I'm trying to import relevant information from Excel report which is not specifically designed to import data. Basically it is formatted report with other information. Please see the attached image to get an idea. This is huge report and contains hundreds of rows.
I'm thinking to import data by reading Excel file reading line by line, based on the information on that particular row and then inserting that row into Access table.
I've attached simplified version of report to give you an idea about the report layout and also Access table structure, the information I want to store in table DailyTranaction.
Example Report Image here:
Access Table Structure Image here:
I'm not sure the best way to do the above task using Access VBA, a working simple example will be highly appreciated.
Insert new code module then copy and paste below code:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function GetDataFromReport(ByVal sRepFileName As String) As Integer
Dim xlApp As Object, xlWbk As Object, xlWsh As Object
Dim retVal As Integer, sRepDate As String, r As Integer, sBranch As String, sQry As String, rs As Integer
On Error GoTo Err_GetDataFromReport
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlWbk = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(sRepFileName)
Set xlWsh = xlWbk.Worksheets(1) 'or pass the name, ex: "Sheet1"
sRepDate = xlWsh.Range("A1")
r = InStr(1, sRepDate, "th")
sRepDate = Replace(sRepDate, Left(sRepDate, InStr(r - 3, sRepDate, " ")), "")
sRepDate = Replace(sRepDate, "th", "")
'find the last row;
rs = xlWsh.Range("A" & xlWsh.Rows.Count).End(-4162).Row
r = 3
Do While r <= rs
Select Case UCase(Trim(xlWsh.Range("A" & r)))
Case "", UCase("CustId")
'skip empty row and header of data
GoTo SkipRow
Case UCase("Branch:")
sBranch = xlWsh.Range("B" & r)
Case Else
'proceed if the value is numeric
If Not IsNumeric(xlWsh.Range("A" & r)) Then GoTo SkipRow
sQry = "INSERT INTO Reports([ReportDate],[BranchCode],[CustId],[AccountNo],[Transaction])" & vbCr & _
"VALUES(#" & sRepDate & "#," & sBranch & ", " & xlWsh.Range("A" & r) & _
", " & xlWsh.Range("B" & r) & ", " & xlWsh.Range("C" & r) & ")"
'Debug.Print sQry
DoCmd.RunSQL sQry
'get the number of rows affected ;)
retVal = retVal +1
End Select
r = r + 1
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
Set xlWsh = Nothing
xlWbk.Close SaveChanges:=False
Set xlWbk = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
'return value
GetDataFromReport = retVal
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, Err.Number
Resume Exit_GetDataFromReport
End Function
To use this, you need to create macro, which action should refer to above function:
GetDataFromReport ("C:\report.xls")
As you can see, you need to define full path to the source workbook.
Alternativelly, you can run above code by creating procedure:
Sub Test()
MsgBox GetDataFromReport("D:\Report Daily Transaction.xls") & " records have been imported!", vbInformation, "Message..."
End Sub
Alternativelly, you can create macro which open form. Sample database and report
Good luck!
hope you're fine,
i want a macro to read multiple excel files and insert a value in specific cell ( for example C3 or A1 or any cell declared in the code)
here firs image of my code, just a button
and here is my code:
Sub InsertValueInCell()
Range("C3").Value = _
InputBox(Prompt:="Enter the value you want to insert.")
End Sub
this code give me this result right now, it's just insert the data in the actual workbook :
Thanks in advance to help me to complete the code cause i want the code to read multiple excel files and after that i can insert a value in specific cell for all thos excel files.
Thanks in advance
Have a good day All
here is my code for the moment:
Sub InsertValueInCell()
Range("C3").Value = _
InputBox(Prompt:="Enter the value you want to insert.")
End Sub
this code give me this result right now, it's just insert the data in the actual workbook :
Thanks in advance to help me to complete the code cause i want the code to read multiple excel files and after that i can insert a value in specific cell for all those excel files (for example i want to insert a value in the C3 cell for all those excel files).
Thanks in advance
Have a good day All
This should work for you:
Option Explicit 'Must be at very top of module, before any procedures.
'Possibly the most important line in any code - forces you to declare your variables.
Public Sub AddValueToSheet()
'The Sheet to changed.
Dim SheetName As String
SheetName = "Sheet1"
'Get a collection of files within the folder.
Dim FileCollection As Collection
Set FileCollection = New Collection
Set FileCollection = EnumerateFiles("<folder path>\") 'Don't forget the final backslash.
Dim ValueToEnter As String 'or whatever type you're trying to enter.
ValueToEnter = InputBox("Enter the value you want to insert")
'Look at each item in the collection.
Dim wrkBkPath As Variant
For Each wrkBkPath In FileCollection
'Open the workbook.
Dim wrkBk As Workbook
Set wrkBk = Workbooks.Open(wrkBkPath)
'Check if the sheet exists.
'Add the value if it does, add the file name to the MissingSheetList string if it doesn't.
Dim MissingSheetList As String
If SheetExists(wrkBk, SheetName) Then
wrkBk.Worksheets(SheetName).Range("A1") = ValueToEnter
MissingSheetList = MissingSheetList & wrkBk.Name & vbCrLf
End If
'Save and close.
wrkBk.Close SaveChanges:=True
Next wrkBkPath
'Display missing sheet list message if there's any.
If MissingSheetList <> "" Then
MsgBox "The files were missing " & SheetName & vbCr & vbCr & MissingSheetList, vbInformation + vbOKOnly
End If
Exit Sub
'If an error occurs code skips to this section.
Dim ErrMsg As String
ErrMsg = "AddValueToSheet()" & vbCr & Err.Description
'Add error handling code.
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
'Check if a sheet exists by trying to set a reference to it.
Private Function SheetExists(wrkBk As Workbook, SheetName As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim ShtRef As Worksheet
Set ShtRef = wrkBk.Worksheets(SheetName)
SheetExists = (Err.Number = 0) 'Was an error returned? True or False.
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
'Returns all xls* files from the path supplied by sDirectory.
'Each file path is added to the FilePaths collection.
Private Function EnumerateFiles(ByVal sDirectory As String) As Collection
'You can remove StatusBar lines if you want - code might run too fast to see anyway.
Application.StatusBar = "Collating files: " & sDirectory 'Update status bar.
Dim cTemp As Collection
Set cTemp = New Collection
Dim sTemp As String
sTemp = Dir$(sDirectory & "*.xls*")
Do While Len(sTemp) > 0
cTemp.Add sDirectory & sTemp
sTemp = Dir$
Set EnumerateFiles = cTemp
Application.StatusBar = False 'Reset status bar.
Exit Function
'If an error occurs code skips to this section.
Dim ErrMsg As String
ErrMsg = "EnumerateFiles()" & vbCr & Err.Description
'Add error handling code.
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
End Select
End Function
I'm trying to import all data from 3 columns in an access database (.mdb) into my Excel file, which is working, however the numbers that I'm importing aren't coming in correct. You can see in the images supplied what exactly is happening. I am wanting it to import exactly as it is in the database (to 1 decimal place). Now I've tried with changing the numberformat for the Excel columns but of course that only hides the true value with a shortened version so I'd like to avoid doing that.
Dealing with SQL in VBA is something new to me and I don't know Access very well either so I'm wondering if there is something I can add to the query that could affect why the numbers are changing when they get copied into my Excel sheet.
I'm going to be adding a lot more to the code later but just testing connection for now to get it working properly first.
Here is my code (Got the basis for it from a youtube video I found):
Sub GetDataFromAccess()
Application.screenupdating = False
On Error GoTo SubError
Dim db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset, xlSheet As Worksheet, recCount As Long, SQL As String, _
TableName As String, FldrLoc As String, FileName As String, ImpSh As Worksheet
Set ImpSh = Sheets("Import")
FldrLoc = ImpSh.Range("D10").Value
FileName = ImpSh.Range("Q15").Value
If Right(FldrLoc, 1) = "\" Then
DbLoc = FldrLoc & FileName
DbLoc = FldrLoc & "\" & FileName
End If
Set xlSheet = Sheets("CAL-53 INC")
If InStr(ImpSh.Range("Q15").Value, ".mdb") > 0 Then
TableName = ImpSh.Range("R5").Value & Left(ImpSh.Range("Q15").Value, Len(ImpSh.Range("Q15")) - 4)
TableName = ImpSh.Range("R5").Value & ImpSh.Range("Q15").Value
End If
Application.StatusBar = "Connecting to the database..."
Application.Cursor = xlWait
Set db = OpenDatabase(DbLoc)
" FROM " & TableName & " ORDER BY LRP_CHAINAGE "
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
Application.StatusBar = "Writing to spreadsheet..."
If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No data from that table"
GoTo SubExit
recCount = rs.RecordCount
End If
xlSheet.Range("G3").CopyFromRecordset rs
'xlSheet.Range("G:I").NumberFormat = "0.0"
Application.StatusBar = "Update complete."
On Error Resume Next
Application.Cursor = xlDefault
Set rs = Nothing
Set xlSheet = Nothing
Application.screenupdating = True
Exit Sub
Application.StatusBar = ""
MsgBox "Error: " & vbCrLf & Err.Number & " = " & Err.Description
Resume SubExit
End Sub
Here are the pictures of what is in the database and what it's coming in as:
As a quick work around you may set the SQL statement as follows:
SQL = "SELECT Fix(10*[" & TableName & "]![LRP_CHAINAGE])/10 AS LRP_CHAINAGE, Fix(10*[" & TableName & "]![LEFT_DEPTH])/10 AS LEFT_DEPTH, Fix(10*[" & TableName & "]![RIGHT_DEPTH])/10 AS RIGHT_DEPTH" & _
" FROM " & TableName & " ORDER BY LRP_CHAINAGE "
This will give you only one digit after decimal. If you need two digits just change multiplier and divider to 100 :)
" FROM " & TableName & " ORDER BY LRP_CHAINAGE "
I'm not running access or windows, but I remember I've done something like this with sql server and excel since vba truncate decimal values
After this query, you can use an update query on the worksheet
I want to display Outlook Calendar appointments from a given date in a MessageBox. Unfortunately the code I am using does not show any appointments for today. If i change my code to
sfilter = "[Start] >= '" & startDate & "' "
then i get todays appointments with all future appointments for other dates. I want to only show appointments for the specified date.
The date selection is from a UserForm called cmDates.srtDate.Value
sFilter is the variable I am using the hold the date filter throughout the code
Public Function getOutlookAppointments() As String
Dim oOutlook As Object
Dim oNS As Object
Dim oAppointments As Object
Dim oFilterAppointments As Object
Dim oAppointmentItem As Object
Dim bOutlookOpened As Boolean
' Dim rslt As String
Dim sfilter As String
Dim startDate As Date
Dim displayText As String
Dim start As Date
Const olFolderCalendar = 9
On Error Resume Next
Set oOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") 'Bind to existing instance of Outlook
If Err.Number <> 0 Then 'Could not get instance of Outlook, so create a new one
Set oOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
bOutlookOpened = False 'Outlook was not already running, we had to start it
bOutlookOpened = True 'Outlook was already running
End If
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Set oNS = oOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set oAppointments = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
startDate = cmDates.srtDate.value
'Apply a filter so we don't waste our time going through old stuff if we don't need to.
sfilter = "[Start] = '" & startDate & "' "
Set oFilterAppointments = oAppointments.Items.Restrict(sfilter)
For Each oAppointmentItem In oFilterAppointments
getOutlookAppointments = getOutlookAppointments & oFilterAppointments.Count & " appointment(s) found" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & oAppointmentItem.Subject & vbCrLf & oAppointmentItem.start & vbCrLf & oAppointmentItem.End & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
'displayText = displayText & oAppointmentItem.Subject
MsgBox prompt:=getOutlookAppointments, _
Title:="Appointments for"
If bOutlookOpened = False Then 'Since we started Outlook, we should close it now that we're done
oOutlook.Quit 'There seems to be a delay in this action taking place, but does eventually take place
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set oAppointmentItem = Nothing
Set oFilterAppointments = Nothing
Set oAppointments = Nothing
Set oNS = Nothing
Set oOutlook = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox "The following error has occured" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
"Error Source: GetFutureOutlookEvents" & vbCrLf & _
"Error Description: " & Err.Description _
, vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "An Error has Occured!"
Resume Error_Handler_Exit
outlookDates = False
End Function
Your restriction should have two parts - Start > today's midnight, and Start < tomorrow's midnight. You only have the first part.
Also keep in mind that if you want instances of the recurring activities (and not just the master appointments), you need to use the Items.IncludeRecurrences property - see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/outlook.items.includerecurrences
There are several aspects:
To retrieve all Outlook appointment items from the folder that meets the predefined condition, you need to sort the items in ascending order and set the IncludeRecurrences to true. You will not catch recurrent appointments if you don’t do this before using the Restrict method!
Microsoft doesn’t recommend using the Count property in case you set the IncludeRecurrences property. The Count property may return unexpected results and cause an infinite loop.
Although dates and times are typically stored with a Date format, the Find and Restrict methods require that the date and time be converted to a string representation. To make sure that the date is formatted as Microsoft Outlook expects, use the Format function available in VBA. So, you must specify the date in the format which Outlook understand.
Format(youDate, "ddddd h:nn AMPM")
For example, here is a sample VB.NET code:
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Diagnostics
' ...
Private Sub RestrictCalendarItems(folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder)
Dim dtEnd As DateTime = New DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, _
DateTime.Now.Day, 23, 59, 0, 0)
Dim restrictCriteria As String = "[Start]<=""" + dtEnd.ToString("g") + """" + _
" AND [End]>=""" + DateTime.Now.ToString("g") + """"
Dim strBuilder As StringBuilder = Nothing
Dim folderItems As Outlook.Items = Nothing
Dim resultItems As Outlook.Items = Nothing
Dim appItem As Outlook._AppointmentItem = Nothing
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim item As Object = Nothing
strBuilder = New StringBuilder()
folderItems = folder.Items
folderItems.IncludeRecurrences = True
resultItems = folderItems.Restrict(restrictCriteria)
item = resultItems.GetFirst()
If Not IsNothing(item) Then
If (TypeOf (item) Is Outlook._AppointmentItem) Then
counter = counter + 1
appItem = item
strBuilder.AppendLine("#" + counter.ToString() + _
" Start: " + appItem.Start.ToString() + _
" Subject: " + appItem.Subject + _
" Location: " + appItem.Location)
End If
item = resultItems.GetNext()
End If
Loop Until IsNothing(item)
If (strBuilder.Length > 0) Then
Debug.WriteLine("There is no match in the " _
+ folder.Name + " folder.")
End If
catch ex As Exception
If Not IsNothing(folderItems) Then Marshal.ReleaseComObject(folderItems)
If Not IsNothing(resultItems) Then Marshal.ReleaseComObject(resultItems)
End Try
End Sub
You may find the following articles helpful:
How To: Use Restrict method in Outlook to get calendar items
How To: Retrieve Outlook calendar items using Find and FindNext methods
I am trying to export six recordsets generated by a Do-Loop to six specific tabs in a single MS Excel workbook using VBA. Instead of updating the single tabs, however, the code creates six open iterations of the workbook with only the first being editable, the remainder read-only. The recordsets are successfully exported into the correct tab in the desired format.
Function ExportRecordset2XLS2(ByVal rs As DAO.Recordset, strSheetName)
Dim xls As Object
Dim xlwb As Object
Dim xlws As Object
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim strPath As String07
Dim strTitleRange,strHeaderRange, strBodyRange as String
On Error GoTo err_handler
strPath = "C:\Database\Roster.xlsx"
Set xls = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlwb = xls.Workbooks.Open(strPath)
xls.Visible = False
xls.ScreenUpdating = False
Set xlws = xlwb.Worksheets(strSheetName)
'Define ranges for formatting
intFields = rs.Fields.Count
intRows = rs.RecordCount
strTitleRange = "A1:" & Chr(64 + intFields) & "1"
strHeaderRange = "A2:" & Chr(64 + intFields) & "2"
strBodyRange = "A3:" & Chr(64 + intFields) & (intRows + 2)
'Build TITLE Row
xls.ActiveCell = Format(Now(), "YYYY") & " Roster (" & strSheetName & ")"
'Build HEADER Row
For Each fld In rs.Fields
xls.ActiveCell = fld.Name
xls.ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
'Paste Recordset into Worksheet(strSheetName) starting in A3
xlws.Range("A3").CopyFromRecordset rs
On Error Resume Next
xls.Visible = True 'Make excel visible to the user
Set rs = Nothing
Set xlws = Nothing
Set xlwb = Nothing
xls.ScreenUpdating = True
Set xls = Nothing
Exit Function
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, Err.Number
Exit Function
End Function
I suspect the problem revolves around how the function opens the .xlsx file for editing; I have tried programmatically closing the active worksheet and/or workbook in various ways and sequences to no effect. I could presumably insert a break into the code that generates the recordset to allow MS Excel to open then close, before repeating the process with the next tab, but there must be a more elegant way.
Image of multiple iterations in Excel
** As a side note, I did post this question also to answers.microsoft.com before finding this forum. Sorry. **
Thanks in advance, Erik
For each workbook opened you can check the security and reset it so it can be edited:
If Application.ProtectedViewWindows.Count > 0 Then
End If
As expected, this turned out to be series of small issues that resulted in MS Excel holding the workbook file in read-only status after the function would error out. SOlved after scrutinizing each line of code to find individual lines that were failing.
Try this methodology and feedback.
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstMgr As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String, strTemp As String, strMgr As String
' Replace PutEXCELFileNameHereWithoutdotxls with actual EXCEL
' filename without the .xls extension
' (for example, MyEXCELFileName, BUT NOT MyEXCELFileName.xls)
Const strFileName As String = "PutEXCELFileNameHereWithoutdotxls"
Const strQName As String = "zExportQuery"
Set dbs = CurrentDb
' Create temporary query that will be used for exporting data;
' we give it a dummy SQL statement initially (this name will
' be changed by the code to conform to each manager's identification)
strTemp = dbs.TableDefs(0).Name
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [" & strTemp & "] WHERE 1=0;"
Set qdf = dbs.CreateQueryDef(strQName, strSQL)
strTemp = strQName
' *** code to set strSQL needs to be changed to conform to your
' *** database design -- ManagerID and EmployeesTable need to
' *** be changed to your table and field names
' Get list of ManagerID values -- note: replace my generic table and field names
' with the real names of the EmployeesTable table and the ManagerID field
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT ManagerID FROM EmployeesTable;"
Set rstMgr = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
' Now loop through list of ManagerID values and create a query for each ManagerID
' so that the data can be exported -- the code assumes that the actual names
' of the managers are in a lookup table -- again, replace generic names with
' real names of tables and fields
If rstMgr.EOF = False And rstMgr.BOF = False Then
Do While rstMgr.EOF = False
' *** code to set strMgr needs to be changed to conform to your
' *** database design -- ManagerNameField, ManagersTable, and
' *** ManagerID need to be changed to your table and field names
' *** be changed to your table and field names
strMgr = DLookup("ManagerNameField", "ManagersTable", _
"ManagerID = " & rstMgr!ManagerID.Value)
' *** code to set strSQL needs to be changed to conform to your
' *** database design -- ManagerID, EmployeesTable need to
' *** be changed to your table and field names
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM EmployeesTable WHERE " & _
"ManagerID = " & rstMgr!ManagerID.Value & ";"
Set qdf = dbs.QueryDefs(strTemp)
qdf.Name = "q_" & strMgr
strTemp = qdf.Name
qdf.SQL = strSQL
Set qdf = Nothing
' Replace C:\FolderName\ with actual path
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _
strTemp, "C:\FolderName\" & strFileName & ".xls"
End If
Set rstMgr = Nothing
dbs.QueryDefs.Delete strTemp
Set dbs = Nothing
I have a csv file that has approx 600 fields and approx 100k of rows, i would like to import only select fields and only certian rows where a select set of fields match a certain set of criteria into an existing excel worksheet tab
I attempted to use ms query within excel but it stops at 255 columns, i can import the whole file in excel 2010 (250m) but it is a memory hog and by the time i remove the unneeded fields and rows it locks up my computer.
I would like to kick the import process off with an excel vba macro. I have all the front end code of file selection, etc.... But need some assistance in the text read query convert to excel area of vba
Any assitance would be greatly appreciated
For that many records you would be better off importing the .csv into Microsoft Access, indexing some fields, writing a query that contains only what you want, and then exporting to Excel from the query.
If you really need an Excel-only solution, do the following:
Open up the VBA editor. Navigate to Tools -> References. Select the most recent ActiveX Data Objects Library. (ADO for short). On my XP machine running Excel 2003, it's version 2.8.
Create a module if you don't have one already. Or create one anyway to contain the code at the bottom of this post.
In any blank worksheet paste the following values starting at cell A1:
SELECT Field1, Field2
FROM C:\Path\To\file.csv
WHERE Field1 = 'foo'
(Formatting issues here. select from, etc should each be in their own row in col A for reference. The other stuff are the important bits and should go in column B.)
Amend the input fields as appropriate for your filename and query requirements, then run thegetCsv() subroutine. It will put the results in a QueryTable object starting at cell C6.
I personally hate QueryTables but the .CopyFromRecordset method I prefer to use with ADO doesn't give you field names. I left the code for that method in, commented out, so you can investigate that way. If you use it, you can get rid of the call to deleteQueryTables() because it's a really ugly hack, it deletes whole columns which you may not like, etc.
Happy coding.
Option Explicit
Function ExtractFileName(filespec) As String
' Returns a filename from a filespec
Dim x As Variant
x = Split(filespec, Application.PathSeparator)
ExtractFileName = x(UBound(x))
End Function
Function ExtractPathName(filespec) As String
' Returns the path from a filespec
Dim x As Variant
x = Split(filespec, Application.PathSeparator)
ReDim Preserve x(0 To UBound(x) - 1)
ExtractPathName = Join(x, Application.PathSeparator) & Application.PathSeparator
End Function
Sub getCsv()
Dim cnCsv As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rsCsv As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strSelect As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim strOrderBy As String
Dim strSql As String
Dim qtData As QueryTable
strSelect = ActiveSheet.Range("B1").Value
strFileName = ActiveSheet.Range("B2").Value
strWhere = ActiveSheet.Range("B3").Value
strOrderBy = ActiveSheet.Range("B4").Value
strSql = "SELECT " & strSelect
strSql = strSql & vbCrLf & "FROM " & ExtractFileName(strFileName)
If strWhere <> "" Then strSql = strSql & vbCrLf & "WHERE " & strWhere
If strOrderBy <> "" Then strSql = strSql & vbCrLf & "ORDER BY " & strOrderBy
With cnCsv
.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & ExtractPathName(strFileName) & ";" & _
"Extended Properties=""text;HDR=yes;FMT=Delimited(,)"";Persist Security Info=False"
End With
rsCsv.Open strSql, cnCsv, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
'ActiveSheet.Range("C6").CopyFromRecordset rsCsv
Call deleteQueryTables
Set qtData = ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(rsCsv, ActiveSheet.Range("C6"))
Set rsCsv = Nothing
Set cnCsv = Nothing
End Sub
Sub deleteQueryTables()
On Error Resume Next
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
Dim qt As QueryTable
Dim qtName As String
Dim nName As Name
For Each qt In ActiveSheet.QueryTables
qtName = qt.Name
For Each nName In Names
If InStr(1, nName.Name, qtName) > 0 Then
End If
Next nName
Next qt
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End With
End Sub
You can parse your input file extracting the lines that conform to your criteria. The following code uses the split function on each line of the CSV file to separate the fields and then checks to see if it matches the required criteria. If all the criteria match then selected fields are saved in a new CSV file then you can just open the smaller file. You will need to set the microsoft scripting runtime reference in the VBA editor for this to work.
This method should use little memory as it processes 1 line at a time, I tested it on data of 600 fields and 100000 lines and it took about 45 seconds to process the file with no noticable increase in RAM usage in windows task manager. It is CPU intensive and the time taken would increase as the complexity data, conditions and the number of fields copied increases.
If you prefer to write directly to an existing sheet this can be easily acheived, but you would have to rememove any old data there first.
Sub Extract()
Dim fileHandleInput As Scripting.TextStream
Dim fileHandleExtract As Scripting.TextStream
Dim fsoObject As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim sPath As String
Dim sFilenameExtract As String
Dim sFilenameInput As String
Dim myVariant As Variant
Dim bParse As Boolean 'To check if the line should be written
sFilenameExtract = "Exctract1.CSV"
sFilenameInput = "Input.CSV"
Set fsoObject = New FileSystemObject
sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
'Check if this works ie overwrites existing file
If fsoObject.FileExists(sPath & sFilenameExtract) Then
Set fileHandleExtract = fsoObject.OpenTextFile(sPath & sFilenameExtract, ForWriting)
Set fileHandleExtract = fsoObject.CreateTextFile((sPath & sFilenameExtract), True)
End If
Set fileHandleInput = fsoObject.OpenTextFile(sPath & sFilenameInput, ForReading)
'extracting headers for selected fields in this case the 1st, 2nd and 124th fields
myVariant = Split(fileHandleInput.ReadLine, ",")
fileHandleExtract.WriteLine (myVariant(0) & "," & _
myVariant(1) & "," & _
'Parse each line (row) of the inputfile
Do While Not fileHandleInput.AtEndOfStream
myVariant = Split(fileHandleInput.ReadLine, ",")
'Set bParse initially to true
bParse = True
'Check if the first element is greater than 123
If Not myVariant(0) > 123 Then bParse = False
'Check if second element is one of allowed values
'Trim used to remove pesky leading or lagging values when checking
Select Case Trim(myVariant(1))
Case "Red", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Black"
'Do nothing as value found
Case Else
bParse = False 'As wasn't a value in the condition
End Select
'If the conditions were met by the line then write specific fields to extract file
If bParse Then
fileHandleExtract.WriteLine (myVariant(0) & "," & _
myVariant(1) & "," & _
End If
'close files and cleanup
Set fileHandleExtract = Nothing
Set fileHandleInput = Nothing
Set fsoObject = Nothing
End Sub