I have made website using JSF 2.0 and MySQL.
I have one page where I am showing doctor profile:
What my client is asking is one of the following:
They want it like Facebook/instagram.
Any idea how this can be done in JSF?
Note: I want this for this specific page only and not for whole website.
Even if I get url as below is fine with me.
Edit 1
While research I found below link
but I am not sure how can I use in my case.
This is useful for static url change, but in my case it is different. My url is dynamic.
I have an extension that has been working for almost 2 years now with out issue. I havent made any changes in about a year, but recently i started seeing some change in behavior.
I use the Webrequest APi to intercept navigations. During the callback for some websites i need to do some security evaluations async. When this happens I redirect to a local resource (html) as an interstatial page that tells the user what I am doing. Once complete based off the evaualtion the page is redirected where it should be. This is ussually very fast and has worked great for the last 2 years. Since the latest version of chrome things dont seem to work anymore for all cases.
If i intercept an address bar navigation. everything works as expected. The interstatial pops and everythings great. However. If i click on the same website as a link on a webpage. I get the "Blocked by Extension page". (what you would get if the nav was cancelled). I also noticed that my interstatial is showing up in the web history and if i click on it from my history page everything works.
It seems as if a bug might have been introduced by google?
Just wondering if anyone has seen this.
at the moment I am working on a Instagram implementation for the homepage of my school.
My problem was, that I didn’t got access to the account, so I couldn’t generate an access token (which all free joomla plugins need).
So I have decided to write my own plugin (I am not the best programmer, but it works), because of that I found this link (https://www.instagram.com/[username]/?__a=1) where I could get the JSON of the public page without the need of any token or ID.
My question is if I am allowed to use it or not (because I can’t find this link in the official api)?
We've built a small API that scrapes exactly that data and presents it to you via JSON:
(In case you are still interested in this)
This URL closed by instagram on 14 April. You can get user's information json with this link:
Also you can find user ID like this:
Go to the https://www.instagram.com/USERNAME/
Look source code and find this code:
You'll see the user ID between quotes.
Good luck.
I want to serve some data from an static url in Liferay. For example, say to serve a json containing the logged user from "http://server.com/whatever/user" so all the portlets in the proyect can read it. Right now I can do it with a portlet, but then I have to set the url with the configuration panel and I don't like that.
I've seen that I can put jsp files with the static content, but don't know how to access the information of session, users, etc.
Friendly urls seem to accomplish something similar but seem overly complicated and focused in getting a short easy url, something I don't care.
So, how can I get some internal data in an static url (I don't mind if it's friendly, long or short, but always the same) so every element of a Liferay proyect can read it?
FOURTH EDIT: Another way to put it...
In my eclipse I have this tree:
How do I access that jsp in a browser without having to go the Liferay panel and putting the portlet in the menus of the web?
FIFTH EDIT: I haven't had the time to research any more, but I have this in my notes...
This goes straight to the portlet, sometimes. plid comes from
PortalUtil.getPlidFromPortletId(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), name_of_portlet_and_war)
It's no solution for me because, it doesn't always work. Sometimes you get a numeric identifier, sometimes you get a zero. I'd bet on the name of portlet and war being incorrect so it doesn't find the portlet, but then, how do you find the new name of the portlet? Sadly, I discarded the code where the name came from, but is coming from Liferay.
SIXTH EDIT: What I want to do is to be able to call a fixed url, with some data internal to Liferay, and get information based on that data back.
There are several aspects here:
Every portlet already has access to the user through a request attribute called ThemeDisplay:
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
Check ThemeDisplay's interface for the various options that you have in order to get the current user's id or object.
You've asked about JSON delivery - this will need to go through Liferay and not (directly) through a JSP in your individual web application. The reason is that any request processed by Liferay will contain the user's information, but as any proper webapp, it's completely separate from any request directed at another webapp: Unless included by Liferay, your JSP will have a different session that has nothing to do with Liferay's session. (I hope this explanation makes sense)
If you write a servletFilter hook, you might not yet have the portal context initialized (Liferay 6.x has been a while for me, pardon for being vague here). If you're on the portlet side, you might have to do more than you expected.
One option that you have is to embed a portlet on every page, automatically (e.g. when it's deployed, it's available). You can configure a portlet to be automatically included on every page, it's done for the chat portlet, for example. That portlet does not need to have any UI, it just needs to expose its resourceURL, so that you can use it from everywhere.
However, I somehow doubt that you use it, given that every portlet has the information already at hand.
But I might also just not understand all of your requirements...
This has been driving me nuts all day:
I have an iOS app with a custom URL scheme defined, and am trying to share a link on FB which points to a page that has this scheme in its applink meta tags, so that tapping it should fire up my app.
Every little piece of it is working just fine. I can enter my URL scheme in safari on the phone and the browser launches my app. I have tested my webpage with the FB debug tool and there are no errors or warnings - it correctly identifies all the meta tags.
If I share the link using FB on the phone or on my laptop, all works fine.
HOWEVER, if I share the exact same link using FBSDKShareDialog, it does not work. It just opens the web page with the meta tags as if it was any regular web page.
Anyone has any idea why these two ways of sharing would be different? They look exactly the same otherwise.
If anyone else runs into this problem, here's the reply from FB:
When you share with mode automatic, the app does a fast app switch over to the FB app to show the native share dialog
The post is cached locally on the device, and it does not know about app links (since only Facebook server side knows about it)
When the user opens the FB, the user sees their cached story (with no app links behavior),
This doesn't manifest with the Web mode since the Facebook app needs
to pull from the server to get the post, in which case it has all the
app links info.
This is unlikely something that we'll fix. However, after a while, the
cache will expire, and Facebook app will re-pull the posts from the
servers, in which case the app link data will be available.
In order to test this, you can share the post on one device, and then
try clicking on the post from another device. The app links should
work at that point.
Which is kind of a lame response IMO - they parse the target page to build the preview, how hard would it be to remember the applink and use it?
There could be two possible issues:
Either the one told by #NJ, i.e. you are just trying to open the link in Facebook app, using the same device from which you posted the link.'
Solution - either open link in other device or cose and re-open your facebook app and do multiple refresh
Or You have some error in your meta tags. There is one important thing though, that Facebook never mentions, i.e. they cache the URL you provide.
So any one used the web link with meta tags the first time in Facebook, Whole meta tags will be cached, and you updated meta tags won't be parsed by facebook.
To get over with the issue, use below link
Facebook debug tool
Input your meta data included web page URL and
-click on show existing scrape information to find any error
Click on Fetch new scrape information for refreshing your URL on facebook. it will clear the cache for that URL in facebook server.
I'm trying to figure out how to link to another page within the same liferay site.
Obviously I could hardcode the url in my portlet's view but I'm worried about having to update all of my portlets in case the friendly url changes in the future.
I know the name of the page I'm trying to link to, but what if the page name changes too?
I've found infinity of classes that have methods that return friendlyUrls, such as PortalUtil, LayoutLocalServiceUtil, and even LayoutFriendlyURLLocalServiceUtil, but they all require parameters that I'm not sure how to obtain.
Is there a standard way of obtaining friendly urls in liferay?
If you want to link to another Page, you can either use LayoutId or friendly url names.
Both are unique for each companyId, so you are going to be pretty safe using them.
You can set the friendlyUrl as a PortletConfig parameters, so you can set them on portlet Level, and you won't have them hard-coded in your Portlet. Alternatively, you can also save them as custom params in portal-ext.properties (will apply for all portlets of that portal).
Now, that's a lot of code for this, so if you're dealing with specific problems, like creating Portlet Configuration or Reading portal-ext.properties, or creating renderUrls programatically, you should start new questions