most frequently occurring string (element) in a list? - string

I have made a function which prints every possible subsequence of a string. Now I need to make a function which prints the most common. Any ideas on where I can start. Not asking for fully coded functions just a place to start. Also, only using prelude functions (including base).
for example, if I enter "jonjo" my functions will return ["jonjo","jonj","jon","jo","j","onjo","onj"...] etc. The most common substring would be "jo".
In the case where there would be two or more most occurring substrings, only the longest would be printed. If still equal, any one of the substrings will suffice.

The problem as it is stated can be reduced to finding the most frequent character, since it is obvious that, for example, the first character in any "most frequent substring" will be AT LEAST as frequent as the substring itself.

I suggest you take a look at
sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
from base Data.List
group :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
from base Data.List
length :: [a] -> Int
from base Prelude, base Data.List
maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
from base Prelude, base Data.List
If you can really ony use prelude functions, then I suggest you implement these yourself, or design a datastructure to make this efficient, such as a trie.


Haskell taking in two list with a int and returning a tuple

I am trying to learn haskell and saw a exercise which says
Write two different Haskell functions having the same type:
[a] -> [b] -> Int -> (a,b)
So from my understanding the expressions should take in two lists, an int and return a tuple of the type of the lists.
What i tried so far was
together :: [a] -> [b] -> Int -> (a,b)
together [] [] 0 = (0,0)
together [b] [a] x = if x == a | b then (b,a) else (0,0)
I know I am way off but any help is appreciated!
First you need to make your mind up what the function should return. That is partly determined by the signature. But still you can come up with a lot of functions that return different things, but have the same signature.
Here one of the most straightforward functions is probably to return the elements that are placed on the index determined by the third parameter.
It makes no sense to return (0,0), since a and b are not per se numerical types. Furthermore if x == a | b is not semantically valid. You can write this as x == a || x == b, but this will not work, since a and b are not per se Ints.
We can implement a function that returns the heads of the two lists in case the index is 0. In case the index is negative, or at least one of the two lists is exhausted, then we can raise an error. I leave it as an exercise what to do in case the index is greater than 0:
together :: [a] -> [b] -> Int -> (a,b)
together [] _ = error "List exhausted"
together _ [] = error "List exhausted"
together (a:_) (b:_) 0 = (a, b)
together (a:_) (b:_) n | n < 0 = error "Negative index!"
| …
you thus still need to fill in the ….
I generally dislike those "write any function with this signature"-type excercises precisely because of how arbitrary they are. You're supposed to figure out a definition that would make sense for that particular signature and implement it. In a lot of cases, you can wing it by ignoring as many arguments as possible:
fa :: [a] -> [b] -> Int -> (a,b)
fa (a:_) (b:_) _ = (a,b)
fa _ _ _ = error "Unfortunately, this function can't be made total because lists can be empty"
The error here is the important bit to note. You attempted to go around that problem by returning 0s, but this will only work when 0 is a valid value for types of a and b. Your next idea could be some sort of a "Default" value, but not every type has such a concept. The key observation is that without any knowledge about a type, in order to produce a value from a function, you need to get this value from somewhere else first*.
If you actually wanted a more sensible definition, you'd need to think up a use for that Int parameter; maybe it's the nth element from each
list? With the help of take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] and head :: [a] -> a this should be doable as an excercise.
Again, your idea of comparing x with a won't work for all types; not every type is comparable with an Int. You might think that this would make generic functions awfully limited; that's the point where you typically learn about how to express certain expectations about the types you get, which will allow you to operate only on certain subsets of all possible types.
* That's also the reason why id :: a -> a has only one possible implementation.
Write two different Haskell functions having the same type:
[a] -> [b] -> Int -> (a,b)
As Willem and Bartek have pointed out, there's a lot of gibberish functions that have this type.
Bartek took the approach of picking two based on what the simplest functions with that type could look like. One was a function that did nothing but throw an error. And one was picking the first element of each list, hoping they were not empty and failing otherwise. This is a somewhat theoretical approach, since you probably don't ever want to use those functions in practice.
Willem took the approach of suggesting an actually useful function with that type and proceeded to explore how to exhaust the possible patterns of such a function: For lists, match the empty list [] and the non-empty list a:_, and for integers, match some stopping point, 0 and some categories n < 0 and ….
A question that arises to me is if there is any other equally useful function with this type signature, or if a second function would necessarily have to be hypothetically constructed. It would seem natural that the Int argument has some relation to the positions of elements in [a] and [b], since they are also integers, especially because a pair of single (a,b) is returned.
But the only remotely useful functions (in the sense of not being completely silly) that I can think of are small variations of this: For example, the Int could be the position from the end rather than from the beginning, or if there's not enough elements in one of the lists, it could default to the last element of a list rather than an error. Neither of these are very pleasing to make ("from the end" conflicts with the list being potentially infinite, and having a fall-back to the last element of a list conflicts with the fact that lists don't necessarily have a last element), so it is tempting to go with Bartek's approach of writing the simplest useless function as the second one.

Haskell, sort a list of Int [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How should the forever function be used?
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I need to sort a list of Ints, [Int]. However when I use sort it gives me error message:Variable not in scope: sort :: [Int] -> [a0] how do I get around this problem?
my code simplified:
data Point= P Shape Int
getInt (P _ i)=i
sorted ps= sort(map getInt ps)
If you're searching for a function of which you know (or guess) the name, but don't know where it is defined, Hayoo is your best† friend. Asked for sort, it'll give
sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
base -Data.List
> The sort function implements a stable sorting algorithm. It is a special case of sortBy, which allows the programmer to supply their own comparison function.
sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
base -GHC.OldList
> The sort function implements a stable sorting algorithm. It is a special case of sortBy, which allows the programmer to supply their own comparison function.
sort :: ByteString -> ByteString
bytestring -Data.ByteString.Char8 Data.ByteString
> O(n) Sort a ByteString efficiently, using counting sort.
Well, you don't need anything about byte strings (or Seqs or other more advanced types), nor do you want to touch a module called GHC.OldList (this is some legacy stuff that may be used to quickly make old code compatible with new GHC versions); the Data.List version is apparently fine. So import that:
import Data.List (sort)
main :: IO ()
main = print $ sort [3,1,2]
†Hayoo is one of two popular Haskell search engines and works IMO better for searching by name. The alternative, Hoogle, is a bit more fiddly but can additionally search also by type signature. I recommend the Stackage version.

How does these two notations differ in Haskell?

I am new to Haskell and still kind of confused with some notations.
In the function header, i know that
func :: [Int] -> Int
indicates that the input is a list of integers and the output is an integer.
How does this differ from
func :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
I am asking because they seem to be same, and I wonder why we use different notations for something identical.
The first one is very simple and as you have said, it takes a list of Int and returns a single Int.
The second one, however, can accept many different types for its input (including types you define yourself).
The key is (Ord a). What this is saying is that it has to be a list of orderable types, and if it satisfies that requirement then it is a valid type that can be passed into this particular function.
The Ord typeclass includes the following members:
func :: (Ord a) => [a] -> a
could potentially be a function that takes a list of orderable types and returns the maximum member of that list, as an example. This could be [Int], [Integer], [Float], and many other things.

Get elements with odd length in a Haskell list of strings

I have a list of strings in Haskell and I need to get those elements with odd length in another list. How can this be done using higher order functions like foldr, foldl, foldr1, foldl1, filter, map, and so on? I will very much appreciate your help. Can list comprehension be used in this case?
It seems that you are aware that filter exists (since you've mentioned), but perhaps are uncertain how it works. If you're trying to extract a specific subset of a list, this seems to be the right path. If you look at its type-signature, you'll find it's pretty straight-forward:
(a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
That is, it takes a function that returns True or False (i.e. true to contain in the new set, false otherwise) and produces a new list. Similarly, Haskell provides a function called odd in Prelude. It's signature looks as follows:
Integral a => a -> Bool
That is, it can take any Integral type and returns True if it is odd, false otherwise.
Now, let's consider a solution:
filter odd [1..10]
This will extract all the odd numbers between [1,10].
I noticed you mentioned list comprehensions. You probably do not want to use this if you are already given a list and you are simply filtering it. However, a list comprehension would be a perfectly acceptable solution:
[x | x <- [1..10], odd x]
In general, list comprehensions are used to express the generation of lists with more complicated constraints.
Now, to actually answer your question. Since we know we can filter numbers, and if we're using Hoogle searching for the following type (notice that String is simply [Char]):
[a] -> Int
You will see a length function. With some function composition, we can quickly see how to create a function which filters odd length. In summary, we have odd which is type Int -> Bool (in this case) and we have length which is [a] -> Int or-- specifically-- String -> Int. Our solution now looks like this:
filter (odd . length) ["abc","def","eh","123","hm","even"]
Here ya go.
getOddOnes = filter . flip (foldr (const (. not)) id) $ False
Note: if you turn this in for your homework, you'd best be prepared to explain it!

Haskell QuickCheck Unique Random Number Generation

Does anyone know exactly how to define a generator in Haskell using QuickCheck such that chosen elements are picked only ONCE?
I've gotten as far as realizing that I might need a "Gen (Maybe Positive)" generator, but of course that will generate number with repetition. I want it so that the numbers chosen are picked without repetition. In the instance when a number is returned I want Just returned and in the instance where the randoms are all exhausted I want Gen Nothing returned.
You can't. Look at the definition of Gen. There's no way for it to carry any state about what has been picked so far. Given the same random generator and size limit it must always generate the same result. You can however write a Eq a => Gen [a] that generates a list of values with no repetitions. A simple (but somewhat naive) one would be something like this.
uniques :: Eq a => Gen a -> Gen [a]
uniques gen = fmap nub $ listOf gen
QuickCheck is generally for randomized testing, not exhaustive testing. There are a few great libraries that do handle exhaustive testing -- look at smallcheck and lazysmallcheck.
You can use permutations (in module Data.List) for this.
Here is the function signature for permutations:
permutations :: [a] -> [[a]]
As you can see, it returns a list of lists. Here is a little example (using GHCi 7.0.4):
> permutations [1..3]
So you could do something like:
prop_unique_elements = forAll (elements (permutations [1..3])) $ \x -> foo == bar
I haven't tested that so it will need some massaging, but I hope it conveys the point clearly. Good luck.
