How to dynamically arrange elements in twig - twig

Lets think of the situation where you have to print out a set of filters (categories, options, price range, manufacturers etc ...).
The frontend designer may want to arrange these elements in many way (for example price range and manufacturers on the same row while the others are stacked on each other).
My first attempt:
Put each rendered filter in a block, then let the frontend designer to decide how/where to render the blocks in the template
The problem: since the filter set is dynamic, I must be able to set block name dynamically say via a variable but it seems not possible at the moment.
My second attempt:
Thinking along the same line, it may be possible to assign the rendered filter in an associative array then let the frontend designer decides where to print out
The problem: in the php template twig does seem have the render which returns the output that can be assigned, doesn't seem to be the case when using pure twig language.

I think I'll first create a categoryFilter.html.twig, optionsFilter.html.twig, priceRangeFilter.html.twig... each containing a specific filter without a special arrangement.
And I'll write a global filters.html.twig that contains the layout, and {{ include }} all filters at the right place.
In such way, your designer just have to update filters.html.twig to change the layout.


making dynamically generated menus in Pyramid

I'm trying to have my menus automatically change according to settings in my code so I don't have logic duplicated in my templates. Right now I use the route names to generate the urls with request.route_path(name) and determine what the current page the user is on with My problem now is that I want to have different permissions on different views and automatically hide menu items that the user doesn't have permission to.
One of the major difficulties is that you can have multiple views for one route. But even if there's only one view associated with a route, I can't seem to find any simple way to retrieve it.
I'm using URL Dispatch. Is this something that'd only be do-able with traversal?
Normally I use a combination of the following patterns for this:
My views are organized into classed
The base class has a basic _menu which is a list of (menu_title, route_name, params) where params is an optionally present dict. When in the template I can use a menu property that builds the menu from the request and the above attribute.
In the template create a function that iterates over theses entries, shows each but checks with something like has_permission if the view is actually allowed.
These ideas should get you started on a dynamic solution. It works fine for me, but it might require some more tweaking, for example, I attach another value "active" to the generated menu based on the current route.

Best approach to design an infopath form with repeating (but not identical) sections

i'm an InfoPath noob, and i have to prepare a (quite complex) form.
This form is made of two main areas: a summary page and one (or more) "element-specific" page(s).
In the summary page the user must select one or more elements (with a maximum of 4) and fill some data.
When the user selects one of those elements, the form should add the element-specific page related to the selected element.
I have already created both the summary and the element-specific pages (all in a single that bad?) for a single "element-type".
Now i'm having quite a problem. Due to the fact that the element-specific form is quite long and have different fields and validation logics, i really don't want to replicate (copy) all those fields and elements one by one (if i just copy the section, it will have the same field/value of the other element-type).
I have seen the repeating/optional section, but those options doesn't seem to be good for my problem (in the summary page the user must check the element-type in order to enable some data fields that must be filled...and the checked items must be consistent with the sections that are shown. The user cannot add arbitrary sections like in the repeating/optional sections, the form (based on the checked fields) should show the correct sections)
Consider that some small details are different from a specific-section to another (i have to take some values of some fields from a specific section fields in the summary page and change an image) and i don't know how to handle those differences.
Consider also that the final output of this work should be a printable pdf.
Here you can find some images mocking the result of the form:
1) This is the Summary Page:
2) this is a mock of two detail pages. Please note that are the two ones "selected" in the summary.
3) this is a mock of the fields structure of the form:
What i need is in fact to create 4 "mostly identical clone" sections, all with their status and values, with some minor differences from one to another.
Is there any way to achive such result whithout having to create 4 different "sets" of fields, one for each specific element (that would obviously be a big amount of error-prone work)?
Sorry for the long post...hope it was clear enough.
Many thanks in advance
Ok, so i've found a very good solution using template parts. I've designed some template part for the common form sections (following this guide on, then i've added them to the complete form template by building each block using,when needed, the right template part.
Thanks to teylyn for the help (luckly i didn't have to write to a list or use vb or c# code in my template part, only in the main template).

SharePoint 2010 List developing a custom AddForm and EditForm

I have a SharePoint list that has MANY columns in it. The default AddForm and EditForm rendering is very cumbersome for the users. Most of these fields hold simple Number (integer) values. The default rendering for those two forms (using the ListFieldIterator I suppose) render the columns one by one vertically down the page. My thought was to design an input form with three basic "zones" (left/middle/right) and use a Custom Field for all of these "Number" fields. The Custom Field would contain two custom variable properties "Zone" and "Order". (Zone could contain middle/right and order would be the "order" in that zone the field would appear, the "left" zone would be for the fields that are not these "Number" fields, things like Date, Customer, etc. etc.) I would design the page with an HTML table and 6 Columns (1 for the "label" and one for the "TextBox" for each of the three "zones"). Then I could put a control (something similar to the "ListFieldIterator"). The control in the first zone would render the "static" fields, the zones in the other two zones would render the appropriate Custom Fields (based on the Custom Variable Property "Zone" and "Order").
Does this make sense? For the life of me, I can't figure out how to do this. I had thought about "giving up" and just using my ASP .Net skillset and creating FormViews and GridViews bound to the proper (ListView) DataSources. That has even proved challenging.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I could accomplish this? (InfoPath isn't an option and I want to stay with the "Custom Field" idea so the fields aren't laid out statically and can be moved around or even new ones added by the "administrator" of the Application (SharePoint List).
Any guidance is MUCH appreciated. I have been working on this all week and just seem "stuck".
------ A Better explanation of my "application" and what I want to do-----
I have a SharePoint List that has about 60 fields in it. If I pushed this application out using the default Add/Edit SharePoint List Forms (and Rendering Templates), the users would hate it. The default forms use a rendering template that basically lays out all the list fields, one per (HTML) Row. Within that Row there are two (HTML) columns. The first one contains the "Label" for the field, and the second (HTML) column is the actual editor for the "FormField" (Text Box or whatever). Because of the number of fields in the list, the user would have to scroll several pages just to get to the bottom.
This list has about 10 "static fields" that I want to lay out on the left side of the page and then about 50 that are simply "task" fields. These store an integer and track "how many of these tasks did I do today". (This is a "port" of an MS Access application.) Depending on the "Add" page the user selects (I have a "parent" content type that contains every field and then a "child" content type for each "group" of users that will be using this form that contains just the fields/tasks that group tracks) the proper fields are rendered on the page. The problem is they are all rendered vertically and there is too much scrolling. These users (and admins) will NOT have access to SharePoint Designer or InfoPath. So, the "layout" for these fields must be iterator/repeater style (the users shouldn't have to get Development involved just to add a new "task" field to their application!).
The solution I had come up with is to use a Custom Field Type with two Custom Property Variables for each of these "task" fields. The Custom Property Variables (Zone and Order) would allow the administrators of the "application" to control where they want these fields to appear on the Add and Edit forms. The Zone Property can contain one of two values: "1st Task Column" (middle of the form) or "2nd Task Column" (right part of the form). (The "left" column of the forms would be used for those 10 or so "static" fields that all groups/depts/content types share.)The Order would just contain the order to sort the fields in, within their "zone". Obviously, the "zone" would indicate where on the form the field would appear (middle or right). I thought I might be able to use three Divs and render the appropriate List Columns in the appropriate DIVS. Or, following the default rendering template, instad of DIVs I could possibly use 6 (HTML) Columns instead of 2.
I quickly figured out how to make a new Field Type with Custom Properties (I used the Property Schema element in the XML definition, even though Microsoft says NOT to use that in SharePoint 2010, it was just so easy and I couldn't figure out how to add them otherwise. Now I know how to add them the "right" way, I just don't know if it is worth changing them.)
For the last few days, I have tried to figure out how to actually render these "zones". Remember, I want the users of this application to be able to add new fields dynamically, so I can't put any static field references in these forms. I have read about the Rendering Templates and the ListFieldIterator (and the new Content Iterator), but I can't seem to pull it all together and create an actual solution. The part that is throwing me off is how to query and render three different "sets" of fields at once (since the rendering is going to happen from "top to bottom").
Any help is very much appreciated!
If InfoPath it out and you want to stay within the SharePoint infrastructure for forms, then the term you need to search for is DataFormWebPart. You may have heard of DataViewWebPart before, well this is the form equivalent. Just like the DVWP, this does lots and lots of XSLT to make its magic happen.
The trick is can you implement your grid/zone idea within the context of the DFWP's XSL. That I can't tell you but hopefully this is a starting point.
Defiantly Info Path is the solution here are some tutorials:
if you don't want to use InfoPath I would recomment JavaScript/jQuery you have just to modify (Edit) the page then inject some jQuery code to do what you want. Here are some articles about similar topics:
The only way you can achieve this type of custom form designing within the SharePoint framework is to apply it through post-rendering techniques using client-side code. And solutions like this tend to add considerably to page-load.
Simply changing the render template is not enough if you want it to be a dynamic and codeless experience for end users to author.
I can think of only one solution which comes close to fitting all criteria. It's "free", can be password protected, and also allows tab groups, rules and many other settings.
Dynamic Forms For SharePoint -

Problem getting value from "Checkbox group value prompt"

I've value prompt with ui:checkbox group
parameter: p_IsLastMonth
Name: Prompt_IsLastMonth
ItemCount: 1; UseValue:Yes, DisplayValue: LastMonth?
and two Date Prompts.
Whenever the checkbox is checked, the UseValue 'Yes' is passed to the parameter 'p_IsLastMonth'. But whenever the checkbox is left as it is, it results in an error.
Element 'selectOptions' is not valid for content model: 'All(style,defaultSelections,conditionalStyles,conditionalRender,XMLAttributes)'
I also tried giving a default value. But the default value has to be in the collection. But i want only one checkbox to be displayed.
I tried with html checkbox. But i'm not able to send the value 'either yes or no' to the parameter through javascript because however the finish button overrides the value.
Any help?
There are 2 ways you can use Parameters:
Evaluate Parameter value
Evaluate expression against Parameter value.
Either way your Parameter has some value, and no value is a kind of value. And you need to cater for empty value in some way. Eg:
If (?Parameter? <>'') then ([Selection Criteria] = 'True') Else (1=1)
([Selection Criteria] = ?Parameter?) OR ?Parameter? = ''
There other ways of using parameters too. You should choose one that better suits situation and coding practices you are following.
You can use optional checkbox or text item. In Cognos 10 I get "Deselect" option under checkbox group.
Unfortunately, I don't think you can accomplish what you want to do with only one checkbox. The only way you can leave a value prompt unselected and still submit the prompt page is to make it "optional", which means no value will be passed. An option is to use two check boxes and make them "required" so that either "yes" or "no" must be selected (but this can result in both being selected, which isn't good), or preferably use a radio list with two values and "yes" as the default. There may be a javascript answer to this, but I try to avoid that as much as possible since it sometimes leaves you open to version upgrade issues. Using a radio list is your easiest option.
Well here is something that will work. I've done advanced scorecarding and dashboarding for years with Cognos and Javascript will work:
Create a real cognos parameter that has both choices you need Yes/No with no being the default. Put them perhaps in a html table somewhere off the main real-estate of the report/param canvas. Once you have the param configed you can make the size as small as you want and then make the table/checkbox invisible by turning the visible property to no. Basically the users won't see these params. Don't do box-type = non or the parameter won't even get generated. You could also wait on hidding them until we get step 3 working(Make it easier to troubleshoot).
Then create a HTML parameter that the user will use to interact with in the style that you want the users to see, and use javascript onchange events to manipulate the real hidden parameter by finding it via DOM model. You can make finding it easier by perhaps surrounding the hidden params with an HTML tag that has a unique name/ID and referencing the child items from there.
Since your cognos parameter is invisible you may not even need to use a check box... you could simply use a hidden text box that has stores Yes/No. This will make your coding simplified on the javascript until you get used to it.
Also When programming with javascript on Cognos i find using alert to echo a object's innerhtml to screen while troubleshooting to be very handy.
* One other less impressive approach if i remember right as well..
1. Leave your original cognos style checkbox alone and create another cognos prompt that is always defaulted to "-NO-" and hidden on the canvas.
2. In the expressions used to evaluate the parameters the would evaulate the concatenation values of both params and you could take logical action based on those values. So if the concatted results were "-No-" then you know the original paramater was not selected and to use "No". etc... I believe there could be a nuance to getting this to evaluate correctly in the expression editors but i have got this owrking before as well. * So i your case if the concatted results first 3 characters = "Yes" the "Yes" otherwise no.

Customizing gallery layout in Drupal with Views and CCK

I am creating a gallery/albums site in Drupal 6.
Perhaps the description will be a bit detailed, but still on some reason it's a problem to create a gallery in Drupal in a simple way.
As for now I am using CCK + Views + FileField + ImageCache + Lightbox2 combination.
This has allowed me to
- create Album CCK node type that can hold multiple images
- create a view that displays Albums in 9x9 fashion (using pager and items per row)
But here is one problem. While the main 9x9 view with albums displays nicely, when I drill down into particular Album node by clicking it's picture, it displays the uploaded node images in a vertical row and I am unable to control it's formatting.
Apparently, I have 2 options
a) to somehow control the html output of my CCK field with its files (to divide into rows)
b) or to create another view to display pictures from one album
As for now, I am not sure which of these two ways is the best and what specifically I need to do.
a) I can create node-album.tpl file - but all its content will already be in a single $content variable, which I don't be able to break into 3 items in a row. Am I wrong?
b) if I decide to create a view to display items from a single Album node, I am not sure how I reference it from the parent Albums view. The problem is that in view's Fields section I am able to override the Link, but it offers only 2 replacement patterns to pass to a potential "child" view, which are [title] and [field_images_fid] - is that enough to create a child view to show images from a specific album?
I just recorded a screencast outlining one approach. There's quite a bit of discussion in the comment threads about alternative methods; I'd definitely suggest using Views Attach if you want more control over the presentation of the gallery itself.
I can create node-album.tpl file - but all its content will already be in a single $content variable, which I don't be able to break into 3 items in a row. Am I wrong?
You are right and wrong.
In your template.php file you can pass other variables into your node-album.tpl, you could pass in the $node variable and display in a very customised way, although this will remove flexibility later on, as if you use another module to add things to $content you will have to edit the tpl file to access new variables.
To do this you use the preprocess_page hook in the template.php file. You can add variables to the $vars array and use these in the node-album.tpl file. I think that $node will already be defined in the tpl file, which will probably make your life easier. you can disregard content altogether.
If this doesn’t work for you, you can also create a custom module and use hook_nodeapi and hook_theme to theme things any way you like, while still using $content. However this may be a bit too much work for you needs (if you want to go this way, reply and I'll write a separate answer).
