MKMapview with google maps data - mkmapview

[This link states that mkmapview is based on apple maps data][1]
But Is that possible to make the MKMapview to use google maps data, am using xcode 6 and iOS 8
Please suggest,
Thanks in advance


Excel Map Chart doesn't display region propertly

Apparently Bing doesn't recognize two regions of Costa Rica. I've tried using ISO 3166-2 and other standars but the problem is persists.
Regions without ploting: Puntarenas and Limon.
Is there another standard that I have to use?
Thanks guys
Bing data is often not very good with data for regions outside of the US. I have the same problem with New Zealand data. The only thing you can do is give feedback and report the problem. In my version of Excel (365, Insider), I can click File > Feedback and send a frown. I know that Microsoft keep a tight watch on that feedback channel.
This seems to be issue with Excel implementation as Bing Maps have data for those regions.
Costa Rica Provinces with Bing Maps Geodata API
You can check this on Bing Maps v8 iSDK:
Just change New York City to Puntarenas or Limon on line 6 of code window, and on line 11 PopulatedPlace to AdminDivision1 then click on run button.

Is it possible to show a satellite map on Windows 10 UA app

I'm trying to make my first Windows 10 UA desktop app. I have a working map, but it shows the road type of map. The problem with this is, the detail isn't there, and may people won't be able to get enough info out of this.
Is there a way I can switch the map view from a road to a satellite map?
Edited for response
Sorry I miss understood, didn't realize you where using the MapControl class. Below is a link that explains how to use 3d aerial and street views (towards the bottom)
the code you are looking for is something like
MapControl1.Style = MapStyle.Aerial3DWithRoads;
Absolutely! You can use the Bing maps API.
Here is a link to a guide on getting started.
From the API you can then select the satellite map instead of the road.

Google Maps Android API v2 very slow when adding lots of Markers

I am updating an existing Android app to use the new Google Maps Android API v2. I have about 2500 markers that I want to add to the map. With the older version of the API I found the responsiveness of the maps to be horrendous when there are 2500 markers, so I had to work around it by only adding markers that are in the current visible region of the map.
I was hoping 2500 markers would be faster with the new API, but it's still awful, even on a Nexus 4, and I'm not seeing any sort of option to do clustering.
So my question: how can I determine if a certain lat/lng point is contained within the visible region of the map?
I have looked at VisibleRegion in the documentation, but I've not had any luck with it so far. Any help is greatly appreciated.
*Side note: 2500 markers on an iOS MKMapView (google maps or Apple maps) is very smooth and responsive even with an iPhone 3gs. I still can't understand why it's so slow on Android, even with the latest and greatest hardware.
Alright, after trying a couple more things I figured out how to determine if a given point is in the visible region, and it's pretty simple:
//Note: this.mMap is an instance of GoogleMap
LatLngBounds bounds = this.mMap.getProjection().getVisibleRegion().latLngBounds;
LatLng markerPoint = new LatLng(item.getLatitude(), item.getLongitude());
this.mMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions(...));
*Note that getting the projection of the GoogleMap is an expensive operation, so if you're looping through a long list of items to create Markers and adding them to the map like I am, only grab the projection once before you loop.
I decided to write up a blog post detailing how to show Markers that are in the visible region of the map and hide Markers as they are moved off the screen. It's not a perfect solution, but if you are showing thousands of Markers and know that your users don't need to see all of them at the same time (unless they zoom way out), it's a pretty good work-around.
Hiding and Showing on screen Markers with Google Maps Android API V2
For a clustering solution on Android you may want to try Android Maps Extensions:

Take a String and Search in Google - Windows 8

I am developing an App for Windows 8 for kitchen recipes. I have a checkbox with some ingredients. After selecting the ingredients the user presses a Button. The goal is to present a recipe with those ingredients included. My idea is to put all the values of the checkboxes on one string and Search it via Google and access one of the link given in the results. Is that possible ? iF SO, How can I do it ?
Thanks in Advance
You schould use the Custom Search API
The documentation can be found here:
Simply do some REST Magic
Helpful for that is the NuGet Package "RestSharp"
hope that helps
I don't fully understand your question but I hope this helps:
This will google TEXT HERE
This will google monkey

Using bing to geocode

I'm trying to find out how to use bing to get lat/long. All the tutorials I find are for plotting points but don't actually show how to extract the coordinates. Anyone have experience with this.
I think the new way to do that is by using their REST service documented here:
For example:
Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC
We use the VEMap.Geocode method and it works just great.
see Bing Maps Ajax Control v6.3
