Publish Azure WebJob including all items from bin-folder - azure

I'm trying to publish my WebJob which is connected to an Azure Website. So I use Publish on the website. This will publish the site and inside the App_Data-Folder the files for the WebJob are deployed.
The problem is, that I use the NuGet package Microsoft.SqlServer.Types inside the WebJob which brings 2 dlls one of which is a C++ native lib. This dll lays in "/bin/SqlServerTypes" of my WebJob-bin-folder which wouldn't be deployed by the publish-operation. Only items directly laying inside of the bin-Folder of the WebJob are deployed.
How can I ensure, that the complete bin-folder from the WebJob-project is deployed to App_Data on the web?
What I tried so far is:
Adding a project-reference to the WebJob-project in the WebSite-project.
Generating the folder-structure under App_Data in VS and referencing the dll there.
Edit: Turns out, that I had a simple spelling bug when creating the structure beneath the App_Data-Folder. In my case it worked when I just added those dlls in the folder the tooling expected them to be. See the answers for other good links.

I had a similar issue. Check this out.
As far as I know, this hasn't been solved yet. A workaround is to copy the relevant dependencies via FTP.
Hope this helps.


Object removed from assembly still referred to after deploy to Azure, local is fine

ASP.NET Core 2.1
We have a shared dll, that is used in a few projects (via project reference)
We have class in that was named Proofer, and is now named ProofReader.
This was done through mass find and replace.
Nowhere in our source files locally exists any files containing the text Proofer.
VSTS builds the application without issue, then we send it via a release pipeline to Azure. All succeed.
Despite this we attempt to run the web app and get the following:
An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
TypeLoadException: Could not load type
'MainShared.Models.Proofer' from assembly 'MainShared,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
pModule, IRuntimeMethodInfo pCtor, Byte** ppBlob, Byte* pEndBlob,
Int32* pcNamedArgs)
We are having trouble determining if this is in the build, maybe something not being rebuilt when it should be, or something still cached on Azure that isn't being overwritten.
A few places I can suggest you look into -
If you are using app service web apps in azure , we can use the kudu (web app extension to remove/clean the files) to make sure you have a clean destination.
Check the VSTS Release logs if you have access to , it shows the files which are overwritten and the ones which could not be. Once i had a similar issue and found that the logs were already warning me that a few could not be overwritten.
If you are using VM's for your app deployment if has access to it , remove/backup the files under your site folder.
I had a similar problem after some redesign for a Web App using ASP.NET Core 2.2 (hosted on Azure), that some old not even anymore existing references causing the Load type exceptions to happen and the Web App simply refused to come up. I tried to clean everything up in Visual Studio, even deleted the bin and object directories, but the old reference was still looked for. In Kudu on the Azure portal I saw the *.PrecompiledViews.dll and *.PrecompiledViews.pdb files, which were very old. I simply removed them directly on the Azure server and could then simply start up my app and everything came up again. This fault should be fixed from the source. If I do a complete rebuild, I expect this old garbage to be taken care of during the publishing to the website. This is something that Microsoft should fix and as I can see this happened to others over half a year ago. Thanks Mark Johnson for your very useful hint about those files!

How to debug why azure web job does not start?

In Visual Studio, I am deploying a web site to Azure via the Publish menu option, and the project has an existing web job added to it (via the Add menu). It was added as a continuous job, and has the correct entries in the 'webjob-publish-settings.json' and 'webjobs-list.json' files.
When I publish the web site, the job is compiled and put into place in the 'jobs' folder and published with the web site. However, it is not started. No entry is added automatically to the WebJobs settings page in Azure, which remains empty. There are no errors in the output window.
The Azure webjobs documentation states that it will attempt to run a selection of files from within the webjob directory, and one of these is any file that ends with ".exe". The webjob project is a console project, and compiles into an exe which is published in the directory.
In the past, I have published this job by zipping the contents of the 'bin\Release' directory, and adding it manually.
How can I debug why it does not start when deployed automatically?
First thing you should do is look at exactly what got deployed, to make sure it looks like what you expect. To do this:
Go to Kudu Console
Go to D:\home\site\wwwroot\App_Data\jobs\continuous
You should see a folder named after your WebJob in there. Go in that folder
Check that it has all the right files
If it doesn't, then you likely have some kind of deployment issue, and it is not an issue with the WebJobs runtime.
I think when you published the Web site, it just copied over the Webjob files but Azure does not know that there's a Webjob that has been published. Could you please try publishing the WebJob separately by selecting "Publish as Webjob" option. If it has problems publishing that way then there's some problem in your Webjob, like app settings etc, and if it is successfully published then I guess you have to publish it separately every time or find a hack in Publish settings of the Website to publish both the projects.
Hope it helps. Thanks
I had a web job that was working fine, I stopped it, changed a value in the config file and started it again. It didn't start, no errors, no log issues, nothing at all.
How I fixed it? I clicked "Restart" button in the app service that contains all the web jobs.
Note: stop and start did not work, only "Restart" did the trick. It really makes no sense but that's what happened. I hope it helps others with the same issue.

Azure site dll compatibility issue - System.Web.WebPages.Razor

I'm building a test website in azure, I'm getting an issue in Azure site, Where as my local code published to a folder and setup in IIS is working fine. I work on vs2015. code written in C#. Error is below one. Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.WebPages.Razor' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. Please help in this. Thanks
Is the dll in your solution set as copy local? (go to references, right mouse button and then properties.)
If not set it to copy local.
Do you use different versions of the dll in your solution?
Then set a bindingredirect to the latest version and be sure to use the correct one in your application.
Adding to what RoteS answered, if you are using MVC on VS2015 and you are deploying to Azure by Continuous Integration, why not reference the MVC Nuget package instead? You won't need to commit or copy that DLL around, and Azure (Kudu) will handle the package restore for you when it's deployed.
Thanks for your replies.
I've tried by two options
1.Setting copylocal = true
2.Instlling Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc -Version 5.2.3
But still the problem was there. It works on Local system when published.
But it was not working in Azure. seemed to be some publish issue.
Finally as 3rd step,
I've taken all the mvc related dlls and copied to Bin mannually, referred from this location instead of the package location.
Set the option - copyLocal = true
It worked fine :)

Unable to publish node js site to azure using Visual Studio 2013

I am publishing my node js site to azure using this tutorial -
I get the following error, as mentioned in one of the comments on the blog, any idea what this error is about and how do I fix this ? I am able to run my app locally no issues with that.
Error: InvalidParameter
Parameter name: index
P.s : the site is like a very basic "Hello world" kind of site, this is the first time I am using and deploying to azure too.
I created a new project as a "Blank Azure Node.js web application", and replaced the resulting package.json and .js files with what I had before, and it publishes fine now
All was working fine for and suddenly got the error! I pretty sure it something in the project as it's now happening on vs2013 and vs2015 on different computers.
Its something to do with Templates after a lot of searching. For me Azure TFS CI got things working again if possible for you?
I had this issue with some projects but not with others, all created in a similar way. So I went thought every change and every setting I could until eventually i worked it out. I didn't want to give up and just remake them.
Basically its file paths, the first thing you notice is that it errors very quickly compared to a usual publish, the first thing that is triggered is a build but unlike heavy framework languages there not really much to actually build.
Like all builds for VS it pops out a bin folder take not of where this appears. This is the key, you want this to appear in the root of your deployment usually at the same level as the publish profile.
Before I moved my projects to VS, TFS and Azure, I used to use git and used the azure push and deployment as part of git, so I instinctively structured my folders in the similar fashion with src folder and all the extra VS baggage in the a directory higher.
This is where I noticed bin folder, so re-structured my solution and made changes to .njsproj (notepad) and moved to be inline with source code and re-added it yo my solution.
Technically speaking this a bug within VS as it allows to create the project and specify different locations which is all fine unless you want to build and publish locally.
Once you get your head around what is going on you should be able to solve this problem easily and not make the same mistake in the future. If anyone is still confused comment and ill grab some screen shots.

VSO not deploying Azure website with WebJob

A website with webjob not deploying to Azure.
I am having an issue getting a website with an associated webjob console application to deploy using continuous deployment via Visual Studio Online. I am using VS2013 with update 4 and latest Azure SDK.
The website, and the associated webjob, will publish to Azure using direct publish for Visual Studio and works perfectly, so I am confident the publish settings are fine.
The solution will build and work locally fine.
The solution, once checked in, will build and (seemingly) deploy fine in VSO (using CI) and Azure notes the build was successful and shows it as 'Active deployment'.
However, the website and associated webjob will not be updated.
When I have browsed the deployed files after the VSO build and deploy on Azure, all that is happening, is the binaries of the console app are being copied into the bin/ folder of the website.
None of the website files are being updated. It is almost as if it is deploying the wrong project!
If I remove the Webjob and just deploy the website, it will build and deploy fine through VSO - the website will update.
It is adding the webjob that causes some issue with the deployment via VSO.
I am confident all steps are correct to add the webjob to the WebApp, with the correct webjobs-list.json being added to the webapp and webjob-publish-settings.json to the Console app - as I said, publishing the website (with the webjob) direct to Azure works perfectly, and both the site and webjob get updated.
I have searched post after post and tried all manner of things, but none have worked.
Given the fact this published fine direct from VS, and also that the build is completing, it would suggest that something is wrong with the VSO Build Defintion.
My first guess would be to change it from building the solution to instead building the web project only, but this does not seem to work.
I have also tried every Output location setting (both for the solution build and the web project build) - the only one that works and the build completes is the solution (.sln) build with 'SingleFolder' set.
I have been battling this for a couple of days now an I'm a bit stumped!
This also happens if you have a static website being deployed using a Visual Studio solution via VSO with an automated build - unless the Visual Studio project / solution containing the website is changed then the actual site contents will not be redeployed.
I think your hunch that it's deploying the wrong project is correct. If you have multiple "deployable" projects in your solution (and the console app is considered deployable, as this is one way you can host/deploy a webjob), you need to tell Kudu which one to deploy.
You can control it adding a new setting under "app settings" on the "configure" tab for the webapp.
The setting you want is Project and it's a relative path from the solution root to the .csproj file of your web project.
Alternatively, you can specify the setting in a custom .deployment file.
Relevant Kudu documentation here
From the documentation:
You can specify the full path to the project file. Note that this is not a path to the solution file (.sln), but to the project file (.csproj/.vbproj). The reason for this is that Kudu only builds the minimal dependency tree for this project, and avoids building unrelated projects in the solution that are not needed by the web project.
Here is an example:
project = WebProject/WebProject.csproj
I have also tried every Output location setting (both for the solution build and the web project build) - the only one that works and the build completes is the solution (.sln) build with 'SingleFolder' set
That's the root case of problem.
You can't have SingleFolder as it sets the OutDir which mess up with web job packaging.
I had to introduce a wpp.targets files in each of my web app project to create the publish package to a particular path (using PackageLocation)
So, let each project have that and set the setting to AsConfigured (or Per Project) instead of SingleFolder.
See this
