Could I combine two closures in groovy? - groovy

I have one closure:
def Boolean check(String name, String value, Context c){;
There is a get method to get the closure:
def getClosure() {
I am trying to get the Logical disjunction of two calls (name could be "Dog" or "Cat"):
c1 = check.curry("name", "Dog");
c2 = check.curry("name", "Cat");
c3 = c1 || c2; /*Could this closure be created?*/
Context ctx = new Context();;
My question is is there a way to create a c3 closure?

I don't think that Groovy ships with a combinator for or'ing predicates (if that's what you are asking). You'll probably have to do c3 = { c1(it) || c2(it) }.


Finding list/map of free variable(s) of a closure in groovy

This is my simple groovy script;
def fourtify(String str) {
def clsr = {
return clsr
def c = fourtify("aa")
println("binding variables: ${c.getBinding().getVariables()}")
All I'm trying to do here is being able to access the free variable "str" using the closure instance to understand how closure works behind the scenes a bit more better. Like, perhaps, Python's locals() method.
Is there a way to do this?
The closure you have defined does not store anything in binding object - it simply returns String passed as str variable, repeated 4 times.
This binding object stores all variables that were defined without specifying their types or using def keyword. It is done via Groovy metaprogramming feature (getProperty and setProperty methods to be more specific). So when you define a variable s like:
def clsr = {
s = str*4
return s
then this closure will create a binding with key s and value evaluated from expression str * 4. This binding object is nothing else than a map that is accessed via getProperty and setProperty method. So when Groovy executes s = str * 4 it calls setProperty('s', str * 4) because variable/property s is not defined. If we make a slightly simple change like:
def clsr = {
def s = str*4 // or String s = str * 4
return s
then binding s won't be created, because setProperty method does not get executed.
Another comment to your example. If you want to see anything in binding object, you need to call returned closure. In example you have shown above the closure gets returned, but it never gets called. If you do:
def c = fourtify("aa")
println("binding variables: ${c.getBinding().getVariables()}")
then your closure gets called and binding object will contain bindings (if any set). Now, if you modify your example to something like this:
def fourtify(String str) {
def clsr = {
def n = 4 // it does not get stored as binding
s = str * n
return s
return clsr
def c = fourtify("aa")
println("binding variables: ${c.getBinding().getVariables()}")
you will see following output in return:
binding variables: [args:[], s:aaaaaaaa]
Hope it helps.
in your example str is a parameter of the method/function fortify
however maybe following example will give you better Closure understanding:
def c={ String s,int x-> return s*x }
println( c.getClass().getSuperclass() ) // groovy.lang.Closure
println( c.getMaximumNumberOfParameters() ) // 2
println( c.getParameterTypes() ) // [class java.lang.String, int]
the locals() Python's function better matches groovy.lang.Script.getBinding()
and here is a simple example with script:
Script scr = new GroovyShell().parse('''
println this.getBinding().getVariables() // print "s" and "x"
z = s*(x+1) // declare a new script-level var "z"
println this.getBinding().getVariables() // print "s", "x", and "z"
return s*x
scr.setBinding( new Binding([
]) )
println // abababab
println scr.getBinding().getVariables() // print "s", "x", and "z"

Swift - best practice to find the longest string at [String] array

I'm trying to find what is the most effective way to get the longest string in a string array. For example :
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
and the outcome will be - "Game Of Thrones is just good"
I've tried using the maxElement func, tho it's give the max string in a alphabetic ideas(maxElement()).
Any suggestions? Thanks!
Instead of sorting which is O(n log(n)) for a good sort, use max(by:) which is O(n) on Array providing it a closure to compare string lengths:
Swift 4:
For Swift 4 you can get the string length with the count property on String:
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
if let max = array.max(by: {$1.count > $0.count}) {
Swift 3:
Use .characters.count on String to get the string lengths:
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
if let max = array.max(by: {$1.characters.count > $0.characters.count}) {
Swift 2:
Use maxElement on Array providing it a closure to compare string lengths:
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
if let max = array.maxElement({$1.characters.count > $0.characters.count}) {
Note: maxElement is O(n). A good sort is O(n log(n)), so for large arrays, this will be much faster than sorting.
You can use reduce to do this. It will iterate through your array, keeping track of the current longest string, and then return it when finished.
For example:
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
if let longestString = array.reduce(Optional<String>.None, combine:{$0?.characters.count > $1.characters.count ? $0:$1}) {
print(longestString) // "Game Of Thrones is just good"
(Note that Optional.None is now Optional.none in Swift 3)
This uses an nil starting value to account for the fact that the array could be empty, as pointed out by #JHZ (it will return nil in that case). If you know your array has at least one element, you can simplify it to:
let longestString = array.reduce("") {$0.characters.count > $1.characters.count ? $0:$1}
Because it only iterates through each element once, it will quicker than using sort(). I did a quick benchmark and sort() appears around 20x slower (although no point in premature optimisation, I feel it is worth mentioning).
Edit: I recommend you go with #vacawama's solution as it's even cleaner than reduce!
Here you go:
let array = ["I'm Roi","I'm asking here","Game Of Thrones is just good"]
var sortedArr = array.sort() { $0.characters.count > $1.characters.count }
let longestEelement = sortedArr[0]
You can also practice with the use of Generics by creating this function:
func longestString<T:Sequence>(from stringsArray: T) -> String where T.Iterator.Element == String{
return (stringsArray.max {$0.count < $1.count}) ?? ""
Explanation: Create a function named longestString. Declar that there is a generic type T that implements the Sequence protocol (Sequence is defined here: The function will return a single String (of course, the longest). The where clause explains that the generic type T should be limited to having elements of type String.
Inside the function, call the max function of the stringsArray by comparing the longest string of the elements inside. What will be returned is the longest String (an optional as it can be nil if the array is empty). If the longest string is nil then (use of ??) returns an empty string as the longest string instead.
Now call it:
let longestA = longestString(from:["Shekinah", "Chesedh", "Agape Sophia"])
If you get the hang of using generics, even if the strings are hidden inside objects, you can make use of the pattern of coding above. You can change the element to objects of the same class (Person for example).
class Person {
let name: String
init(name: String){ = name
func longestName<T:Sequence>(from stringsArray: T) -> String where T.Iterator.Element == Person{
return (stringsArray.max {$ < $})?.name ?? ""
Then call the function like these:
let longestB = longestName(from:[Person(name: "Shekinah"), Person(name: "Chesedh"), Person(name: "Agape Sophia")])
You also get to rename your function based on the appropriateness of its use. You can tweak the pattern to return something else, like the object itself, or the length (count) of the String. And finally, becoming familiar with generics may improve your coding ability.
Now, with a little tweak again, you may extend further so that you can compare strings owned by many different types as long as they implement a common protocol.
protocol Nameable {
var name: String {get}
This defines a protocol named Nameable that requires those who implement to have a name variable of type String. Next, we define two different things that both implement the protocol.
class Person: Nameable {
let name: String
init(name: String){ = name
struct Pet: Nameable {
let name: String
Then we tweak our generic function so that it requires that the elements must conform to Nameable, vastly different though they are.
func longestName<T:Sequence>(from stringsArray: T) -> String where T.Iterator.Element == Nameable{
return (stringsArray.max {$ < $})?.name ?? ""
Let's collect the different objects into an array. Then call our function.
let myFriends: [Nameable] = [Pet(name: "Bailey"), Person(name: "Agape Sophia")]
let longestC = longestName(from: myFriends)
Lastly, after knowing "where" above and "Sequence" above, you may simply extend Sequence:
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == String {
func topString() -> String {
self.max(by: { $0.count < $1.count }) ?? ""
Or the protocol type:
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == Nameable {
func theLongestName() -> Nameable? {
self.max(by: { $ < $ })

How to instantiate a class using an explicit first, and a default second argument, via the meta model?

I have the following toplevel class:
class Example(shared String first = "default one", shared String second = "default two") {
Now, I want to instantiate this class using an explicit value for first, but the default value for second.
I know how to do this via explicitly compiled code, by using named arguments:
void instantiateExample(String firstValue) {
Example ex = Example { first = firstValue; };
assert(ex.first == firstValue);
assert(ex.second == "default two");
Now, I would like to do the same thing as the above code, but by using the Class<Example, []|[String,String=]> object.
with class model it is ...
Class<Example,[]|[String, String=]> exampleModel = `Example`;
value e1 = exampleModel();
value e2 = exampleModel("foo");
value e3 = exampleModel("foo", "bar");
or with class declaration it is ...
ClassDeclaration exampleDeclaration = `class Example`;
assert(is Example e1 = exampleDeclaration.instantiate());
assert(is Example e2 = exampleDeclaration.instantiate([], "foo"));
assert(is Example e3 = exampleDeclaration.instantiate([], "foo", "bar"));

Trouble "overriding" values in a Groovy closure with .delegate

I'd like to call a closure with a delegate parameter to override or shadow the calling context. But the following example prints prints "outside" where I expect "inside".
What am I doing wrong?
def f(String a){
def v = { return a }
v.delegate = [a:"inside"]
// Makes no difference:
// v.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
I believe the issue is that when the closure is declared inside the function, it 'closes' round the known values in the method (a), so that value becomes effectively hard-coded into the closure (it never hits the delegate to find the unknown value as it is known to the Closure).
If you move the closure v definition outside of the function f, then it works:
v = { return a }
def f(String a){
v.delegate = [a:"inside"]
Other option is to use getProperty('a') instead of directly using a as this forces the use of the delegate to retrieve the value of a.
Can also be done by referring the delegate in the closure. For v as a closure, a does not make any sense (equivalent to use of ExpandoMetaClass)
def f(String a){
def v = { delegate.a }
v.delegate = [a:"inside"]
println v()

How do I use groovy's AS keyword

This may be a duplicate but "as" is an INCREDABLY hard keyword to google, even S.O. ignores "as" as part of query.
So I'm wondering how to implement a class that supports "as" reflexively. For an example class:
class X {
private val
public X(def v) {
public asType(Class c) {
if (c == Integer.class)
return val as Integer
if(c == String.class)
return val as String
This allows something like:
new X(3) as String
to work, but doesn't help with:
3 as X
I probably have to attach/modify the "asType" on String and Integer somehow, but I feel any changes like this should be confined to the "X" class... Can the X class either implement a method like:
X fromObject(object)
or somehow modify the String/Integer class from within X. This seems tough since it won't execute any code in X until X is actually used... what if my first usage of X is "3 as X", will X get a chance to override Integer's asType before Groovy tries to call is?
As you say, it's not going to be easy to change the asType method for Integer to accept X as a new type of transformation (especially without destroying the existing functionality).
The best I can think of is to do:
Integer.metaClass.toX = { -> new X( delegate ) }
And then you can call:
I can't think how 3 as X could be done -- as you say, the other way; new X('3') as Integer is relatively easy.
Actually, you can do this:
// Get a handle on the old `asType` method for Integer
def oldAsType = Integer.metaClass.getMetaMethod( "asType", [Class] as Class[] )
// Then write our own
Integer.metaClass.asType = { Class c ->
if( c == X ) {
new X( delegate )
else {
// if it's not an X, call the original
oldAsType.invoke( delegate, c )
3 as X
This keeps the functionality out of the Integer type, and minimizes scope of the effect (which is good or bad depending on what you're looking for).
This category will apply asType from the Integer side.
class IntegerCategory {
static Object asType(Integer inty, Class c) {
if(c == X) return new X(inty)
else return inty.asType(c)
use (IntegerCategory) {
(3 as X) instanceof X
