How to prevent browsers from remembering last logged user? - browser

Let me start off with these sources I have found that are not helpful to me, because they are not asking the same thing, no matter how similar it might sound:
Disabling Chrome Autofill
Disable form autofill in Chrome without disabling autocomplete
Google Chrome form autofill and its yellow background
How do I stop Chrome from pre-populating input boxes?
And recently:
Should autocomplete="off" be used for all sensitive fields?
Essentially, these threads all suggest browser settings & adding the attribute autocomplete='off'. This is not a valid solution for me nor is it the issue that I am having. My issue is as follows:
Using Incognito Mode in Chrome:
User A clicks on "Patient Portal" to bring them to the login page. (Good)
User A logs into their account by filling in their email & password. (Good)
User A logs out of their account & is brought back to the Kiosk home page. (Good)
User B clicks on "Patient Portal" to bring them to the login page. (Good)
User B sees User A's email filled in the email field. (BAD)
User B can remove User A's email from the field & enter their own without Chrome's suggestions of previously entered emails.
It is not okay to retain a users email address on a public computer, how might I fix this issue?

Another developer was dynamically adding in the last logged email into the email field in a php file I did not have access to.


Configure contact email in chrome web store

I can't publish my chrome extension because it says "You must provide a contact email before you can publish any item."
I entered my E-Mail Address but it still does not work. Does anyone know how to configure that?
I published extensions successfully in the past, but apparently there was a policy change.
Here is the error message:
And here the config i did:
They overhauled their dashboard and this was hella confusing for me.
You need to click the header, and then account, and then you can find the email address here:
I faced same issue but it works after re-login.
As aforementioned by Haru you'll need to re-login to fix it. To itemize, here is how you can fix it:
Head to your Google Chrome Developer Dashboard
On the top left, click on the collapsible menu (three bars icon)
Choose the second option: "account"
Under the heading "Profile" add your email.
On the top right, click on your profile picture.
A small screen will popup. Choose the option at the bottom: "logout"
Now when you login it will be working as expected.

User not getting redirected in webview based android app after verification

I will try to be as brief and concise as possible. I have been trying to tackle this problem for last 5 days. Please help me get out of this.
-> I have a WordPress website, on which I have installed a plugin called Digit.
-> This plugin let the users to register themselves on my website using their phone number.
-> A verification code gets sent on the user's mobile and after entering the right pin, the user gets redirected to the dashboard successfully.
Let me just explain a visual scenario, briefly:
User enters its number.
After clicking on "Send OTP" button, a small browser window pops up, which takes the user to the 3rd party website and from where user enters and fill its verification code.
After verification, the tab gets closed automatically and user gets redirected to the dashboard successfully.
On Browsers, it is working fine. No problem at all
Now the actual problem starts here:
-> I have created a webview based android app.
-> The app is working, pretty fine. Everything is working like normal.
-> But when user tries to Signup and enter its number and click on "Send OTP", the small popup window opens and asks the user to fill the OTP received.
-> After entering the OTP, it gets Successfully Verified, but it does not get closed and redirect the user to the dashboard page, where it is supposed to be.
-> There is nothing written on the screen, just written the "Success message".
Below is the app image after verification
enter image description here
Below is my " fiel link:

Facebook 'Continue' button misplaced in Chrome Extension oauth popup

I'm using chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow to start the login flow and when the user oauths with Facebook, the bottom 'Continue' button is partially out of the view. When the user has to enter an email and password for the first time, it's fine, but when Facebook asks only for the password the next time, the issue occurs. Also on the 'Forgotten you password?' page.
Since chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow doesn't allow to set size, and resizing the window manually moves the button, but at the same misplaced position, I see it as a clear sign that it's Facebook's code or the chrome.identity.launchWebAuthFlow's window's quirk.
When opening up the same auth url in a real browser window, the button is placed at the right place.
Anyone else came across this issue? Is there any good workaround?

How to change ubercart's login text

When a user is redirected to the login screen after clicking the checkout button (because they are an anonymous user), I want to change the login message that reads,"You must login before you can proceed to checkout" to something more meaningful. I have Googled this and searched this site and not found how to do this. Any help would be appreciated.
This message is set in the uc_cart_checkout method in ubercart/uc_cart/
See this post on how to override messages as set by drupal_set_message - Alter messages in Drupal 7

Have you ever seen as i have checked session behaviour in ? Please help?

Yesterday morning i open gmail account in Internet Exlorer second tab. I checked my mail and closed that tab (not browser).
Then at the time of evining i again open second tab of browser and enetr, it automatically redirect me at my email account without asking login.
I shocked and i thought i should remain browser open for whole night and today open gmail in second tab , it behave similar means without login screen it redirect in my gmail account.
Then i closed that tab and open another browser session and enter gmail i again surprised that i redirect me login page. At the same time i open second tab of first browser and it automatically redirect me at mail account page.
What i councluded by this behaviour is that might be gmail server keep my browser id at their server so that whenever i eneter on second tab of first browser, it automatically redirect me at gmail account. I don't know i am right or not?
Please clear me this concept? What happens with my session at gmail server when i closed my browser tab?
As per my opinion it should automatically logout me but why this doesn't happened?
You probably ticked the option "stay signed in" the last time you logged in. Go back to gmail, click log out, and log in again, making sure that option is not ticked. Close the tab, come back in an hour, and open gmail again. You should be at the login screen this time.
