What is Tag type exactly? - slick

I know I can define a table in Slick as follows:
class MyTable(tag: Tag)
but what is it exactly?
I read the docs and it says:
A Tag marks a specific row represented by an AbstractTable instance.
it does not help me,
what does it means a specific row?
how does it represents it?
why do I need to define it in my ctor?
why is it called a Tag what is it tagging?
I need to write this Tag when I create a Table class, but I want to understand why I write this code, not just follow slick which tells me this is how you define a table.

You can think about Tag like a SQL alias. It distinguishes different instances of the same table within a query.


how do i correctly set up a parameterized information link in spotfire?

Also posted on super users:
I'm a spotfire novice trying to create a parameterized info link. Ultimate goal is to create a default template that may be customized to return specific rows in a very large table. I've not been able to cobble together enough information from online searches to get me from point A to Z.
Spotfire version is 7.11 on an Oracle 11.2 SE DB.
Currently I've got a date/time prompt in the info link that will be global to all users. What I need is to be able to further filter to 1 of 2 columns (one is real, the other a string) in order to minimize loading times. There are 17 other on-demand tables that are related to the main one. Limiting the initial query will greatly speed up performance.
In information designer for the information link, if I edit the SQL in the WHERE and explicitly define the value or string for the column, I get the rows I want. When I try to define it using an input parameter (?ParamName), I either get nothing when I reload or get asked to input a parameter "for testing".
Q1: In the document properties for the analysis, I've been adding in properties that I assume is supposed to get picked up by the query.
- What part do scripts play in passing this variable to the SQL?
- Do I just need to define a value for a property name or include a IronPython script? - If script is required, can I just define the parameter to pass?
Q2: In the info link SQL, what is the correct syntax for defining the parameter variable depending on the type (real v string)? If I use a string, I need to include LIKE in order to pick up the desired rows. If I use a real, is it possible to define it as a list of values?
Thanks in advance.
Though not exactly clear from your description, I think you should be able to accomplish your goals using the "Load on demand" dialog that is accessed either when you add your data table to your analysis, or subsequently using the Data Table Properties>Type of Data>Settings dialog.
Spotfire uses this dialog to dynamically modify your SQL. Thus, you do not need to explicitly include the LIKE statement in your SQL. Spotfire will add it in based on what you define in the On-Demand settings. For example, you could have an Input Field where you type a constraint that will be stored as a Document Property and then refer to that Document Property in your On-Demand settings to control the table loading.

Ignore ID in Attribute Selection

I have a dataset with an unique id for each instance. Now I am running some Attribute Selection on that dataset. Concrete I use the CfsSubsetEval for selecting the relevant attributes.
The problem is that I don't want to include the id in this attribute selection, but I need it later to write out a .arff File (which should contain the id and the selected attributes).
I found some posts which used the FilteredClassifier. But in my case I want to have something like a FilteredAttributeSelection. Something like an exklusive view on the data for the AttributeSelection Algorithm.
Is there a way solving this problem?
Thanks in advance!
I solved the problem by copying the attribute vector (the ids) before the filter. After selecting the attributes I restore it.

How to import two cc both contain compositeData?

I do not know that the question is right? Please do not take it your mind if it is crazy. Actually I am working on xpages application. There I need to do two things, that I want to add the picklist functionality and binding the dynamic data like field_1,field_2,field_3, ... upto n depands on customer choice.I am using the composite data for both custom controls. I can remove the picklist control's composite data and also I can do it by passing the scope variables. But that takes more time than the composite data.
I did not get any error. But the binded documents is not saving.
Is it possible to import the CCs that are having composite Data?
Code for first CC:-
<xc:viewpicklist datasrc="view1" dialogID="dialog1" dialogWidth="700px" dialogTitle="Pick this field value!!!">
Code for Second CC:-
<xc:BOM_Partinfo BOM_Partinfo="#{document1}"
TNUM="field#{index+1}" Desc="Desc#{index+1}" quan="Ea#{index+1}"
exp="exp#{index+1}" cap="cap#{index+1}" total="price#{index+1}"
RD="RD#{index+1}" m="manufact#{index+1}"
You can read information that is set in the properties of a custom control if it was static in the calling page:
var x = getComponent("yourcomponentid");
but you want to propagate a data source from the outer control to the inner control...
You need to plan carefully. If you hand over the data source, then your custom control is dependent on a fixed set of fields in the data source (that would be a parameter of type com.ibm.xsp.model.DocumentDataSource). This would violate the encapsulation principles. So I would recommend you actually hand over data bindings - the advantage: you are very flexible what to bind to (not only data sources, but also beans and scope variables would work then). The trick is you provide the binding name as you would statically type it in (e.g. "document1.subject" or "requestScope.bla" ). In your control you then do
You need one for each field.
You cannot send a document data source to a custom control using composite data parameters.
You can try and use this script instead
Define data source in XP/CC where you want those CCs. Define parameter "dataSourceName" for both CCs. Inside each of them use EL "requestScope[compositeData.dataSourceName].fieldName" everywhere you want to bind to datasource.

Difference between FieldLinks and Field in Sharepoint

I'm in the middle of trying to copy a custom content type from one web to another. I've googled around and found some examples that use FieldLinks and Fields. I'm kind of lost as to which one to use, since when I get the FieldLinks from my source web, I get 3 fields; while retrieving from Fields only returned me 2 fields... the custom field is missing. I'm pretty darn sure that I've added the fields at the proper level since I did it via the interface. But when retrieving it using code... the numbers just don't add up.
So besides from that strange problem, I want to know what is the difference between FieldLinks and Fields, and when dealing with them in Content Types (programmatically) which one should I use?
SPFields are fields themselves, while SPFieldLinks are references to the fields. This is a good read that will explain things in detail. In general practice, it is safer to use SPFieldLinks when you are working on the actual content type definition. However, I'll give a quick summary here.
Lists and Webs contain the actual fields with field data. A content type, on the other hand, only holds Field Reference, which simply points at the corresponding field in the list or web. This gets a bit confusing, because content types have both an SPFieldLinkCollection and an SPFieldCollection.
The SPFieldLinkCollection is used in the actual definition of the content type, and is what you would want to use in your situation of copying a content type from one web to another. SPFieldLinks correspond to the actual elements in the XML Schema for a content type.
Comparatively, when you call on a content type's SPFieldCollection and retrieve a Field from it, what is actually happening is that the content type is checking the corresponding field reference, and then looking up in the list/web to get the actual field. Basically, think of the SPFieldCollection in the same way a lookup works: it is worthless without both the lookup value and the lookup source.

Using SubSonic, how to add a field to a pre-defined class?

I've got a SubSonic DAL - works great.
Two classes: TblReceipt and TblReceiptLineItems.
I can create a parallel class of TblReceipt, but seems like a waste, so here's what I need to do:
Have a Class TblReceipt with one additional member, "ReceiptLineItems" - which is simply an ArrayList. This array list will be populated with TblReceiptLineItems types.
So for each Receipt, there are 1..* ReceiptLineItems stored in the array, then the whole thing is serialized.
How can I accomplish this with my existing SubSonic DAL?
A quick code sample would be useful too.
Thank you.
Use a partial class. All classes in Subsonic are defined as partial. What you do is (in a separate file than the one that is generated by Subsonic), you create another part of the partial class with the additional property.
Option 2 here:
