Accessing special files in apache2 - .htaccess

i want to know how to have access some files in special directory which is need to be authenticate with apache web server
this is my config file
<Directory /var/www/media>
Order deny,allow
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Restricted Files"
AuthUserFile htpasswd
Require user ABC
Options +Indexes
inside the media folder i have folder named temp and inside temp there are some pdf files
i want to access them without entering password
or access from url like this ""

Inside /var/www/media/temp/.htaccess have these 2 lines:
Satisfy Any
Allow from all
This will disable Basic Auth for whole /var/www/media/temp/ directory and all files under it. However if you want to disable only for /var/www/media/temp/*.pdf files then you need more code using mod_setenvif as this:
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.pdf$ NO_AUTH
Satisfy any
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from env=NO_AUTH

Just define new rules for subfolder:
<Directory /var/www/media/temp>
Order allow,deny
Satisfy Any
Allow from all


.htaccess protect symlinked TYPO3 backend

I'm trying to protect an older TYPO3 8.7 backend (/typo3) via an AuthType basic part in the normal TYPO3 .htaccess file.
I always end up with internal server errors.
Has anyone done this before ?
Is it possible that this could not wor with the symlinks ?
I am puting this part of code on top of my .htaccess (before all the rwrite stuff starts):
SetEnvIf Request_URI ^.*/typo3.* require_auth=true
AuthType basic
AuthName "Admin Schutz"
AuthUserFile /usr/etc/.htpasswd
#Order Deny,Allow
#Deny from all
#Satisfy any
Require valid-user
Allow from env=!require_auth
Thanks for any hints!
Assuming that your /usr/etc/.htpasswd file is accessible and valid (created properly with htpasswd command and chmoded to 644) your sample should work for Apache 2.2, but not in Apache 2.4 according to comments in this post. Literally in 2.4 it will work, but will require password also for your root domain.
There are two solutions. First is placing additional .htaccess files in your typo3 directory with simple rule, i.e. as shown by #Naderio:
AuthType basic
AuthName "Secret area!"
AuthUserFile /usr/etc/.htpasswd
require valid-user
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Satisfy ANY
However, if you created a typo3 symlink to sources as suggested in TYPO3's documentation and/or you don't want to require BasicAuth for all projects which uses the same sources, you can override these settings directly in VHOST configuration like (assuming that you have all your TYPO3 projects i.e. in /www/typo3/ folder:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin your#email.tld
DocumentRoot "/www/typo3/project-x.loc"
ServerName project-x.loc
# below your valid paths for log files...
# ErrorLog "logs/project-x.loc-error_log"
# CustomLog "logs/project-x.loc-access_log" common
<Directory "/www/typo3/project-x.loc">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI Includes
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
<Directory "/www/typo3/project-x.loc/typo3">
AuthType basic
AuthName "Restricted in VHOST config!"
AuthUserFile /usr/etc/.htpasswd
require valid-user
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Satisfy ANY
Note: I'd check anyway if the path you are trying to use /usr/etc/ is accessible for Apache at all, maybe it will be better moving your .htpasswd file somewhere closer to your www structure like to folder /www/etc/ and fix the above rules accordingly?
Should work with:
AuthType basic
AuthName "Secret area!"
AuthUserFile /usr/etc/.htpasswd
require valid-user
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Satisfy ANY
An internal server error is thrown, e.g. if your path to the AuthUserFile isn't correct.
Here i've written down my snippet for my personal public documentation:
Thanks to all replies.
finally we also did this in the vhost by the following code using the "location"-tag.
<Location /typo3/>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Enter Password"
AuthUserFile /www_data/.htpasswd4xyz
Require valid-user
In case you can't edit the vhost config,
this line shoud work istead of your SetEnvIf in your .htaccess, intoo:
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/typo3/$ require_auth=true

Modify access to .htaccess to restrict directories based on user auth

Currently I have .htaccess to require user auth in order to proceed.
I'm trying to find a solution to restrict users from navigating to other /directory/ than the one assigned to their username (haven't figured out how to do it, yet).
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Welcome!"
AuthUserFile /home/public_html/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Satisfy Any
<FilesMatch "^.(htaccess|htpasswd)$">
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all
Any ideas?
Thank you!
you can simply do like : create a .htaccess file
AuthName "Username and password required"
AuthUserFile /home/path/.htpasswd
AuthType Basic
Require valid-user
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all
Allow from X.X.X.X/16
Satisfy Any
if you have multiple file of .htpasswd then you can give multiple entry in .htaccess file like
AuthUserFile /home/will/.htpasswd
AuthUserFile /home/jone/.htpasswd
create .htaccess file and put in directory that you want to allow . if you want to allow multiple directory then copy that .htaccess file in all directory . if you want deferent user can access different directory then edit .htaccess file of that particular directory . i think it will work for you . for more info here

How to allow a single url but restrict the others using htaccess

I am trying to allow a single location (a file which does not exist) to be accessed on my Apache 2.2.3 (Centos) server to be able to implement the paypal ipn listener.
The other files should stay password protected.
How can I allow a single location to be accessed without login?
The code bellow shows what I tried so far.
The location directive selects the correct location (I tested this by writing deny from all to it).
The issue I have now is that the server is still asking for a password for that location.
I tried already to put the location directive into the directory one but this leads to an syntax error (even if it would be allowed for file directives) but I can not use a file directive instead a location one, because the file does not physically exist.
<Directory /var/www/vhosts/>
Order Deny,Allow
Options -Includes -ExecCGI
SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV "development"
AuthName "myproject"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /var/www/vhosts/
AuthGroupFile /var/www/vhosts/
Require group myproject
DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/
<Location "/ipn/sdsad8329ejslkdjasl">
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
Satisfy Any
Here a link to the documentation:
You can use a SetEnvIf to match against the Request_URI to set a variable, then use a combination of Satisfy any, Require group myproject and Allow.
Try something like this:
DocumentRoot /var/www/vhosts/
# Here we check if the request is for something we don't need to authorize
SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/ipn/sdsad8329ejslkdjasl NO_AUTH_NEEDED=1
<Directory /var/www/vhosts/>
Order Allow,Deny
Options -Includes -ExecCGI
SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV "development"
AuthName "myproject"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /var/www/vhosts/
AuthGroupFile /var/www/vhosts/
# This makes it so one of the 2 is good enough
Satisfy Any
# We allow first, but only if the NO_AUTH_NEEDED is set
Allow from env=NO_AUTH_NEEDED
# Otherwise, require a login
Require group myproject

Apache - How to deny directory but allow one file in that directory

I try to configure my Apache .conf file to deny listing from a certain category, but I want to allow a specific file inside this category.
It appears that the Directory rule is "stronger" than the Files rule, so when using both - I can't access that certain file.
This is what I try:
<Directory /var/www/denied_directory>
order deny,allow
Deny From All
<Files safefile.php>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from All
It works perfectly if it is configured properly:
<Directory /var/www/denied_directory>
Order allow,deny
<Files test.php>
Order deny,allow
In Apache 2.4, with an additional test on an environment variable for good measure:
See also: Require Directive
<Directory "/wikis/foswiki">
Require all denied
# Allow access to toplevel files ending in .html (in particular index.html) only
# (comment out if you don't care for this)
<Files ~ "\.html$">
Require all granted
Require not env blockAccess
put your files directive inside your directory directive.
To allow a specific file when access is restricted by HTTP password. Be careful, password protection is defined on filesystem basis and specific allowed files are defined by URI. Updated for Apache 2.4.
<Directory /path/to/directory/>
AuthName SecureArea
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /path/to/passwd-file
Require user my-user
SetEnvIf Request_URI "path/to/uri-allowed-1.php" allowedURL
SetEnvIf Request_URI "path/to/uri-allowed-2.php" allowedURL
Require env allowedURL
There is a missing line in #acond's answer. I think it needs Allow:
<Directory /var/www/denied_directory>
order deny,allow
Deny from All
<Files safefile.php>
order deny,allow
Allow from All
Since there is only one rule in each directive, I suspect the order lines may be irrelevant. Although maybe the outermost one is required, because there is more than one rule nested. (I'm new to apache configuration)
Create an .htaccess file in the directory (folder) and use the block below:
order deny,allow
deny from all
<Files safefile.php>
allow from all
This will allow ../safefile.php file but ../.
If you want to allow ../ (for instance you need to have ../index.php), then you should do this:
order deny,allow
deny from all
<FilesMatch ^(index\.php)?$>
allow from all

How to remove .htaccess password protection from a subdirectory

I have password protected my entire website using .htaccess but I would like to expose one of the sub directories so that it can be viewed without a password.
How can I disable htaccess password protection for a sub directory? Specifically what is the .htaccess syntax.
Here is my .htaccess file that is placed in the root of my ftp.
AuthName "Site Administratrion"
AuthUserFile /dir/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName secure
AuthType Basic
require user username1
order allow,deny
allow from all
You need to create a new .htaccess file in the required directory and include the Satisfy any directive in it like so, for up to Apache 2.3:
# allows any user to see this directory
Satisfy Any
The syntax changed in Apache 2.4, this has the same effect:
Require all granted
Adding to RageZ's answer, I used this in the Server Directives:
<Directory /var/www/protected/>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Production"
AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
<Directory /var/www/protected/unprotected>
Satisfy Any
Awesome. Thanks RageZ!
Simply create a new .htaccess in the desired subdirectory with this directive:
Allow from all
You can restrict to your IP only with :
Allow from x.x.x.x
See :
Here is a way to allow subdirectory "foo" through the basic authentication from the main .htaccess file on a site:
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Password Required"
AuthUserFile /dir/.htpasswd
Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ m#^/foo/#
Require valid-user
Note: This works in Apache 2.4. I have not confirmed for earlier versions.
You need to add another .htaccess file to the subdirectory that overrides the authentication. .htaccess cascades upwards, i.e. it will look in the current folder, then go up a level and so on.
If you want to prevent any specific directoty from htaccess authentication then you can use following code in your htaccess file at top.
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Enter Pass"
AuthUserFile /home/public_html/.htpasswd /*PATH TO YOUR .htpasswd FILE*/
Require valid-user
SetEnvIf Request_URI "(/DIRECTORY_NAME/)$" allow
Order allow,deny
Allow from env=allow
Also If you want to prevent multiple directories then
SetEnvIf Request_URI "(/DIRECTORY_NAME/)$" allow
as many time as many directories, you want to remove from htaccess prevention.
