Accessing file system in an iOS device - xamarin.ios

I'm an absolute newbie to Xamarin world. I'm working on a web application where a user completes a long form (say some 100+ fields) and then submits the form which will write the information to a database. One of the requirement is user should be able to load the form, resume his work even when he is Offline( No internet connection). I have used HTML5 Application cache, Local Storage in Html5, KnockOut.JS, Java script so that for every 2 seconds all the user form information is saved to Local Storage of the browser. But lately, I noticed with few users that the forms are getting deleted sometimes due to an iOS update. Also I don't want to rely on browsers cookie/cache to store this information.
I want to find out what my options are with Xamarin. Can I use a component like 'UIWebview' in the Xamarin app to launch my web application and then access the file system of iOS of that Xamarin app from the browser launched ?

Sure you can!
One launch image plus one screen with UIWebView is what you need for your task. You can handle UIWebView's event to save and load it's state.
Good news is that such app could be small enought to build it using free (Starter) version of platform.


msedgewebview2 not working on remote desktop

This text was translated in google translate.
I have a server with Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise, with Remote Desktop licenses, in which users log in directly to an exe application (Point of Sale). In this application, there is a section where users call a Maps application, and the component that I use to work with Google Maps should call the msedgewebview2.exe component, but it does not, therefore it does not work correctly the Maps application.
Here is the example when msedgewebview2.exe doesn't load
But if I open the task manager, and run explorer.exe, the Maps application successfully loads me with msedgewebview2.exe and it works, here is the example:
My question or problem is that remote desktop users do not have access to explorer.exe, because it opens the point of sale application directly when they log in, what do you recommend I do?

Can we assign a responsive web site to act like a Progressive Web Application?

if we had a responsive web site with HTML, Css and Nodejs for it's back-end, can we make it to act like PWA application?
- I know the difference will the Service-worker file, but i wanna to find out is it the exact difference?
Here is the difference between PWA(Progressive Web Application) and RWD(Responsive Web Design):
Users access the website through any browser, and on a supported
browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and even Edge!) it asks the user if
they want to install the web app to their home screen. This lets users
download and the store the website on their devices (which then gets
updated with Service Workers in the background).
Responsive web design (RWD) basically refers to the practice of
designing a website that can be accessed with any technology you might
use to build a site. RWD allows the website to be fully functional
(and look good) no matter what size screen the user has in front of
them. It has been around since 2001, when Audi launched the first
documented responsive site.
Therefore, PWAs and RWD are not two independent ways to create a website — in fact, PWAs will almost certainly utilize RWD.
Here's some tips:
The best solution is to choose the best solution for your particular site. If you’re looking to maximize those app-like features (like easy home screen app access, offline use, and high-quality, full screen functionality), you may want to choose a PWA.
If you’re looking to maximize site speed and accessibility for the most users, RWD might be the better choice.
If you're asking if you can make a PWA without a service worker then i believe you can't since it (service worker) and the manifest.json file are both required to save an application to the homescreen.
from the google documentation:
In order for a user to be able to install your Progressive Web App, it needs to meet the following criteria:
The web app is not already installed.
and prefer_related_applications is not true.
Meets a user engagement heuristic (currently, the user has interacted with the domain for at least 30 seconds)
Includes a web app manifest that includes:
short_name or name
icons must include a 192px and a 512px sized icons
display must be one of: fullscreen, standalone, or minimal-ui
Served over HTTPS (required for service workers)
Has registered a service worker with a fetch event handler

flash based game stopped loading

A few weeks ago our flash based game at suddenly stopped loading, which was working fine earlier. The website it self loads, but the game window does not, all users just get a black screen.
We have made no changes to the game, DNS etc. According to our hosting company, PLayerIO, the page and files load, however the game file does not.
Since the web version is flash based, I am wondering if it is necessary to make ongoing updates to the swf file when Adobe make updates to their flash player?
I do not know if we have used Adobe Air as well in the web version, but know this is used somehow in app versions we have.
Our problem is isolated to the webversion Hosted at PlayerIO and domain registered with
How to Fix this?
With the limited information of this question, it is hard to provide any solution.
I did run a few test on your site and figured the play button is linked to a swf file.
It points to this swf file i think needs some player/wrapper for other dependent functionalities.
Have you updated your web page recently? Also FB plugins never loads!
You can check that as well.

How do you work around the issue of long load time for initial load of an application

When no users have the any pages in an application open, it will unload the application from the server after a while.
When a user loads a page in the app after it's been unloaded, it can take quite a while to load.
The simplest way to work around the issue is to have an agent that polls a page in the application each morning before any users are online. Is there a better way to do this?
Starting with Notes and Domino 8.5.3, you can use the following ini parameters:
Preloads XPages java code at server startup so that they are already in memory when a user access an xpages app for the first time.
Preloads XPages engine for a specific XPage in a specific database or for all XPages in a database.
Both parameters can be used on the Domino Server and on the Notes client.
As far as I know, the application will be kept in memory even if no user doe access it.

Developing Spotify apps on Linux

I just can't figure out where Spotify stores the apps on linux. There is nothing (as far as I can see) in ~/.spotify or ~/spotify.
The docs only seems to care about Macos and windows.
Any ideas?
Spotify stores apps from the App Finder in its own encrypted internal cache.
If you want to develop your own apps, once you're flagged as a developer you should be able to create ~/Spotify and put your own apps in it. They won't appear in the sidebar - you need to manually access them by typing spotify:app:<appname> into the search field.
