Symfony permission denied - linux

Can anyone help me fix the below error message I'm getting? I've finally got Symfony installed on a VM and it seems to be working ok except for the fact that I'm getting occasional messages for things like this:
[1/2] ContextErrorException: Warning: SessionHandler::read(): open(/var/lib/php5/sess_d8qgvn11jdu8rfuo1f0njokc67, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13)
From what I've picked up from reading around, I'm thinking it's because I have a mismatch between the owner/permissions between linux and the webserver but I don't know how this would happen (I'm just taking this as fact and I don't really understand how/why to prevent making the same mistakes in the future).
Each time I've been getting one of these errors I'm submitting a mix of the below commands to try and fix the problem but I'm guessing it's not the right way to go about it (text in brackets is my understanding/guessing of what they do):
sudo chmod a+x <path>
Modifies the permissions of the directory
sudo chmod -R 775 <path>
Similar to previous except that it SETS the permissions -R applies it recursively
sudo chown -R <usr>:www-data <path>
Changes the owner/group of the directory/file

You can take a look at on "Setting up Permissions" section. It talks about app/logs and app/cache, but you can do the same on any other folder you need

In Symfony3, I had this error after installing symfony in a new fresh VPS, I resolved it using the already noted : chmod -R 775 for the LOG and CACHE but now for the SESSIONS folder.
chmod -R 775 var/sessions

Similar symfony permissions issue this worked for me:
sudo chown <yourcliusername> /var/lib/php5

Duplicated answer from
You can set path for sessions manually. See Symfony doc on sessions directory.
# app/config/config.yml
handler_id: session.handler.native_file
save_path: '%kernel.root_dir%/sessions'


Laravel folder permission for not-yet made cache folders

I'm having an issue with directory permissions with Laravel when it comes to caching. Whenever it tries to upload a cache file to /var/www/laravel/storage/framework/cache/data/ it tells me that file_put_contents has no permissions.
To fix this I always do something like chmod -R 755 /var/www/laravel/storage/framework/cache/ but the problem here is that when it creates a new directory inside cache it does not inherit these chmod settings, thus giving me permission denied error again.
How can this be fixed permanently?
Been thinking about letting it run as a cronjob regularly, but I'm not so sure that's a good way to deal with it.
You need to run chmod command with -R:
sudo chmod -R 755 storage
After installing Laravel, you may need to configure some permissions. Directories within the storage and the bootstrap/cache directories should be writable by your web server or Laravel will not run. If you are using the Homestead virtual machine, these permissions should already be set.

Undoing erroneous chmod

Am working in Django and was trying to serve media files and was encountering an error with accessing the system folder serving media files. Being (much) less familiar with terminal-related commands, I searched SO for a solution. I ended up executing the "good" code in this SO answer. This part, specifically:
sudo groupadd varwwwusers
sudo adduser www-data varwwwusers
sudo chgrp -R varwwwusers /var/www/
sudo chmod -R 770 /var/www/
This somehow messed up my whole system. I can't even start gunicorn now, I'm getting OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/apps/djangoProjectFolder' in my terminal output when I try to do so.
I'm basically clueless at this point. Would like to learn what I did wrong, and how I can undo this situation.
Thanks for the comment. I ended up doing a clean reinstall of Unbuntu. All fixed now! Just that it was really laborious to manually transfer all my existing files since wholesale copy+pasting didn't work (seemed like the erroneous permissions got copied over too).

Workspace Settings permission denied

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04LTS.
Have unpacked Visual Studio Code in a folder owned by my user id. All vscode files are owned by my user id (user and group).
Have Node.js, npm, typescript installed via apt-get (and npm).
Visual Studio code runs fine, however File->Preferences->Workspace Settings gives this error:
Unable to create 'vscode/settings.json' (Error: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/.vscode').
Any ideas on how to resolve this? Where is it trying to do the mkdir?
Bob Wirka
UPDATE: Sudo'd mkdir "/.vscode" (literally at the root level), and chown'd it recursively to my user and group. Voila! Now I can edit the settings.
So, is there a way to tell Visual Studio Code that it shouldn't be trying to use the root folder?
Mentioned in the update by the OP but thought I'll mention it explicitly. You need to change the permissions for the folder. The following command will change the owner of the directory so that you can open it without needing root privileges.
$ sudo chown <user-name> -R <directory-name>
I had same issue on my osx. I was able to solve this issue by change the permission to read and write in project folder.
Simply type
sudo chmod 777 -R <your_app_name_directory>.
This will give all permissions to all users, groups and others for read, write, execute.
-R gives recursively permissions to all nested files folders inside your directory.
If -R is not given then it gives permissions to current directory only, not to other directories inside.
Change the permissions to your folder
sudo chmod ugo+rwx your_folder

Linux Mint make Kohana's logs and cache writable

I can't properly install kohana on my mint distro, because the cache and logs aren't writable. I've tried chmod 777 cache and same for logs, but it just won't change. chmod a+w didn't help either.
Any solutions?
It might be possible that you already had some logs which permissions did not change with chmod. I would recommend that you try a recursive chmod with chmod -R 777 cache. Also, though I am certain that you already checked those things, make sure that these directories truly exist and that they were not misplaced.

Fixing permissions after FTPing ASP.NET code to a Linux system

First off, I'm running Mono to run ASP.NET on Linux, but that's not the question.
It appears that, every time I clear out my application directory and upload, I have to go back in and fix the permissions. What I'm doing is
chmod -R -c 755 /var/www/*
...and there are two questions.
What's the deal with having to do this every time I FTP? Feels flaky.
Is there a better permissions set than 755? Do I want different permissions for the /bin directory? Or can I fix this all with one fell swoop of chown?
It could depend on your FTP server and configuration. I always used this and it worked:
chmod 777 /path/...
