IIS8.5 is automatically changing Physical Path property - iis

I have a couple of Applications added under my Default Website in IIS8.5 (simply http on port 80 IP=*)
They point to different physical paths (which are not nested) and this works fine after adding such an application.
But after a while the Physical Path of one of the applications automagically changes to the physical path of another Application. Why?
I have flushed my DNSCache and removed and added the Application once again, but something is changing the physical path of my configuration.
What could be doing this? Could something be overriding my Application settings?

I have 2 sites in 1 solution, and one of the site's physical path in IIS was "randomly" changing to the other site's physical path, and I had to manually fix it each time. I finally found a way to reliably reproduce this issue.
It turned out if SiteB's project was reloaded independent of the rest of the solution (for example, I pulled from source control and Visual Studio prompted "SiteB's project file has changed. Reload SiteB?"), the physical path in IIS would change! I could easily reproduce this by right-clicking the project in Visual Studio and selecting "Reload project." If I reloaded only SiteA or SiteB, rather than reloading the full solution, the IIS path would change accordingly.
So the trick to preventing this from happening in the future was to always "Reload all" when presented with the option, and could be flipped back by reloading SiteA independently, if needed.
I think if the solution is set to use IIS, VS will modify whichever site is specified as the default URL on project load. Or something to that effect.


Klondike private NuGet repository api page responds with an HTTP 404.0 error

Using the instructions in this link and the "How to Deploy Klondike"
github instructions I have installed the Klondike release on my local IIS (Version 10.0.15063.0). At first it looked promising, but then I realized that the main page is showing "loading..." rather than the Klondike URL. See image:
Additionally the when I click the API page tab, the site navigates to http://localhost:8081/api which returns a 404.0 HTTP error. This error may not seem very surprising as the site's directory does not contain an api directory. However, I have reverse engineering a working server with Klondike configured on it and it also does not have the api directory. Here is an image of the 404.0 error:
Additionally, when I try to nuget pushto localhost:8081, it results with the error in the image here (note, the red blocked out text is the apikey).
Finally, I have left the handleLocalRequestsAsAdmin is set to true, but even though I am on localhost, it does not show me the "LocalAdministrator" link. I believe that all these symptoms are linked to the same issue.
I have tried the following with no affect on the behavior:
Putting this site in c:\inetpub\wwwroot and also in C:\Klondike;
Using different port numbers, such as 8081 and 80;
Putting a alias in my hosts file and binding the value in IIS to the host name; and
Installed the Debugging tools for Windows install as was suggested on the github site and set the debuggingToolsPath to its path.
(at this point, I'm just guessing at the issue)
The settings I have changed in settings.config file are as follows:
packagesPath = C:\Klondike\App_Data\Packages
Left lucenePath = empty string (I also tried this with a value of C:\Klondike\App_Data\Lucene with no affect.
symbolsPath = C:\Klondike\App_Data\Symbols
debuggingToolsPath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64
ignorePackageFiles = "true"
I have not changed any values in the web.config file from the default web.config release values.
Thank you for any help that you can provide.
I ran into the same problem, although I was installing Klondike on a remote server rather than locally, but still IIS 10. The problem might be you don't have all the IIS components installed or enabled. More specifically, .NET or one of its required components might not be installed or enabled. If you look at the error on the /api link - it has to do with the MapRequestHandler and Static file handler in IIS - this indicates IIS doesn't know how to handle the request, which is an indicator you might be missing the ExtensionlessUrlHandler in IIS, as well as other components. To solve the problem, go to Start -> Control Panel -> Turn Windows features on or off (varies per system, might be under "Programs and Features"), then find the IIS Application Development Features. These might be listed under Internet Information Services -> World Wide Web Services, or Web Server (IIS) -> Web Server, depending on your system. Once you find these Application Development Features, make sure you have an ASP.NET option checked - you might just want to check all the options. Below is screenshot of what it looks like on my system. You might want to reboot after adding those features - not sure if a reboot is required, but it doesn't hurt. After you enable those features, you might start to run into all kinds of file permission errors when running the Klondike app - you might want to just remove Klondike and reinstall it from the zip file. I have a feeling it Klondike doesn't run cleanly the first time it has problems, as it needs to create an App_Data folder with sub directories.

iis 10 Static Website: Deleting default site and creating completely new site (how to access new site)

This post needs help from experienced iis administrators, but must be explained in details for EXTREME newbies.
What I am doing:
I have two computers, both running Windows 10. One is a desktop and one is a laptop.
iis is enabled on both computers. Each computer can access the iis web server from the other and pull up a page from the other - using the ip address.
There is no DNS or host files being used (this is by ip address only), nor do I want to use any sort of naming.
Both computers are running an identical website, and the website files are in a different directory than the default. The structure is like this:
Changes I've made - now a few problems.
On both computers I have deleted the DefaultAppPool and the default website that comes installed with iis. This has not stopped the website from completely working, so adding that back seems unlikely to fix my problem.
I have deleted my application pool and website from iis (never deleting the actual files from the file system) several times, and added it several times. Each time I do this, my site comes back, but with the same problem I am having.
I have deleted all of the default documents, and the only default document listed in iis is myIndex.html.
myIndex.html initially displays a graphic image (using the standard tag), and this image comes up. Sort of. See explanation below.
The problem I am having
Before I started this project, I had iis working on the desktop with the default site and app pool and simply added some of my own files with really simple text content and some pics. I had replaced the default iis splash image with my own image, and all that worked with no problem.
the image that comes up is a link to another page that has a list of links to other stuff in my website. It all works no problem there.
Now, with the setup I have now, on the desktop I was originally using (in the paragraph above) if I pull up my website locally, myIndex.html loads in the browser and my image comes up, and everything works fine.
The same is true on the laptop, when I access the site locally.
However, if I attempt to access the desktop site (using its ip address) from the laptop, it pulls up the old splash image from the default site I deleted.( I left those files there even though I deleted the site from within iis). All those files are in the default location C:\inetpub\wwwroot.
If I move those files to another directory, thus leaving C:\inetpub\wwwroot completely empty, then when I access the site on the desktop (via the ip address) from the laptop, my new site comes up without a problem.
While it seems I may have solved my problem by moving the file from the previous project, doing that does not teach me how iis is actually working, and why files from a website that no longer exists in iis are still being accessed from remote computers.
So, please teach me something about the internal workings of iis, and how it chooses to access the different application pools and websites.
Again, please word your answers for complete newbies, because I know a little but not enough to get real technical.
I have been reading posts on stackexchange.com and other sites; links to microsoft docs etc. That's not helping as those docs are expecting too much prerequisite knowledge, and speaking in terms that are not really explaining things in a way I can understand.
You have described several different problems. I will try to address each of them (contrary to S/O recommendations).
First, when you make changes, and they don't seem to show up, it is usually because of caching. IIS always wants to cache files/configs. So does your web browser. So, to force an accurate test, you need to dump your browser cache and cycle IIS (to make sure it drops its cache and loads new files and configs). Start there.
Second, IIS is designed for settings inheritance. Which means, each app and each folder will inherit settings and permissions from the parent, unless you override them. Overriding them can be done by files and/or IIS configs (application vs folder). The IIS configs are the stronger of the two.
Also, the IIS config for "default files" might have come into-play for your test. If you didn't set up MyIndex.html as the top-most default file, then IIS would look for other files first. In fact, if you don't have MyIndex.html in the list of default files, IIS would have to depend on your app to choose that as a default page (MVC routing, etc).

IIS changes the physical path to application it self

I have set two websites in my IIS 8.5. I have one for production version and one for development (need this for the team work purposes). The structure is simple. Website is simple static page using BackboneJS and API calls to get all the data. All virtual paths and applications were set at the beginning manually by my self. For some reason some API calls didn't worked in dev site. I found out the physical path to the API project has changed. Do you have any idea, where can be the problem? Actually some of my collegues face this issue too.
Only think that cames to my mind is that when bdebugging the API, I use "Attach to process" in Visual Studio, where I connect to the correct IIS process - w3wp.exe with user name IIS APPPOOL\Dev or IIS APPPOOL\Prod according to the site I'm debugging.
Nevertheless I don't think the path should change itself. Where can be the problem? Does anyone have any idea how to prevent this strange behaviour?

How to run classic ASP scripts under IIS 5.1 (WinXP Pro) alongside .NET & CF?

I'm running into a problem setting up my development environment. I've been working on ColdFusion and .NET applications up until recently I haven't needed to touch IIS. Now, I have to set up a classic ASP application for some one-off work.
I added a virtual directory in IIS and pointed it at the actual codebase on my local machine. I then set the security to low (for ISAPI extensions, i.e. ASP) and allowed for script execution. For some reason though, if I hit any .asp page it says the page cannot be found. However, HTML and static files load up just fine.
EDIT: URLScan fix seems to have done it. Fired up the app in another browser (i.e. not IE6), and I'm getting better error reporting. Looks like we're missing some includes, but it is executing the scripts. Thanks!
You need to make sure that the "Active Server Pages" web service extension is set to an allowed status.
Check out: http://classicasp.aspfaq.com/general/why-does-iis-hang-and/or-stop-serving-asp-pages.html
Also, you should be aware that a virtual directory may affect the include file paths in the asp pages themselves. If the original asp application does not use a virtual directory, then your local copy shouldn't either.
Take a look at your URL scan settings and see if .asp is an allowed file extension
On my XP machine the relevant file is located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\urlscan\urlscan.ini

Asp.net Reinstalling a DLL into the GAC

I'm trying to re-install a DLL in the GAC, everything seems to work fine but the web application accessing it still seems to be using the old one.
The old DLL is the same version as the new one with only a minor edit, it will be used by 50 different sites so changing the version then changing the reference in the web.config is not a good solution.
Restarting the IIS server or the worker process isn't an option as there are already 50 sites running that must continue to do so.
does anyone know what i'm doing wrong or what i can do to remedy this situation?
AFAIK, you need to restart IIS for it to get a fresh reference to the updated DLL. Your best bet is to perform the reset at a low traffic time. If you are running multiple servers with load balancing, you can prevent new connections from hitting one server until all connections have been closed. Afterwards, update the DLL, restart IIS, and bring the server back into the connection pool. Repeat for each server with no visible downtime to the end users.
Since you don't make a reference to application pools, I'm going to assume you are on the old version of IIS. In that case, what you'll need to do is to "touch" all the DLLs in each site that references the DLL.
The problem is that the code is already loaded and you need to find a non-intrusive way to re-load the application. Recycling app-pools is an effective way to do this. If you are on the old IIS that doesn't have app-pools, then updating the last-modified in the /bin/ folders or web.config files will reload the application without affecting the other sites.
So a script of some kind to do the above is in order. All it needs to do is update the lastmodified on the DLLs in every /bin application directory.
