Cassandra throwing NoHostAvailableException after 5 minutes of high IOPS run - cassandra

I'm using datastax cassandra 2.1 driver and performing read/write operations at the rate of ~8000 IOPS. I've used pooling options to configure my session and am using separate session for read and write each of which connect to a different node in the cluster as contact point.
This works fine for say 5 mins but after that I get a lot of exceptions like :
Failed with: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: / (com.datastax.driver.core.TransportException: [/] Connection has been closed), / (com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout while trying to acquire available connection (you may want to increase the driver number of per-host connections)))
Can anyone help me out here on what could be the problem?
The exception asks me to increase number of connections per host but how high a value can I set for this parameter ?
Also I'm not able to set CoreConnectionsPerHost beyond 2 as it throws me exception saying 2 is the max.
This is how I'm creating each read / write session.
PoolingOptions poolingOpts = new PoolingOptions();
poolingOpts.setCoreConnectionsPerHost(HostDistance.REMOTE, 2);
poolingOpts.setMaxConnectionsPerHost(HostDistance.REMOTE, 200);
poolingOpts.setMaxSimultaneousRequestsPerConnectionThreshold(HostDistance.REMOTE, 128);
poolingOpts.setMinSimultaneousRequestsPerConnectionThreshold(HostDistance.REMOTE, 2);
cluster = Cluster
.withPoolingOptions( poolingOpts )
.withRetryPolicy( DowngradingConsistencyRetryPolicy.INSTANCE )
.withReconnectionPolicy( new ConstantReconnectionPolicy( 100L ) ).build();
Session s = cluster.connect(keySpace);

Your problem might not actually be in your code or the way you are connecting. If you say the problem is happening after a few minutes then it could simply be that your cluster is becoming overloaded trying to process the ingestion of data and cannot keep up. The typical sign of this is when you start seeing JVM garbage collection "GC" messages in the cassandra system.log file, too many small ones batched together of large ones on their own can mean that incoming clients are not responded to causing this kind of scenario. Verify that you do not have too many of these event showing up in your logs first before you start to look at your code. Here's a good example of a large GC event:
INFO [ScheduledTasks:1] 2014-05-15 23:19:49,678 (line 116) GC for ConcurrentMarkSweep: 2896 ms for 2 collections, 310563800 used; max is 8375238656
When connecting to a cluster there are some recommendations, one of which is only have one Cluster object per real cluster. As per the article I've linked below (apologies if you already studied this):
Use one cluster instance per (physical) cluster (per application lifetime)
Use at most one session instance per keyspace, or use a single Session and explicitly specify the keyspace in your queries
If you execute a statement more than once, consider using a prepared statement
You can reduce the number of network roundtrips and also have atomic operations by using batches
As you are doing a high number of reads I'd most definitely recommend using setFetchSize also if its applicable to your code
For reference heres the connection options in case you find it useful
Hope this helps.


How to avoid query taking long time when adding new node to cluster

I found query (just a simple select query) takes long time when adding a new node to cluster.
My execution time log :
17:49:40.008 [ThreadPoolTaskScheduler-14] INFO task.DiskCounting - void task.DiskCounting.runJob() executed in 8 ms
17:50:00.010 [ThreadPoolTaskScheduler-3] INFO task.DiskCounting - void task.DiskCounting.runJob() executed in 15010 ms
17:50:15.008 [ThreadPoolTaskScheduler-4] INFO task.DiskCounting - void task.DiskCounting.runJob() executed in 10008 ms
17:50:20.008 [ThreadPoolTaskScheduler-16] INFO task.DiskCounting - void task.DiskCounting.runJob() executed in 7 ms
Normally it takes about 10ms, and suddently takes 15000ms when adding node.
And I found it stuck because waiting for new node init data
Cassandra log (the new node):
INFO [HANDSHAKE-/] 2019-05-31 17:49:36,056 - Handshaking version with /
INFO [GossipStage:1] 2019-05-31 17:49:36,059 - Node / is now part of the cluster
INFO [RequestResponseStage-1] 2019-05-31 17:49:36,069 - InetAddress / is now UP
INFO [GossipStage:1] 2019-05-31 17:49:36,109 - Updating topology for /
INFO [GossipStage:1] 2019-05-31 17:49:36,109 - Updating topology for /
INFO [MigrationStage:1] 2019-05-31 17:49:39,347 - Not submitting build tasks for views in keyspace system_traces as storage service is not initialized
INFO [MigrationStage:1] 2019-05-31 17:49:39,352 - Initializing
INFO [MigrationStage:1] 2019-05-31 17:49:39,382 - Initializing system_traces.sessions
Stuck when : Node / is now part of the cluster
And client will wait for new node init all data
What I have tried:
1. I try use consistency with ONE or QUORUM, and is no difference
2. I try turn replication factor to 1, 2 or 3, and still no difference
Why new node become part of cluster when that node not init data completely.
Is there a way to solve this.
I expect when I query to old node, the performance is not influenced by just waiting for new node to init data.
I resolved this problem.
I write wrong config, I let all node become seeds even before they joining cluster, this cause read timed-out during adding new node to cluster.
After fix this. all read is normal, but somehow I found insert query timed-out during adding node.
Finally I tune this to avoid insert timed-out:
/sbin/sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time=60 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl=60 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes=5
and also change conf to limit throughput
stream_throughput_outbound_megabits_per_sec : 100
Really thanks for help.
This is just a theory, but one possible cause of this is that the new node is being chosen as a coordinator by your driver client, in this case, consistency level and replication aren't the main contributing factor to the delay in servicing your query.
If the new node is slowly performing initially for whatever reason and the driver is sending requests to it, the behavior of the coordinator can impact the servicing of your request.
What exactly is runJob doing? You suggested it is making a single query, but is it possible that it's a range query?
If it's a single query and it's taking as long as 10 seconds, that seems odd as the default read_request_timeout is 5 seconds. If it's a range query (a read involving multiple partitions), the default is 10 seconds. Are you adjusting those timeouts?
When you see responses that long for a single query that could mean the coordinator is what is impeding responsiveness as otherwise if the coordinator was responsive and the replicas were slow, you'd see ReadTimeoutException message serviced to the client.
To better react to these cases, a number of client drivers implement a strategy called 'speculative execution'. As described in the documentation for the DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra:
Sometimes a Cassandra node might be experiencing difficulties (ex: long GC pause) and take longer than usual to reply. Queries sent to that node will experience bad latency.
One thing we can do to improve that is pre-emptively start a second execution of the query against another node, before the first node has replied or errored out. If that second node replies faster, we can send the response back to the client (we also cancel the first execution – note that “cancelling” in this context simply means discarding the response when it arrives later, Cassandra does not support cancellation of in flight requests at this stage)
You could configure your driver to speculatively execute with a constant threshold for idempotent requests (such as reads are). In the 3.x java driver, its done this way:
Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder()
new ConstantSpeculativeExecutionPolicy(
500, // delay before a new execution is launched
2 // maximum number of executions
In this case, if the coordinator was slow to respond, after 500ms the driver chooses another coordinator and submits a second quest, and the first coordinator to respond wins.
Note that this might cause an amplification of requests sent to your cluster overall, so you want to tune that delay in such a way that it only kicks in when response time is highly anomalous. In your case, if requests normally take less than 10ms, 500ms is probably a reasonable number depending on what your higher percentile latencies look like.
All that being said, if you are able to identify that the problem is the new node behaving poorly as a coordinator. It's worth understanding why. Adding speculative execution could be a nice way of possibly working around the problem, but it's probably better to try to understand why the new node is so slowly performing. Having monitoring in place to observe Cassandra's metrics would likely give great visibility into the problem.
That is a behaviour that you can find with too high consistency, or not having enough copies of data (replication factor). When a new node is added to the cluster, a rearrangement of the ownership of tokens occur, once that it is determined what data will the new node be the owner, it will start streaming that data, which may saturate the network.
In your question you don't mention the network setting or if you are using cloud instances, which have a direct impact for these constraints, for example, an AWS m3.large instance will be more restricted in network capabilities than an i3.4xlarge.
Other variable to consider is disk configuration, if you are using your own hardware look for the cap in IO of your drives settings; if you are on the cloud, using the instance storage, when available, will have a better performance than external volumes ( as AWS EBS; if this is the case, ensure that you are enabling the " EBS optimized" option if your instance allows it)
Usually a RF of 3 with consistency level of Quorum should also help you to prevent the issue.

Elasticsearch cluster size/architecture

I've been trying to setup an elasticsearch cluster for processing some log data from some 3D printers .
we are having more than 850K documents generated each day for 20 machines . each of them has it own index .
Right now we have the data of 16 months with make it about 410M records to index in each of the elasticsearch index .
we are processing the data from CSV files with spark and writing to an elasticsearch cluster with 3 machines each one of them has 16GB of RAM and 16 CPU cores .
but each time we reach about 10-14M doc/index we are getting a network error .
Job aborted due to stage failure: Task 173 in stage 9.0 failed 4 times, most recent failure: Lost task 173.3 in stage 9.0 (TID 17160,, executor 3): Connection error (check network and/or proxy settings)- all nodes failed; tried [[X.X.X.X:9200]]
I'm sure this is not a network error it's just elasticsearch cannot handle more indexing requests .
To solve this , I've tried to tweak many elasticsearch parameters such as : refresh_interval to speed up the indexation and get rid of the error but nothing worked . after monitoring the cluster we think that we should scale it up.
we also tried to tune the elasticsearch spark connector but with no result .
So I'm looking for a right way to choose the cluster size ? is there any guidelines on how to choose your cluster size ? any highlights will be helpful .
NB : we are interested mainly in indexing data since we have only one query or two to run on data to get some metrics .
I would start by trying to split up the indices by month (or even day) and then search across an index pattern. Example: sensor_data_2018.01, sensor_data_2018.02, sensor_data_2018.03 etc. And search with an index pattern of sensor_data_*
Some things which will impact what cluster size you need will be:
How many documents
Average size of each document
How many messages/second are being indexed
Disk IO speed
I think your cluster should be good enough to handle that amount of data. We have a cluster with 3 nodes (8CPU / 61GB RAM each), ~670 indices, ~3 billion documents, ~3TB data and have only had indexing problems when the indexing rate exceeds 30,000 documents/second. Even then only the indexing of a few documents will fail and can be successfully retried after a short delay. Our implementation is also very indexing heavy with minimal actual searching.
I would check the elastic search server logs and see if you can find a more detailed error message. Possible look for RejectedExecutionException's. Also check the cluster health and node stats when you start to receive the failures which might shed some more light on whats occurring. If possible implement a re-try and backoff when failures start to occur to give ES time to catch up to the load.
Hope that helps a bit!
This is a network error, saying the data node is ... lost. Maybe a crash, you can check the elasticsearch logs to see whats going on.
The most important thing to understand with elasticsearch4Hadoop is how work is parallelized:
1 Spark partition by 1 elasticsearch shard
The important thing is sharding, this is how you load-balance the work with elasticsearch. Also, refresh_interval must be > 30 secondes, and, you should disable replication when indexing, this is very basic configuration tuning, I am sure you can find many advises about that on documentation.
With Spark, you can check on web UI (port 4040) how the work is split into tasks and partitions, this help a lot. Also, you can monitor the network bandwidth between Spark and ES, and es node stats.

Elastic search could not write all entries: May be es was overloaded

I have an application where I read csv files and do some transformations and then push them to elastic search from spark itself. Like this
.option("es.resource", "{date}/" + type).save()
I have several nodes and in each node, I run 5-6 spark-submit commands that push to elasticsearch
I am frequently getting Errors
Could not write all entries [13/128] (Maybe ES was overloaded?). Error sample (first [5] error messages):
rejected execution of org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService$7#32e6f8f8 on EsThreadPoolExecutor[bulk, queue capacity = 200, org.elasticsearch.common.util.concurrent.EsThreadPoolExecutor#4448a084[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 4, queued tasks = 200, completed tasks = 451515]]
My Elasticsearch cluster has following stats -
Nodes - 9 (1TB space,
Ram >= 15GB ) More than 8 cores per node
I have modified following parameters for elasticseach
Could anyone suggest, What can I fix to get rid of these errors?
This occurs because the bulk requests are incoming at a rate greater than elasticsearch cluster could process and the bulk request queue is full.
The default bulk queue size is 200.
You should handle ideally this on the client side :
1) by reducing the number the spark-submit commands running concurrently
2) Retry in case of rejections by tweaking the es.batch.write.retry.count and
es.batch.write.retry.wait = "60s"
es.batch.write.retry.count = 6
On elasticsearch cluster side :
1) check if there are too many shards per index and try reducing it.
This blog has a good discussion on criteria for tuning the number of shards.
2) as a last resort increase the thread_pool.index.bulk.queue_size
Check this blog with an extensive discussion on bulk rejections.
The bulk queue in your ES cluster is hitting its capacity (200) . Try increasing it. See this page for how to change the bulk queue capacity.
Also check this other SO answer where OP had a very similar issue and was fixed by increasing the bulk pool size.
Rejected Execution of org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService Error

HBase multithreading client performance

We use hbase 1.2.4 in pseudo-destributed mode and java api to read information. Our client makes 20k rps to hbase, but it loads only 30% of cpu and computation takes about 5 hours. I tried to split data and run 4 clients on same machine in separate jvm and had 80k rps with computation time of approximately one hour. This is not the solution to satisfy me. Profiling has shown many blocking of connection threads.
I have also tried to use ipc pool options of hbase client, but it had not improved performance too much.
If anyone had some similar propblem, please give me some advice.
Setting connection pool size much larger then count of reading threads did the trick.
Configuration conf;
String poolSize = "128";
conf.set(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_IPC_POOL_SIZE, poolSize);
conf.set(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_IPC_POOL_TYPE, "RoundRobin");
Connection conn = ConnectionFactory.createConnection(conf);

RPC timeout in cqlsh - Cassandra

I have 5 nodes in my ring with SimpleTopologyStrategy and replication_factor=3. I inserted 1M rows using stress tool . When am trying to read the row count in cqlsh using
SELECT count(*) FROM Keyspace1.Standard1 limit 1000000;
It fails with error:
Request did not complete within rpc_timeout.
It fetches for limit 100000. Fails even for 500000.
All my nodes are up. Do I need to increase the rpc_timeout?
Please help.
You get this error because the request is timing out on the server side. One should know that this is a very expensive operation in Cassandra as others have pointed out.
Still, if you really want to do this you should update your /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml file and change the range_request_timeout_in_ms parameter. This will be valid for all your range queries.
Example to set a 40 second timeout:
range_request_timeout_in_ms: 40000
You will probably have to adjust at the client side as well. When using cqlsh as a client this is accomplished by creating/updating your configuration file for cqlsh under ~/.cassandra/cqlshrc and add the client_timeout parameter to the connection section.
Example to set a 40 second timeout:
It takes a long time to read in 1M rows so that is probably why it is timing out. You shouldn't use count like this, it is very expensive since it has to read all the data. Use Cassandra counters if you need to count lots of items.
You should also check your Cassandra logs to confirm there aren't any other issues - sometimes exceptions in Cassandra lead to timeouts on the client.
If you can live with an approximate row count, take a look at this answer to Row count of a column family in Cassandra.
