Autocomplete function with underscore/JS - search

what is the proper way to implement an autocomplete search with undescore?
i have a simple array (cities) and a text input field ($.autocomplete). when the user enters the first letters in the auto-complete textfield, it should output an array with all the cities starting with the entered letters (term).
$.autocomplete.addEventListener("change", function(e){
var cities = cities_array;
var term = $.autocomplete.value;
var results = _.filter(cities, function (city){
console.log(results + "this is results");
I’ve tried it with _.contains, but it only returns the city when its a complete match (e.g Graz is only output when „Graz“ is entered but not when „Gr“ is entered).
the _.filter/._select collection at are not very clear for me and the closest i found here is filtering JSON using underscore.
but i don’t understand the indexOf part.
thx for any suggestions!

By using #filter and #indexOf, you can get quite close to a pretty decent autocomplete.
What #indexOf does is that it checks the string if it contains the inputVal.
If it does not contain it it'll return -1 therefore our predicate below will work without fail.
Another small trick here is that you (read I) wanted it to be possible to search for s and get a hit for Innsbruck and Salzburg alike therefore I threw in #toLowerCase so that you always search in lower case.
return _.filter(cities, function(city) {
return city.toLowerCase().indexOf(inputVal.toLowerCase()) >= 0;


App Script - Google Sheets - basics of working with strings

First time posting here. I'm an experienced coding, but it's been a long time since I've done any, and I'm starting back up with App Script, a new language for me. I'm trying to do some basic stuff with text found within cells in a Google sheets. I've gotten it to work well enough, but I think my code can be simplified and improved if I learn a little bit more about working with text strings in App Script.
This is a very simplified version of my function. My real function finds the page numbers given in a citation in one cell, and puts just those page numbers in another cell. For the purposes of this question, I've simplified it to retrieve the text from the current cell, remove the first blank space in the text, count the numbers at the beginning of the text, and then write just those numbers into the current cell. It does what it is supposed to do, and what I need it to do, but I have so many questions! Thank you!!
function myFunction() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive(); var
currentCell = spreadsheet.getCurrentCell().activate();
var style = SpreadsheetApp.newTextStyle().setForegroundColor('#000000').build();
var textString = currentCell.getRichTextValue().getText();
var count = 0;
var char = textString.substring(count,count+1);
textString = textString.replace(" ","");
count = count+1;
char = textString.substring(count,count+1);
var numbers = textString.substring(0,count);
.setTextStyle(1, count, style).build());
In retrieving my textString, is there a way to do it without using "getRichTextValue()"?
In writing the new text (numbers), is there a way to do that without using "setRichTextValue()"? And to do it without specifying the style?
In my while loop, I use char<10. This works, but I'm not sure why. char is a one character string, right? The character is a number, but I am thinking I shouldn't be able to compare with a number because it's a string? Also, it actually lets blank spaces through as well, so I know something is wrong. What can I do instead?
How can I get the replace function to remove ALL the blank spaces in my textString?
Here is a modified version of your script using Regex.
The reason your code char<10 works is it is comparing the ASCII value of the character with A being 10 and 0 to 9 being ASCII value 0 to 9.
function myFunction() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var currentCell = spreadsheet.getCurrentCell(); // returns a range, no need to activate
var textString = currentCell.getValue();
// use reges to remove all blank spaced
textString = textString.replace(/\s/g,"");
// use regex to get the first string of digits
// match returns an array so we need the first element of the array
var numbers = textString.match(/\d+/)[0];
Regex tester

Gradle: How to filter and search through text?

I'm fairly new to gradle. How do I filter text in the following manner?
Pretend that the output/result I want to filter will be the two URLs below.
> I want this URL
> I don't want this URL
I want to put up a "match" variable that would be something like
variable = http://localhost/artifactory/appnameIwant
So essentially, the string will not be a perfect match. I want it to filter and provide back any URLs that start with the variable listed above. It cannot be a perfect match as the characters after the /appnameIwant/ will be changing.
I want to use a for loop to cycle through an array, with an if then statement to return any matches. For instance.
for (i=0; i < results.length; i++){
if (results[i] strings matches (http://localhost/artifactory/appnameIwant) {
return results[i] }
I am just filtering the URL strings themselves, not anything complicated inside the webpages.
Let me know if further explanation would be helpful.
Thanks so much for your time and help!
I figured it out - I just used
if (string.startsWith"texthere")) {println string}
A lot easier than I thought!

How to create a search query for partial string matches in Mongoose?

I'm new to Mongoose.js and I'm wondering how to create a simple Mongoose query that returns values containing the characters in the order that they were submitted.
This will be for an autocomplete form which needs to return cities with names that contain characters input into the search field. Should I start with a .where query?
You could find by regexp, which should allow you to search in a flexible (although not extremely fast) way. The code would be something similar to;
var input = 'ln'; // the input from your auto-complete box
cities.find({name: new RegExp(input, "i")}, function(err, docs) {
Of course, you could preprocess the string to make it match from the start (prepend by ^), from the end (append by $) etc. Just note that matching against arbitrary parts of long strings may be slow.

Is there any way when I choose an option not to clear previously typed data in the input

The problem is this:
In my programme at first the user gets options for a first name - so hopefully he likes something from the options and he chooses it -so far everything is OK!
But then when he types space he starts receiving options for second name and a if he likes something and chooses it - then the Autocomplete just erases the first name. Is there any way I can change that?
hello Rich thank you very much or your response - now i've decided to change my task and here is what I made when a user types for example I character i get all the first names that start with I- so far no problem! ANd when he types the white space and K for example I make request to my web service that gets the middle names that starts with K or the last names that start with K (one of them should start with K for Iwelina), so in this case for Iwelina Ive got RADULSKA KOSEWA and KOSEWA NEDEWA! For the source of autocomplete I concatenate iwelina with (radulska kosewa)and iwelina with (KOSEWA NEDEWA) so at the end I've got IWELINA IELINA RADULSKA KOSEWA and IWELINA KOSEWA NEDEWA!!! the only problem is that when i type Iwelina K i get only IWELINA KOSEWA NEDEWA!!!here is the code for autocomlete
source: function(request, response) {
var matcher = new RegExp( $.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(request.term, " "));
var data = $.grep( srcAutoComp, function(value) {
return matcher.test( value.label || value.value || value );
if you know how i can change it I will be glad for the help
I don't understand how, when the user begines to type the second name, he's getting results that are only the last name. For example, if he types "Joh" and selects "John" from the options, and then continues to type "John Do", then how is it possible that your drop down gives him results for only the last name, like "Doe"?
At any rate, assuming this is truly happening, you could just combine all combinations of first and last names in your source data and that will show "John Doe" in the drop down when the user types "Joh" selects "John" and then continues to type "John Do".
Another way to do this is with a complicated change to the search and response events to search after a space if it is there, and recombine it with the first string after the search for the last name is complete. If you give me your source data, I could put something together for this.

How do I append a value to results of #DBlookup in xpages?

How do I append a value to results of #DBlookup in xpages?
I tried this but it does not seem to work.
var v = #DbLookup("","Setup","Setup","ModRationales").push("Other 2");
return v;
It shows 6.0 in my listbox.
First of all: #DbLookup returns a string when it looks up one value only, and it returns an array when it finds multiple values. I will therefore suggest that you use the DbLookupArray() function available as a xsnippet as this function always returns an array. It has other advantages too such as optional caching of the result.
Then it is just a matter of adding elements to the array using .push() on the result returned by DbLookupArray().
Your current lookup is most likely returning a single element - which in the case of #DbLookup is a string.
Got it:
var v = #DbLookup("","Setup","Setup","ModRationales");
return v;
