SDKTools and AFNetworking dependency - skmaps

We are using the skobbler iOS sdk and SDKTools to download maps for offline use. The SDKTools package, however has a version of AFNetworking bundled with it which conflicts with our version of afnetworking that we use from cocoapods. Is there an easy way to handle these dependency issues?

Currently the AFNetworking dependency is tied into our SDKTools cocoapod. The workaround would be to use the SDKTools from the demo project - there you have access to the source code & project and can remove the AFNetworking reference.
In the future will change the SDKTools cocoapod to not include the AFNetworking library but reference it as a dependent cocoapod.


How to use releaseImplementation in a library

I am using Android Studio 3.0 with the updated gradle plugin.
I need to use the releaseImplementation keyword in my build.gradle file as I only want the library specified (ACRA) to be built in release. The reason I only want to build ACRA in release is that I've read that Android Studio instant run does not work well with ACRA.
releaseImplementation 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.2'
The problem is, however, that it's a library so I also need to use the api key so I can transitively export in apis to the modules using the library.
api 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.2'
Is it possible to use both keywords or is there a composite keyword to use?
releaseImplementation 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.2'
api 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.2'
In Android Studio 3.0 and newer, the Android Gradle Plugin supports the new Java Library plugin configurations that allow more granular control of dependencies.
As described here, the new Gradle Dependency configurations are available for flavor- or build-type-specific dependencies.
If you wish to use the api dependency configuration for the release build Type, you would add the following:
releaseApi 'ch.acra:acra:4.9.2'
This is the "composite keyword" that you are describing. No additional dependency needs to be specified.

Migrate Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.SQLStore to Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client.SQLiteStore

I am trying to update one of my Xamarin.Forms apps that uses the deprecated Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.SQLStore pacakge with the new Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client.SQLiteStore package but I get the following error when I try to install the package in my Core pcl project:
Could not install package 'Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client.SQLiteStore 4.0.0'.
You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETPortable,Version=v4.5,Profile=Profile78', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework.
For more information, contact the package author.
I tried to follow this documentation but they seem to forget to add the code sample, so I can't figure out exacly what they are doing. The deprecated Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.SQLStore package installed in a PCL library but the new Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client.SQLiteStore package doesn't or so it seems.
Any help would be appreciated.
It turns out that Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client.SQLiteStore 4.0.0 does not support PCL anymore but they moved to .NET Standard 1.4. PCL support stops at version 3.1.0
So if you are using PCL install v3.1.0. But before you install v3.1.0, make sure you manually remove the deprecated Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.SQLStore first.
Check out this issue for more details:
you can try and open the .csproj of your PCL and replace the Profile78 entry with a profile the NuGet package supports (probably Profile259 which includes almost everything but windows phone silverlight)
If your project won't compile after changing your profile (because there are missing type references e.g.) try picking a different profile the package supports.
If you're having multiple PCLs you might need to change the target profile of all of them.
Try Changing .Net profile to Profile 7 and then update.
Go To Cross Platforms Project Options->Build->General->.Net Portable

How do make sure there is no conflict of "v7 appcompat or support" of my library when any application uses my library?

I have a android library with dependency in the gradle.
Say any applicaion with different version in the build.gradle of that application uses my library.
Below are the list of questions I have doubt.
which version does the android take? Lower one or Higher one? How do i see it?
Won't there be any conflict if i use different version like 24 or 25 and above or same?
How do i make sure there is no conflict of v7 appcompat when any app uses my library?
which version does the android take? Lower one or Higher one? How do i see it?
Gradle uses the higher one.
You can use the command gradlew dependencies to check the dependencies tree.
Won't there be any conflict if i use different version like 24 or 25 and above or same?
How do i make sure there is no conflict of v7 appcompat when any app uses my library?
In general the best way to maintain a library and to avoid the conflicts is to update the library always with the latest support libraries.
What if the compiledSDK of application is 23 with appcompat-v7:23.3.0 and and that of the library is 24 with appcompat-v7:24+. Which all support libraries does the android take?
If your library uses support libraries v24, the library and the app will require to be compiled with the same level = 24.

Orchard AutoFac Conflicts

I am currently working on a project in Orchard. We are looking to wrap up an existing .NET MVC Web application within an Orchard Module. Currently, we are having issues with AutoFac.
The original site was built using AutoFac 3.5, however the latest stable version of Orchard is still running on 3.0. The application requires features introduced in 3.3. If I install 3.0 into the module, the features do not work, if I have 3.5 in the module, it produces a conflict.
Can anybody suggest a way of handling this conflict? Or, is it safe to upgrade AutoFac 3.0 in Orchard and if so how should I perform this without breaking it?
If I may suggest, Orchard 1.9 should be released soon™ and it already has dependency on latest stable Autofac 3.5.2. If you don't want to wait you can grab latest repository from GitHub
It's perfectly stable in my opinion and I find released 1.8.1 to be much more buggy :D.
Copy the web.config file runtime Node from Existing Module (Lucene or Markdown or like) and add the runtime node on conflicts Module Web.Config file. After Compile then clear the Conflict

Using specific version of packages in MonoDevelop

What is the best way to handle specific version of libraries while using MonoDevelop (precisely - use ServiceStack v3 instead of ServiceStack v4)?
Unfortunately, MonoDevelop's addin NuGet does not allow specifying package version (no Package management console support). I've tried hacking it in .csproj and package.config file but it does not work entirely well and it seems to be smelly solution.
One obvious solution is to get rid of NuGet and reference libraries locally after manually downloading them.
How would you solve this problem?
Thanks for all responses :)
Being able to add a specific version of a NuGet package with the MonoDevelop addin is on the todo list.
If you have access to Windows you could use SharpDevelop to add a specific version using its Package Management console.
Or as you have suggested, edit the packages.config file, then restore the packages. However you will need to add the required assembly references by hand. This option is not that bad if there are not that many assembly references and you are not going to be updating the NuGet package very often. Although the benefit of this approach over downloading the NuGet package, extracting it, and directly referencing the assemblies is equivalent and the same amount of work. Also doing it this way you can more easily update the references by simply dropping the new binaries into your lib folder.
Or you could change the source code of the addin. I thought about adding a simple text box where you could specify a particular version. Ideally the dialog would give you a list of available versions.
I would probably just download the ServiceStack assemblies you need and directly reference them.
