is the second argument. tell the user what it does")
End Sub
Credits to Kendall and the original post here.
For the UDF Categories
I just create a "help" version of the function. Shows up right below the function in autocomplete - the user can select it instead in an adjacent cell for instructions.
Public Function Foo(param1 as range, param2 as string) As String
Foo = "Hello world"
End Function
Public Function Foo_Help() as String
Foo_Help = "The Foo function was designed to return the Foo value for a specified range a cells given a specified constant." & CHR(10) & "Parameters:" & CHR(10)
& " param1 as Range : Specifies the range of cells the Foo function should operate on." & CHR(10)
&" param2 as String : Specifies the constant the function should use to calculate Foo"
&" contact the Foo master at master#foo.com for more information."
The carriage returns improve readability with wordwrap on. 2 birds with one stone, now the function has some documentation.
#will's method is the best. Just add few lines about the details for the people didn't use ExcelDNA before like me.
Download Excel-DNA IntelliSense from https://github.com/Excel-DNA/IntelliSense/releases
There are two version, one is for 64, check your Excel version. For my case, I'm using 64 version.
Open Excel/Developer/Add-Ins/Browse and select ExcelDna.IntelliSense64.xll.
Insert a new sheet, change name to "IntelliSense", add function description, as https://github.com/Excel-DNA/IntelliSense/wiki/Getting-Started
Then enjoy! :)
Unfortunately there is no way to add Tooltips for UDF Arguments.
To extend Remou's reply you can find a fuller but more complex approach to descriptions for the Function Wizard at
I tried #ScottK's approach, first as a side feature of my functional UDF, then as a standalone _Help suffix version when I ran into trouble (see below). In hindsight, the latter approach is better anyway--more obvious to a user attentive enough to see a tool tip, and it doesn't clutter up the functional code.
I figured if an inattentive user just typed the function name and closed the parentheses while he thought it over, help would appear and he would be on his way. But dumping a bunch of text into a single cell that I cannot format didn't seem like a good idea. Instead, When the function is entered in a cell with no arguments i.e.
= interpolateLinear()
= interpolateLinear_Help()
a msgBox opens with the help text. A msgBox is limited to ~1000 characters, maybe it's 1024. But that's enough (barely 8^/) for my overly tricked out interpolation function. If it's not, you can always open a user form and go to town.
The first time the message box opened, it looked like success. But there are a couple of problems. First of course, the user has to know to enter the function with no arguments (+1 for the _Help suffix UDF).
The big problem is, the msgBox reopens several times in succession, spontaneously while working in unrelated parts of the workbook. Needless to say, it's very annoying. Sometimes it goes on until I get a circular reference warning. Go figure. If a UDF could change the cell formula, I would have done that to shut it up.
I don't know why Excel feels the need recalculate the formula over and over; neither the _Help standalone, nor the full up version (in help mode) has precedents or dependents. There's not an application.volatile statement anywhere. Of course the function returns a value to the calling cell. Maybe that triggers the recalc? But that's what UDFs do. I don't think you can not return a value.
Since you can't modify a worksheet formula from a UDF, I tried to return a specific string --a value --to the calling cell (the only one you can change the value of from a UDF), figuring I would inspect the cell value using application.caller on the next cycle, spot my string, and know not to re-display the help message. Seemed like a good idea at the time--didn't work. Maybe I did something stupid in my sleep-deprived state. I still like the idea. I'll update this when (if) I fix the problem. My quick fix was to add a line on the help box: "Seek help only in an emergency. Delete the offending formula to end the misery.
In the meantime, I tried the Application.MacroOptions approach. Pretty easy, and it looks professional. Just one problem to work out. I'll post a separate answer on that approach later.
A lot of dancing around the answer. You can add the UDF context help, but you have to export the Module and edit the contents in a text editor, then re-import it to VBA. Here's the example from Chip Pearson: Adding Code Attributes

Use String text as Code in Visual Basic for Excel

For various reasons, I need to concatenate a text of the form [NAME].Value by changing the value of NAME to an inputbox entry.
Something like this:
Sub example()
data_in = InputBox("Give me something: ")
mystring1 = "[" & data_in & "].Value"
a = Evaluate(mystring1) 'I know this is wrong, but I don't know how to do so.
End Sub
I know it can be done in other ways, and the example in which I want to use this code is not exactly this one, and while it can be done in several ways here, in the original code it can only be done this way.
I want, based on the input in the imputbox, to concatenate the string in whatever way, and subsequently cast that string as code to store the value in another variable, to be used later in the code.
I am not able to get VBA to read the string text as code. I have seen that there is a way that consists of creating a macro from this first macro, execute it, and then delete the recently created macro. The problem with this solution is that doing that I can't save the variable when returning to the initial macro (I don't want to use global variables).
Surely there must be a way?
Thank you very much.
EDIT: The code above returns Error 2015
In order to use a string as if it was code, you can use the evaluate function (exists in most languages)
The official documentation mentions this example:
[a1].Value = 25
Evaluate("A1").Value = 25
trigVariable = [SIN(45)]
trigVariable = Evaluate("SIN(45)")
Set firstCellInSheet = Workbooks("BOOK1.XLS").Sheets(4).[A1]
Set firstCellInSheet = _
I have figured out the easiest way to do it, sorry for posting the question so soon.
Thanks to #Andreas for the solution. I'll write it here in case than could be useful to someone.
Sub example()
data_in = InputBox("Give me something: ")
a = Range(data_in).Value
Debug.Print a
End Sub
In the end the simplest thing is the last thing you try...

Limit text to allowed characters only - (not by enumerating the wrong characters) | VBA

I would like to limit certain textboxes to accept only [A-Za-z]
I hope, a counterpart to Like exists.
With Like I would have to make a long list of not allowed characters to be able to filter.
Not MyString like [?;!Β°%/=....]
I can think of a solution in the form of:
For Counter = 1 To Len(MyString)
if Mid(MyString, Counter, 1) Like "*[a-z]*" = false then
MsgBox "String contains bad characters"
exit sub
end if
... but is there a more sophisticated 1liner solution ?
Until then, I have created a function to make it "Oneliner":
Function isPureString(myText As String) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
isPureString = True
For i = 1 To Len(myText)
If Mid(myText, i, 1) Like "*[a-zA-Z_Γ­Γ©Γ‘Ε±ΓΊΕ‘ΓΆΓΌΓ³Γ“ΓœΓ–ΓšΕΕ°ΓΓ‰Γ]*" = False Then
isPureString = False
End If
End Function
If i add 1 more parameter, its also possible to define the allowed characters upon calling the function.
Ok, it seems my question was a bit of a duplicate, even though that did not pop in my search results.
So credits for #QHarr for posting the link.
The solution I can forge from that idea for my "oneliner" is:
If myText Like WorksheetFunction.Rept("[a-zA-Z]", Len(myText))=false then 'do something.
Using .rept is inspiringly clever and elegant in my oppinion.
So what is does: Multiplies the search criteria for each charater instead of looping through the characters.
In an overaboundance of nice and elegant solutions, the most recent leader is:
If not myText Like "*[!A-Za-z]*" then '... do something
Statistics update:
I have tested the last 3 solutions' performance:
I have pasted # in the below text strin at the beginning, at the end or nowhere.
The criteria were: "*[a-zA-Z \S.,]*"
For 100000 repetitions
text = "This will be a very Long text, with one unwanted in the middle, to be able to test the difference in performance of the approaches."
1.) Using the [!...] -> 30ms with error, 80ms if no error
2.) Using .Rept -> around 1800ms for all cases
3.) Using characterLoop+Mid -> around 3000ms if no error / 40-80ms ms if early error

VBA dots from database get loaded into textbox as comma

I know the Headline sounds odd so I will start off with a screenshot:
As you can see, the problem is that the point suddenly changes to a comma when I look up an ID in the UserForm.
Before recalling Infos, I am saving all Information rather straightforward:
with ws
Range("BH" & lastRow).value = Me.payinfoOnTime
Range("BI" & lastRow).value = Me.payinfo30
Range("BJ" & lastRow).value = Me.payinfo60
Range("BK" & lastRow).value = Me.payinfo90
Range("BL" & lastRow).value = Me.payinfo90more
End with
Recalling the respective info for a searched ID is done by:
Set FoundRange = ws.Range("D4:D500").Find(What:=Me.SearchSuppNo, LookIn:=xlValues)
With ws
Me.SEpayinfoontime = FoundRange.Offset(0, 56)
Me.SEpayinfo30 = FoundRange.Offset(0, 57)
Me.SEpayinfo60 = FoundRange.Offset(0, 58)
Me.SEpayinfo90 = FoundRange.Offset(0, 59)
Me.SEpayinfo90more = FoundRange.Offset(0, 60)
end with
The Problem is that later calculations for scores are depending on those textboxes and I constantly get an error, unless I always manually change the commas back to points.
Any ideas how I can fix this?
The line:
Me.SEpayinfoontime = FoundRange.Offset(0, 56)
is in fact:
Me.SEpayinfoontime.Value = FoundRange.Offset(0, 56).Value
When you populate an MSForms.TextBox using the .Value property (typed As Variant), like you implicitly do, and providing a number on the right side, the compiler passes the value to the TextBox as a number, and then the value is automatically converted to string inside the TextBox.
Exactly how that conversion happens does not appear to be documented, and from experiment, it would appear there is a problem with it.
When you freshly start Excel, it would appear assigning .Value will convert the number using the en-us locale, even if your system locale is different. But as soon as you go to the Control Panel and change your current locale to something else, .Value begins to respect the system locale, and changes its result depending on what is currently selected.
It should not be happening and I would see it as an Excel bug.
But if you instead assign the .Text property, the number is converted to string using the current system decimal dot, and that conversion happens outside of the TextBox, because the compiler knows .Text is a string, so it converts the right-hand side number to string beforehand.
So in your situation I would:
Make sure I always use the .Text property explicitly:
Me.SEpayinfoontime.Text = ...
Make sure I explicitly use the correct kind of functions to convert between text and numbers:
Me.SEpayinfoontime.Text = CStr(FoundRange.Offset(0, 56).Value)
MsgBox CInt(Me.SEpayinfoontime.Text) / 10
although this step is optional and represents my personal preference. Given that it's a string on the left side of the assignment, VB will use CStr automatically.
Go to Excel's settings to make sure the "Use system separators" tick is set.
Check what locale is selected in the Control Panel - Language and Regional settings.
If it is not En-Us, I would select En-Us to make sure the decimal separator is a dot there.
Restart Excel.
