MVVMCross Data Binding after returning from ViewController - xamarin.ios

I am using MVVMCross 3.2.2 as part of an iOS/Android app. One of my screens has multiple views that are displayed depending upon the selection in a Tab bar like row of buttons. Different data is displayed in each of these these views individual UITableView. The data binding works perfectly.
I also have a menu, that has a "profile" selection. Changing the profile fires an MvxMessage that my HomeView receives and then uses the message to set the ViewModel up to filter the data to be displayed. This all seems to work perfectly and the data is displayed correctly.
If I do something in the HomeView that displays another view using ShowViewModel(). When I return back to the home view the binding no longer works properly when a profile changes is made. The message gets handled, the data gets filtered, but a call to ReloadDataTable on the UITableView does not change the data.
#region Groupings
public IList<Group> Groups{
get { return _groupService.GetAll(); }
public void SetupSubGroups(Group group)
if (group == null)
_groups = new ObservableCollection<Group> ();
if (_profileService.SelectedProfile != null)
var grp = _groupService.GetByGroupName (_profileService.SelectedProfile.Name);
if (grp == null)
grp = new Group { Name = _profileService.SelectedProfile.Name };
_groups.Add (grp);
var litsOfGroups = _groupService.GetSubGroups (group);
foreach (var grp in litsOfGroups)
_groups.Add (grp);
RaisePropertyChanged(() => AvailableGroups);
private ObservableCollection <Group> _groups;
public ObservableCollection<Group> AvailableGroups {
get { return _groups; }
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
var groupSource = new GroupTableViewDataSource (TableViewGroups);
TableViewGroups.Source = groupSource;
_localViewModel.SetupSubGroups (null);
_bindingSet = this.CreateBindingSet<HomeViewController, HomeViewModel> ();
_bindingSet.Bind (groupSource).To (vm => vm.AvailableGroups);
_bindingSet.Apply ();
TableViewReportTags.ReloadData ();
NavigationController.NavigationBarHidden = false;
private void OnProfileChanged(ProfileChangedMessage message)
_localViewModel.SetupSubGroups (null);
TableViewGroups.ReloadData ();
private HomeViewModel _localViewModel { get { return ViewModel as HomeViewModel; } }
Any ideas what I can look at, or change would be really useful. I have spend many hours on this, and have made no progress.


Running a long operation within an event handler

I need to run some address validation on Customer Location addresses using a 3rd party API to determine if the address is residential or commercial. This validation should run whenever an address field is changed. In other words, the validation should be run in the Address_RowUpdated event handler.
Because the function is calling a 3rd party API, I believe that it should be done in a separate thread, using PXLongOperation so that it does not hold up address saving and fails gracefully if the API is unavailable or returns an error.
However, I am not sure if the architecture of running a long operation within an event handler is supported or if a different approach would be better.
Here is my code.
public class CustomerLocationMaint_Extension : PXGraphExtension<CustomerLocationMaint>
protected virtual void Address_RowUpdated(PXCache sender, PXRowUpdatedEventArgs e)
PX.Objects.CR.Address row = (PX.Objects.CR.Address)e.Row;
if (row != null)
Location location = this.Base.Location.Current;
PXCache locationCache = Base.LocationCurrent.Cache;
PXLongOperation.StartOperation(Base, delegate
RunCheckResidential(location, locationCache);
this.Base.LocationCurrent.Cache.IsDirty = true;
protected void RunCheckResidential(Location location, PXCache locationCache)
string messages = "";
PX.Objects.CR.Address defAddress = PXSelect<PX.Objects.CR.Address,
Where<PX.Objects.CR.Address.addressID, Equal<Required<Location.defAddressID>>>>.Select(Base, location.DefAddressID);
FValidator validator = new FValidator();
AddressValidationReply reply = validator.Validate(defAddress);
AddressValidationResult result = reply.AddressResults[0];
bool isResidential = location.CResedential ?? false;
if (result.Classification == FClassificationType.RESIDENTIAL)
isResidential = true;
} else if (result.Classification == FClassificationType.BUSINESS)
isResidential = false;
} else
messages += "Residential classification is: " + result.Classification + "\r\n";
location.CResedential = isResidential;
// Display relevant messages
if (reply.HighestSeverity == NotificationSeverityType.SUCCESS)
String addressCorrection = validator.AddressCompare(result.EffectiveAddress, defAddress);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressCorrection))
messages += addressCorrection;
PXSetPropertyException message = new PXSetPropertyException(messages, PXErrorLevel.Warning);
PXLongOperation.SetCustomInfo(new LocationMessageDisplay(message));
//throw new PXOperationCompletedException(messages); // Shows message if you hover over the success checkmark, but you have to hover to see it so not ideal
public class LocationMessageDisplay : IPXCustomInfo
public void Complete(PXLongRunStatus status, PXGraph graph)
if (status == PXLongRunStatus.Completed && graph is CustomerLocationMaint)
((CustomerLocationMaint)graph).RowSelected.AddHandler<Location>((sender, e) =>
Location location = e.Row as Location;
if (location != null)
sender.RaiseExceptionHandling<Location.cResedential>(location, location.CResedential, _message);
private PXSetPropertyException _message;
public LocationMessageDisplay(PXSetPropertyException message)
_message = message;
UPDATE - New Approach
As suggested, this code now calls the LongOperation within the Persist method.
protected virtual void Address_RowUpdated(PXCache sender, PXRowUpdatedEventArgs e)
PX.Objects.CR.Address row = (PX.Objects.CR.Address)e.Row;
if (row != null)
Location location = Base.Location.Current;
LocationExt locationExt = PXCache<Location>.GetExtension<LocationExt>(location);
locationExt.UsrResidentialValidated = false;
Base.LocationCurrent.Cache.IsDirty = true;
public delegate void PersistDelegate();
public virtual void Persist(PersistDelegate baseMethod)
var location = Base.Location.Current;
PXCache locationCache = Base.LocationCurrent.Cache;
LocationExt locationExt = PXCache<Location>.GetExtension<LocationExt>(location);
if (locationExt.UsrResidentialValidated == false)
PXLongOperation.StartOperation(Base, delegate
public void CheckResidential(Location location)
CustomerLocationMaint graph = PXGraph.CreateInstance<CustomerLocationMaint>();
graph.Location.Current = location;
LocationExt locationExt = location.GetExtension<LocationExt>();
locationExt.UsrResidentialValidated = true;
// Residential code using API (this will change the value of the location.CResedential field)
} catch (Exception e)
throw new PXOperationCompletedWithErrorException(e.Message);
PXLongOperation is meant to be used in the context of a PXAction callback. This is typically initiated by a menu item or button control, including built-in actions like Save.
It is an anti-pattern to use it anytime a value changes in the web page. It should be used only when a value is persisted (by Save action) or by another PXAction event handler. You should handle long running validation when user clicks on a button or menu item not when he changes the value.
For example, the built in Validate Address feature is run only when the user clicks on the Validate Address button and if validated requests are required it is also run in a Persist event called in the context of the Save action to cancel saving if validation fails.
This is done to ensure user expectation that a simple change in a form/grid value field doesn't incur a long validation wait time that would lead the user to believe the web page is unresponsive. When the user clicks on Save or a specific Action button it is deemed more reasonable to expect a longer wait time.
That being said, it is not recommended but possible to wrap your PXLongOperation call in a dummy Action and asynchronously click on the invisible Action button to get the long operation running in the proper context from any event handler (except Initialize):
using PX.Data;
using System.Collections;
namespace PX.Objects.SO
public class SOOrderEntry_Extension : PXGraphExtension<SOOrderEntry>
public PXAction<SOOrder> TestLongOperation;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Test Long Operation", Visible = false, Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Invisible)]
public virtual IEnumerable testLongOperation(PXAdapter adapter)
PXLongOperation.StartOperation(Base, delegate ()
Base.Document.Ask("Operation Done", MessageButtons.OK);
return adapter.Get();
public void SOOrder_OrderDesc_FieldUpdated(PXCache sender, PXFieldUpdatedEventArgs e)
if (!PXLongOperation.Exists(Base.UID))
// Calling Action Button asynchronously so it can run in the context of a PXAction callback

ViewModel property sort of fatal with VMDisconnectedException

EDIT 2: If you're looking for an answer to a similar problem, check Stuart's answer and my comments on it.
EDIT: I am actually getting a Mono.Debugger.Soft.VMDisconnectedException. I also recently installed Windows 8.1 and Resharper (though Resharper is suspended now).
When I access a very simple list property of my view model in my MVVMCross Xamarin iOS application, the program fails. It doesn't quit most of the time: it acts like it's running. The simulator has a black screen and there is no exception. If I breakpoint on if (messagesViewModel != null) source.ItemsSource = messagesViewModel.Messages; and then type messagesViewModel.Messages into the Immediate Window, everything stops, so I can tell it is failing at this line. If instead I "step over", it never moves to the next line.
I was having similar behavior when I was toggling this code in the MvxTableViewSource:
public override int RowsInSection(UITableView tableview, int section)
return 1;
My view model looks like this:
public class MessagesViewModel : MvxViewModel
private List<BaseMessage> _messages = null;
public List<BaseMessage> Messages
return _messages; //yes, I know I'm returning null
//I wasn't at first.
public MessagesViewModel()
This is my ViewDIdLoad on the MvxTableViewController:
public override void ViewDidLoad()
var source = new MessagesTableViewSource(TableView);
//was binding here, removed it for debug purposes
//failure on second line here
var messagesViewModel = ViewModel as MessagesViewModel;
if (messagesViewModel != null) source.ItemsSource = messagesViewModel.Messages;
TableView.Source = source;
Some initialization code:
public class App : MvxApplication
public App()
var appStart = new MvxAppStart<MessagesViewModel>();
public partial class AppDelegate : MvxApplicationDelegate
//empty functions removed.
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
Window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
var presenter = new MvxTouchViewPresenter(this, Window);
var setup = new Setup(this, presenter);
var startup = Mvx.Resolve<IMvxAppStart>();
return true;
I suspect whatever the error is, it isn't in any of the code you have posted.
I just created a simple ViewModel:
public class FirstViewModel
: MvxViewModel
private List<string> _items = new List<string>() { "One", "Two", "Three"};
public List<string> Items
get { return _items; }
set { _items = value; RaisePropertyChanged(() => Items); }
And a simple View:
public class FirstView : MvxTableViewController
public override void ViewDidLoad()
// ios7 layout
if (RespondsToSelector(new Selector("edgesForExtendedLayout")))
EdgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdge.None;
var firstViewModel = ViewModel as FirstViewModel;
var source = new MessagesTableViewSource(TableView);
source.ItemsSource = firstViewModel.Items;
TableView.Source = source;
public class MessagesTableViewSource : MvxTableViewSource
public MessagesTableViewSource(UITableView tableView) : base(tableView)
tableView.RegisterClassForCellReuse(typeof(MessagesCell), new NSString("MessagesCell"));
protected override UITableViewCell GetOrCreateCellFor(UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath indexPath, object item)
return tableView.DequeueReusableCell("MessagesCell");
public class MessagesCell : MvxTableViewCell
public MessagesCell(IntPtr handle)
: base(handle)
var txt = new UILabel(new RectangleF(0, 0, 320, 44));
this.DelayBind(() =>
And this code runs fine...
I wouldn't completely trust the integration of Xamarin.iOS with the Immediate window - it is better now than it used to be, but I've seen several problems with it before.
Some things to possibly check:
does the above code work for you?
if it does, then what's in your BaseMessage and MessagesTableViewSource classes - perhaps they are causing the problem?
can you use Mvx.Trace("The list is {0}", messagesViewModel.Messages ?? "-null") to view the list? Can you use trace within the ViewModel property get - is it being called? Can you use trace within the ViewModel constructor?
are all your assemblies building against the same versions of things? Are all your assemblies definitely rebuilt? (Check "Build|Configuration Manager")- what version of Xamarin.iOS are you running in VS and in the Mac?

How to get current used color theme of Visual Studio

I'm creating my own IntelliSense Presenter, since Visual Studio2012 support change theme, so I want my background color of the presenter can be auto-changed when the theme been changed. Is there a way to track the theme changes event, or get the current color theme of the Visual Studio?
Yes, this is possible. I had to solve a similiar issue with one of my extensions...
The current theme is stored in the Windows Registry; so I implemented the following utility class.
public enum VsTheme
Unknown = 0,
public class ThemeUtil
private static readonly IDictionary<string, VsTheme> Themes = new Dictionary<string, VsTheme>()
{ "de3dbbcd-f642-433c-8353-8f1df4370aba", VsTheme.Light },
{ "1ded0138-47ce-435e-84ef-9ec1f439b749", VsTheme.Dark },
{ "a4d6a176-b948-4b29-8c66-53c97a1ed7d0", VsTheme.Blue }
public static VsTheme GetCurrentTheme()
string themeId = GetThemeId();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(themeId) == false)
VsTheme theme;
if (Themes.TryGetValue(themeId, out theme))
return theme;
return VsTheme.Unknown;
public static string GetThemeId()
const string CategoryName = "General";
const string ThemePropertyName = "CurrentTheme";
string keyName = string.Format(#"Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\{0}", CategoryName);
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(keyName))
if (key != null)
return (string)key.GetValue(ThemePropertyName, string.Empty);
return null;
Okay; this just helps to figur out the current settings... listening for the theme changed notification is a bit trickier. After your package is loaded, you must obtain an IVsShell instance via the DTE; once you have this object you can utilize the AdviceBroadcastMessages method to subscribe for event notifications. You have to provide an object whose type implements the IVsBroadcastMessageEvents interface...
I don´t want to post the whole implementation, but the following lines might illustrate the key scenario...
class VsBroadcastMessageEvents : IVsBroadcastMessageEvent
int IVsBroadcastMessageEvent.OnBroadcastMessage(uint msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
const uint WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE = 0x15;
// obtain current theme from the Registry and update any UI...
Consider implementing IDisposable on that type as well, in order to be able to unsubscribe from the event source, when the package gets unloaded.
This is how I subscribe for event notifications...
class ShellService
private readonly IVsShell shell;
private bool advised;
public ShellService(IVsShell shellInstance)
{ = shellInstance;
public void AdviseBroadcastMessages(IVsBroadcastMessageEvents broadcastMessageEvents, out uint cookie)
cookie = 0;
int r =, out cookie);
this.advised = (r == VSConstants.S_OK);
catch (COMException) { }
catch (InvalidComObjectException) { }
public void UnadviseBroadcastMessages(uint cookie)
Keep the value of the cookie parameter; you´ll need it to successfully unsubscribe.
Hope that helps (-:
Just wanted to put an update just in case anyone else comes along.. #Matze and #Frank are totally right.. However in VS 2015.. they added a easy way to detect the theme change. So you need to include PlatformUI an dyou get a super easy event
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.PlatformUI;
//Then you get an event
VSColorTheme.ThemeChanged += VSColorTheme_ThemeChanged;
You should make sure your control is disposable so you can unsubscribe from the event...
It also give you easy access to the colors.. even if the user has changed them from the default .. so you can do stuff like this in when set your colors
var defaultBackground = VSColorTheme.GetThemedColor(EnvironmentColors.ToolWindowBackgroundColorKey);
var defaultForeground = VSColorTheme.GetThemedColor(EnvironmentColors.ToolWindowTextColorKey);
For VS 2015 this has changed, the solution #Matze has still works but you need to update the GetThemeId() function to check for the version and if it's 14.0 (VS2015) look in a different place in the registry. The way the value is stored has changed also, it's still a string but now contains other values seperated by a '*'. The theme guid is the last value in the list.
if (version == "14.0")
string keyName = string.Format(#"Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\{0}\ApplicationPrivateSettings\Microsoft\VisualStudio", version);
using (RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.OpenSubKey(keyName))
if (key != null)
var keyText = (string)key.GetValue("ColorTheme", string.Empty);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyText))
var keyTextValues = keyText.Split('*');
if (keyTextValues.Length > 2)
return keyTextValues[2];
return null;

Keeping grid data in a usercontrol by retrieving the criteria from the parent

I have a usercontrol that I want to have the grid inside so I don't have to duplicate that grid on every page. Except when I sort, page, or anything that does a post back the usercontrol reloads and loses its datasource. My plan is to retrieve the search criteria from the parent page(since it already has it from the criteria controls). That way when the NeedDataSource is called it still has the criteria to pass back the right results.
How do I get where you see SuperSearch to be whichever page might be the parent like StateToState.
public SearchCriteria SearchCriteria
Page parent = this.Page;
if (parent != null)
var superSearch = parent as SuperSearch;
if (superSearch != null) return superSearch.SearchCriteria;
return new SearchCriteria();
Create an event handler 'event EventHandler NeedSearchCriteria' on your usercontrol that gets fired on your parent page
On your aspx page:
<UC:Grid runat="server" ID="ucGrid" OnNeedSearchCriteria="ucGrid_OnNeedSearchCriteria" />
In the code behind:
public void ucGrid_OnNeedSearchCriteria(object sender, EventArgs e)
ucGrid.Criteria = Criteria;
And on the usercontrol code behind:
public event EventHandler NeedSearchCriteria;
private SearchCriteria _criteria;
public SearchCriteria Criteria
if (_criteria == null && NeedSearchCriteria != null)
NeedSearchCriteria(this, new EventArgs());
return _criteria ?? new SearchCriteria();
_criteria = value;

Preventing TabControl selection in Silverlight

Is there any way to prevent the change of a tab in TabControl in Silverlight 4?
A simple case is when I've got a form with some data, and I want to ask the user if he/she wants to save this data before actually changing the tab.
I've seen code examples on how to do this in WPF, but not in Silverlight.
What can I do to stop the tab from changing?
Bind SelectedIndex to a property on your data context.
<sdk:TabControl SelectedIndex="{Binding SelectedIndex, Mode=TwoWay}">
<sdk:TabItem Header="TabItem">
<Grid Background="#FFE5E5E5"/>
<sdk:TabItem Header="TabItem">
<Grid Background="#FFE5E5E5"/>
In the SET accessor, write your code to check whether the user really wants to do what they're trying to do.
public class Context : INotifyPropertyChanged
int _SelectedIndex = 0;
public int SelectedIndex
return _SelectedIndex;
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save?", "Really?", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (result == MessageBoxResult.OK)
_SelectedIndex = value;
#region INotifyPropertyChanged Members
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
Net effect is, if the user chooses 'cancel' on the dialogue the private variable is never changed - the PropertyChanged event fires, rebinding the selected index to the existing value.
Hope this is what you were trying to accomplish.
UPDATE (11/10/2012) - Alternate method (possibly for SL5?). Write code behind to tie into SelectionChanged event of your TabControl, reset the tab control's selected item property based on your test.
private void TabControl_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.RemovedItems.Count > 0)
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to save?", "Really?", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel);
if (result != MessageBoxResult.OK)
((TabControl)sender).SelectionChanged -= new SelectionChangedEventHandler(TabControl_SelectionChanged);
((TabControl)sender).SelectedItem = e.RemovedItems[0];
((TabControl)sender).SelectionChanged += new SelectionChangedEventHandler(TabControl_SelectionChanged);
