I work with Mule and I have some problem.
My mainflow.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><mule xmlns="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/core" xmlns:vm="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/vm"
xmlns:file="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/file" xmlns:doc="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/documentation"
xmlns:spring="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:core="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/core"
xmlns:http="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/http" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/vm http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/vm/current/mule-vm.xsd http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/file http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/file/current/mule-file.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-current.xsd http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/core http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/core/current/mule.xsd http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/http http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/http/current/mule-http.xsd http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/management http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/management/current/mule-management.xsd">
<!-- For show MX4J -->
<management:jmx-default-config port="1098"
<management:jmx-mx4j-adaptor jmxAdaptorUrl="http://localhost:9999"
login="admin" password="admin">
<management:jmx-server enableStatistics="true">
url="service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:1099/server" rebind="false" />
<management:rmi-server createRegistry="true" />
<!-- For get statistics -->
<notification event="EXCEPTION" />
<notification event="ENDPOINT-MESSAGE" />
<notification-listener ref="endpointNotificationLogger" />
<notification-listener ref="statesModuleExceptionNotificationListener" />
<!-- For show MX4J -->
<spring:bean id="exporter"
class="org.springframework.jmx.export.MBeanExporter" lazy-init="false">
<spring:property name="beans">
<spring:entry key="bean:name=MBean1"
value-ref="MBean1" />
<spring:entry key="bean:name=MBean2"
value-ref="MBean2" />
<spring:bean id="MBean1" name="MBean1"
<spring:bean id="MBean2" name="MBean2"
<!-- For get statistics -->
<spring:bean name="endpointNotificationLogger"
class="MyEndpointNotificationListener" />
<spring:bean name="myExceptionNotificationListener"
class="MyExceptionNotificationListener" />
<spring:bean id="MyBean" name="MyBean"
<!-- <file:connector name="input" autoDelete="true" doc:name="File" />-->
<file:connector name="inputFileConnector" autoDelete="true" doc:name="File" >
<service-overrides messageReceiver="myFileMessageReceiver"/>
<flow name="UnpackHandler" doc:name="UnpackHandler">
<flow name="XmlToCsvTransformHandler" doc:name="XmlToCsvTransformHandler">
Everything works OK in Tomcat. But after that I commit changes to SVN, checkout everything, package without changes and deploy app in Tomcat my application do not work!
The latest text in logs of Tomcat for my application:
DEBUG 18.12.2014 15:12:08 997 - DisposableBeanAdapter.invokeCustomDestroyMethod - Invoking destroy method 'dispose' on bean with name '_muleSystemModel'
INFO 18.12.2014 15:12:08 997 - ModelLifecycleManager.fireDisposePhase - Disposing model: _muleSystemModel
And there are no any logs about errors...
When application works OK, after this lines I see
DEBUG 18.12.2014 10:59:53 765 - MuleXmlBuilderContextListener.initialize - Mule config file(s): WEB-INF/classes/mainflow.xml
If I have this error and delete from mainflow.xml parts for mx4j and notifications everything works again:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><mule xmlns="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/core" mlns:vm="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/vm" xmlns:file="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/file" xmlns:doc="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/documentation" xmlns:spring="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:core="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/core" xmlns:http="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/http" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="CE-3.3.0" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/vm http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/vm/current/mule-vm.xsd http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/file http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/file/current/mule-file.xsd http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-current.xsd http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/core http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/core/current/mule.xsd http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/http http://www.mulesoft.org/schema/mule/http/current/mule-http.xsd ">
<file:connector name="input" autoDelete="true" doc:name="File" />
<flow name="UnpackHandler" doc:name="UnpackHandler">
<flow name="XmlToCsvTransformHandler" doc:name="XmlToCsvTransformHandler">
After I write parts for mx4j and notifications step by step, do not paste all text of file what I take from SVN, it works again! So there is no difference between mainflow.xml when application works and doesn't work.
This behavior is in Linux server. In the Windows server and in my local machine everything is OK. I thought about differences between slashes, but I don't write slashes...
Why application behaves so strangely?
With the information you provide I can only guess that you have some logic in the notifications that hangs them if something on which they are dependedant is not already initializated somehow.
The fact that later it does work would somehow indicate this. I can suggest you to use in the beans the attribute depends-on to make sure it's initialized after your bean dependencies in case there are.
I have downloaded Visual Studio 2019 and the Coded UI components and am currently trying to run web browser automation testing. The test is working fine but the test.runsettings file that I have created and attached to the CodedUITest via Test > Test Settings and applied the file below to the test but the maximum timeout value that I have set is being ignored and the test is timing out after default 30 minutes
runsettings file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Configurations that affect the Test Framework -->
<!-- Path relative to directory that contains .runsettings file-->
<!-- x86 or x64 -->
<!-- You can also change it from the top-level menu Test > Test Settings > Processor Architecture for AnyCPU Projects -->
<!-- Framework35 | [Framework40] | Framework45 -->
<!-- Path to Test Adapters -->
<!-- TestSessionTimeout was introduced in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5 -->
<!-- Specify timeout in milliseconds. A valid value should be greater than 0 -->
<!-- Configurations for data collectors -->
<DataCollector friendlyName="Code Coverage" uri="datacollector://Microsoft/CodeCoverage/2.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Coverage.DynamicCoverageDataCollector, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TraceCollector, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a">
<!-- We recommend you do not change the following values: -->
<DataCollector uri="datacollector://microsoft/VideoRecorder/1.0" assemblyQualifiedName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataCollection.VideoRecorder.VideoRecorderDataCollector, Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataCollection.VideoRecorder, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" friendlyName="Screen and Voice Recorder">
<!--Video data collector was introduced in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.5 -->
<!-- Parameters used by tests at runtime -->
<Parameter name="webAppUrl" value="http://localhost" />
<Parameter name="webAppUserName" value="Admin" />
<Parameter name="webAppPassword" value="Password" />
<!-- Adapter Specific sections -->
<!-- MSTest adapter -->
<Directory path="D:\myfolder\bin\" includeSubDirectories="false"/>
I faced the same issue.
For coded UI Tests please use timeout attribute in test method
public void DemoTest()
If you want infinite execution timeout you can use below code
public void DemoTest()
Hope this helps
I'm developing API where I use NLog for logging incoming requests and their responses.
Occasionally I'm getting following error on my server
Application: w3wp.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.IO.FileLoadException
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32, IntPtr)
at NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.BaseFileAppender.WindowsCreateFile(System.String, Boolean)
at NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.BaseFileAppender.TryCreateFileStream(Boolean)
at NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.BaseFileAppender.CreateFileStream(Boolean)
at NLog.Internal.FileAppenders.RetryingMultiProcessFileAppender.Write(Byte[])
at NLog.Targets.FileTarget.WriteToFile(System.String, NLog.LogEventInfo, Byte[], Boolean)
at NLog.Targets.FileTarget.ProcessLogEvent(NLog.LogEventInfo, System.String, Byte[])
at NLog.Targets.FileTarget.FlushCurrentFileWrites(System.String, NLog.LogEventInfo, System.IO.MemoryStream, System.Collections.Generic.List`1<NLog.Common.AsyncContinuation>)
at NLog.Targets.FileTarget.Write(NLog.Common.AsyncLogEventInfo[])
at NLog.Targets.Target.WriteAsyncLogEvents(NLog.Common.AsyncLogEventInfo[])
at NLog.Targets.Wrappers.AsyncTargetWrapper.ProcessPendingEvents(System.Object)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback, System.Object, Boolean)
at System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer.CallCallback()
at System.Threading.TimerQueueTimer.Fire()
at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem()
at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch()
My nlog.config looks like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns="http://www.nlog-project.org/schemas/NLog.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" autoReload="true" throwExceptions="true">
<variable name="logPath" value="${basedir}/App_Data/Logs"/>
<variable name="rowFormatInfo" value="${longdate} | ${level:uppercase=true} | ${message} | Thread: ${threadid}" />
<targets async="true">
<target name="traceFile" xsi:type="AsyncWrapper" overflowAction="Grow">
<target xsi:type="File" fileName="${logPath}/${shortdate}.trace.log" layout="${rowFormatInfo}" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" maxlevel="Debug" writeTo="traceFile" />
In my opinion the problem lies with the fact that I'm using async wrapper which can result into mix of several threads trying to access the log file.
Is there any workaround to prevent such errors occurring in the peak times where my API has to deal with tens of requests per second? I don't think that switching to sync logging helps as the API runs in several concurrent threads itself.
Thanks for suggestions
Multiple threads within the same application should not give any issues, as they will just write to the async-queue (and not the file). But if you have multiple applications writing to the same file, then you can get issues.
You can also get this issue if you have an external application can monitors the log-file and tries to copy the contents somewhere else (Ex. SPLUNK).
If you don't have multiple applications writing to the same file, then just add these options to the file-target:
<target xsi:type="File"
concurrentWrites="false" />
If you do have multiple Applications/AppDomains writing to the same file, then upgrade to latest NLog (currently 4.4.10) and use these options on the file-target:
<target xsi:type="File"
concurrentWrites="true" />
I found error in Blank app (Windows Universal) template in Visual Studio 2015 RC.
It is some mismatch inside schemas.
error 0xC00CE014: App manifest validation error: The app manifest must
be valid as per schema: Line 23, Column 4, Reason: Element
is unexpected according to content model of parent element
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
IgnorableNamespaces="uap mp">
Version="" />
<mp:PhoneIdentity PhoneProductId="a29f94a4-dc5e-4558-9497-90c6190f49ef"
<TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Universal"
MaxVersionTested="10.0.10069.0" />
<Resource Language="x-generate"/>
<Application Id="App"
<uap:SplashScreen Image="Assets\SplashScreen.png" />
<Capability Name="internetClient" />
If you are getting this error when deploying the app to your Windows system, it means that you are trying to deploy/install the app package on an older Windows 10 Preview system. Please ensure that you have the Windows 10 version that was publicly announced at //Build.
I am facing a strange issue. I have build the wix installer and when the setup is complete an external exe (MyEx.exe) is launched. This works absolutely fine in my local machine.
I use VS 2012 to Build.
Below is the piece of code
<Publish Dialog="MyExitDialog" Control="Finish" Event="EndDialog" Value="Return" Order="999">1</Publish>
<Publish Dialog="MyExitDialog" Control="Finish" Order="1" Event="DoAction" Value="LaunchApplication">LAUNCHAPPONEXIT and NOT Installed</Publish>
MyExitDialog.wxs file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<Dialog Id="MyExitDialog" Width="370" Height="270" Title="[ProductName]" NoMinimize="yes">
<Control Id="Finish" Type="PushButton" X="236" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Default="yes" Cancel="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUIFinish)" />
<Control Id="Cancel" Type="PushButton" X="304" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUICancel)" />
<Control Id="Bitmap" Type="Bitmap" X="0" Y="0" Width="370" Height="234" TabSkip="no" Text="!(loc.ExitDialogBitmap)" />
<Control Id="Back" Type="PushButton" X="180" Y="243" Width="56" Height="17" Disabled="yes" Text="!(loc.WixUIBack)" />
<Control Id="BottomLine" Type="Line" X="0" Y="234" Width="370" Height="0" />
<Control Id="Description" Type="Text" X="135" Y="70" Width="220" Height="20" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes" Text="!(loc.ExitDialogDescription)" />
<Control Id="Title" Type="Text" X="135" Y="20" Width="220" Height="60" Transparent="yes" NoPrefix="yes" Text="!(loc.ExitDialogTitle)" />
<Control Id="LaunchCheckBox" Type="CheckBox" X="10" Y="243" Width="170" Height="17" Property="LAUNCHAPPONEXIT" Hidden="yes" CheckBoxValue="1" Text="Launch NetappAgent Configuration">
<Condition Action="show">NOT Installed</Condition>
<Show Dialog="MyExitDialog" OnExit="success" />
<Show Dialog="MyExitDialog" OnExit="success" />
and MyMainFile.wxs
<Condition Message="!(loc.InstallationPrivMessage)">Privileged</Condition>
<Property Id="WixShellExecTarget" Value="$(var.SourceDir)\MyExe.exe" />
<CustomAction Id="LaunchApplication" BinaryKey="WixCA" DllEntry="WixShellExec"/>.
Issue is when the same piece of code is uploaded on a Jenkins Machine. Build is successful but external exe (MyExe.exe) does not launch when I click finish at the end.
I use MSBuild v4.0.30319 and Ant 1.9.0.
I am not sure where should I start debugging. Any help will be appreciated.
Upon further investigation, I came to know that $(var.SourceDir)\MyExe.exe could be culprit. I think is valid on compile not on the build time.
I have also tried using [#MyExe.exe] but even that not worked.
MSI (c) (EC:68) [16:56:37:679]: Doing action: MyExitDialog
Action 16:56:37: MyExitDialog.
Action start 16:56:37: MyExitDialog.
Action 16:56:37: MyExitDialog. Dialog created
MSI (c) (EC:70) [16:56:48:138]: Doing action: LaunchApplication
Action 16:56:48: LaunchApplication.
Action start 16:56:48: LaunchApplication.
MSI (c) (EC:10) [16:56:48:153]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Users\ssachin\AppData\Local\Temp\MSIF5F.tmp, Entrypoint: WixShellExec
MSI (c) (EC!B0) [16:56:48:191]: Note: 1: 2715 2: MyExe.exe
MSI (c) (EC!B0) [16:56:48:191]: Note: 1: 2715 2: MyExe.exe
Action ended 16:56:48: LaunchApplication. Return value 3.
DEBUG: Error 2896: Executing action LaunchApplication failed.
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2896. The arguments are: LaunchApplication, ,
Action ended 16:56:48: MyExitDialog. Return value 3.
Action ended 16:56:48: INSTALL. Return value 1.
MSI (c) (EC:68) [16:56:48:196]: Destroying RemoteAPI object.
MSI (c) (EC:54) [16:56:48:197]: Custom Action Manager thread ending.
How do you know that it is not launched? Are you sure that it is not launched, or maybe you simply can't see it? Jenkins runs in it's own session. Anything spawned by Jenkins will therefore run in it's own session as well, not visible to logged in user session.
Read my answer here on tips how to make Jenkins trigger an .exe to be visible to user session: Open Excel on Jenkins CI
I am working with CruiseControl.Net and am trying to take the dry approach as illustrated in article http://www.zorched.net/2009/01/30/dry-your-cruisecontrolnet-configuration/ I have a simple ccnet.config and a simple projectfile Test-project.xml. The configuration valuation tool tells me that “Duplicate Node Detected”. Any clues/Hints would be great.
<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
<!-- Standard Inits -->
<cb:define name="StandardInit-block">
<!-- Trigger run weekly -->
<!-- Vars $(TriggerTime), $(ProjName) -->
<cb:define name="WeeklyBuild-block">
<scheduleTrigger time="$(TriggerTime)" buildCondition="ForceBuild" name="Nightly build at $(TriggerTime) for $(ProjName)">
<cb:include href="Test-project.xml" xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder"/>
<project name="Test" xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
ProjStarPath="" >
<!-- Standard block -->
<!-- Trigger block -->
I also ran into this problem this week as I also decided to use this DRY approach for CruiseControl.
After starting the criusecontrol service (and it then quickly failing) I looked in the log file (C:\CruiseControl.NET\server\ccnet.log for me...) and I saw something like:
ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.Config.ConfigurationException: Duplicate node detected: ... (rest of the node that's causing the issue)
That at least gave me an idea of what it was having a problem with.
<cruisecontrol xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
<!-- Standard Inits -->
<cb:define name="StandardInit-block">
<!-- Trigger run weekly -->
<!-- Vars $(TriggerTime), $(ProjName) -->
<cb:define name="WeeklyBuild-block">
<scheduleTrigger time="$(TriggerTime)" buildCondition="ForceBuild" name="Nightly build at $(TriggerTime) for $(ProjName)">
<cb:include href="Test-project.xml" />
<project name="Test" xmlns:cb="urn:ccnet.config.builder">
ProjStarPath="" >
<!-- Standard block -->
<!-- Trigger block -->
Having just run this lot through cruisecontrol on my box, the only problem i get is the URL in the ccnet.config file. remove that and the code i pasted above this text works fine.
Not sure if it was an oversight in posting your xml files here, but you don't have an ending </project> in Test-project.xml.