npm install throws 407 error with HTML - node.js

when I run npm install I get a very long error saying error parsing json and continues with the source code of a HTML page that tells me I have a '407 Proxy Authentication Required' error.
The full log can be seen here:
this is what npm config list returns:
; cli configs
registry = ""
user-agent = "npm/1.4.28 node/v0.10.34 win32 x64"
; userconfig C:\Users\PV01054\.npmrc
https-proxy = "http://localhost:3128/"
proxy = "http://localhost:3128/"
registry = ""
; builtin config undefined
prefix = "C:\\Users\\PV01054\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm"
; node bin location = C:\Program Files\nodejs\\node.exe
; cwd = C:\Repos\randstad-nl
; HOME = C:\Users\PV01054
; 'npm config ls -l' to show all defaults.


How to skip go, python, and ruby on netlify build?

I just use node and npm, I don't need go, python or ruby on netlify build. Can i skip it at netlify build?
I've tried to put it into netlify.toml using variable, like below code :
command = "pnpm build || ( npm install pnpm && pnpm build )"
publish = "build"
[build.environment ]
NODE_VERSION = "16.14.0"
GO_VERSION = false
But it will give me error like this
: json: cannot unmarshal bool into Go struct field of type string

unable to install #angular/material 8

I am using command ng add #angular/material
Unable to fetch package metadata: Cannot read property 'startsWith' of null is the error I am getting npm config list [-l] [--json];
cli configs metrics-registry = "" scope = "" user-agent = "npm/6.12.0 node/v12.13.0 win32 x64";
userconfig C:\Users\goparao\.npmrc
http_proxy = ""
key = "value"
registry = ""
strict-ssl = true;
builtin config undefined prefix = "C:\\Users\\goparao\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm"; node bin location = C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe ;
cwd = D:\angular_practice\hello-world ;
HOME = C:\Users\goparao ;
"npm config ls -l" to show all defaults.
PS D:\angular_practice\hello-world>
If you still have issues to install Angular Material, you can first install it with the command : npm i #angular/material then run the command ng add #angular\material. (Worked with Angular 10)

Electron - WinInstaller

I try to create a windows installer for my elctron application but when I run the file I have this error:
spawn mono ENOENT
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! thermowell-design#1.2.0 installer-win: `npm run pack-win && node installers/windows/createinstaller.js`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the thermowell-design#1.2.0 installer-win script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
This is the createinstaller.js file:
const createWindowsInstaller = require('electron-winstaller').createWindowsInstaller
const path = require('path')
.catch((error) => {
console.error(error.message || error)
function getInstallerConfig () {
console.log('creating windows installer')
const rootPath = path.join('./')
const outPath = path.join(rootPath, 'release-builds')
return Promise.resolve({
appDirectory: path.join(outPath, 'Thermowell-Design-win32-x64/'),
authors: 'Pippo',
noMsi: true,
outputDirectory: path.join(outPath, 'windows-installer'),
exe: 'thermowell-design.exe',
setupExe: 'thermowell-design-app.exe',
setupIcon: path.join(rootPath, 'assets', 'images', 'icons', 'logo.ico')
There are the dependencie version:
electron: 5.0.0-beta.2,
electron-packager: 13.0.1,
electron-winstaller: 2.7.0
end the nodejs version is 10.15.1
It's too late to answer but leaving it for somebody if they need it in future. I got the same problem and here are my fixes:
depending upon my project structure I changed rootPath = path.join(__dirname,'../..')
install mono from
install wine from
The two installations are for non-windows platform if your building your installer for windows platform
Those were my fixes but here's another link that might be helpful for you.

Access command line argument in scripts of package.json

I have created a command in package.json file
"create": "ng g component --it false"
Now I want to access the passed page argument in the above command so that user can pass the component name to the npm command
I am running the above command as
npm run create --page login
and this runs the
ng g component --it false
so new component is created with name process.
How can I access the passed page (login) in my script?
You can use the primitive process.argv or yargs which is a lot more powerful
here is a yargs example
const argv = require("yargs").argv;
let page = //get the page
The syntax of npm run is:
npm run <command> [-- <args>]
So you need to pass -- before your args. Your command should be as follows:
npm run create -- --page login
const minimist = require('minimist');
let args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
default: {
port: 8080
run with
npm run start -- --port=8090
args contains
args: { _: [], port: 8090 }

npm - https proxy error using nodeJS

This is the error, doesn't make me install nothing:
npm WARN invalid config https-proxy="http:"
npm WARN invalid config Must be a full url with 'http://'
I try a lot of things:
uninstall/install node and npm
clean npm cache
npm config delete https-proxy
set npm ssl to false
npm config set registry
tried to override it with npm config set https-proxy
open and change manually npmrc global and local files
I get response doing ping to and in console.
Even I uninstall all node and make a new compilation and error persist.
npm config get https-proxy
npm config get http-proxy
returns me null both.
my /home/usertv/npm-debug.log
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ '/usr/local/bin/node',
1 verbose cli '/usr/local/bin/npm',
1 verbose cli 'install',
1 verbose cli '-g',
1 verbose cli 'cordova' ]
2 info using npm#1.3.21
3 info using node#v0.10.24
4 warn invalid config https-proxy="http:"
5 warn invalid config Must be a full url with 'http://'
6 verbose cache add [ 'cordova', null ]
7 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="cordova" args=["cordova",null]
8 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
8 verbose parsed url slashes: null,
8 verbose parsed url auth: null,
8 verbose parsed url host: null,
8 verbose parsed url port: null,
8 verbose parsed url hostname: null,
8 verbose parsed url hash: null,
8 verbose parsed url search: null,
8 verbose parsed url query: null,
8 verbose parsed url pathname: 'cordova',
8 verbose parsed url path: 'cordova',
8 verbose parsed url href: 'cordova' }
9 silly lockFile a98f2055-cordova cordova
10 verbose lock cordova /root/.npm/a98f2055-cordova.lock
11 silly lockFile a98f2055-cordova cordova
12 silly lockFile a98f2055-cordova cordova
13 verbose addNamed [ 'cordova', '' ]
14 verbose addNamed [ null, '*' ]
15 silly lockFile de8d9fad-cordova cordova#
16 verbose lock cordova# /root/.npm/de8d9fad-cordova.lock
17 silly addNameRange { name: 'cordova', range: '*', hasData: false }
18 verbose url raw cordova
19 verbose url resolving [ '', './cordova' ]
20 verbose url resolved
21 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 12:25:02
22 http GET
23 info retry will retry, error on last attempt: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
24 info trying registry request attempt 2 at 12:25:13
25 http GET
26 info retry will retry, error on last attempt: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
27 info trying registry request attempt 3 at 12:26:13
28 http GET
29 silly lockFile de8d9fad-cordova cordova#
30 silly lockFile de8d9fad-cordova cordova#
31 error network getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND
31 error network This is most likely not a problem with npm itself
31 error network and is related to network connectivity.
31 error network In most cases you are behind a proxy or have bad network settings.
31 error network
31 error network If you are behind a proxy, please make sure that the
31 error network 'proxy' config is set properly. See: 'npm help config'
32 error System Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae
33 error command "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "-g" "cordova"
34 error cwd /home/usertv
35 error node -v v0.10.24
36 error npm -v 1.3.21
37 error syscall getaddrinfo
38 error code ENOTFOUND
39 error errno ENOTFOUND
40 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
my npm config ls -l
; cli configs
long = true
registry = ""
; userconfig /home/usertv/.npmrc
registry = ""
strict-ssl = false
; globalconfig /usr/local/etc/npmrc
registry = ""
; default values
always-auth = false
bin-links = true
browser = null
cache = "/home/usertv/.npm"
cache-lock-retries = 10
cache-lock-stale = 60000
cache-lock-wait = 10000
cache-max = null
cache-min = 10
cert = null
color = true
depth = null
description = true
dev = false
editor = "vi"
email = null
engine-strict = false
fetch-retries = 2
fetch-retry-factor = 10
fetch-retry-maxtimeout = 60000
fetch-retry-mintimeout = 10000
force = false
git = "git"
git-tag-version = true
global = false
globalconfig = "/usr/local/etc/npmrc"
globalignorefile = "/usr/local/etc/npmignore"
group = 1000
heading = "npm"
https-proxy = null
ignore-scripts = false
init-module = "/home/usertv/.npm-init.js" = "" = "" = ""
init.license = "ISC"
json = false
key = null
link = false
local-address = undefined
loglevel = "http"
; long = false (overridden)
message = "%s"
node-version = "v0.10.24"
npat = false
onload-script = false
optional = true
parseable = false
prefix = "/usr/local"
production = false
proprietary-attribs = true
proxy = null
rebuild-bundle = true
; registry = "" (overridden)
rollback = true
save = false
save-bundle = false
save-dev = false
save-optional = false
searchexclude = null
searchopts = ""
searchsort = "name"
shell = "/bin/bash"
shrinkwrap = true
sign-git-tag = false
; strict-ssl = true (overridden)
tag = "latest"
tmp = "/home/usertv/tmp"
umask = 18
unicode = true
unsafe-perm = true
usage = false
user = 0
user-agent = "node/v0.10.24 linux ia32"
userconfig = "/home/usertv/.npmrc"
username = ""
version = false
versions = false
viewer = "man"
It was a connection problem.
I remember thatI played with proxy configuration by mistake like this :
npm config set proxy http://localhost:8080/
npm config set https-proxy http://localhost:8080/
npm config set strict-ssl false
which made npm client attempts to hit localhost:8080 to pull the module rather than the correct internet endpoint.
so after couple of days of frustration i visited this link
then run
npm config edit
which opened a file inside that file i removed those three lines i added above , then everything worked fine.
