ISAPI Issues with CFWheels - iis

I am working with a brand new instance of IIS on Windows Server 2012 and I am having trouble getting my CFWheels app to work. The issue it seems to be with ISAPI filters and isapi_redirect.dll because it's trying to find the file in the wrong folder. I tried adding a filter myself which I named jakarta and pointed it to the correct folder of the dll but now I am not getting anything but a blank screen and no error of any sort (before I was getting an error 500)
Anyone with a recommendation of what I need to do!?

I recreated the site under C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ instead of having it on my second HDD and the issue went away.... I would love to know why though so if anyone ever comes across this question please feel free to post


HTTP Error 500.31 - ANCM Failed to Find Native Dependencies error while publishing my MVC .net 3.1 core project to Azure

Not sure what details I should be providing to be completely honest, other than I googled and searched for this solution and I deleted everything and retried and didnt work out, I downloaded all the files needed, I added application settings and it added an error for me telling me that I need to install or update Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App, version 3.1.0, which I have installed and already existed anyway
I tried going to application event logs on Azure portal, there was 3 errors first this one which some people suggested going to web.config and changing it to Module not v2, and I dont see any web.config file in my mvc project
2nd error which I already talked about but its just not working, so I assume somehow its not seeing it??
3rd error Also this I am not quite sure what to do with it.
Lastly, as I said I am not sure what information I should provide, I dont have much time and I was asked to publish it on azure there was no problems and seemed easy but errors popped up and nothing on the internet fixed my issues, you can comment and I will add any required data to fix this.
Thanks in advance
I installed each and every package in the dotnet folder to make sure everything is right and everytime it recognized there is a file already and asked me if I want to repair I said yes but that didnt help
I checked my .json file if it had any errors like some people suggested
checked if Azure portal specified that I am using ASP.NET 3.1core which it did
~~I used search for "stdoutLogFile" to check if I can find it anywhere on my solution since I cant find my web.config but I there was no result~~
I found out that I can add the web.config and make changes to it, and I did so but there was no result for it, still same error (yes I change the publish profile and republish to make sure it took the changes)
[enter image description here][1]
[1]: I got these errors when I opened the profile.arm.json folder under the server dependency folder

IIS not able to locate the web.config

I have a deployed a web application in IIS. Which used to work without any issues. Recently i have shifted that web application to another machine, Here is the problem. Once i setup the Webapplication when i opened the default document in IIS im getting the File not found error as following
Internal Server Error
I have no clue why the IIS is not able to find the web.config. The file is present in the path C:\inetpub\wwwroot\application\web.config but the IIS is looking in the path \?\C:....
Please let me know how to resolve this??
Firstly this is documented on so I would suggest that anyone who has this issue read this first as it covers a number of solutions which I won't
Now from personal experience I encountered this error after setting up a new development machine. What I had forgotten to do was install the Url Rewrite 2.0 IIS module. Sadly the IIS error gives absolutely no idea that this is the actually issue.
Therefore to solve this issue investigate the system.webServer setting in our web.config and ensure that you have installed all the iis modules that you use. I did this by systematically removing elements from my web.config until I came across the cause.
In my case, I was running ASP .NET Core website so I had to install .Net Core Runtime from
I know it's old post but I resolved the same issue as follows:
If you are using TFS and you are getting this problem then Reason is ".vs" file is not excluded from commit.
Because of that ".vs\config\applicationhost.config" gets the local version of another user/Developer.
To Solve the error, First open that file Update Physical path inside "" xml tag.
Also ask user to exclude this folder from TFS to prevent future issues.
If you are getting mysql localhost error. What I will do will work for you.
Control Panel(View by: Large Icons) >> Programs and Features >>
(Usually upper left corner) Turn Windows Features on or off >>
Internet Information Services >> Web Management Tools and World Wide Web Services
After Restart.

deploying a winform application using clickonce and iis fails

I'm trying to deploy a winform application with IIS and ClickOnce. I can access the publish.htm page and the install even starts when I click on the provided link.
However I get this error during the installation process:
Downloading http://MyWebSiteUrl/.../Interop.SHDocVw.dll did not succceed.
The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.
Can anybody help me out on this ?
I found out that I needed to check "use .deploy file extension" (under properties>Publish>Options>Deployment
[Answering this old question because it comes up as the best match in my case and the accepted answer was of no use to me].
Background, in an IIS hosted ClickOnce scenario, the downloadable components are itemized in a manifest file at the root of the deployment (that's how you can specify a single download link and deploy all the supporting components).
I was converting a tested application from a WiX installation to a lightweight version with ClickOnce and received the HTTP 500 error without anything else in the logs. Naturally, I failed to think it through and instead found myself getting dragged down the rabbit hole on the internets, with instructions for detailed logging, magic spells, etc.
Upon more sober reflection, the problem was simple and I should have been able to tell immediately from the IIS log: a 500 followed by a 0 is shorthand for 'you're an idiot, the content isn't where you said it was' and it had almost nothing to do with ClickOnce.
I had copy/paste/edited an existing download link template in MVC that was in use for simple apps and it happened to cater to only two levels of subfolders in the manifest. When I ported a more complex project structure, I ended up leaving items in a Resources sub-sub-subfolder that looked fine in the manifest but the path was being truncated in MVC so that the related item could not be found.
Moral of the story - if you get a 500 error always check first to make sure your non-functioning appliance is plugged into a working outlet...

SharePoint 2010 Web part Deployment Error

When I deploy my web part locally everything is fine. The web part is registered as safe, and is completely usable.
When I deploy the wsp to another server the web part comes back with the following error although everything appears to be deployed correctly (and the SafeControls appear within the web.config). :
Web Part Error: A Web Part or Web Form Control on this Page cannot be displayed or imported. The type XXXXX could not be found or it is not registered as safe.
It is almost the exact same issue as this question. The only difference being that when I look at my web.config on the server I am deploying to I DO see the SafeControls.
Any thoughts on things that I could try to fix the issue? Server settings, how I package or deploy, etc.
I was able to solve my issues by manually removing the solution from the GAC. Then I just tried to add the solution again and everything works well.
I had added the web part in question after the initial upload of the solution (sorry about leaving that part out of the description). Before doing this I was trying to retract and delete from the Central Admin then retry the addition. Apparently this didn't actually delete the solution from the GAC.
The site was using the old version of the solution which did indeed not include a SafeControl for the new web part. Once the old version was removed the addition of the new version went without a hitch and all is well.
Thanks to all for their suggestions.

IIS 7.5 shows aspx but no content

I recently switched from Vista to Windows 7 (with IIS 7.5). But i can't seem to get it fully working.
My problem: I run Visual Studio 2008 (sp1) (run as administrator) and i see my WebSite (webforms).
I publish my website, and all seems well, except my layout is wasted.. why? i get a 404 on my CSS and javascript file.
I read an article that you need content server (service?) installed. After some translation i figured that should be "Statische inhoud" (dutch.. translated static content).
I triple checked that the .js and .css files are in te folder i'm pointing to (tried root folder of the website), but all in veighn...
Here is my IIS-component list that is installed (in dutch).
Anyone able to figure out why i get 404's? or even beter, how do i fix it?
I had this problem and spent 6 hours doing research and trying out many suggested solutions.
We resolved this by granting the default IIS user access to the application folder.
Well, i finally figured it out :)
Hope some else will be helped by this answer:
It was related to the Static File Module.
Microsoft has a solution which did not work for me.
It was already configured this way.
But i deleted it, added it again, i could access my CSS... but ASPX didn't work anymore. The Fix for that issue: Make the list Sorted, and move your static filehandler to the bottom (or a least after aspx, but probably the best is at the bottem).
Thanxs everyone for the pointers though!
