Basic Attoparsec Parsing returns only "Right []" - haskell

I'm very new to Haskell and I'm trying to parse a map file, just for practice. My code will compile, but it gives me the wrong result. All I get is "Right []" - which I don't understand.
My code is very similar to the tutorial here, but I rewrote it to serve my needs.
My file looks like this (I removed most of the lines to save space here):
#test map 2
My code:
import Data.Word
import Data.Time
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
-- Types --
data Tile = Tile Int Int Int deriving Show
data MapLine =
MapLine { tile :: Tile } deriving Show
-- Parsing --
parseTile :: Parser Tile
parseTile = do
x <- decimal
char ','
y <- decimal
char ':'
t <- decimal
char ';'
return $ Tile x y t
mapLineParser :: Parser MapLine
mapLineParser = do
t <- parseTile
return $ MapLine t
fileParser :: Parser [MapLine]
fileParser = many $ mapLineParser <* endOfLine
-- Main --
main :: IO()
--main = B.readFile "map.hexmap" >>= print . parseOnly fileParser
main = do
print "Parsing map..."
let x = B.readFile "map.hexmap"
x >>= print . parseOnly fileParser
print "Done."
Thanks for the help.

Your parser "successfully parses" a list of MapLines of length zero before failing at the first line. Remove that line (and make sure your file doesn't include any non-parsable bytes at the start like a BOM) and it should work. Or write a parser for lines starting with a # that ignores the result, then combine.


Attoparsec - ensure entire contents consumed with sepBy1

I would like the below code to return [LoadInt 1,LoadDub 2.5,LoadInt 3], but it fails after parsing [LoadInt 1,LoadDub 2] and facing .5,3. How do I make it so it must parse all the way to the comma for a parse to succeed, and an int parse on 2.5 is a fail?
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (Parser)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator
import Control.Applicative ((*>),(<$>),(<|>))
data LoadNum = LoadInt Int | LoadDub Double deriving (Show)
someFunc :: IO ()
someFunc = putStrLn . show $ A.parseOnly (lnParser <* A.endOfInput) (pack testString)
testString :: String
testString = "1,2.5,3"
lnParser :: Parser [LoadNum]
lnParser = (sepBy1' (ld <* A.atEnd) (A.char ','))
double :: Parser Double
double = A.double
int :: Parser Int
int = A.signed A.decimal
ld :: Parser LoadNum
ld = ((LoadInt <$> int ) <|> (LoadDub <$> double))
You could use a tiny bit of lookahead to decide whether you reached the end of a list element. So:
int :: Parser Int
int = do
i <- A.signed A.decimal
next <- A.peekChar
case next of
Nothing -> pure i
Just ',' -> pure i
_ -> fail "nah"

How to ignore arbitrary tokens using parsec?

I wanted to replace sed and awk with Parsec. For example, extract number from strings like unknown structure but containing the number 42 and maybe some other stuff.
I run into "unexpected end of input". I'm looking for equivalent of non-greedy .*([0-9]+).*.
module Main where
import Text.Parsec
parser :: Parsec String () Int
parser = do
_ <- many anyToken
x <- read <$> many1 digit
_ <- many anyToken
return x
main :: IO ()
main = interact (show . parse parser "STDIN")
This can be easily done with my library regex-applicative. It gives you both the combinator interface and the features of regular expressions that you seem to want.
Here's a working version that's closest to your example:
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
import Text.Regex.Applicative
import Text.Regex.Applicative.Common (decimal)
parser :: RE Char Int
parser = do
_ <- few anySym
x <- decimal
_ <- many anySym
return x
main :: IO ()
main = interact (show . match parser)
Here's an even shorter version, using findFirstInfix:
import Text.Regex.Applicative
import Text.Regex.Applicative.Common (decimal)
main :: IO ()
main = interact (snd3 . findFirstInfix decimal)
where snd3 (_, r, _) = r
If you want to perform actual tokenization (e.g. skip 93 in foo93bar), then take a look at lexer-applicative, a tokenizer based on regex-applicative.
Replacing sed and awk with parsers is what the
library is all about.
Extract numbers from unstructured strings with the
parser combinator.
import Replace.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer
parseTest (sepCap (decimal :: Parsec Void String Int))
$ "unknown structure but containing the number 42 and maybe some other stuff"
[ Left "unknown structure but containing the number "
, Right 42
, Left " and maybe some other stuff"
This cannot work, since anyToken accepts and consumes - as its names says - any token, including digits. And you apply it many times. Therefore the attempt to read digits with the second parser must fail. There simply cannot be any tokens left.
Instead make your first parser accept any character, that is not a digit (using isDigit from module Data.Char):
parser :: Parsec String () Int
parser = do
_ <- many $ satisfy (not . isDigit)
x <- read <$> many1 digit
_ <- many anyToken
return x

How to read an array of binary data from a file in haskell?

Trying to read a binary file of Word8, I have the following program:
import qualified Data.Binary as B
type Chars = [B.Word8]
printChars :: Chars -> IO()
printChars cs = mapM_ print cs
main :: IO()
main = do
chars <- B.decodeFile "chars"
printChars chars
When I run it, I get an error:
$ ./test
test: too few bytes. Failed reading at byte position 241
It seems decodeFile expects an infinite list.
How can I tell it to just read as many elements as possible?
Here was the code I was looking for: (This works with any type, not just Word8.)
import Prelude hiding ( readFile )
import Data.ByteString.Lazy ( readFile )
import Data.Binary.Get ( isEmpty, runGet )
import qualified Data.Binary as B
type Chars = [B.Word8]
printChars :: Chars -> IO()
printChars cs = mapM_ print cs
-- see
-- function getTrades
getChars = do
e <- isEmpty
if e then return []
else do
c <- B.get
cs <- getChars
return (c:cs)
main :: IO()
main = do
input <- readFile "chars"
printChars $ runGet getChars input
Data.Binary is used to serialize known types in a canonical way (defined by the Binary class instance). In general it isn't intended for unstructured data.
In the case you gave us, you are attempting to deserialize the bytes in a file to an object of type [B.Word8]. If you look in the Data.Binary source code, you can see the following
instance Binary a => Binary [a] where
get = do n <- get :: Get Int
getMany n
which basically means that arrays are stored as follows
[length of array, val1, val2, ....]
so, when you applied the value to the file, it read the first Int in the file (no doubt, a very large number), then attempted to read that number of values.
If you just want to load the file as bytes, you should use Data.ByteString.getContents

Haskell: using a Vector of Vectors instead of a nested list when parsing a CSV file

I need to parse and process a text file that is a nested list of integer. The file is about 250mb large. This already leads to performace problems my naive solution takes 20GB or more of RAM.
The question is related to another question.
I have written about the memory problems and the suggestion was to use Data.Vector to get rtid of the memory problems.
So the goal is to process a nested list of integers and, say, filter the values so that only values larger than 30 get printed out.
Test file "myfile.tx":
Here is my code using Attoparsec, adapted from attoparsec-csv:
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
-- adapted from
module Text.ParseCSV
) where
import Prelude hiding (concat, takeWhile)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>), (<*>), (<*), (*>), many)
import Control.Monad (void, liftM)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import qualified Data.Text as T (Text, concat, cons, append, pack, lines)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as IO (readFile, putStr)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSCH (readInteger)
lineEnd :: Parser ()
lineEnd =
void (char '\n') <|> void (string "\r\n") <|> void (char '\r')
<?> "end of line"
parserInt :: Parser Integer
parserInt = (signed decimal)
record :: Parser [Integer]
record =
parserInt `sepBy1` char ','
<?> "record"
file :: Parser [[Integer]]
file =
(:) <$> record
<*> manyTill (lineEnd *> record)
(endOfInput <|> lineEnd *> endOfInput)
<?> "file"
parseCSV :: T.Text -> Either String [[Integer]]
parseCSV =
parseOnly file
getValues :: Either String [[Integer]] -> [Integer]
getValues (Right [x]) = x
getValues _ = []
getLines :: FilePath -> IO [T.Text]
getLines = liftM T.lines . IO.readFile
parseAndFilter :: T.Text -> [Integer]
parseAndFilter = ((\x -> filter (>30) x) . getValues . parseCSV)
main = do
list <- getLines "myfile.txt"
putStr $ show $ map parseAndFilter list
But instead of using a list [Integer] I would like to use Data.Vector.
I found a relevant part in the Data.Vector tutorial:
--The simplest way to parse a file of Int or Integer types is with a strict or lazy --ByteString, and the readInt or readInteger functions:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import qualified Data.Vector as U
import System.Environment
main = do
[f] <- getArgs
s <- L.readFile f
print . U.sum . parse $ s
-- Fill a new vector from a file containing a list of numbers.
parse = U.unfoldr step
step !s = case L.readInt s of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (!k, !t) -> Just (k, L.tail t)
However, this is regular, not a nested list of integers.
I tried to adapt my code but it did not work.
How can I change my code to
use a nested Vector (or Vector of Vectors) instead of [Integer] (i.e., while also running the Filter of >30 on the Vector).
There is an important question you don't mention in the posting.... Do you need everything in memory at once. If the processing is local, or if you can summarize all the data up to a point in the file with a few values, you can solve the performance problems by streaming the data through and throwing away all but the current line. This will usually run way faster and allow you to process orders of magnitude larger files. And it usually doesn't even matter (as much) what data structure you use to parse the values.
Here is an example:
import Text.Regex
process = (++"\n") . show . sum --put whatever you want here.
main = interact (concat . map (process . map read . splitRegex (mkRegex ",")) . lines)
The whole program runs lazily, so it processes line by line as the data comes in and frees up the memory for old data (you can check this by typing in data by hand and watch the output come out). There is a performance hit by using the unpacked structures, but this isn't as big a problem as pulling everything into memory.
Many problems that don't seem to fit this criteria at first can be modified to do so (you may have to sort the data first, but there are many performance effective ways to do this).... I rewrote the full online stats system for a gaming company once following this principle, and was able to take a stats crunching time from hours to a couple of minutes (with even more metrics).
Because of its lazy nature, Haskell is a good language to stream data through.
I found a post that there is no easy way to parse with attoparsec to a vector.
See this forum post and thread.
But the good new is that the overhead of Data.Vector.fromList isn't so bad.
Attoparsec seems to be quite fast for parsing.
I keep the whole data in memory and this doesn't seem a speed overhead. It's more flexible, as perhaps later I need to have the whole data in memory, altough currently it is not needed per se for my problem.
Currently the code runs in ~30 seconds and about 1.5GB RAM for a 150MB text file. Now the memory consumption is quite little versus 20GB of before and I only need to focus on improving the speed.
Here are the changes from the code of my question my post, commented out code is using lists, functions with Vector in the type are new (this is not production code or meant to be good code yet):
getValues :: Either String [[Integer]] -> [Integer]
getValues (Right [x]) = x
getValues _ = []
getValues :: Either String [[Integer]] -> Vector Integer
getValues (Right [x]) = V.fromList x
getValues _ = V.fromList [999999,9999999,99999,999999] --- represents an ERROR
getLines :: FilePath -> IO [T.Text]
getLines = liftM T.lines . IO.readFile
parseAndFilter :: T.Text -> [Integer]
parseAndFilter = ((\x -> filter (>30) x) . getValues . parseCSV)
filterLarger :: Vector Integer -> Vector Integer
filterLarger = \x -> V.filter (>37) x
parseVector :: T.Text -> Vector Integer
parseVector = (getValues . parseCSV)
-- mystr = T.pack "3, 6, 7" --, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36"
main = do
list <- getLines "mydata.txt"
--putStr $ show $ parseCSV $ mystr
putStr $ show $ filterLarger $ parseVector $ V.fromList list
--show $ parseOnly parserInt $ T.pack "123"
Thanks to jamshidh and all the comments that pointed me to the right direction.
Here is the final solution. Switching to ByteString and Int in the code, it now runs twice as fast and a bit less memory consumtion (time is now ~14 Seconds).
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
-- adapted from
module Main
parseCSV, main
) where
import Data.Vector as V (Vector, fromList, map, head, filter)
import Prelude hiding (concat, takeWhile)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<|>), (<*>), (<*), (*>), many)
import Control.Monad (void, liftM)
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
lineEnd :: Parser ()
lineEnd =
void (char '\n') <|> void (string "\r\n") <|> void (char '\r')
<?> "end of line"
parserInt :: Parser Int
parserInt = skipSpace *> signed decimal
record :: Parser [Int]
record =
parserInt `sepBy1` char ','
<?> "record"
file :: Parser [[Int]]
file =
(:) <$> record
<*> manyTill (lineEnd *> record)
(endOfInput <|> lineEnd *> endOfInput)
<?> "file"
parseCSV :: B.ByteString -> Either String [[Int]]
parseCSV =
parseOnly file
getValues :: Either String [[Int]] -> Vector Int
getValues (Right [x]) = V.fromList x
getValues _ = error "ERROR in getValues function!"
filterLarger :: Vector Int -> Vector Int
filterLarger = \x -> V.filter (>36) x
parseVector :: B.ByteString -> Vector Int
parseVector = (getValues . parseCSV)
main = do
fContent <- B.readFile "myfile.txt"
putStr $ show $ filterLarger $ parseVector $ V.fromList $ B.lines fContent

Attoparsec: Skipping bracketed terms?

I'm trying to make large TSV files with JSON in the 5th column suitable for import to mongoDB.
In particular I want to change top level and only top level key fields to _id. This is what I have so far, it seems to work but is slow:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Conduit.Binary (sourceFile, sinkFile)
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Text as CT
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Attoparsec.Text as APT
import Control.Applicative
main = do
(inputFile : outputFile : _) <- getArgs
runResourceT $ sourceFile inputFile
$= CT.decode CT.utf8 $= CT.lines $= jsonify
$= CT.encode CT.utf8 $$ sinkFile outputFile
jsonify :: T.Text -> T.Text
jsonify = go . T.splitOn "\t"
go (_ : _ : _ : _ : content : _) = case parseOnly keyTo_id content of
Right res -> res <> "\n"
_ -> ""
go _ = ""
keyTo_id :: Parser T.Text
keyTo_id = skipWhile(/='{') >> T.snoc <$>
(T.cons <$> (char '{')
<*> (T.concat <$> many1 ( bracket
<|> (string "\"key\":" >> return "\"_id\":")
<|> APT.takeWhile1(\x -> x /= '{' && x /= '}' && x/= '"')
<|> T.singleton <$> satisfy (/= '}')
<*> char '}'
bracket :: Parser T.Text
bracket = T.cons <$> char '{'
<*> scan 1 test
test :: Int -> Char -> Maybe Int
test 0 _ = Nothing
test i '}'= Just (i-1)
test i '{' = Just (i+1)
test i _ = Just i
According to the profiler 58.7% of the time is spent in bracket, 19.6% in keyTo_id, 17.1% in main.
Surely there's a better way to return bracketed terms unchanged if the brackets match up?
I briefly looked at attoparsec-conduit, but I have no idea how to use that library and can't even tell whether this is the sort of thing it can be used for.
EDIT: Updated the code. The data is from, e. g.
Use the scan function. It allows you to scan over a string maintaing a state. In your case the state will be a number — the difference of opening and closing braces that you've encountered so far.
When your state is 0, that means that braces match inside the current substring.
The trick is that you don't deconstruct and reconstruct the string this way, so it should be faster.
Also, you could gain some performance even with your current algorithm by using lazy Text — the concat function would work more efficiently.
