Bash - Killing all process in a single command - linux

I have the following bash command which works quite good:
ps aux | grep mpg321 | grep -v "grep mpg321" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
The only problem is, when there is no mpg321 being executed it returns an awful message which I would not like to display to the user.
Is there a "quiet" parameter of a way to put an if in this statement to avoid returning the message?
kill [options] <pid> [...]
<pid> [...] send signal to every <pid> listed
-<signal>, -s, --signal <signal>
specify the <signal> to be sent
-l, --list=[<signal>] list all signal names, or convert one to a name
-L, --table list all signal names in a nice table
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --version output version information and exit
For more details see kill(1).
Thank you!

How about killall?
killall mpg321

You can also use pkill as an alternative to killall
By the way xargs has a --no-run-if-empty option if you don't want to execute the command when there are no parameters to add.


How to use xargs to get elapsed time for running processes

I want get the run times of some processes. Here is what I am doing
ps -ef | grep "python3" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -n1 ps -p {} -o etime
I want to get the pids by
ps -ef | grep "python3" | awk '{print $2}'
then pass these along to the
ps -p {} -o etime
by using xargs, but its not working. I get
error: process ID list syntax error
ps [options]
Try 'ps --help <simple|list|output|threads|misc|all>'
or 'ps --help <s|l|o|t|m|a>'
for additional help text.
For more details see ps(1).
error: process ID list syntax error
ps [options]
Try 'ps --help <simple|list|output|threads|misc|all>'
or 'ps --help <s|l|o|t|m|a>'
for additional help text.
For more details see ps(1).
what am i doing wrong?
You can use the following command:
pgrep -f "python3" | xargs -i{} ps -p {} -o etime
pgrep - Look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes.
-f, --full -
The pattern is normally only matched against the process name. When -f is set, the full command line is
For further reading, see man pgrep.
The missing part from the xargs segment was -i{}, which invokes the command for each argument, whilst {} will be replaced by it.
-i[replace-str], --replace[=replace-str] -
This option is a synonym for -Ireplace-str if replace-str is specified.
For further reading, see man xargs.
You must provide -I{} to xargs to set the placeholder; otherwise it cannot be used.
Nevertheless, your command is too complicated and involves too many intermediate steps (and a race-condition). Simply get your processes including elapsed time and filter the lines you need:
ps -eo etime,cmd | awk '/python3{print $1}'
(no xargs anymore)

how to use kill command only with files name without PID

I wanna kill programs with one command
ps -elf | grep "common_program_name" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9
but I got an error
kill: failed to parse argument: 'S
what am I doing wrong ?
Use killall -9 common_program_name
the problem above is that you might have more than one instance of the program running.
Also, you are fetching the second column from the output of ps That column does not contain a PID, so your xargs command effectively runs kill -9 S Perhaps you can adjust your flags to ps or your field captured by awk to make the above work, but there are already purpose built programs which do this job.
Use pkill, in your case pkill -9 common_program_name (for more see man pkill) which gives you the functionality you're looking for. And unlike killall won't kill literally all process on System V UNIX machines. ;)

how can I kill a process in a shell script

My bash script has:
ps aux | grep foo.jar | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
However, I get the following when running:
usage: kill [ -s signal | -p ] [ -a ] pid ...
kill -l [ signal ]
Any ideas, how to fix this line?
In general, your command is correct. If a foo.jar process is running, its PID will be passed to kill and (should) terminate.
Since you're getting kill's usage as output, it means you're actually calling kill with no arguments (try just running kill on its own, you'll see the same message). That means that there's no output in the pipeline actually reaching xargs, which in turn means foo.jar is not running.
Try running ps aux | grep foo.jar | grep -v grep and see if you're actually seeing results.
As much as you may enjoy a half dozen pipes in your commands, you may want to look at the pkill command!
The pkill command searches the process table on the running system and signals all processes that match the criteria
given on the command line.
pkill foo.jar
Untested and a guess at best (be careful)
kill -9 $(ps -aux | grep foo.jar | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')
I re-iterate UNTESTED as I'm not at work and have no access to putty or Unix.
My theory is to send the kill -9 command and get the process id from a sub shell command call.

How to find a PID of a process whose name I don't know exactly?

I can get the PID of a specific process name by
pidof$(ps -C netns)
but what if I don't know the name of the process exactly?
I can't type something like
pidof$(ps -C net*)
so is there any wildcard character, or is there another solution?
Use the -A (all processes) option and filter the result through grep:
pidof $(ps -A | grep "net*")
Just use pgrep -l, eg:
$ pgrep -l sh
1821 sshd
2590 ssh-agent
2658 sh
2677 bash
3025 gvfsd-trash
14785 ksh93
17723 ksh93
try the following and see if you can discover the process as such
This will give you all processes for all users, in a full-format listing
ps auxf
where :
axu = To see every process on the system using BSD syntax
f = fullformat
if the list is too long you can filter if you have an idea of the process name
For example the command below will show you the pids for chrome.
ps auxf | grep chrome
you can use grep and pip :
pidof$(ps -c |grep yor_pattern)

How to get all of the processes' names of a shell script?

grep "12" test | wc -c
I want to know how many processes will be created when it runs.
I used
./;ps -aux | grep ""
but it didn't work because "./" had run over when ps was working.
How can I reach this goal?
Depends on the system you are running on. If you have strace you can trace all the fork system calls. problem is though that somesystems use fork, some vfork and some clone, you will have to experiment. On linux:
strace -c -f -evfork ./
should give you a summary. -c gives a count, -f means "follow" child processes, and -evfork means trace the vfork kernel call. The output goes to stderr, but you can redirect it to a file using the -o option (there are some neat tricks you can do if you specify a named pipe here).
Your mistake is the semicolon. It tells the shell to wait until finishes before running grep. Use ampersand instead to tell the shell to run in the background. Also instead of grep you'd be better off using pstree to see the list of processes spawned by your script like this:
$ ./ & pstree $(pgrep
you can try
./;ps -aux | grep -E ""
-E match exactly what you need and nothing else, I'm not on linux right now so I can't be sure, but there's something to do with that option
