Write a system call as a kernel module - linux

I have been given an assignment to "Write a system call as a kernel module". Now as far as I could understand from my reading on the internet, it is not exactly possible to implement a system call as a kernel module, however there are ways to intercept the existing system calls. Is this the right way to do it ?
I found one such example on this blog: http://syprog.blogspot.in/2011/10/hijack-linux-system-calls-part-i.html

In linux sys_call_table contains function pointers for all system calls. This table was initially exported back in the days of 2.4 , then it was made static , then again it was exported in of some of latest kernels.Lets take example of two cases.
Case 1. sys_call_table exported.
Use following line in your kernel module.
sys_call_table[AVAILABLE_INDEX] = new_sys_call;
New system call can be implemented as.
asmlinkage new_sys_call(...) { }
Case - 2) sys_call_table not exported.
Try getting sys_call_table address by grepping in System.map
$cat System.map|grep sys_call_table
Hard code the value in your module.
If that is not available , then we need to determine the table address dynamically.
sys_call_table most likely be there in the beginning of kernel text section.
Here are steps to compute base address of sys_call_table
Find two system calls which are placed next to each other in the
table(from source code). For ex: sys_read , sys_open.
Get address of these sys calls.
Search these two addresses from the beginning of text section.
(Compute start of text section by , objdump -h vmlinux|grep ".text")
When you found it , compute the base of sys_call_table , based on
their relative offset.


How to find the address of a not imported libc function when ASLR is on?

I have a 32bit elf program that I have to exploit remotely (for academic purposes).
The final goal is to spawn a shell. I have a stack that I can fill with any data I want and I can abuse one of the printf format strings. The only problem is that system/execv/execvp is not imported. The .got.plt segment is full of not-very-useful functions and I want to replace atoi with system because of how similar their signature is and the flow of the code indicates that that is the right function to replace. For the following attempts, I used IDA remote debug, so bad stack alignment and not proper format string is out of question. I wanted to make sure it is doable and apparently for me it isn't yet.
At first I tried to replace atoi#.got.plt with the unrandomized address of system. Got SIGSEGV.
Alright, it's probably because of ASLR, so let's try something else. I loaded up gdb and looked up system#0xb7deeda0 and atoi#0xb7de1250. Then I calculated the diff, which is 0xDB50. So the next time when I changed the address of atoi to system in the .got.plt segment, I actually just added diff to that value to get the address of system. Got SIGSEGV again.
My logic:
0xb7deeda0 <__libc_system>
0xb7de1250 <atoi>
diff = 0xb7deeda0 - 0xb7de1250
system#.got.plt = atoi#.got.plt + diff
example: 0x08048726 + DB50 = 0x08056276
Can anyone tell me what I did wrong and how can I jump to a "valid system()" with the help of leaking a function address from .got.plt?
Answering to my own question. Measuring the distance between functions in your
l̲o̲c̲a̲l̲ libc does not guarantee that the r̲e̲m̲o̲t̲e̲ libc will have the same alignment.
You have to find the libc version somehow, then you can get the address difference like so:
readelf -s /lib32/libc-2.19.so | grep printf
Possible ways to find the libc version if you know two addresses:
Libc binary collection
... or you have access to the shell on the remote machine and can peek into the library with readelf yourself

DMIDecode product_uuid and product_serial.what is the difference?

There are product_uuid and product_serial files in dir /sys/class/dmi/id/.
How it are generated? What is the difference?
Can I change this files?
Is it save a value after reinstall operation system?
How it are generated?
Those values are generated in kernel code. You can find them pretty easily using git grep command (with keywords you are interested in) in your kernel source directory:
$ git grep --all-match -n -e '\bdmi\b' -e product_uuid -e product_serial
So, product_uuid and product_serial sysfs nodes are created in drivers/firmware/dmi-id.c:
From DEFINE_DMI_ATTR_WITH_SHOW definition you can see that both attributes are accessed via sys_dmi_field_show() function, which in turn calls dmi_get_system_info(), which just returns corresponding element from dmi_ident array. This table is populated in dmi_decode() routine:
dmi_save_ident(dm, DMI_PRODUCT_SERIAL, 7);
dmi_save_uuid(dm, DMI_PRODUCT_UUID, 8);
So product_uuid is generated in dmi_save_uuid() function. Just read its code to understand how it's done.
product_serial is generated in dmi_save_ident() function. It boils down to code like this:
(struct dmi_header *)(dmi_base)[7];
where dmi_base is address (remapped to virtual memory obviously) of DMI table, and 7 corresponds to DMI_PRODUCT_SERIAL constant.
To better understand this please see SMBIOS specification, specifically Table 9 – System Information (Type 1) Structure, which corresponds to this command:
# dmidecode --type 1
What is the difference?
As for product_uuid -- look at SMBIOS specification, section 7.2.1 System - UUID. It has description and also table with explanation for each part of this number. Using that table you can decode your UUID and extract some information from it, like timestamp, etc.
As for product_serial -- I believe it's self-explanatory, it's just a serial number for your device. You can usually find it printed on some sticker on your computer. For example, for my laptop it's on the bottom. It's the same string that I see in /sys/class/dmi/id/product_serial.
Can I change this files?
Those files are actually not real files but just an interface to kernel functions. Read about sysfs for details. So in order to "change" those files you need to edit mentioned kernel files accordingly, then rebuild the whole kernel and boot it (instead of one provided by your distribution).
Also, as #ChristopheVu-Brugier mentioned in comment, you can change those values in DMI table (in some tricky way though). But I wouldn't recommend it. Those values definitely have some meaning and may be useful in some cases (if not for you, then for some software in your PC).
Is it save a value after reinstall operation system?
Those values are actually obtained from DMI table, which is hardcoded along with BIOS to permanent memory (flash chip with BIOS on your motherboard) and you just read those values from this DMI table using kernel functions by reading those files.

how can I call a system call in freebsd?

I created a syscall same as /usr/share/examples/kld/syscall/module/syscall.c with a little change in message.
I used kldload and module loaded. now I want to call the syscall.
what is this syscall number so I can call it?
or what is the way to call this syscall?
I suggest you take a look at Designing BSD rootkits, that's how I learned kernel programming on FreeBSD, there's even a section that talks all about making your own syscalls.
Well, if you check /usr/share/examples/kld/syscall directory you will see it contains a test program..... but hey, let's assume the program is not there.
Let's take a look at part of the module itself:
* The offset in sysent where the syscall is allocated.
static int offset = NO_SYSCALL;
case MOD_LOAD :
printf("syscall loaded at %d\n", offset);
The module prints syscall number on load, so the job now is to learn how to call it... a 'freebsd call syscall' search on google...
Reveals: http://www.freebsd.cz/doc/en/books/developers-handbook/x86-system-calls.html (although arguably not something to use on amd64) and.. https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=syscall&sektion=2 - a manual page for a function which allows you to call arbitrary syscalls.
I strongly suggest you do some digging on your own. If you don't, there is absolutely no way you will be able to write any kernel code.

File in which the data structure for Global Descriptor and Local Descriptor table is defined?

I am reading Understanding Linux Kernel, and in it I read about the Global Descriptor table and the Local Descriptor Table.
In which source file(s)(of linux kernel) the data structure for GDT and LDT are defined?
A google search for the term "Linux Kernel file gdt" yields the exact results that you are looking for. This is the link to the search result of the book with the contents describing where the GDT and LDT are defined.
All GDTs are stored in the cpu_gdt_table array.
If you look in the source code index, you can see that these symbols are defined in the file arch/i386/kernel/head.S. However, I think the source code index can be viewed when you have a copy of the book. But nevertheless, the file where GDT is defined is given.
For the latest kernel, the GDT seems to be defined in at least 3 separate files.
The layout of the main GDT seems to be defined in arch/x86/include/asm/segment.h around line 91. There are comments about the layout above this line.
The completed table is loaded in arch/x86/include/asm/desc.h with the function static inline void native_load_gdt(const struct desc_ptr *dtr) which just calls the assembly opcode lgdt. This is consistent with the way older kernels load the table into the processor. See line 303 here. However, I cannot find any calls to this function in the code base. Someone please help figure this out.
Also I cannot find the equivalent of defining the constants of the actual table as in line 479 in newer kernels.

how to boot this code?

i am a newbie to assembly and program in c (use GCC in Linux)
can anyone here tell me how to compile c code into assembly and boot from it using pen drive
i use the command (in linux terminal) :
gcc -S bootcode.c
the code gives me a bootcode.S file
what do i do with that ???
i just wanna compile the following code and run it directly from a USB stick
void main()
printf ("hi");
any help here ???
First of all,
You Should be aware that when you are writing bootloader codes , you should know that you are CREATING YOUR OWN ENVIRONMENT of CODE, that means, there is nothing such ready made C Library available to you or anything similar , ONLY and ONLY BIOS SERVICES (or INTERRUPT ROUTINES).
Now, if you got this, you will probably figure out that the above code won't boot since, you don't have the "stdio.h" header, this means that the CPU when executing your compiled code won't find this header and thereby won't understand what is "printf" (since printf is a method of the stdio.h header).
So if you want to print any string you need to write this function by YOUR OWN either in a separate file as a header and link its object file at compilation time when creating the final binary file or in the same file. it is up to you. There could be other ways, I'm not well familiar with them, just do some researches.
Another thing you should know, it is the BIOS who is responsible for loading this boot code (your above code in your case) into memory location 0x07C00 (0x0000h:0x7C00 in segment:offset representation), so you HAVE to mention in your code that you are writing this code on this memory location, either by
1-using the ORG instruction
2-Or by loading the appropriate registers for that (cs,ds,es)
Also, you should get yourself familiar with the segment:offset memory representation scheme, just google it or read intel manuals.
Finally, for the BIOS to load your code into the 0x07C00, the boot code must not exceed 512byte (ONLY ON FIRST SECTOR OF THE BOOTABLE MEDIA, since a sectore is 512byte) and he must find at the last two byte of this first sector (byte 510 & byte 511) of your code the boot signature 0x55AA, otherwise the BIOS won't consider this code AS BOOTABLE.
Usually this is coded as :
ORG 0x7C00
your boot code and to load more codes since 512byte won't be sufficient.
times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0x00 ; Zerofill up to 510 bytes
dw 0xAA55 ;Boot Sector signature,written in reverse order since it
will be stored as little endian notation
Just to let you know, I'm not covering everything here, because if so, I'll be writing pages about it, you need to look for more resources on the net, and here is a link to start with(coding in assembly):
That's all, hopefully this was helpful to you...^_^
Booting a computer is not that easy. A bootloader needs to be written. The bootloader must obey certain rules and correspond with hardware such as ROM. You also need to disable interrupts, reserve some memory etc. Look up MikeOS, it's a great project that can better help you understand the process.
