Converting 12.41 to 0000001241 in excel - excel

Basically what the title says. I need to convert cells with dollar values into a 10-digit format that will be a feed into a database program.
So, is there a way to custom format a cell so that I can point it towards a cell with $12.41 (for example), and have it automatically convert to 0000001241?
I already figured out how to get a cell to covert into 10 digit format, but for some reason it ignores the numbers after the period (the 41 cents).

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Custom Format/Modify Cells Column Excel

I am trying to custom format/modify a number in excel and want to restrict the decimal to allow only ones and tens digits THEN a decimal followed by the remainder of the number. For example, the number 32248558 should be displayed as 32.248558, and the next number in sequence would go from 32186449 to 32.186449.
This would need to be done for the entire column of data.
Assuming the data is starting in A1, use TEXT() to format data. TEXT() can format using predefined settings (ex: "general") or heavily customized (ex: "MMM/DD/YYYY H:m:s"). More info can be found here:
then drag this to the end of your dataset.

How to use =LEFT and =LEN function with scientific notation in Excel VBA?

I'm trying to write an Excel macro using VBA that will return only the first 5 numbers in a cell when the length of that cell exceeds 20. The field normally returns 15-digit alphanumeric results (which I need to leave alone) but in certain exceptions will return a 5-digit number with a multitude of zeroes following it (1234500000000000000000000...) which Excel converts into scientific notation (1.2345E+160). I am able to convert the cells to numbers instead of scientific notation and view the whole number.
I've tried to use code such as =IF(LEN(A1)>20,LEFT(A1,5),A1) and it just returns 1.2345E+160. Even though the whole number is displaying, Excel still thinks the cell length is 11 and won't display the first 5 digits.
I've also tried lines such as =IF(A1="E",LEFT(A1,6),A1) thinking it would detect the E, return 1.2345, and I could just remove the decimal points, but that didn't work either (it just returns the original 1.2345E+160).
I got the same results whether the cell was formatted as number or text. Is there a way around this?
Thank you for your time!
You are trying to use string manipulation on a number. Instead use math:
If you do actually want to treat this thing as text, understand that the underlying value being stored is your 12345000000000000... and there is no decimal point in that thing. So you'll have to convert to text and add the decimal:
=LEFT(TEXT(A1,"0"), 1) & "." & MID(TEXT(A1,"0"), 2, 4)
But that's pretty ugly. I would just stick with math.

How to modify numbers at the end of a cell using a formula

I have cells in excel containing data of the form v-1-2-1, v-1-2-10, v-1-2-100. I want to convert it to v-1-2-001, v-1-2-010,v-1-2-100. I have nearly 2000 entries
If all of the data follows the format shown then you could use FIND to return the position of '-'. There will be three instances of this character and you need to find the third one so use the position given by the first instance as the start position parameter of the second FIND and again for the third (essentially nesting FIND). Once you have the position of the third '-' you know where the final set of numbers are (from the returned third position+1 to the LEN of the string) and could use SUBSTITUTE or a combination of other excel string functions to configure the final portion as you need it.
I'm assuming that excel has your data formatted as text.
If you need further assistance I'm happy to knock up the formula in excel but I'm off to work now and won't be able to do so for around 9 hours.
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How Can I convert Exponential form back to a number?

I am trying to convert exponential form to a number but I can't figure out how it has to be done.
I have a number 1820674000000385406.
I am pasting this number excel after saving this I am following these steps
Format cells->Number and selecting the type.
but after doing this I am not getting my original number I am getting the number as 1820674000000380000
but I want my original number back. Please help me with this.
Excel has a limited resolution of 15 digits for the this type as you can see here:
Excel specifications and limits
Thus Excel saves 182067400000038E+04, which are the 15 first digits of your number and the corresponding exponential.
If you want to keep your number as it is, I recommend you to use a database instead. Excel is not made for these kind of huge numbers.
While storing you can app ' before the number. This would stop excel from converting the number.
Example - 1820674000000385406 would be stored as '1820674000000385406
Another work around is to store number as text. By formatting the cells as to type text.
More details you can find here

Date format YYYY-MM-DD+11:00 convert in to YYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS

I Received excel data with following format
Date format YYYY-MM-DD+11:00 (Ex 2014-02-15+11:00 /2014-02-18+13:00)
Now I need to convert into this format
2014-02-18 HH:MM:SI
Please help me to do this
Just did a quick test. It's a little sloppy, but this formula will work. For the sake of argument, it assumes that the data you're trying to convert is in A1 of the current sheet, that it's all the same length, and that the format is "General":
Wherever you use the above formula, change the format to the Custom Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SI. I'm not sure what you're looking for with SI. I'm taking that literally. That custom format will display the seconds value and then the letter I. If you're looking for a different value, like milliseconds, then you can look that up. But if the data you're converting is in a "General" format, when you convert it, it won't have seconds or milliseconds, anyway. Those will all get converted to 00s.
