Get real bool value from YamlStream - yamldotnet

I use YamlDotnet to parse a yaml stream to a dictionary of string object via the YamlStream.
The YamlMappingType, YamlSequenceNode and YamlScalarNode are used in order to convert the value to a dictionary, a list or a string.
But I need to get a real boolean value instead of the string equivalent, and for that I use
bool.TryParse(value.ToString(), out valueBool)
value veing a YamlNode.
Is there a better way to do that?
Perhaps another child type of YamlNode?
I don't know the content of the YAML file, I just want to get a dictionary with his values.

Instead of doing the parsing manually, you should use the Deserializer class, which will convert a YAML document into an object graph.
var deserializer = new Deserializer();
var parsed = deserializer.Deserialize<...>(input);
You can see a working example here


NodeJS why is object[0] returning '{' instead of the first property from this json object?

So I have to go through a bunch of code to get some data from an iframe. the iframe has a lot of data but in there is an object called '_name'. the first key of name is 'extension_id' and its value is a big long string. the json object is enclosed in apostrophes. I have tried removing the apostrophes but still instead of 'extension_id_output' I get a single curly bracket. the json object looks something like this
Frame {
_name: '{"extension_id":"a big huge string that I need"} "a bunch of other stuff":"this is a valid json object as confirmed by jsonlint", "globalOptions":{"crev":"1.2.50"}}}'
it's a whole big ugly paragraph but I really just need the extension_id. so this is the code I'm currently using after attempt 100 or whatever.
var frames = await page.frames();
// I'm using puppeteer for this part but I don't think that's relevant overall.
var thing = frames[1]._name;
// console.log(thing)
thing.replace(/'/g, '"')
// this is to remove the apostrophes from the outside of the object. I thought that would change things before. it does not. still outputs a single {
instead of getting a big huge string that I need or whatever is written in extension_id. I get a {. that's it. I think that is because the whole object starts with a curly bracket. this is confirmed to me because console.log(thing[2]) prints e. so what's going on? jsonlint says this is a valid json object but maybe it's just a big string and I should be doing some kind of split to grab whaat's between the first : and the first ,. I'm really not sure.
For two reasons:
object[0] doesn't return the value an object's "first property", it returns the value of the property with the name "0", if any (there probably isn't in your object); and
Because it's JSON, and when you're dealing with JSON in JavaScript code, you are by definition dealing with a string. (More here.) If you want to deal with the object that the JSON describes, parse it.
Here's an example of parsing it and getting the value of the extension_id property from it:
const parsed = JSON.parse(frames[1]._name);
console.log(parsed.extension_id); // The ID

Returning a Pandas DataFrame Index as a String

I want to return the index of my DataFrame as a string. I am using this commandp_h = peak_hour_df.index.astype(str).str.zfill(4) It is not working, I am getting this result: Index(['1645'], dtype='object', name I need it to return the string '1645' How do I accomplish this?
In short:
do p_h = list(peak_hour_df.index.astype(str).str.zfill(4)). This will return a list and then you can index it.
In more detail:
When you do peak_hour_df.index.astype(str), as you see, the dtype is already an object (string), so that job is done. Note this is the type of the contents; not of the object itself. Also I am removing .str.zfill(4) as this is additional and does not change the nature of the problem or the retuning type.
Then the type of the whole objet you are returning is pandas.core.indexes.base.Index. You can check this like so: type(peak_hour_df.index.astype(str)). If you want to return a single value from it in type str (e.g. the first value), then you can either index the pandas object directly like so:
or (as I show above) you can covert to list and then index that list (for some reason, most people find it more intuitive):

Kotlin method chaining to process strings in a list

I have a list of strings I get as a result of splitting a string. I need to remove the surrounding quotes from the strings in the list. Using method chaining how can I achieve this? I tried the below, but doesn't work.Says type interference failed.
val splitCountries: List<String> = countries.split(",").forEach{it -> it.removeSurrounding("\"")}
forEach doesn't return the value you generate in it, it's really just a replacement for a for loop that performs the given action. What you need here is map:
val splitCountries: List<String> = countries.split(",").map { it.removeSurrounding("\"") }
Also, a single parameter in a lambda is implicitly named it, you only have to name it explicitly if you wish to change that.

Convert String type value to a object type VBS

I need to pass an object type value to a procedures, which read from a text file (String fromat).
'param node- Object type
'param txtvalue - String
Function setTexttoElement(nodename, txtvalue)
nodename.Text = txtvalue
End Function
Method is finely works when passing following values
setTexttoElement myElement, abc
But when reading a file it's take String format. So I need to convert first value as Object
"myElement", "abc"
How to solve this?
You will need to create a reference dictionary to convert the text string to an object effectively, as there is no way for vbscript to know what type of object you are passing to the function. For more information: click here.

IDL: Accessing struct fields using field names stored in variables?

If I have a struct with a fieldname 'fieldname', is it possible to access the data in that field using only the variable?
x = 'fieldname'
is it possible to do
data = struct.(x) in some way? I want to use the string in x as the field name.
Yes, this is possible using the TAG_NAMES function:
tindex=WHERE(STRCMP(tnames,'fieldname') EQ 1)
The call to TAG_NAMES returns an array of strings representing the tags defined in struct.
The WHERE statement returns the index in tnames of a string matching 'fieldname'.
Finally, the index is passed to the struct.(tindex) operation, which extracts a field by
its numeric tag index.
Of course, in a real application you'd want to check whether tindex was successfully
matched to something, otherwise IDL will choke on the structure lookup with an index
of -1.
