Piping a readstream into a writestream does not work - node.js

I (as the client) am trying to post an image with restify, and the server just needs to save it.
is not working. An empty file is created but nothing more. It works when I copy req.body into a buffer and then fs.writeFile(...). I have also tried req.body.pipe, but this throws an error.

You're probably using a body parser middleware that is already reading all of the data from the request so there is nothing left to read. Try adjusting the placement of your route handler and/or body parsing middleware if you want to read directly from the request object.
However, that will only work if the request contains only the image data. Typically a request is formatted as multipart/form-data if it contains at least one file, so you cannot just pipe the request and expect image data only.

So something else in your middleware chain, probably restify.bodyParser(), is already streaming the request body into a buffer or string as req.body and you can't stream something twice. Find the middleware and disable it for this route if you want to handle the streaming straight to the filesystem yourself.


What happens if I do not use body parser or express.json()?

I am new to the whole backend stuff I understood that both bodyparser and express.json() will parse the incoming request(body from the client) into the request object.
But what happens if I do not parse the incoming request from the client ?
without middleware parsing your requests, your req.body will not be populated. You will then need to manually go research on the req variable and find out how to get the values you want.
Your bodyParser acts as an interpreter, transforming http request, in to an easily accessible format base on your needs.
You may read more on HTTP request here ( You can even write your own http server )
You will just lose the data, and request.body field will be empty.
Though the data is still sent to you, so it is transferred to the server, but you have not processed it so you won't have access to the data.
You can parse it yourself, by the way. The request is a Readable stream, so you can listen data and end events to collect and then parse the data.
You shall receive what you asked for in scenarios where you do not convert the data you get the raw data that looks somewhat like this username=scott&password=secret&website=stackabuse.com, Now this ain't that bad but you will manually have to filter out which is params, what is a query and inside of those 2 where is the data..
unless it is a project requirement all that heavy lifting is taken care of by express and you get a nicely formatted object looking like this
username: 'scott',
password: 'secret',
website: 'stackabuse.com'
For Situation where you DO need to use the raw data express gives you a convenient way of accessing that as well all you need to do is use this line of code
express.raw( [options] ) along with express.json( [options] )

Avoid req.flash delete data on middleware

I'm using connect-flash with express to handle flash messages, but that messages are deleted when i read that properties, for example:
Defining flash message:
req.flash("myMessage", "Hey!");
Reading message:
console.log(req.flash("myMessage")); // Hey!
console.log(req.flash("myMessage")); // undefined
Data is erased on first read, and this is a problem, because i need to read the data of req.flash in a middleware to filter the http request and after in the controller (Which is in another file) i need to read the same req.flash data but i can't because in the read of the middleware was erased.
What can i do in this case?
The messages are stored on req.session.flash internally, see the source code.
This means you can get the message by indexing directly into req.session.flash["myMessage"] without it getting cleared.
This is technically an implementation detail of req.flash() you shouldn't rely on, but I think if you pin the version of connect-flash in your requirements it's safe enough.
Calling the req.flash again obviously the first call actually delete the flash data. So that's why when you call again the req.flash the data is now undefined or empty array.
1st console.log output: [ 'Hey!' ]
2nd console.log output: []
Does it make sense?
Store the message in the request object like:
req.myMessage = req.flash("myMessage");
And that will be available in all middlewares you want for that specific request.
Btw, make sure you are using connect-flash because you are redirecting the user to another route and that starts a new request and you want to save data between requests (and that's why you want to use a session for that). That being said, removing the message from the session is encouraged instead of just trying to access it.
If you are not redirecting the user, rethink if connect-flash is necessary.

Can npm request module be used in a .pipe() stream?

I am parsing a JSON file using a parsing stream module and would like to stream results to request like this:
var request = require("request")
.pipe(new KeyFilter({find:"URL"}) )
.pipe( etc ... )
(Note: KeyFilter is a custom transform that works fine when piping to process.stdout)
I've read the docs and source code. This won't work with 'request' or 'new request()' because the constructor wants a URL.
It will work with request.put() as this : yourStream.pipe(request.put('http://example.com/form'))
After more research and experimenting I've concluded that request cannot be used in this way. The simple answer is that request creates a readable stream and .pipe() methods expects a writable stream.
I tried several attempts to wrap request in a transform to get by this with no luck. While you can receive the piped url and create a new request, I can't figure out how to reset the pipe callbacks without some truly unnatural bending of the stream pattern. Any thoughts would be appreciated, but I have moved on to using an event in the url stream to kick off a new request(url).pipe(etc) type stream.

Express res.download() not actually downloading file

I'm attempting to return generated files to the front end through Express' res.download function. I'm using chrome, but whenever I call that API that executes the following code all that is returned is the same values returned from the Express res.sendFile() function.
I know that res.download uses res.sendFile, but I would like the download function to actually save to the file system instead of just returning the file in the body of the response.
This is my code.
exports.download = function(req,res) {
var filePath = //somefile that I want to download
res.download(filePath, 'response.txt', function(err) {
throw err;
I know that the above code at least partly works because I'm getting back, in the response, the contents of the file. However, I want it to be saved onto the file system.
Am I misunderstanding what the download function is supposed to do? Do I just need to take the response data and write it to the file system manually?
res.download adds headers that suggest to the browser that the file should be downloaded rather than opened. However, there's no way to force the browser to do this; it's ultimately the user's choice whether to download a particular file, typically.
If you're triggering this request with AJAX, well, that's not going to cause it to be downloaded, because your JavaScript is requesting that it get the data.
Do I just need to take the response data and write it to the file system manually?
You don't have file system access in browser-side JavaScript. I'm not sure how you intend to do this.

Node.js POST File to Server

I am trying to write an app that will allow my users to upload files to my Google Cloud Storage account. In order to prevent overwrites and to do some custom handling and logging on my side, I'm using a Node.js server as a middleman for the upload. So the process is:
User uploads file to Node.js Server
Node.js server parses file, checks file type, stores some data in DB
Node.js server uploads file to GCS
Node.js server response to user's request with a pass/fail remark
I'm getting a little lost on step 3, of exactly how to send that file to GCS. This question gives some helpful insight, as well as a nice example, but I'm still confused.
I understand that I can open a ReadStream for the temporary upload file and pipe that to the http.request() object. What I'm confused about is how do I signify in my POST request that the piped data is the file variable. According to the GCS API Docs, there needs to be a file variable, and it needs to be the last one.
So, how do I specify a POST variable name for the piped data?
Bonus points if you can tell me how to pipe it directly from my user's upload, rather than storing it in a temporary file
I believe that if you want to do POST, you have to use a Content-Type: multipart/form-data;boundary=myboundary header. And then, in the body, write() something like this for each string field (linebreaks should be \r\n):
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="field_name"
And then for the file itself, write() something like this to the body:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="urlencoded_filename.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
The binary_file_data is where you use pipe():
var fileStream = fs.createReadStream("path/to/my/file.jpg");
fileStream.pipe(requestToGoogle, {end: false});
fileStream.on('end, function() {
The {end: false} prevents pipe() from automatically closing the request because you need to write one more boundary after you're finished sending the file. Note the extra -- on the end of the boundary.
The big gotcha is that Google may require a content-length header (very likely). If that is the case, then you cannot stream a POST from your user to a POST to Google because you won't reliably know what what the content-length is until you've received the entire file.
The content-length header's value should be a single number for the entire body. The simple way to do this is to call Buffer.byteLength(body) on the entire body, but that gets ugly quickly if you have large files, and it also kills the streaming. An alternative would be to calculate it like so:
var body_before_file = "..."; // string fields + boundary and metadata for the file
var body_after_file = "--myboundary--\r\n\r\n";
var fs = require('fs');
fs.stat(local_path_to_file, function(err, file_info) {
var content_length = Buffer.byteLength(body_before_file) +
file_info.size +
// create request to google, write content-length and other headers
// write() the body_before_file part,
// and then pipe the file and end the request like we did above
But, that still kills your ability to stream from the user to google, the file has to be downloaded to the local disk to determine it's length.
Alternate option
...now, after going through all of that, PUT might be your friend here. According to https://developers.google.com/storage/docs/reference-methods#putobject you can use a transfer-encoding: chunked header so you don't need to find the files length. And, I believe that the entire body of the request is just the file, so you can use pipe() and just let it end the request when it's done. If you're using https://github.com/felixge/node-formidable to handle uploads, then you can do something like this:
incomingForm.onPart = function(part) {
if (part.filename) {
var req = ... // create a PUT request to google and set the headers
} else {
// let formidable handle all non-file parts
