Duplicate word in hangman game Python - python-3.x

I have a problem, when in Hangman game there is a word like happy, it only append 1 'p' in the list...run my code and please tell me what to do?
check my loops.
import random
import time
Data = File.read()
Word = Data.split("\n")
A = random.randint(0,len(Word)-1)
Dict = Word[A]
Dash = []
print("\n\n\t\t\t","_ "*len(Dict),"\n\n")
i = 0
while i < len(Dict):
letter = str(input("\n\nEnter an alphabet: "))
if letter == "" or letter not in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' or len(letter) != 1:
print("\n\n\t\tPlease Enter Some valid thing\n\n")
i = i - 1
if letter in Dict:
print("This is not in the word")
i = i - 1
for item in Dict:
if item in Dash:
print(item, end = " ")
print("_", end = " ")
i = i + 1

The error is with the "break" on Line 25: once you have filled in one space with the letter "p", the loop breaks and will not fill in the second space with "p".
You need to have a flag variable to remember whether any space has been successfully filled in, like this:
success = False
for c in range(len(Dict)):
if x == Dict[c]:
Dash[c] = x
success = True
if not success:
Lives -= 1
P.S. There's something wrong with the indentation of the code you have posted.


index-error: string out of range in wordle similar game

So i'm making a Wordle clone and i keep getting a "indexerror: string is out of range" and i dont know what to do and every time i do the second guess it will say indexerrror string is out off range
at line 30
import random
def Wordle():
position = 0
clue = ""
print("Welcome to Wordle, in this game your're going to be guessing a random word of 5 letters, if the word have a a correct letters it will tell you, if the letter is in the word but isn't at the place that it's supposed to be it will say that the letter is in the word but ins't at the correct place, and if it ins't at the word it will say nothing.And you only have 6 tries")
user_name = input("Enter your name:")
valid_words = ['sweet','shark','about','maybe','tweet','shard','pleat','elder','table','birds','among','share','label','frame','water','earth','winds','empty','audio','pilot','radio','steel','words','chair','drips','mouse','moose','beach','cloud','yours','house','holes','short','small','large','glass','ruler','boxes','charm','tools']
TheAnswer = random.choice(valid_words)
number_of_guesses = 1
guessed_correct = False
while number_of_guesses < 7 and not guessed_correct:
print(' ')
TheGuess = input('Enter your guess (it have to be a 5-letter word and not captalied letters):')
if len(TheGuess) > 5:
print('word is not acceptable')
print(' ')
for letter in TheGuess:
if letter == TheAnswer[position]:
clue += ' V'
elif letter in TheAnswer:
clue += ' O'
clue += ' F'
position += 1
if TheGuess == TheAnswer:
guessed_correct = True
guessed_correct = False
number_of_guesses += 1
clue = ""
if guessed_correct:
print('Congradulations', user_name,', you won and only used', number_of_guesses,'guesses, :D')
print(user_name,'Unfortunatealy you usead all your guesses and lost :( . the word was', TheAnswer)
You are indexing TheAnswer[position] which basically means if TheAnswer is x length long, then the position should be,
But since the position variable is a local variable of the function, it continuously increases on each guess. Does not get reset on each guess.
Try moving the
position = 0
Into top of the while loop.
import random
def Wordle():
clue = ""
print("Welcome to Wordle, in this game your're going to be guessing a random word of 5 letters, if the word have a a correct letters it will tell you, if the letter is in the word but isn't at the place that it's supposed to be it will say that the letter is in the word but ins't at the correct place, and if it ins't at the word it will say nothing.And you only have 6 tries")
user_name = input("Enter your name:")
valid_words = ['sweet', 'shark', 'about', 'maybe', 'tweet', 'shard', 'pleat', 'elder', 'table', 'birds', 'among', 'share', 'label', 'frame', 'water', 'earth', 'winds', 'empty', 'audio',
'pilot', 'radio', 'steel', 'words', 'chair', 'drips', 'mouse', 'moose', 'beach', 'cloud', 'yours', 'house', 'holes', 'short', 'small', 'large', 'glass', 'ruler', 'boxes', 'charm', 'tools']
TheAnswer = random.choice(valid_words)
number_of_guesses = 1
guessed_correct = False
while number_of_guesses < 7 and not guessed_correct:
position = 0
print(' ')
TheGuess = input(
'Enter your guess (it have to be a 5-letter word and not captalied letters):')
if len(TheGuess) > 5:
print('word is not acceptable')
print(' ')
for letter in TheGuess:
if letter == TheAnswer[position]:
clue += ' V'
elif letter in TheAnswer:
clue += ' O'
clue += ' F'
position += 1
if TheGuess == TheAnswer:
guessed_correct = True
guessed_correct = False
number_of_guesses += 1
clue = ""
if guessed_correct:
print('Congradulations', user_name, ', you won and only used',
number_of_guesses, 'guesses, :D')
user_name, 'Unfortunatealy you usead all your guesses and lost :( . the word was', TheAnswer)

Character Countdown

I'm trying to create a function. Function; it will simply be designed to increase the last letter sequence from its position in the alphabet or letter list.
import time
def CountDown(text,reply=3):
abc = list("ABCDEFGHIJ")
c = 1
text_list = list(text)
while 1:
Index = abc.index(text_list[-c])
if not list(filter(lambda a: a!=abc[-1], text_list)):
return "".join(text_list)
if text_list[-c] == abc[-1]:
text_list[-c] = abc[0]
c += 1
while 1:
text_list[-c] = abc[(Index+s) if (Index+s)<len(abc) else 0]
if text_list.count(abc[(Index+s) if (Index+s)<len(abc) else 0])+1<reply:
text_list[-c] = abc[(Index+s) if (Index+s)<len(abc) else 0]
return "".join(text_list)
if __name__ == "__main__":
while 1:
The code doesn't give an output after a while. I think there is something wrong.
How can I fix this code sample?

Python number guessing game not displaying feedback correctly. What's the problem?

So I tried to make a game where the computer chooses a random 4 digit number out of 10 given numbers. The computer then compares the guess of the user with the random chosen code, and will give feedback accordingly:
G = correct digit that is correctly placed
C = correct digit, but incorrectly placed
F = the digit isn't in the code chosen by the computer
However, the feedback doesn't always output correctly.
Fox example, when I guess 9090, the feedback I get is F C F, while the feedback should consist of 4 letters.... How can I fix this?
#chooses the random pincode that needs to be hacked
import random
pincode = [
'1231', '9997', '8829', '6765', '9114', '5673', '0103', '4370', '8301', '1022'
name = None
#Main code for the game
def main():
global code
global guess
#Chooses random pincode
code = random.choice(pincode)
#Sets guessestaken to 0
guessesTaken = 0
while guessesTaken < 10:
#Makes sure every turn, an extra guess is added
guessesTaken = guessesTaken + 1
#Asks for user input
print("This is turn " + str(guessesTaken) + ". Try a code!")
guess = input()
#Easteregg codes
e1 = "1955"
e2 = "1980"
#Checks if only numbers have been inputted
if guess.isdigit() == False:
print("You can only use numbers, remember?")
guessesTaken = guessesTaken - 1
#Checks whether guess is 4 numbers long
if len(guess) != len(code):
print("The code is only 4 numbers long! Try again!")
guessesTaken = guessesTaken - 1
#Checks the code
if guess == code:
#In case the user guesses the code in 1 turn
if (guessesTaken) == 1:
print("Well done, " + name + "! You've hacked the code in " +
str(guessesTaken) + " turn!")
#In cases the user guesses the code in more than 1 turn
print("Well done, " + name + "! You've hacked the code in " +
str(guessesTaken) + " turns!")
#Sets empty list for the feedback on the user inputted code
feedback = []
nodouble = []
#Iterates from 0 to 4
for i in range(4):
#Compares the items in the list to eachother
if guess[i] == code[i]:
#A match means the letter G is added to feedback
#Checks if the guess number is contained in the code
elif guess[i] in code:
#Makes sure the position of the numbers isn't the same
if guess[i] != code[i]:
if guess[i] not in nodouble:
#The letter is added to feedback[] if there's a match
#If the statements above are false, this is executed
elif guess[i] not in code:
#No match at all means an F is added to feedback[]
if guess != code and guess == e1 or guess == e2:
guessesTaken = guessesTaken - 1
print(*feedback, sep=' ')
You can try the game here:
Here, you can see an example of what I mean.
Here is what I came up with. Let me know if it works.
from random import randint
class PinCodeGame(object):
def __init__(self):
self._attempt = 10
self._code = ['1231', '9997', '8829', '6765', '9114', '5673', '0103', '4370', '8301',
self._easterEggs = ['1955', '1980', '1807', '0609']
def introduction(self):
print("Hi there stranger! What do I call you? ")
player_name = input()
return player_name
def show_game_rules(self):
print("10 turns. 4 numbers. The goal? Hack the pincode.")
"For every number in the pincode you've come up with, I'll tell you whether it is correct AND correctly placed (G), correct but placed incorrectly (C) or just plain wrong (F)."
def tutorial_needed(self):
# Asks for tutorial
print("Do you want a tutorial? (yes / no)")
tutorial = input().lower()
# While loop for giving the tutorial
while tutorial != "no" or tutorial != "yes":
# Gives tutorial
if tutorial == "yes":
return True
# Skips tutorial
elif tutorial == "no":
return False
# Checks if the correct input has been given
print("Please answer with either yes or no.")
tutorial = input()
def generate_code(self):
return self._code[randint(0, len(self._code))]
def is_valid_guess(self, guess):
return len(guess) == 4 and guess.isdigit()
def play(self, name):
attempts = 0
code = self.generate_code()
digits = [code.count(str(i)) for i in range(10)]
while attempts < self._attempt:
attempts += 1
print("Attempt #", attempts)
guess = input()
hints = ['F'] * 4
count_digits = [i for i in digits]
if self.is_valid_guess(guess):
if guess == code or guess in self._easterEggs:
print("Well done, " + name + "! You've hacked the code in " +
str(attempts) + " turn!")
return True, code
for i, digit in enumerate(guess):
index = int(digit)
if count_digits[index] > 0 and code[i] == digit:
count_digits[index] -= 1
hints[i] = 'G'
elif count_digits[index] > 0:
count_digits[index] -= 1
hints[i] = 'C'
print(*hints, sep=' ')
print("Invalid input, guess should be 4 digits long.")
attempts -= 1
return False, code
def main():
# initialise game
game = PinCodeGame()
player_name = game.introduction()
print("Hi, " + player_name)
if game.tutorial_needed():
while True:
result, code = game.play(player_name)
if result:
"Oof. You've beaten me.... Do you want to be play again (and be beaten this time)? (yes / no)")
print("Hahahahaha! You've lost! The correct code was " + code +
". Do you want to try again, and win this time? (yes / no)")
play_again = input().lower()
if play_again == "no":

Only show the last occurrence of a loop in Python

I have a program which is meant to show where the last group of letters 'ing' are within a word for example if the user inputted 'sing' it would output '2'. However when I have a word like 'singing' it outputs '2' and '5'. Whereas I want it to only display the '5':
userinput = input('Enter a word: ')
ING = 0
while ING < len(userinput):
ING = userinput.find('ing', ING)
if ING == (-1):
print('ing found at', ING+1)
ING += 3
userinput = input('Enter a word: ')
x = userinput.rfind('ing')+1
if x != 0:
rfind is a method which searches the last occurence.

Caesar Cipher shift on new lines

I am having a problem with my code trying to do an advanced caesar cipher shift. I changed a certain letter to another, and then added a string to certain parts of a file before encoding, but am having problems doing the shifting now. This is my code:
import string
import sys
count = 1
cont_cipher = "Y"
#User inputs text
while cont_cipher == "Y":
if count == 1:
file = str(input("Enter input file:" ""))
k = str(input("Enter shift amount: "))
purpose = str(input("Encode (E) or Decode (D) ?: "))
#Steps to encode the message, replace words/letter then shift
if purpose == "E":
my_file = open(file, "r")
file_contents = my_file.read()
#change all "e"s to "zw"s
for letter in file_contents:
if letter == "e":
file_contents = file_contents.replace(letter, "zw")
#add "hokie" to beginning, middle, and end of each line
lines = file_contents.split('\n')
def middle_message(lines, position, word_to_insert):
lines = lines[:position] + word_to_insert + lines[position:]
return lines
new_lines = ["hokie" + middle_message(lines[x], len(lines[x])//2, "hokie") + "hokie" for x in range(len(lines))]
#math to do the actual encryption
def caesar(word, shifts):
word_list = list(new_lines)
result = []
s = 0
for c in word_list:
next_ord = ord(c) + s + 2
if next_ord > 122:
next_ord = 97
s = (s + 1) % shifts
return "".join(result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(caesar(my_file, 5))
#close file and add to count
count = count + 1
The error I am getting is:
TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 58 found
I know that I need to split it into individual characters, but am not sure how to do this. I need to use the updated message and not the original file in this step...
