Sublime Text 3 Top Editor padding - text

I would like to increase the top padding between the window title bar and Sublime Text editor frame. The text should be like 5px under the title bar, instead of starting right away. Is that possible somehow, and if yes, how?
Can't add images yet so here's the URL
Also, I've hidden the tabs and menu bar.

I think that there is no configuration option to do this. But, try this one:
"line_padding_top": 20,
"line_padding_bottom": -20
It's a trick. Hope it's useful!


How to get rid of multiple panes on Sublime Text 3?

I'm using Sublime Text 3 and somehow 2 additional panes popped up. I might have pressed some keys but I don't know which. I couldn't any help online and I've even tried re-installing sublime text 3. Nothing works.
I think you mistakenly adjusted the layout. It can sometimes be in the row (in your case), grid or column.
And for others who might run into this problem later on, here is the solution:
To fix this simply open your Sublime Text 3, go to the menu bar click "View" then "Layout" and click "Single" to have your default view back.
Note: This solution is for Sublime Text 3 (ST3).

Android Studio Widget, Text Field, Large, Medium and Small Text is missing all I have is Plain which gives a Name. How can I get it and others?

I'm looking at Youtube examples and I see the instructor has Widgets I don't have, Like different size Text Fields and an analogue clock.
Is there somewhere I can get more Widgets?
I obtained a text size same as to the "tutorial" using:
Looks like AndroidStudio has undergone some change. Best option is to enter the "Text" mode and type the style yourself. For ex. if you need an equivalent of LargeText view, then add a TextView and move onto the Text mode and add this line:
Or you could also edit the properties of TextView too.
You should add this line android:textAppearance="#android:style/TextAppearance.Large"
inside the TextView after clicking on the Text tab near Design tab located in the middle left to the right of design tab.
but you have to consider that first of all you need to drag and drop TextView from Widgets into the user interface or Design section.
Click into the Text tab located middle left to the right of the Design tab, find the TextView element and within it simply enter this line of code:
Remember this line of code has to be within the element in order for it to work.
Go to properties and then select text appearance and select app.
Use this:
android:text="Large Text"
Add it inside your Textview tag.

Blue "Halo" on tabs in Safari

I have a issue on tab in safari specially. I have create tabs and when I select any tab create border blue around it.
I think it's call HALO effect.
You can check it in attached image. I tried to solved this but had no success. How do I remove that blue border when I select a tab?
Any one have a experience in this?
This is a Safari thing, where it adds a blue border around active elements. A simple way to fix it is to add the following to the styling for your tabs:
outline: none;
Example: This article only talks about input elements, but it works for other elements too.

Is there any way to place buttons at the menu bar of the form in lwuit

I have to set button at the bottom of screen. I am using lwuit(UI). Is there any way to place button in menu bar and I have set the command in menu bar but the command name is partially displayed why somebody help.
Thanks for your any appreciation.
If you use addCommand(new Command("Name")); this should work. Commands will only take 50% of the screen in standard mode so if your text is longer the text of the command will be cropped. You can replace the MenuBar class but that is an advanced task so I suggest not going there.

How to change font and font size in scrollable text view in xcode?

How can I change the font and font size of my text in a scrollable text view in xCode? Will this require code or can I do it only in Interface Builder?
3 years late but still might help someone :)
If you want to edit the font from storyboard:
Change the text type from Plain to Attributed.
Then you have font options, If you want more mark the text then right click and you'll have more options.
