can Multiple threads depend on a single manual Kill-event? - multithreading

I have a MFC code with multiple threads that all make recursive calls to a subroutine, with different parameters.
In the beginning of the subroutine, I make a call to function CheckKillEvent():
bool CTestShellDlg::CheckKillEvent()
DWORD waitS;
waitS = WaitForSingleObject(h_KillEvent, 0);
switch (waitS)
return true;
return false;
and return() immediately if CheckKillEvent returns true.
fyi, h_killEvent is initialized as:
h_KillEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, true, false, NULL);
ie, it has a manual reset.
However, these threads seem to take (literally) forever to finish after I set the Kill-event as below:
bool CTestShellDlg::KillThreads()
//Signall the killing event
if (WaitForMultipleObjects(,,true,)==...)
return true; //Killing successful
return false; //Killing failed
The question is, is there an issue with calling CheckKillEvent() from multiple threads? Should the WaitForSingleObject() be done inside a critical section or something? Or is it simply my recursive code being bad at recursing back to a point where it no longer calls itself?

As Hans suggested in the comment, the problem was in fact with the message pump being blocked. Always best to assign separate threads for tasks that might take long or might themselves need access to the message pump.


How can I mitigate a race condition between the UI thread and a DispatcherTimer.Tick event?

I believe I have a race condition in this code sample but am unsure how to mitigate it.
My scenario is that XAsync() always runs on the UI thread. Within XAsync(), I set m_importantMemberVariable and then start a timer; there's a 1 second delay before the timer fires.
My concern is the timer's tick event calls a method on m_importantMemberVariable. However, in the 1 second interval between starting the timer and Tick firing, XAsync() could be called again and overwrite m_importantMemberVariable.
Code example:
task<void> BobViewModel::XAsync()
return create_task(CreateSomethingAsync())
.then([this](SomethingAsync^ aThing)
this->m_importantMemberVariable = aThing;
// Timer has 1 second delay.
}, task_continuation_context::use_current())
.then([activity](task<void> result)
// more continuations...
void BobViewModel::OnTimerTick(Object^, Object^)
// Stopping the timer and detaching the event handler
// so timer only fires once.
m_myDispatcherTimer->Tick -= m_impressionTimerToken;
m_myDispatcherTimer = { 0 };
// * Possible race condition *
Question: Assuming I'm correct about a race condition, is there a way to mitigate it?
My understanding is the tick event would fire on the UI thread so synchronization primitives won't help (as the UI thread would already have access).
All your operations are on the UI thread, so they've already been serialized (synchronized) for you. A simple flag will suffice:
bool m_busy; // set to false in constructor
task<void> BobViewModel::XAsync()
if (m_busy)
m_busy = true;
// the rest of your code...
void BobViewModel::OnTimerTick(Object^, Object^)
m_busy = false;
// the rest of your code...
Just make sure you handle any exceptions such that you set m_busy back to false if something goes horribly wrong.
The answer to this question suggests using compare_exchange_strong with a std::atomic to ensure only one thread executes a function at a time. The problems with that approach, for this question, are:
1. The DispatcherTimer Tick event fires outside of the task continuation block, and can fire after the continuation completes.
2. A constraint on this problem is for the timer to only fire once.
Some alternative solutions are:
Use compare_exchange_strong but replace DispatcherTimer with create_delayed_task
Assuming the work doesn't have to happen on the UI thread, you can use create_delayed_task to delay work within a task continuation.
Object^ importantVariable
return create_delayed_task(
Then, from the task continuation, simply:
return UseImportantVariableAsync(m_importantMemberVariable);
Use a lambda for the DispatcherTimer's Tick event and capture 'aThing' from the question's example (instead of referencing the member variable in the handler). To only fire the timer once, assign the DispathcerTimer.Tick handler within a std::call_once block so only the first caller gets to do it.

WaitForSingleObject on signalled thread gives WAIT_FAILED, why?

I have a Multithreaded code with a reset thread defined as:
bool CTestShellDlg::ResetThreads()
//if Main worker thread already finished, Just Reset
if (CheckMainThreadFinished())
if(KillThreads()) //Go ahead and reset if killing is finished.
return false; //killing already in progress. gotta wait!
And KillThreads() is defined as:
bool CTestShellDlg::KillThreads()
//if killing not already in progress
if (!CheckKillEvent())
//Signall the killing event
if (WaitMainThreadFinished())
//call some deletes
//Reset the kill event back to non-signalled to indicate it's no longer in progress
return true; //Killing successful
return false; //Killing already in progress
bool WaitMainThreadFinished(){WaitForSingleObject(m_hDoIt_Thread, INFINITE);...}
bool CheckMainThreadFinished(){WaitForSingleObject(m_hDoIt_Thread, 0);...}
Now, I can Call KillThreads() fine. During this process, I WaitForSingleObject(m_hDoIt_Thread, INFINITE) so I know by the end of it, it's definitely signaled. Now if I try to call ResetThreads(), my WaitForSingleObject(m_hDoIt_Thread, 0) in CheckMainThreadFinished() gives me WAIT_FAILED whereas in my understanding it should be WAIT_OBJECT_0. What could possibly cause that?
What is interesting. Is that if I make two consecutive ResetThreads() calls, I don't get the said return value from CheckMainThreadFinished().
Fixed it!
Used GetLastError() and it turned out the handle for
WaitForSingleObject(m_hDoIt_Thread, 0);
was invalid. The reason for that is By default an MFC thread frees its thread handle and deletes the thread object when it exits. That leaves you with an invalid thread pointer and handle, so this way of checking if the main handle is working will not work and an alternative should be used.

thread synchronization: making sure function gets called in order

I'm writing a program in which I need to make sure a particular function is called is not being executed in more than one thread at a time.
Here I've written some simplified pseudocode that does exactly what is done in my real program.
mutex _enqueue_mutex;
mutex _action_mutex;
queue _queue;
bool _executing_queue;
// called in multiple threads, possibly simultaneously
do_action() {
object o;
execute_queue() {
if (!executing_queue) {
_executing_queue = true;
bool is_empty = _queue.isEmpty();
while (!is_empty) {
object o = _queue.dequeue();
is_empty = _queue.isEmpty();
// callback is called when "o" is done being used by "do_stuff_to_object_with_callback" also, this function doesn't block, it is executed on its own thread (hence the need for the callback to know when it's done)
do_stuff_to_object_with_callback(o, &some_callback);
_executing_queue = false;
some_callback() {
Essentially, the idea is that _action_mutex is locked in the while loop (I should say that lock is assumed to be blocking until it can be locked again), and expected to be unlocked when the completion callback is called (some_callback in the above code).
This, does not seem to be working though. What happens is if the do_action is called more than once at the same time, the program locks up. I think it might be related to the while loop executing more than once simultaneously, but I just cant see how that could be the case. Is there something wrong with my approach? Is there a better approach?
A queue that is not specifically designed to be multithreaded (multi-producer multi-consumer) will need to serialize both eneueue and dequeue operations using the same mutex.
(If your queue implementation has a different assumption, please state it in your question.)
The check for _queue.isEmpty() will also need to be protected, if the dequeue operation is prone to the Time of check to time of use problem.
That is, the line
object o = _queue.dequeue();
needs to be surrounded by _enqueue_mutex.lock(); and _enqueue_mutex.unlock(); as well.
You probably only need a single mutex for the queue. Also once you've dequeued the object, you can probably process it outside of the lock. This will prevent calls to do_action() from hanging too long.
mutex moo;
queue qoo;
bool keepRunning = true;
moo.unlock(); // really need try-finally to make sure,
// but don't know which language we are using
object o = qoo.dequeue();
moo.unlock(); // again, try finally needed
Then Call process_queue() on it's own thread.

setTimer() to generate WM_TIMER message only once

I am using timers with resource ID added and based on WM_TIMER message.
I would like to call a routine like DrunkenDragon() on OnTimer() but for only once after SetTimer(id,10sec,NULL) was called. We know that Call to KillTimer() inside DrunkenDragon() routine would fix the solution. Is it okay to go with this, or am I missing out something great with timers.
(Only answering this in case someone else comes across it like I did and was unsatisfied with the answers available)
So, in WindowClass.h, what you can do is an enumeration of the timer identifiers you want to use. While you certainly can use raw numeric values, using symbols is probably easier to work with in the long run.
class WindowClass : CWnd
// other parts of the interface...
Meanwhile, back at in WindowClass.cpp,
int WindowClass::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
// { ... other initialization code }
// In case you want to do other types of updates at regular intervals.
// Note the symbolic identifiers.
return 0;
That's only any good if you want to do it 10 seconds after the window's been created, though. You can also just call SetTimer() in some other event handler whenever you'd like:
void WindowClass::OnJustGotPaid()
// { ... other handling }
// Since our dragon is a real lightweight, it apparently only takes
// 10 seconds to get him puking up flaming vomit.
When it comes time for the actual event to be handled, it is typically handled in the Windows OnTimer() callback. A timer event can be directed to a different (custom) callback, if desired, by specifying a valid function pointer in SetTimer()'s third parameter instead of NULL.
void WindowClass::OnTimer(UINT_PTR p_timer_id)
// { ... main update code }
// Killing the timer first in case DrunkenDragon() takes a good
// long while for whatever reason.
int CYourDialog::OnInitDialog()
SetTimer(0x10, 10000, NULL);
return true;
void CYourDialog::OnTimer(UINT_PTR ignore)
And ensure you have ON_WM_TIMER in message-map.
You are not missing anything and you would have to use KillTimer for system to stop generating WM_TIMER messages.
You can also use CreateTimerQueueTimer and set parameters the way a callback is called only once.
See this for more details.

"window procedure" of a newly created thread without window

I want to create a thread for some db writes that should not block the ui in case the db is not there. For synchronizing with the main thread, I'd like to use windows messages. The main thread sends the data to be written to the writer thread.
Sending is no problem, since CreateThread returns the handle of the newly created thread. I thought about creating a standard windows event loop for processing the messages. But how do I get a window procedure as a target for DispatchMessage without a window?
Standard windows event loop (from MSDN):
while( (bRet = GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 )) != 0)
if (bRet == -1)
// handle the error and possibly exit
Why windows messages? Because they are fast (windows relies on them) and thread-safe. This case is also special as there is no need for the second thread to read any data. It just has to recieve data, write it to the DB and then wait for the next data to arrive. But that's just what the standard event loop does. GetMessage waits for the data, then the data is processed and everything starts again. There's even a defined signal for terminating the thread that is well understood - WM_QUIT.
Other synchronizing constructs block one of the threads every now and then (critical section, semaphore, mutex). As for the events mentioned in the comment - I don't know them.
It might seem contrary to common sense, but for messages that don't have windows, it's actually better to create a hidden window with your window proc than to manually filter the results of GetMessage() in a message pump.
The fact that you have an HWND means that as long as the right thread has a message pump going, the message is going to get routed somewhere. Consider that many functions, even internal Win32 ones, have their own message pumps (for example MessageBox()). And the code for MessageBox() isn't going to know to invoke your custom code after its GetMessage(), unless there's a window handle and window proc that DispatchMessage() will know about.
By creating a hidden window, you're covered by any message pump running in your thread, even if it isn't written by you.
EDIT: but don't just take my word for it, check these articles from Microsoft's Raymond Chen.
Thread messages are eaten by modal loops
Why do messages posted by PostThreadMessage disappear?
Why isn't there a SendThreadMessage function?
NOTE: Refer this code only when you don't need any sort of UI-related or some COM-related code. Other than such corner cases, this code works correctly: especially good for pure computation-bounded worker thread.
DispathMessage and TranslateMessage are not necessary if the thread is not having a window. So, simply just ignore it. HWND is nothing to do with your scenario. You don't actually need to create any Window at all. Note that that two *Message functions are needed to handle Windows-UI-related message such as WM_KEYDOWN and WM_PAINT.
I also prefer Windows Messages to synchronize and communicate between threads by using PostThreadMessage and GetMessage, or PeekMessage. I wanted to cut and paste from my code, but I'll just briefly sketch the idea.
// Worker Thread: No Window in this thread
unsigned int CALLBACK WorkerThread(void* data)
// Get the master thread's ID
DWORD master_tid = ...;
while( (bRet = GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 )) != 0)
if (bRet == -1)
// handle the error and possibly exit
if (msg.message == WM_MY_THREAD_MESSAGE_X)
// Do your task
// If you want to response,
PostThreadMessage(master_tid, WM_MY_THREAD_MESSAGE_X, ... ...);
if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)
return 0;
// In the Master Thread
// Spawn the worker thread
CreateThread( ... WorkerThread ... &worker_tid);
// Send message to worker thread
PostThreadMessage(worker_tid, WM_MY_THREAD_MESSAGE_X, ... ...);
// If you want the worker thread to quit
// If you want to receive message from the worker thread, it's simple
// You just need to write a message handler for WM_MY_THREAD_MESSAGE_X
I'm a bit afraid that this is what you wanted. But, the code, I think, is very easy to understand. In general, a thread is created without having message queue. But, once Window-message related function is called, then the message queue for the thread is initialized. Please note that again no Window is necessary to post/receive Window messages.
You don't need a window procedure in your thread unless the thread has actual windows to manage. Once the thread has called Peek/GetMessage(), it already has the same message that a window procedure would receive, and thus can act on it immediately. Dispatching the message is only necessary when actual windows are involved. It is a good idea to dispatch any messages that you do not care about, in case other objects used by your thread have their own windows internally (ActiveX/COM does, for instance). For example:
while( (bRet = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) != 0 )
if (bRet == -1)
// handle the error and possibly exit
switch( msg.message )
case ...: // process a message
case ...: // process a message
default: // everything else
