How to use Parallel::ForkManager and Capture::Tiny together? - linux

Below is a simplified example of my problem. Here exec should give an error because xecho doesn't exist.
Is there a way to have Capture::Tiny capture the output from Parallel::ForkManager?
use strict;
use warnings;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
use Capture::Tiny 'capture';
my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = capture {
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(5);
my $pid = $pm->start;
if (!$pid) {
no warnings; # no warnings "exec" is not working
exec("xecho test");
print "$stdout\n";
print "$exit\n";
print "$stderr\n";

You cannot use Capture::Tiny to capture output from a child process, but you could use the run_on_finish method from Parallel::ForkManager :
use strict;
use warnings;
use Capture::Tiny qw(capture);
use Data::Dump;
use Parallel::ForkManager;
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(5);
$pm -> run_on_finish (
sub {
my (
$pid, $exit_code, $ident, $exit_signal,
$core_dump, $data_structure_reference
) = #_;
my $info = ${$data_structure_reference};
print "Received from child: \n";
dd $info;
my $pid = $pm->start;
if (!$pid) {
my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = capture {
sleep 4;
my $info = {stdout => $stdout, stderr => $stderr, exit=> $exit};
$pm->finish(0, \$info);
print "Master: waiting for child..\n";
Master: waiting for child..
Received from child:
exit => 0,
stderr => "Can't exec \"xecho\": No such file or directory at ./ line 28.\n",
stdout => "",


Request multithreading with array

This script reads a file of urls to do multithreading HTTP requests.
How can I use an array with urls to make multithreading requests?
My array will have something like:
#array = ("","","","");
I need to remove the function of reading file with urls, but I can not.
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Fcntl qw( LOCK_EX );
use IO::Handle qw( );
use LWP::UserAgent qw( );
use Thread::Queue 3.01 qw( );
use constant NUM_WORKERS => 20;
my $output_lock :shared;
my $output_fh;
sub write_to_output_file {
print($output_fh #_);
sub worker {
my ($ua, $url) = #_;
my $response = $ua->get($url);
if $response->success
&& $response->content =~ /Exist/;
$output_fh = \*STDOUT; # Or open a file.
my $q = Thread::Queue->new();
for (1..NUM_WORKERS) {
async {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new( timeout => 15 );
while (my $job = $q->dequeue()) {
worker($ua, $job);
while (<>) {
$_->join() for threads->list();
This part of the code you've shown reads filenames from the command line arguments, and then reads all the lines in these files. It then iterates over the lines.
while (<>) { # <--- here
You can replace that with an array, which of course needs a for loop. Make sure to remove the chomp, as there won't be a need to remove newlines.
foreach (#urls) {

In perl socket programming how to send a data from client and receive it from server and how to get number of clients processes and client ID?

How can I get the number of clients connected to the server? If say I have opened 4 terminals and ran 4 times on localhost for testing purposes, how can I get the client ID and client count at server script? I am using Ubuntu on VirtualBox. I am in multi-threaded environment.
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
print "$$ Server started\n";; # do a "top -p -H $$" to monitor server threads
our #clients : shared;
#clients = ();
my $server = new IO::Socket::INET(
Timeout => 7200,
Proto => "tcp",
LocalPort => 9000,
Reuse => 1,
Listen => 3
my $num_of_client = -1;
while (1) {
my $client;
do {
$client = $server->accept;
} until ( defined($client) );
my $peerhost = $client->peerhost();
print "accepted a client $client, $peerhost, id = ", ++$num_of_client, "\n";
my $fileno = fileno $client;
push (#clients, $fileno);
#spawn a thread here for each client
my $thr = threads->new( \&processit, $client, $fileno, $peerhost )->detach();
# end of main thread
sub processit {
my ($lclient,$lfileno,$lpeer) = #_; #local client
# Here you can do your stuff
# I use have the server talk to the client
# via print $client and while(<$lclient>)
print $lclient "$lpeer->Welcome to server\n";
# print $lclient "$lpeer->$_\n";
print "clients-> #clients\n";
foreach my $fn (#clients) {
open my $fh, ">&=$fn" or warn $! and die;
print $fh "$_"
#close filehandle before detached thread dies out
close( $lclient);
#remove multi-echo-clients from echo list
#clients = grep {$_ !~ $lfileno} #clients;
Pass it to processit() with the rest of the parameters.

Multithreading Perl script and crontab/init script

I have an issue with a Perl script using thread.
It works fine when I launch it manually but when I launch it using crontab I have this feedback:
Perl exited with active threads:
0 running and unjoined
1 finished and unjoined
0 running and detached
The PATH variable and SHELL variable are correct on the crontad.
I try to make a init script (to launch as a service) and same error:
Feb 24 08:04:48 SERVER kernel: perl[103293]: segfault at 4a8 ip
00007f6cfd075dd9 sp 00007fffb93437c0 error 4 in[7f6cfcfdf000+183000] Feb 24 08:04:49 SERVER
test_ping[102238]: Perl exited with active threads: Feb 24 08:04:49
SERVER test_ping[102238]: 0 running and unjoined Feb 24 08:04:49
SERVER test_ping[102238]: 1 finished and unjoined Feb 24 08:04:49
SERVER test_ping[102238]: 0 running and detached
So I have also tried to modified the perl with:
for my $thread (threads->list) {
Instead of
for my $thread (threads->list) {
And after this modification when I launch manually the script, this one seems to be stuck/freezing.
So to resume this is all my check:
Executed manually it work
Via crontab it doesn't work, check of PATH variable and SHELL
variable are ok
Via init script, doesn't work
Try to modify the perl script to join all thread but it the script
is freezing after that.
Anyone has a suggestion ? Something else to check/do ?
use lib '/usr/local/perf/lib';
use lib '/usr/share/perl5';
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
use SNMP::Persist qw(&define_oid &start_persister &define_subtree);
use Schedule::ByClock;
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep ualarm gettimeofday tv_interval );
use strict;
#use warnings;
use constant DEBUG => 0;
use constant DEBUG2 => 1;
if ($#ARGV + 1 != 2) {
print "usage: OUTPUTFILE INPUTFILE \n";
my $output_file=$ARGV[0];
my $data_file=$ARGV[1];
shift #ARGV;
shift #ARGV;
#start the thread serving answers
#create queue for processing commands
my $q_queue = new Thread::Queue;
my $r_queue = new Thread::Queue;
#create threads for processing queues
for(my $i= 0; $i < $thread_num; $i++) {
threads->create(\&process) -> detach();
my $datestring=localtime();
my %subtree;
my #raw_data;
my ($q_line, #q_split);
my ($r_line, #r_split);
my $index=0;
# open file to get data
open(DAT, $data_file) || die("Could not open file!");
# enqueue all lines to be process by threads
foreach $q_line (#raw_data) {
$q_line =~ s/^\s+//;
$q_line =~ s/\s+$//;
next if ($q_line =~ /^#.*/);
next if ($q_line eq "");
next if ($q_line =~ /^\|/);
next if (!($q_split[0] eq "icmp" || $q_split[0] eq "tcp" || $q_split[0] eq "ldap" || $q_split[0] eq "dig" ));
$q_queue->enqueue(++$index ."|". $q_line);
while ($index != 0 && ($r_line = $r_queue->dequeue)) {
open(my $fh, '>>', $output_file) or die "Could not open file '$output_file' $!";
print $fh $datestring."|";
print $fh $r_line."\n";
close $fh;
for my $thread (threads->list) {
Below the process fonction:
sub process {
# my #hotefqdn = split(/\./, `hostname`);
# my $hote=$hotefqdn[0];
my ($q_line,#q_split,$q_index,$q_query);
my ($q_module,$q_type,$q_name,$q_host,$q_port,$q_ssl,$q_send,$q_expect,$q_quit);
my ($q_lookup,$q_record);
my ($q_base_dn,$q_attr,$q_binddn,$q_password,$q_warn_time,$q_crit_time,$q_timeout);
my ($r_tab);
while ($q_line = $q_queue->dequeue) {
if ($q_module eq "icmp") {
$q_query="$q_host (ping)";
print "query=$q_query\n" if(DEBUG);
elsif ($q_module eq "tcp") {
$q_query="$q_host ($q_type:$q_port)";
print "query=$q_query\n" if(DEBUG);
elsif ($q_module eq "ldap") {
print "query=$q_query\n" if(DEBUG);
elsif ($q_module eq "dig") {
$q_query="$q_lookup($q_record) #".$q_host;
print "query=$q_query\n" if(DEBUG);
First of all, don't detach your threads. When you do, you can't wait for them to finish.
for (my $i= 0; $i < $thread_num; $i++) {
threads->create(\&process) -> detach();
for my $thread (threads->list) {
should be
for (1..$thread_num) {
... Tell the threads to finish up ...
for my $thread (threads->list) {
Now on the question: Why don't your threads finish? Well, you never tell them to exit, so they never do! You need to ask to them to exit, and that can be achieved by adding the following:
What follows is what you get after you apply the above fixes. I've also moved all thread-related code out of process, since it doesn't belong there. Finally, I removed the reliance on $index by moving the output code into its own thread.
sub process {
my ($q_line) = #_;
return join("|", $q_index, $q_name, $q_type, $q_query, #$r_tab{qw( min med avg max dev loss err )});
my $request_q = Thread::Queue->new();
my $response_q = Thread::Queue->new();
my #worker_threads;
for (1..$thread_num) {
push #worker_threads, async {
while (defined( my $request = $request_q->dequeue() )) {
$response_q->enqueue( process($request) );
my $output_thread = do {
my $datestring = localtime();
open(my $fh, '>', $output_file)
or die("Can't create file \"$output_file\": $!\n");
async {
while (defined( my $response = $response_q->dequeue() )) {
print($fh "$datestring|$response\n");
my %protos = map { $_ => 1 } qw( icmp tcp ldap dig );
open(my $fh, '<', $data_file)
or die("Can't open file \"$data_file\": $!\n");
my $index = 0;
while (<$fh>) {
next if $_ eq "" || /^#/;
my ($proto) = split /\|/;
next if !$protos{$proto};
$request_q->enqueue(++$index ."|". $_);
$_->join() for #worker_threads;

Implementation of a watchdog in perl

I need to contain execution of an external process (a command line call) into a fixed time window.
After few readings I coded up this implementation:
#/bin/perl -w
use IPC::System::Simple qw( capture );
use strict;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use warnings;
my $timeout = 4;
my $stdout;
my $can_proceed = 1;
sub watchdogFork {
my $time1 = time;
my $ml = async {
my $sleepTime = 2;
my $thr = threads->self();
$stdout = capture("sleep $sleepTime; echo \"Good morning\n\";");
print "From ml: " . $stdout;
my $time2;
do {
$time2 = time - $time1;
} while ( $time2 < $timeout );
print "\n";
if ( $ml->is_running() ) {
print "From watchdog: timeout!\n";
$can_proceed = 0;
my $wd = threads->create('watchdogFork');
print "From main: " . $stdout if ($can_proceed);
When $timeout > $sleepTime it returns:
From ml: Good morning
From main: Good morning
Other hand, when $timeout < $sleepTime:
From watchdog: timeout!
The behaviour obtained is correct but I think that this approach is slightly raw.
I was wondering if there are libraries that could help to refine the source code improving readability and performances. Any suggestion?
IPC::Run allows you to run child processes and interact with their stdin, stdout, and stderr. You can also set timeouts, which throw an exception when exceeded:
use IPC::Run qw(harness run timeout);
my #cmd = qw(sleep 10);
my $harness = harness \#cmd, \undef, \my $out, \my $err, timeout(3);
eval {
run $harness or die "sleep: $?";
if ($#) {
my $exception = $#; # Preserve $# in case another exception occurs
print $exception; # and continue with the rest of the program
Note that there are some limitations when running on Windows.
You can use timeout_system from Proc::Background:
use Proc::Background qw(timeout_system);
my $wait_status = timeout_system($seconds, $command, $arg1, $arg2);
my $exit_code = $wait_status >> 8;
The process will be killed after $seconds seconds.

Perl multithreading - quit on first thread success

I'm by no means an expert in perl or multithreading but I'm convinced I'm "doing it wrong" and need some guidance as to how to alter it so that I don't get thread quit warnings.
As you can see, this program reads in argument 0, does a lookup to find each of the IP addresses associated with a host name, then tests each IP to see if ssh is running.
The purpose of this script is to spawn a tcp test for each host and return the first successful tcp connect.
Can anyone suggest a way of doing this that is more reliable and doesn't require a sleep?
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
$Config{useithreads} or die('Recompile Perl with threads to run this program.');
use threads;
use IO::Socket::INET;
$| = 1;
unless($ARGV[0]){ die("error please use argument")}
my $timeoutval=3;
my $testHost=$ARGV[0];
my $dlquery=`dig $testHost | grep 'IN A'`;
my $SUCCESS=0;
sub testSSHhost {
my $fqdn = shift;
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerHost => $fqdn,
PeerPort => '22',
Proto => 'tcp',
Timeout => $timeoutval,
) or return "ERROR in Socket Creation : $!\n";
my $tcpData = <$socket>;
if ($tcpData && $tcpData=~/SSH/){
print "$fqdn\n";
return $fqdn;
my #threads;
for my $line (split(/\n/,$dlquery)){
my #linesplit=split(/ /,$line);
$linesplit[0]=~s/ *//g;
my $t = threads->new(\&testSSHhost, $linesplit[0]);
while (!$SUCCESS){sleep 0.3}
Really what i'm trying to avoid is the "A thread exited while 2 threads were running." error message
Or a "segmentation fault" message
Something like this (not tested!):
use Modern::Perl;
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
use IO::Socket::INET;
$| = 1;
my $testHost = $ARGV[0];
my $dlquery = `dig $testHost | grep 'IN A'`;
my $config = { NUMBER_OF_THREADS => 5 }; #how many threads you gonna use?
my $queue = Thread::Queue->new;
my $queue_processed = Thread::Queue->new;
for my $line ( split( /\n/, $dlquery ) ) {
my ($ip) = split( / /, $line );
$ip =~ s/\.$//;
$ip =~ s/ *//g;
foreach my $thread_id ( 1 .. $config->{NUMBER_OF_THREADS} ) {
my $thread = threads->create( \&testSSHhost() )->detach();
while ( $queue->pending() ) {
my $result = $queue_processed->dequeue();
if ( $result->{status} ) {
say $result->{ip};
sub testSSHhost {
while ( my $fqdn = $queue->dequeue() ) {
my $status = 0;
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET(
PeerHost => $fqdn,
PeerPort => 22,
Proto => 'tcp',
Timeout => 3,
) or return "ERROR in Socket Creation : $!\n";
my $tcpData = <$socket>;
if ( $tcpData && $tcpData =~ /SSH/ ) {
$status = 1;
$queue_processed->enqueue( { ip => $fqdn, status => $status, } );
return 0;
You can achieve it with Qeues:
Before spawning the threads, you create a queue, and then let the threads push the successful IP address in it. Then the parent process would block in dequeuing until something pops up.
