How do I install the Perforce plugin (P4Eclipse) in Eclipse 3.8? The Perforce Plugins & Integrations page only lists Eclipse 4.2 through 4.4. Eclipse 3.8 is the version provided in Ubuntu 14.04 repositories.
The latest versions of P4Eclipse no longer supports Eclipse 3, but an older version (2013.1) is still available if hidden.
Choose Help --> Install New Software. After "Work with:" enter
Under Perforce Team Provider Core select Perforce SCM support
Which is the latest version of TortoiseSVN is compatible with Windows XP service pack 3?
I just installed its latest build 1.9.3 but unfortunately it's not supported in windows XP.
1.8.12 is the latest release in branch 1.8, 1.8.10 was released because 1.8.9
BUG: Fails to run on Windows XP.
and, btw, 1.8.11 had a lot of important bugfixes (contrary to minor corrections in 1.8.12)
TSVN 1.8.x are the latest versions that support Windows XP, because Subversion 1.9 removed XP support. So get the latest version 1.8.9 from sourceforge.
You have to download v 1.7
Here is the link:
I've installed Eclipse Java EE (eclipse-jee package from AUR) on Arch Linux. Also I've installed some Eclipse plugins via Eclipse Marketplace. After re-installing Eclipse I fond that all the plugins I've installed before are still displayed in Eclipse Installation Details. Why?
To remove eclipse I used the pacman -Rns command, which removes all unneeded dependencies and configuration files. I also removed ~/.eclipse and ~/.conf/eclipse folders but plugins still appear in Installation Details. And the trick is they are not really installed, but just displayed in Installation Details.
Okay, it's not a big deal to remove them manually but I'm just wondering where do Eclipse store plugins/information about plugins? Because theoretically it can only write to user's home folder.
Try the following files:
I'm new to the Linux method of program installation. I have found instructions on how to install several different Eclipse versions such as JDK and CDK from the terminal but can't seem to find the package name for the Java EE version.
ex. 'sudo apt-get install eclipse-cdt' installs the C++ version
I need the the option for Java EE, so what do I fill in the "option" below with?
'sudo apt-get install eclipse-option'
You will need to get a few packages to get it working.
To install them:
sudo apt-get install eclipse eclipse-jdt eclipse-pde eclipse-platform eclipse-rcp
You can also find all packages that start with the name eclipse by using
apt-cache search eclipse | grep ^eclipse
Linux Mint 17,Qiana, with MATE Desktop manager:
bring cursor to 'Menu'.
Left click on "Menu" in the panel.
Slide cursor half way down left side of menu,
Find and click on "Program Manager"
It will ask for your password.
Then, in the search box, you type "java ee eclipse" and it will display 8 different packages, which yo0u can again click on to read the descriptions below, and/or, check mark, to install.
Some have tools, some are servers, sure to please...
The correct package for Java EE is
Whereas "wtp" stands for web tool platform:
Imho you should not use apt to install eclipse, but download it directly from the eclipse website for the following reasons:
At the time of writing the apt eclipse installation is last years release (Luna), though this years release (Mars) has already been around for half a year
Eclipse has its own update tool
There are no dependencies to be fulfilled in the apt package
I have tried installing Groovy plugin via STS's dashboard install feature in both 2.7 (the version I downloaded initially which was the latest version at the time). My colleague recommended downloading 2.5.2, the version he is using, so I did; however the Groovy plugin installer still fails. It starts with:
Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
Software being installed: Groovy-Eclipse Feature 2.5.2.xx-20110808-1400-e36 ( 2.5.2.xx-20110808-1400-e36)
Windows 7 64B
groovy v 1.8.2
grails v 1.3.7
jvm 1.6.0_26
Greatly appreciate any hints/recommendations/ideas. THANK YOU!
Make sure that your STS install is in a directory where the current user has write permissions. Also, there is a problem with installing into the Program Files directory (it is not really writable, even if you think it is).
The reason for this problem is the feature patch that comes with Groovy-Eclipse must be installed into the same directory as the rest of STS (an Eclipse limitation). This patch is the thing that patches the jdt compiler so that it can also compile groovy code.
I have Fedora 11 (x86 64) installed with Eclipse. I need a Maven plugin, preferrably m2eclipse, but I cannot find out how to install it. I've tried going through yum, but to no avail (I can't even find any maven plugins).
On my other laptop, I've tried installing the plugin using yum on a 32 bit install of Fedora 11, and while the package shows as being installed, I still don't see it in Eclipse. I've even tried starting eclipse with the clean flag.
Could anyone provide me with help? I've got maven 2.0.4 installed. Thanks in advance!
I was able to install the core components of the m2eclipse plugin after I first installed the ganymede packages from their update site:
Apparently "Fedora Eclipse" is not a flavor of the ganymede build.
Use the following update site:
It's typically under Help -> Software Updates… and then you can add a new update site. Use the one above and you should have the option to install the plugin.
Goto Eclipse->Help->Install New Software...
Add the following update site in Eclipse
and enable the repository for your release of eclipse under "Available Software Sites" as well (which is disabled in Fedora by default).
Afterwards the installation in Eclipse should work without any missing dependencies.
I was hitting the same problem; evlipse installs it but the plugin isn't visible in the list nor are any of the features it should offer (such as a maven import wizard).
java 6, ubuntu, eclipse downloaded from the official site.
I removed ~/.eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.5.0_1020258342
Started eclipse again
added the EMF update site
added the IAM site
installed eclipse IAM core, said no to resarting the workspace, quit eclipse
started eclipse
and its working.